
1017 lines
43 KiB

* This file is part of ViaBackwards -
* Copyright (C) 2016-2021 ViaVersion and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package nl.matsv.viabackwards.protocol.protocol1_12_2to1_13.packets;
import nl.matsv.viabackwards.ViaBackwards;
import nl.matsv.viabackwards.api.rewriters.EnchantmentRewriter;
import nl.matsv.viabackwards.protocol.protocol1_12_2to1_13.Protocol1_12_2To1_13;
import nl.matsv.viabackwards.protocol.protocol1_12_2to1_13.block_entity_handlers.FlowerPotHandler;
import nl.matsv.viabackwards.protocol.protocol1_12_2to1_13.providers.BackwardsBlockEntityProvider;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.PacketWrapper;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.Via;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.minecraft.BlockChangeRecord;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.minecraft.Position;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.minecraft.chunks.Chunk;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.minecraft.chunks.ChunkSection;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.minecraft.item.Item;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.remapper.PacketHandler;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.remapper.PacketRemapper;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.rewriters.ItemRewriter;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.type.Type;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_12_1to1_12.ServerboundPackets1_12_1;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.ChatRewriter;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.ClientboundPackets1_13;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.Protocol1_13To1_12_2;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.types.Chunk1_13Type;
import us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_9_1_2to1_9_3_4.types.Chunk1_9_3_4Type;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.conversion.ConverterRegistry;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.ByteTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.IntTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.ListTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.NumberTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.ShortTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.StringTag;
import us.myles.viaversion.libs.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
public class BlockItemPackets1_13 extends nl.matsv.viabackwards.api.rewriters.ItemRewriter<Protocol1_12_2To1_13> {
private final Map<String, String> enchantmentMappings = new HashMap<>();
private final String extraNbtTag;
public BlockItemPackets1_13(Protocol1_12_2To1_13 protocol) {
super(protocol, null);
extraNbtTag = "VB|" + protocol.getClass().getSimpleName() + "|2";
public static boolean isDamageable(int id) {
return id >= 256 && id <= 259 // iron shovel, pickaxe, axe, flint and steel
|| id == 261 // bow
|| id >= 267 && id <= 279 // iron sword, wooden+stone+diamond swords, shovels, pickaxes, axes
|| id >= 283 && id <= 286 // gold sword, shovel, pickaxe, axe
|| id >= 290 && id <= 294 // hoes
|| id >= 298 && id <= 317 // armors
|| id == 346 // fishing rod
|| id == 359 // shears
|| id == 398 // carrot on a stick
|| id == 442 // shield
|| id == 443; // elytra
protected void registerPackets() {
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.COOLDOWN, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int itemId =;
int oldId = protocol.getMappingData().getItemMappings().get(itemId);
if (oldId != -1) {
Optional<String> eggEntityId = SpawnEggRewriter.getEntityId(oldId);
if (eggEntityId.isPresent()) {
itemId = 383 << 16;
} else {
itemId = (oldId >> 4) << 16 | oldId & 0xF;
wrapper.write(Type.VAR_INT, itemId);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.BLOCK_ACTION, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.POSITION); // Location
map(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE); // Action Id
