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addCommand(Command, String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Registers a Command
addExtra(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
addExtra(String, Object) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Add an extra value to this Server
addListener(SubPluginInfo, Listener...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Register SubEvent Listeners
api - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
asBoolean() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Boolean
asBooleanList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as List
asDouble() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Double
asDoubleList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Double List
asFloat() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Float
asFloatList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Float List
asInt() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Integer
asIntList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Integer List
asLong() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Long
asLongList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Long List
asObject() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object
asObjectList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as List
asRawString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Unparsed String
asRawStringList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as Unparsed String List
asSection() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as YAML Section
asSectionList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as YAML Section List
asString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as String
asStringList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as String List
asUUID() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get Object as UUID
asUUIDList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue


bversion - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers


Cancellable - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
Cancellable SubEvent Layout Class
cancelTask(UUID) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Cancel a task
clear() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Remove all Objects from this YAML Section
clone() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Clone this YAML Section
Command - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API
Command Layout Class
Command(SubPluginInfo) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Creates a new Command
command(String, String[]) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Run Command
CommandPreProcessEvent - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event
Command Pre-Process Event Class
CommandPreProcessEvent(SubServers, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.CommandPreProcessEvent
Command Pre-Process Event
compare(Version, Version) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
Compare Versions
compareTo(Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
Compare Versions
config - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
Container<V> - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
Container Class
Container(V) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Container
Creates a Container
contains(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if a Handle exists
copyDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Copy a Directory
copyFromJar(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Copy from the Class Loader


delay(long) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Delay this task
delay() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Get the Delay for this task
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Delete Directory
description() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Gets the Description of this Command
description(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Set the Description of this Command
destroy(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Drops All Connections and Stops the SubData Listener
dir - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers


end() - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.FileLogger
equals(Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
See if Versions are Equal
error - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
ErrorStream - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
Error Log Stream Class
Event - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
SubEvent Layout Class
Event() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Event
EventHandler - Annotation Type in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
EventHandler Method Annotation
Methods annotated by this and registered in SubAPI will be run when the event is called
EventPriority - Enum in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
Event Priority Class
Events will be run Lowest to Highest
execute(JSONObject) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketAuthorization
execute(JSONObject) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadLang
execute(JSONObject) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.PacketIn
Execute Incoming Packet
executeEvent(Event) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Run a SubEvent
ExtraDataHandler - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
Extra Data Handler Layout Class


FileLogger - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
Log File Writer Class


generate() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketAuthorization
generate() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadLang
generate() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.PacketOut
Generate JSON Packet Contents
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Plugin Object
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Get Config Contents
get(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Object by Handle
get(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Object by Handle
get(String, YAMLValue) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Object by Handle
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Container
Grabs the Object
getAPI() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Event
Gets SubAPI
getAppVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the SubServers Version
getAuthors() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Authors List
getBackwards(Map<K, V>, V) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Get keys by value from map
getBetaVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the SubServers Beta Version
getBoolean(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Boolean by Handle
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Boolean by Handle
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Boolean List by Handle
getBooleanList(String, List<Boolean>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Boolean List by Handle
getClient() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Gets the Server Socket
getCommand() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.CommandPreProcessEvent
Gets the full Command String
getDataFolder() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Gets this Plugin's data folder
getDefiningSection() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Get the YAML Section this Object was defined in
getDependancies() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Gets the Dependencies List
getDescription() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Plugin Description
getDouble(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Double by Handle
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Double by Handle
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Double List by Handle
getDoubleList(String, List<Double>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Double List by Handle
getExitCode() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.SubDisableEvent
Get the Exit Code
getExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
getExtra() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
getExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Get an extra value
getExtra() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Get the extra value section
getFloat(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Float by Handle
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Float by Handle
getFloatList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Float List by Handle
getFloatList(String, float) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Float List by Handle
getHandlers() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Event
Get the handlers for this event
getInstance() - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the SubAPI Methods
getInt(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Integer by Handle
getInt(String, int) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Integer by Handle
getInternals() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Use SubAPI Methods when available
getIntList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Integer List by Handle
getIntList(String, List<Integer>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Integer List by Handle
getKeys() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get the Keys
getLang(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets a value from the SubServers Lang
getLang() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the SubServers Lang
getList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a List by Handle
getList(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a List by Handle
getList(String, List<? extends YAMLValue>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a List by Handle
getLoadBefore() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Gets the Load Before Plugins List
getLogger() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Gets the default Logger for this Plugin
getLong(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Long by Handle
getLong(String, long) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Long by Handle
getLongList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Long List by Handle
getLongList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Long List by Handle
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Plugin's Name
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Gets the Assigned Server Name
getObject(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Object by Handle
getObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Object by Handle
getObjectList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Object List by Handle
getObjectList(String, List<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Object List by Handle
getPacket(String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Grab PacketIn Instances via handle
getPlugin() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Event
Gets your Plugin's Info
getPlugin(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets a Plugin
getPlugins() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Get a map of the Plugins
getRawString(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Unparsed String by Handle
getRawString(String, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Unparsed String by Handle
getRawStringList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Unparsed String List by Handle
getRawStringList(String, List<String>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get an Unparsed String List by Handle
getRuntimeDirectory() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the Runtime Directory
getSection(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSection(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSection(String, YAMLSection) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSectionList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSectionList(String, Collection<? extends Map<String, ?>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSectionList(String, List<? extends YAMLSection>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getShort(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Short by Handle
getShort(String, short) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Short by Handle
getShortList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Short List by Handle
getShortList(String, List<Short>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a Short List by Handle
getSoftDependancies() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Gets the Soft Dependencies List
getString(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a String by Handle
getString(String, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a String by Handle
getStringList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a String List by Handle
getStringList(String, List<String>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a String List by Handle
getSubDataNetwork() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Gets the SubData Network Manager
getUniversalPath() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Gets the Universal File Path (separated by ':')
getUUID(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a UUID by Handle
getUUID(String, UUID) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a UUID by Handle
getUUIDList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a UUID List by Handle
getUUIDList(String, List<UUID>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a UUID List by Handle
getValues() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get the Values
getVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Plugin's Version
getVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketAuthorization
getVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadLang
getVersion() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.PacketIn
Get Packet Version
getVersion() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.PacketOut
Get Packet Version
getWebsite() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Get Authors' Website


hasExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
hasExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Determine if an extra value exists
help() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Get the Help Page for this Command
help(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Set the Help Page for this Command


IllegalPacketException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception
Illegal Packet Exception
IllegalPacketException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalPacketException
IllegalPacketException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalPacketException
IllegalPluginException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception
Illegal Plugin Exception
IllegalPluginException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalPluginException
IllegalPluginException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalPluginException
IllegalStringValueException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception
Illegal String Value Exception
IllegalStringValueException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalStringValueException
IllegalStringValueException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception.IllegalStringValueException
info - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
isBoolean(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a Boolean by Handle
isBoolean() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a Boolean
isCancelled() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.CommandPreProcessEvent
isCancelled() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Cancellable
Gets if the Event has been Cancelled
isDouble(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a Double by Handle
isDouble() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a Double
isEnabled() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Sets the Plugin's Enabled Status
isEqual(Version, Version) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
See if Versions are Equal
isException(Util.ExceptionRunnable) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Determines if an Exception will occur
isFloat(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a Float by Handle
isFloat() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a Float
isInt(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is an Integer by Handle
isInt() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is an Integer
isList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a List by Handle
isList() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a List
isLong(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a Long by Handle
isLong() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a Long
isNull(Object...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Checks values to make sure they're not null
isSection(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a YAML Section by Handle
isSection() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a YAML Section
isString(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a String by Handle
isString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a String
isUUID(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Check if object is a UUID by Handle
isUUID() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
Check if object is a UUID


JSONCallback - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
JSON Callback Class


lang - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
Launch - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host
SubServers.Host Launcher Class
Launch() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Launch
Listener - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
Simple Listener Layout Class
log - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
Logger - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
Logger Class
Logger(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
Gets a new Logger
LogStream - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
Log Stream Class


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Launch
Prepare and launch SubServers.Host
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
SubServers.Host Launch
message - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger


name() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.NamedContainer
Gets the name of the Container
NamedContainer<T,V> - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
Named Container Class
NamedContainer(T, V) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.NamedContainer
Creates a TaggedContainer
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Exception
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network
net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet - package net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet


PacketAuthorization - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet
PacketAuthorization(SubServers) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketAuthorization
PacketDownloadLang - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet
PacketDownloadLang() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadLang
PacketDownloadLang(SubServers) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.Packet.PacketDownloadLang
PacketIn - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network
PacketIn Layout Class
PacketOut - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network
PacketOut Layout Class
plugin() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Gets the Plugin that registering this Command
plugin() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Get the Plugin that created this task
print(Throwable) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.ErrorStream
Print an Exception
print(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print an Object
print(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print a String
print(char[]) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print an Array of Characters
print(char) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print a Character
println(Throwable...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.ErrorStream
Print multiple Exceptions (separated by a new line)
println(Object...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Objects (separated by a new line)
println(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Strings (separated by a new line)
println(char[]...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Arrays of Characters (separated by a new line)
println(char...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Characters (separated by a new line)


