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AbstractDB - Class in com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database
AbstractDB() - Constructor for class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.AbstractDB
AbstractFlag - Class in com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag
Created 2014-09-23 for PlotSquared
AbstractFlag(String) - Constructor for class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.AbstractFlag
AbstractFlag is a parameter used in creating a new Flag
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
add(Tag) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.ListTagBuilder
Add the given tag.
add(Logger.LogLevel, String) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.Logger
add(StringWrapper, UUID) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.UUIDHandler
Add a set to the cache
add(String, String) - Method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.TranslationFile
Add a value
add(String, String) - Method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.YamlTranslationFile
Add a translation
addAll(Collection<? extends Tag>) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.ListTagBuilder
Add all the tags in the given list.
addComment(PlotComment) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotSettings
addDenied(UUID) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot
Deny someone (use DBFunc.addDenied() as well)
addEntity(Entity, Plot) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.listeners.EntityListener
addFlag(AbstractFlag) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.api.PlotAPI
Register a flag for use in plots
addFlag(AbstractFlag) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.FlagManager
Register an AbstractFlag with PlotSquared
addFlag(Player, World, Plot, String, String) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.listeners.WorldGuardListener
addFlag(Flag) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotSettings
addGraph(Metrics.Graph) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.Metrics
Add a Graph object to BukkitMetrics that represents data for the plugin that should be sent to the backend
addHelper(UUID) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot
Add someone as a helper (use DBFunc as well)
addMaterials(TranslationManager) - Static method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.bukkit.BukkitTranslation
Add material names to the translation list Will default to a somewhat friendly name
addPlotter(Metrics.Plotter) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.Metrics.Graph
Add a plotter to the graph, which will be used to plot entries
addPlotWorld(String, PlotWorld, PlotManager) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.api.PlotAPI
Add a plotoworld
addPlotWorld(String, PlotWorld, PlotManager) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PlotMain
addTranslation(TranslationObject, TranslationAsset) - Method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.TranslationManager
addTranslation(String, TranslationAsset) - Method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.TranslationManager
addTranslationObject(TranslationObject) - Method in class com.intellectualsites.translation.TranslationManager
Add an object
addTrusted(UUID) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot
Add someone as a trusted user (use DBFunc as well)
adjustWall(Player, Plot, PlotBlock) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.PlotHelper
Adjusts a plot wall
adjustWallFilling(Player, Plot, PlotBlock) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.PlotHelper
ADMIN_PERMISSION - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.api.PlotAPI
Admin Permission
ADMIN_PERMISSION - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PlotMain
alias - Variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.SubCommand
aliases - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.Merge
aliases - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.Set
amount - Variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.listeners.PlotPlusListener.Interval
AMP - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.json.XML
The Character '&'.
API_URL - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings
API Location
APOS - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.json.XML
The Character '''.
append(String, Object) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.json.JSONObject
Append values to the array under a key.
array() - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
asDouble(String) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.CompoundTag
Get a double named with the given key, even if it's another type of number.
asDouble(int) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.ListTag
Get a double named with the given index, even if it's another type of number.
asInt(String) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.CompoundTag
Get an int named with the given key, even if it's another type of number.
asInt(int) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.ListTag
Get an int named with the given index, even if it's another type of number.
asLong(String) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.CompoundTag
Get a long named with the given key, even if it's another type of number.
asLong(int) - Method in class com.intellectualcrafters.jnbt.ListTag
Get a long named with the given index, even if it's another type of number.
Auto - Class in com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands
Auto() - Constructor for class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.Auto
AUTO_CLEAR - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings
Auto clear enabled
AUTO_CLEAR_DAYS - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings
Days until a plot gets cleared
AUTO_MERGE - Variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotWorld
AUTO_MERGE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotWorld
autoMerge(World, Plot, Player) - Static method in class com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.PlotHelper