map(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE); // Action param
map(Type.VAR_INT); // Block Id - /!\ NOT BLOCK STATE ID
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int blockId = wrapper.get(Type.VAR_INT, 0);
if (blockId == 73)
blockId = 25;
else if (blockId == 99)
blockId = 33;
else if (blockId == 92)
blockId = 29;
else if (blockId == 142)
blockId = 54;
else if (blockId == 305)
blockId = 146;
else if (blockId == 249)
blockId = 130;
else if (blockId == 257)
blockId = 138;
else if (blockId == 140)
blockId = 52;
else if (blockId == 472)
blockId = 209;
else if (blockId >= 483 && blockId <= 498)
blockId = blockId - 483 + 219;
wrapper.set(Type.VAR_INT, 0, blockId);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.BLOCK_ENTITY_DATA, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.POSITION); // 0 - Position
map(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE); // 1 - Action
map(Type.NBT); // 2 - NBT Data
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
BackwardsBlockEntityProvider provider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(BackwardsBlockEntityProvider.class);
// TODO conduit handling
if (wrapper.get(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0) == 5) {
wrapper.set(Type.NBT, 0,
wrapper.get(Type.POSITION, 0),
wrapper.get(Type.NBT, 0)
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.UNLOAD_CHUNK, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int chunkMinX = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT) << 4;
int chunkMinZ = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT) << 4;
int chunkMaxX = chunkMinX + 15;
int chunkMaxZ = chunkMinZ + 15;
BackwardsBlockStorage blockStorage = wrapper.user().get(BackwardsBlockStorage.class);
blockStorage.getBlocks().entrySet().removeIf(entry -> {
Position position = entry.getKey();
return position.getX() >= chunkMinX && position.getZ() >= chunkMinZ
&& position.getX() <= chunkMaxX && position.getZ() <= chunkMaxZ;
// Block Change
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.BLOCK_CHANGE, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.POSITION); // 0 - Position
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int blockState =;
Position position = wrapper.get(Type.POSITION, 0);
// Store blocks
BackwardsBlockStorage storage = wrapper.user().get(BackwardsBlockStorage.class);
storage.checkAndStore(position, blockState);
wrapper.write(Type.VAR_INT, protocol.getMappingData().getNewBlockStateId(blockState));
// Flower pot special treatment
flowerPotSpecialTreatment(wrapper.user(), blockState, position);
// Multi Block Change
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.MULTI_BLOCK_CHANGE, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.INT); // 0 - Chunk X
map(Type.INT); // 1 - Chunk Z
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
BackwardsBlockStorage storage = wrapper.user().get(BackwardsBlockStorage.class);
for (BlockChangeRecord record : wrapper.get(Type.BLOCK_CHANGE_RECORD_ARRAY, 0)) {
int chunkX = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0);
int chunkZ = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 1);
int block = record.getBlockId();
Position position = new Position(
record.getSectionX() + (chunkX * 16),
record.getSectionZ() + (chunkZ * 16));
// Store if needed
storage.checkAndStore(position, block);
// Flower pot special treatment
flowerPotSpecialTreatment(wrapper.user(), block, position);
// Change to old id
ItemRewriter itemRewriter = new ItemRewriter(protocol, this::handleItemToClient, this::handleItemToServer);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.WINDOW_ITEMS, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.SET_SLOT, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.FLAT_ITEM, Type.ITEM);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.CHUNK_DATA, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
handler(wrapper -> {
