2021-06-03 16:23:16 -03:00

987 B

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Bug report Create a bug report, so we can fix it bug

Describe the bug, provide any errors

  • A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Can you use a paste service like If possible, install Not Enough Crashes mod to make errors more legible.

Is this happening specifically on ViaFabric? (Optional)

  • It seems to not happen when using ViaVersion/ViaBackwards/ViaRewind on other platforms

How can we reproduce it?

  • Steps to reproduce the behavior

Expected behaviour

  • A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


  • If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

ViaVersion Dump

  • Type /viaversion dump, and put the link here.

Additional server info

  • Is server using a proxy (eg. BungeeCord/Velocity)? What software is it using and what plugins? (Debug HUD may have it (F3)) Are you running on client-side mode?