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channel - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChannelBuilder - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.channels
A Builder to make a channel.
ChannelBuilder(String) - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.channels.ChannelBuilder
The Builder to create a channel.
ChannelCmd - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.commands
ChannelCmd() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.commands.ChannelCmd
channelExists(ChatChannel) - Method in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.managers.ChannelManager
If a given channel exists (In this instance if it is save in the files)
channelExists(String) - Method in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.managers.ChannelManager
If a given channel exists based upon the name.
channelFile - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChannelJSON - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.formatting
Handles channels with components enabled.
ChannelJSON() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.formatting.ChannelJSON
ChannelManager - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.managers
This class handles the channels of the plugin.
ChannelManager() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.managers.ChannelManager
ChannelProperties - Class in
ChannelProperties(boolean, String) - Constructor for class
chat - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChatChannel - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.channels
This class is used the manage channels.
ChatChannel(ChannelBuilder) - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api.channels.ChatChannel
For internal use only.
chatColorFC - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
chatColorFile - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChatColorManager - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor
This class handles the chatcolor.yml file.
ChatColorManager(UltraChat, ConfigurationSection) - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor.ChatColorManager
chatColorManager - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
chatColorUtil - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChatColorUtil_Latest - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor
ChatColorUtil_Latest(UltraChat) - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor.ChatColorUtil_Latest
ChatColorUtil_Old - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor
ChatColorUtil_Old() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor.ChatColorUtil_Old
ChatColorUtils - Interface in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.chatcolor
ChatProperties - Interface in
ChatType - Enum in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api
The different modes chat can be in.
chatType - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat
ChatUtil - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.util
This is a utility class to make chat easier.
ChatUtil() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.util.ChatUtil
color - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.formatting.PlayerFormatting
color - Variable in class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.formatting.UUIDFormating
ColorGUI - Interface in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.gui
Provides compatibility with older versions.
ColorGUI_1_15_R1 - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.gui
ColorGUI class.
ColorGUI_1_15_R1() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.gui.ColorGUI_1_15_R1
ColorGUI_Latest - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.gui
ColorGUI class.
ColorGUI_Latest() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.gui.ColorGUI_Latest
CommandTabCompleter - Class in me.ryandw11.ultrachat.commands
CommandTabCompleter() - Constructor for class me.ryandw11.ultrachat.commands.CommandTabCompleter
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