ClientWorld clientWorld = wrapper.user().get(ClientWorld.class);
Chunk1_9_3_4Type type_old = new Chunk1_9_3_4Type(clientWorld);
Chunk1_13Type type = new Chunk1_13Type(clientWorld);
Chunk chunk =;
// Handle Block Entities before block rewrite
BackwardsBlockEntityProvider provider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(BackwardsBlockEntityProvider.class);
BackwardsBlockStorage storage = wrapper.user().get(BackwardsBlockStorage.class);
for (CompoundTag tag : chunk.getBlockEntities()) {
Tag idTag = tag.get("id");
if (idTag == null) continue;
String id = (String) idTag.getValue();
// Ignore if we don't handle it
if (!provider.isHandled(id)) continue;
int sectionIndex = ((NumberTag) tag.get("y")).asInt() >> 4;
ChunkSection section = chunk.getSections()[sectionIndex];
int x = ((NumberTag) tag.get("x")).asInt();
int y = ((NumberTag) tag.get("y")).asInt();
int z = ((NumberTag) tag.get("z")).asInt();
Position position = new Position(x, (short) y, z);
int block = section.getFlatBlock(x & 0xF, y & 0xF, z & 0xF);
storage.checkAndStore(position, block);
provider.transform(wrapper.user(), position, tag);
// Rewrite new blocks to old blocks
for (int i = 0; i < chunk.getSections().length; i++) {
ChunkSection section = chunk.getSections()[i];
if (section == null) {
// Flower pots require a special treatment, they are no longer block entities :(
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
int block = section.getFlatBlock(x, y, z);
// Check if the block is a flower
if (FlowerPotHandler.isFlowah(block)) {
Position pos = new Position(
(x + (chunk.getX() << 4)),
(short) (y + (i << 4)),
(z + (chunk.getZ() << 4))
// Store block
storage.checkAndStore(pos, block);
CompoundTag nbt = provider.transform(wrapper.user(), pos, "minecraft:flower_pot");
for (int p = 0; p < section.getPaletteSize(); p++) {
int old = section.getPaletteEntry(p);
if (old != 0) {
int oldId = protocol.getMappingData().getNewBlockStateId(old);
section.setPaletteEntry(p, oldId);
if (chunk.isBiomeData()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int biome = chunk.getBiomeData()[i];
int newId = -1;
switch (biome) {
case 40: // end biomes
case 41:
case 42:
case 43:
newId = 9;
case 47: // deep ocean biomes
case 48:
case 49:
newId = 24;
case 50: // deep frozen... let's just pick the frozen variant
newId = 10;
case 44: // the other new ocean biomes
case 45:
case 46:
newId = 0;
if (newId != -1) {
chunk.getBiomeData()[i] = newId;
wrapper.write(type_old, chunk);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.EFFECT, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.INT); // Effect Id
map(Type.POSITION); // Location
map(Type.INT); // Data
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int id = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0);
int data = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 1);
if (id == 1010) { // Play record
wrapper.set(Type.INT, 1, protocol.getMappingData().getItemMappings().get(data) >> 4);
} else if (id == 2001) { // Block break + block break sound
data = protocol.getMappingData().getNewBlockStateId(data);
int blockId = data >> 4;
int blockData = data & 0xF;
wrapper.set(Type.INT, 1, (blockId & 0xFFF) | (blockData << 12));
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.MAP_DATA, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
handler(new PacketHandler() {
public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
int iconCount = wrapper.passthrough(Type.VAR_INT);
for (int i = 0; i < iconCount; i++) {
int type =;
byte x =;
byte z =;
byte direction =;
if ( {;
if (type > 9) {
wrapper.set(Type.VAR_INT, 1, wrapper.get(Type.VAR_INT, 1) - 1);
wrapper.write(Type.BYTE, (byte) ((type << 4) | (direction & 0x0F)));
wrapper.write(Type.BYTE, x);
wrapper.write(Type.BYTE, z);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.FLAT_ITEM, Type.ITEM);
protocol.registerOutgoing(ClientboundPackets1_13.WINDOW_PROPERTY, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE); // Window Id