random(int, int) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Get a Random Integer
readAll(Reader) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Read Everything from Reader
register(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Register this Command
registerPacket(PacketIn, String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Register PacketIn to the Network
registerPacket(Class<? extends PacketOut>, String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Register PacketOut to the Network
reload() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Reload Config Contents
remove(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Remove an Object by Handle
removeCommand(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Unregisters a Command
removeExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
removeExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Remove an extra value from this Server
removeListener(SubPluginInfo, Listener...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Unregister SubEvent Listeners
rename(T) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.NamedContainer
Renames the Container
repeat(long) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Set the Repeat Interval for this task
repeat() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Get the Repeat Interval for this task
run(JSONObject) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.JSONCallback
Run the Callback
run() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util.ExceptionRunnable


save() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Save Config Contents
schedule() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Schedule this task
schedule(SubTask) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Schedule a task
schedule(SubPluginInfo, Runnable) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Schedule a task
schedule(SubPluginInfo, Runnable, long) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Schedule a task
schedule(SubPluginInfo, Runnable, long, long) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubAPI
Schedule a task
sendPacket(PacketOut) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Send Packet to Client
set(YAMLSection) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Set Config Contents
set(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Set Object into this YAML Section
set(String, Collection<V>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Set Collection<V> into this YAML Section
set(V) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Container
Overwrite the Object
setAll(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Set All Objects into this YAML Section
setAll(YAMLSection) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Copy YAML Values to this YAML Section
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.CommandPreProcessEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Cancellable
Sets if the Event is Cancelled
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Sets if the Plugin is Enabled
setExitCode(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.SubDisableEvent
Set the Exit Code
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Replace this Plugin's Logger with a custom one
setup(PrintStream, PrintStream, File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
Setup the SubServers Log System
severe - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
stop(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
Stop SubServers.Host
SubAPI - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host
SubAPI Class
subdata - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
SubDataClient - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network
SubData Direct Client Class
SubDataClient(SubServers, String, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
SubServers Client Instance
SubDisableEvent - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event
SubServers.Host Disable Event Class
SubDisableEvent(SubServers, int) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.SubDisableEvent
SubServers.Host Disable Event
SubEnableEvent - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event
SubServers.Host Enable Event Class
SubEnableEvent(SubServers) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Event.SubEnableEvent
SubServers.Host Enable Event
SubPlugin - Annotation Type in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API
SubPlugin Class Annotation
Classes defined in package.xml and annotated with this will be loaded
SubPluginInfo - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API
SubPlugin Info Class
SubPluginInfo(SubServers, Object, String, Version, List<String>, String, URL, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubPluginInfo
Create a SubPlugin Description
SubServers - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host
SubServers.Host Main Class
SubTask - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API
SubServers Task Builder Class
SubTask(SubPluginInfo) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.SubTask
Create a new Task
superSection() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Go up a level in the config (or null if this is the top layer)
SystemLogger - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log
System.out and System.err Override Class


toJSON() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Converts Config Contents to JSON
toJSON() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Convert to JSON
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLValue
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.Event
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version


unescapeJavaString(String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Util
Parse escapes in a Java String
UniversalFile - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
Universal File Class
UniversalFile(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Creates a File Link.
UniversalFile(String, char) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Creates a File Link.
UniversalFile(File) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Creates a File Link.
UniversalFile(File, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Creates a File.
UniversalFile(File, String, char) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.UniversalFile
Creates a File.
unregisterPacket(PacketIn) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Unregister PacketIn from the Network
unregisterPacket(Class<? extends PacketOut>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Network.SubDataClient
Unregister PacketOut to the Network
usage() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Get the Usage of this Command
usage(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.API.Command
Set the Usage of this Command
Util - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library
SubServers Utility Class
Util.ExceptionRunnable - Interface in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.EventPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Event.EventPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version
Version Class
Version(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
Version(Integer...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
version - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.SubServers
VersionTokenizer - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Version


warn - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.Logger
write(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.FileLogger
write(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Log.SystemLogger


YAMLConfig - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config
YAML Config Class
YAMLConfig(File) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Creates/Loads a YAML Formatted Config
YAMLSection - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config
YAML Config Section Class
YAMLSection() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates an empty YAML Section
YAMLSection(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from an Input Stream
YAMLSection(Reader) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from a Reader
YAMLSection(JSONObject) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from JSON Contents
YAMLSection(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from String
YAMLValue - Class in net.ME1312.SubServers.Host.Library.Config
YAML Value Class
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