map(Type.SHORT); // Property
map(Type.SHORT); // Value
handler(wrapper -> {
short property = wrapper.get(Type.SHORT, 0);
// Enchantment table
if (property >= 4 && property <= 6) {
short oldId = wrapper.get(Type.SHORT, 1);
wrapper.set(Type.SHORT, 1, (short) protocol.getMappingData().getEnchantmentMappings().getNewId(oldId));
protocol.registerIncoming(ServerboundPackets1_12_1.CREATIVE_INVENTORY_ACTION, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.ITEM, Type.FLAT_ITEM);
protocol.registerIncoming(ServerboundPackets1_12_1.CLICK_WINDOW, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
map(Type.ITEM, Type.FLAT_ITEM);
protected void registerRewrites() {
enchantmentMappings.put("minecraft:loyalty", "§7Loyalty");
enchantmentMappings.put("minecraft:impaling", "§7Impaling");
enchantmentMappings.put("minecraft:riptide", "§7Riptide");
enchantmentMappings.put("minecraft:channeling", "§7Channeling");
public Item handleItemToClient(Item item) {
if (item == null) return null;
// Custom mappings/super call moved down
int originalId = item.getIdentifier();
Integer rawId = null;
boolean gotRawIdFromTag = false;
CompoundTag tag = item.getTag();
// Use tag to get original ID and data
Tag originalIdTag;
if (tag != null && (originalIdTag = tag.remove(extraNbtTag)) != null) {
rawId = ((NumberTag) originalIdTag).asInt();
gotRawIdFromTag = true;
if (rawId == null) {
// Look for custom mappings
// Handle one-way special case
if (item.getIdentifier() == -1) {
if (originalId == 362) { // base/colorless shulker box
rawId = 0xe50000; // purple shulker box
} else {
if (!Via.getConfig().isSuppressConversionWarnings() || Via.getManager().isDebug()) {
ViaBackwards.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Failed to get 1.12 item for " + originalId);
rawId = 0x10000;
} else { // Use the found custom mapping
// Take the newly added tag
if (tag == null) {
tag = item.getTag();
rawId = itemIdToRaw(item.getIdentifier(), item, tag);
item.setIdentifier(rawId >> 16);
item.setData((short) (rawId & 0xFFFF));
// NBT changes
if (tag != null) {
if (isDamageable(item.getIdentifier())) {
Tag damageTag = tag.remove("Damage");
if (!gotRawIdFromTag && damageTag instanceof IntTag) {
item.setData((short) (int) damageTag.getValue());
if (item.getIdentifier() == 358) { // map
Tag mapTag = tag.remove("map");
if (!gotRawIdFromTag && mapTag instanceof IntTag) {
item.setData((short) (int) mapTag.getValue());
// Shield and banner
invertShieldAndBannerId(item, tag);
// Display Name now uses JSON
CompoundTag display = tag.get("display");
if (display != null) {
StringTag name = display.get("Name");
if (name != null) {
display.put(extraNbtTag + "|Name", new StringTag(name.getValue()));
// ench is now Enchantments and now uses identifiers
rewriteEnchantmentsToClient(tag, false);
rewriteEnchantmentsToClient(tag, true);
rewriteCanPlaceToClient(tag, "CanPlaceOn");
rewriteCanPlaceToClient(tag, "CanDestroy");
return item;
private int itemIdToRaw(int oldId, Item item, CompoundTag tag) {
Optional<String> eggEntityId = SpawnEggRewriter.getEntityId(oldId);
if (eggEntityId.isPresent()) {
if (tag == null) {
item.setTag(tag = new CompoundTag());
if (!tag.contains("EntityTag")) {
CompoundTag entityTag = new CompoundTag();
entityTag.put("id", new StringTag(eggEntityId.get()));
tag.put("EntityTag", entityTag);
return 0x17f0000; // 383 << 16;
return (oldId >> 4) << 16 | oldId & 0xF;
private void rewriteCanPlaceToClient(CompoundTag tag, String tagName) {
// The tag was manually created incorrectly so ignore rewriting it
if (!(tag.get(tagName) instanceof ListTag)) return;
ListTag blockTag = tag.get(tagName);
if (blockTag == null) return;
ListTag newCanPlaceOn = new ListTag(StringTag.class);
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|" + tagName, ConverterRegistry.convertToTag(ConverterRegistry.convertToValue(blockTag)));
for (Tag oldTag : blockTag) {
Object value = oldTag.getValue();
String[] newValues = value instanceof String ?
BlockIdData.fallbackReverseMapping.get(((String) value).replace("minecraft:", "")) : null;
if (newValues != null) {
for (String newValue : newValues) {
newCanPlaceOn.add(new StringTag(newValue));
} else {
tag.put(tagName, newCanPlaceOn);
//TODO un-ugly all of this
private void rewriteEnchantmentsToClient(CompoundTag tag, boolean storedEnch) {
String key = storedEnch ? "StoredEnchantments" : "Enchantments";
ListTag enchantments = tag.get(key);
if (enchantments == null) return;
ListTag noMapped = new ListTag(CompoundTag.class);
ListTag newEnchantments = new ListTag(CompoundTag.class);
List<Tag> lore = new ArrayList<>();
boolean hasValidEnchants = false;
for (Tag enchantmentEntryTag : enchantments.clone()) {
CompoundTag enchantmentEntry = (CompoundTag) enchantmentEntryTag;
Tag idTag = enchantmentEntry.get("id");
if (!(idTag instanceof StringTag)) continue;
String newId = (String) idTag.getValue();
int levelValue = ((NumberTag) enchantmentEntry.get("lvl")).asInt();
short level = levelValue < Short.MAX_VALUE ? (short) levelValue : Short.MAX_VALUE;
String mappedEnchantmentId = enchantmentMappings.get(newId);
if (mappedEnchantmentId != null) {
lore.add(new StringTag(mappedEnchantmentId + " " + EnchantmentRewriter.getRomanNumber(level)));
} else if (!newId.isEmpty()) {
Short oldId = Protocol1_13To1_12_2.MAPPINGS.getOldEnchantmentsIds().inverse().get(newId);
if (oldId == null) {
if (!newId.startsWith("viaversion:legacy/")) {
// Custom enchant (?)
// Some custom-enchant plugins write it into the lore manually, which would double its entry
if (ViaBackwards.getConfig().addCustomEnchantsToLore()) {
String name = newId;
int index = name.indexOf(':') + 1;
if (index != 0 && index != name.length()) {
name = name.substring(index);
name = "§7" + Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
lore.add(new StringTag(name + " " + EnchantmentRewriter.getRomanNumber(level)));
if (Via.getManager().isDebug()) {
ViaBackwards.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Found unknown enchant: " + newId);
} else {
oldId = Short.valueOf(newId.substring(18));
if (level != 0) {
hasValidEnchants = true;
CompoundTag newEntry = new CompoundTag();
newEntry.put("id", new ShortTag(oldId));
newEntry.put("lvl", new ShortTag(level));
// Put here to hide empty enchantment from 1.14 rewrites
if (!storedEnch && !hasValidEnchants) {
IntTag hideFlags = tag.get("HideFlags");
if (hideFlags == null) {
hideFlags = new IntTag();
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|DummyEnchant", new ByteTag());
} else {
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|OldHideFlags", new IntTag(hideFlags.asByte()));
if (newEnchantments.size() == 0) {
CompoundTag enchEntry = new CompoundTag();
enchEntry.put("id", new ShortTag((short) 0));
enchEntry.put("lvl", new ShortTag((short) 0));
int value = hideFlags.asByte() | 1;
tag.put("HideFlags", hideFlags);
if (noMapped.size() != 0) {
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|" + key, noMapped);
if (!lore.isEmpty()) {
CompoundTag display = tag.get("display");
if (display == null) {
tag.put("display", display = new CompoundTag());
ListTag loreTag = display.get("Lore");
if (loreTag == null) {
display.put("Lore", loreTag = new ListTag(StringTag.class));
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|DummyLore", new ByteTag());
} else if (loreTag.size() != 0) {
ListTag oldLore = new ListTag(StringTag.class);
for (Tag value : loreTag) {
tag.put(extraNbtTag + "|OldLore", oldLore);
tag.put(storedEnch ? key : "ench", newEnchantments);
public Item handleItemToServer(Item item) {
if (item == null) return null;
CompoundTag tag = item.getTag();
// Save original id
int originalId = (item.getIdentifier() << 16 | item.getData() & 0xFFFF);
int rawId = (item.getIdentifier() << 4 | item.getData() & 0xF);
// NBT Additions
if (isDamageable(item.getIdentifier())) {
if (tag == null) item.setTag(tag = new CompoundTag());
tag.put("Damage", new IntTag(item.getData()));
if (item.getIdentifier() == 358) { // map
if (tag == null) item.setTag(tag = new CompoundTag());
tag.put("map", new IntTag(item.getData()));
// NBT Changes
if (tag != null) {
// Shield and banner
invertShieldAndBannerId(item, tag);
// Display Name now uses JSON
Tag display = tag.get("display");
if (display instanceof CompoundTag) {
CompoundTag displayTag = (CompoundTag) display;
StringTag name = displayTag.get("Name");
if (name != null) {
StringTag via = displayTag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|Name");
name.setValue(via != null ? via.getValue() : ChatRewriter.legacyTextToJsonString(name.getValue()));
// ench is now Enchantments and now uses identifiers
rewriteEnchantmentsToServer(tag, false);
rewriteEnchantmentsToServer(tag, true);
rewriteCanPlaceToServer(tag, "CanPlaceOn");
rewriteCanPlaceToServer(tag, "CanDestroy");
// Handle SpawnEggs
if (item.getIdentifier() == 383) {
CompoundTag entityTag = tag.get("EntityTag");
StringTag identifier;
if (entityTag != null && (identifier = entityTag.get("id")) != null) {
rawId = SpawnEggRewriter.getSpawnEggId(identifier.getValue());
if (rawId == -1) {
rawId = 25100288; // Bat fallback
} else {
if (entityTag.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// Fallback to bat
rawId = 25100288;
if (tag.isEmpty()) {
item.setTag(tag = null);
// Handle custom mappings
int identifier = item.getIdentifier();
// Mapped with original data, we can return here
if (item.getIdentifier() != rawId && item.getIdentifier() != -1) return item;
// Set to legacy id again
int newId = -1;
if (!protocol.getMappingData().getItemMappings().inverse().containsKey(rawId)) {
if (!isDamageable(item.getIdentifier()) && item.getIdentifier() != 358) { // Map
if (tag == null) item.setTag(tag = new CompoundTag());
tag.put(extraNbtTag, new IntTag(originalId)); // Data will be lost, saving original id
if (item.getIdentifier() == 229) { // purple shulker box
newId = 362; // directly set the new id -> base/colorless shulker box
} else if (item.getIdentifier() == 31 && item.getData() == 0) { // Shrub was removed
rawId = 32 << 4; // Dead Bush
} else if (protocol.getMappingData().getItemMappings().inverse().containsKey(rawId & ~0xF)) {
rawId &= ~0xF; // Remove data
} else {
if (!Via.getConfig().isSuppressConversionWarnings() || Via.getManager().isDebug()) {
ViaBackwards.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Failed to get 1.13 item for " + item.getIdentifier());
rawId = 16; // Stone
if (newId == -1) {
newId = protocol.getMappingData().getItemMappings().inverse().get(rawId);
item.setData((short) 0);
return item;
private void rewriteCanPlaceToServer(CompoundTag tag, String tagName) {
if (!(tag.get(tagName) instanceof ListTag)) return;
ListTag blockTag = tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|" + tagName);
if (blockTag != null) {
tag.put(tagName, ConverterRegistry.convertToTag(ConverterRegistry.convertToValue(blockTag)));
} else if ((blockTag = tag.get(tagName)) != null) {
ListTag newCanPlaceOn = new ListTag(StringTag.class);
for (Tag oldTag : blockTag) {
Object value = oldTag.getValue();
String oldId = value.toString().replace("minecraft:", "");
int key = Ints.tryParse(oldId);
String numberConverted = BlockIdData.numberIdToString.get(key);
if (numberConverted != null) {
oldId = numberConverted;
String lowerCaseId = oldId.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
String[] newValues = BlockIdData.blockIdMapping.get(lowerCaseId);
if (newValues != null) {
for (String newValue : newValues) {
newCanPlaceOn.add(new StringTag(newValue));
} else {
newCanPlaceOn.add(new StringTag(lowerCaseId));
tag.put(tagName, newCanPlaceOn);
private void rewriteEnchantmentsToServer(CompoundTag tag, boolean storedEnch) {
String key = storedEnch ? "StoredEnchantments" : "Enchantments";
ListTag enchantments = tag.get(storedEnch ? key : "ench");
if (enchantments == null) return;
ListTag newEnchantments = new ListTag(CompoundTag.class);
boolean dummyEnchant = false;
if (!storedEnch) {
IntTag hideFlags = tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|OldHideFlags");
if (hideFlags != null) {
tag.put("HideFlags", new IntTag(hideFlags.asByte()));
dummyEnchant = true;
} else if (tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|DummyEnchant") != null) {
dummyEnchant = true;
for (Tag enchEntry : enchantments) {
CompoundTag enchantmentEntry = new CompoundTag();
short oldId = ((NumberTag) ((CompoundTag) enchEntry).get("id")).asShort();
short level = ((NumberTag) ((CompoundTag) enchEntry).get("lvl")).asShort();
if (dummyEnchant && oldId == 0 && level == 0) {
continue; //Skip dummy enchatment
String newId = Protocol1_13To1_12_2.MAPPINGS.getOldEnchantmentsIds().get(oldId);
if (newId == null) {
newId = "viaversion:legacy/" + oldId;
enchantmentEntry.put("id", new StringTag(newId));
enchantmentEntry.put("lvl", new ShortTag(level));
ListTag noMapped = tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|Enchantments");
if (noMapped != null) {
for (Tag value : noMapped) {
CompoundTag display = tag.get("display");
if (display == null) {
tag.put("display", display = new CompoundTag());
ListTag oldLore = tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|OldLore");
if (oldLore != null) {
ListTag lore = display.get("Lore");
if (lore == null) {
tag.put("Lore", lore = new ListTag());
} else if (tag.remove(extraNbtTag + "|DummyLore") != null) {
if (display.isEmpty()) {
if (!storedEnch) {
tag.put(key, newEnchantments);
private void invertShieldAndBannerId(Item item, CompoundTag tag) {
if (item.getIdentifier() != 442 && item.getIdentifier() != 425) return;
Tag blockEntityTag = tag.get("BlockEntityTag");
if (!(blockEntityTag instanceof CompoundTag)) return;
CompoundTag blockEntityCompoundTag = (CompoundTag) blockEntityTag;
Tag base = blockEntityCompoundTag.get("Base");
if (base instanceof IntTag) {
IntTag baseTag = (IntTag) base;
baseTag.setValue(15 - baseTag.asInt()); // invert color id
Tag patterns = blockEntityCompoundTag.get("Patterns");
if (patterns instanceof ListTag) {
ListTag patternsTag = (ListTag) patterns;
for (Tag pattern : patternsTag) {
if (!(pattern instanceof CompoundTag)) continue;
IntTag colorTag = ((CompoundTag) pattern).get("Color");
colorTag.setValue(15 - colorTag.asInt()); // Invert color id
// TODO find a less hacky way to do this (
private static void flowerPotSpecialTreatment(UserConnection user, int blockState, Position position) throws Exception {
if (FlowerPotHandler.isFlowah(blockState)) {
BackwardsBlockEntityProvider beProvider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(BackwardsBlockEntityProvider.class);
CompoundTag nbt = beProvider.transform(user, position, "minecraft:flower_pot");
// Remove the flowerpot
PacketWrapper blockUpdateRemove = new PacketWrapper(0x0B, null, user);
blockUpdateRemove.write(Type.POSITION, position);
blockUpdateRemove.write(Type.VAR_INT, 0);
blockUpdateRemove.send(Protocol1_12_2To1_13.class, true);
// Create the flowerpot
PacketWrapper blockCreate = new PacketWrapper(0x0B, null, user);
blockCreate.write(Type.POSITION, position);
blockCreate.write(Type.VAR_INT, Protocol1_12_2To1_13.MAPPINGS.getNewBlockStateId(blockState));
blockCreate.send(Protocol1_12_2To1_13.class, true);
// Send a block entity update
PacketWrapper wrapper = new PacketWrapper(0x09, null, user);
wrapper.write(Type.POSITION, position);
wrapper.write(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE, (short) 5);
wrapper.write(Type.NBT, nbt);
wrapper.send(Protocol1_12_2To1_13.class, true);