FlorianMichael ca354f206b Bump version
2023-03-27 16:23:50 +02:00

128 lines
10 KiB

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#### Fabric mod to connect to EVERY minecraft server version (Release, Beta, Alpha, Classic, Snapshots, Bedrock) with QoL fixes to the gameplay
This project has nothing to do with the original ViaFabric and is therefore also not compact
# Why?
ViaFabricPlus is supposed to be an alternative to [multiconnect]( that offers more compactness and more clientside improvements,
as ViaFabricPlus implements all Via platforms (ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, ViaLegacy, ViaAprilFools, ViaBedrock) and adds tons of clientside fixes and QoL improvements like old rendering for all platforms.
# For developers and translators
Contributions in the form of pull requests are always welcome, please just stick to my code style and make sure your code is easy to update and compatible with other mods.
### Translations
Translations for other languages are always welcome, in **~/resources/assets/viafabricplus/lang** you can find all translations, <br>
if you know a language well, feel free to make a PR and add translations for that language <br>
**Currently supported languages**:
- English (by **[FlorianMichael](**)
- German (by **[FlorianMichael](** and **[J0J0HA](**)
- Thai (by **[NyaruToru](**)
- Simplified Chinese (by **[yingcan](** and **[luluxiaoyu](**)
- Japanese (by **[U5KUN](**)
- Luxembourgish (by **[Graf]()**)
- Ukrainian (by **[Fundi1330](**)
- Traditional Chinese (by **[luluxiaoyu](**)
### Dependencies
| Dependency | Download |
| Fabric API | |
| ViaVersion | |
| ViaBackwards | |
| Snake YAML | |
| ViaLegacy | |
| ViaAprilFools | |
| ViaBedrock | |
| MC-Structs | |
| Reflect | |
| ViaLoadingBase | |
| Netty-transport-RakNet | |
### Setting up a Workspace
ViaFabricPlus uses Gradle, to make sure that it is installed properly you can check [Gradle's website](
1. Clone the repository using `git clone`.
2. CD into the local repository.
3. Run `./gradlew genSources`.
4. Open the folder as a Gradle project in your preferred IDE.
5. Run the mod.
## To learn more about the API and about addons, you can simply click [here](.github/
# For users
## To learn more about how to use this mod, you can simply click [here](.github/
### If you encounter any issues, please report them on the [issue tracker](
## Compatibility
ViaFabricPlus is structured to interfere with mods as little as possible.
It should work fine with most if not all mods and modpacks.
### Known incompatibilities:
- ***[ViaFabric](***
- ***[multiconnect](***
- ***[Krypton](***
## Supported Server versions
- Release (1.0.0 - 1.20 [23w12a])
- Beta (b1.0 - b1.8.1)
- Alpha (a1.0.15 - a1.2.6)
- Classic (c0.0.15 - c0.30 including [CPE](
- Snapshots (3D Shareware, 20w14infinite, Combat Test 8C)
- Bedrock (1.19.70)
## Clientside related Fixes
- [x] Bounding boxes for all versions
- [x] Entity interaction and movement related packet fixes
- [x] Sync and async mouse/keyboard handling in <= 1.12.2
- [x] Mining speeds and item attributes
- [x] Filter item creative tabs for only available items
- [x] Combat system in <= 1.8
- [x] Tons of modifications to ViaVersion, ViaAprilFools, ViaLegacy and ViaBedrock to make it more legit (Metadata fixes, broken packets, edge-cases)
- [x] Visual and screen related changes (newer Command Block features, GameMode selection, ...)
- [x] Chat signatures (secure login) for all versions (1.19.0, 1.19.1, 1.19.2)
- [x] Address parsing for all minecraft versions
- [x] PackFormats and HTTP Header for all resource pack versions
- [x] Raytrace related fixes in <= 1.8
- [x] Implementing HUD changes for <= b1.7.3
- [x] Chat lengths of all versions
- [x] Implementing non-sequenced block placement in <= 1.18.2
- [x] Animation related fixes (1.7 Sneaking, c0.30 walking animation, ...)
- [x] Fixed clientside packet handling (1.16.5 transactions, 1.19.0 tablist, ...)
#### TODO:
- [ ] More extensions for Classic Protocol Extensions protocol
- [ ] Window click interactions in <= 1.16.5
## Backports
Basically there are no backports, the last version of ViaFabricPlus that supported a specific Minecraft version is also the last one that exists for that Minecraft version. <br>
However, if a version between two Minecraft versions is too unstable, I will definitely make backports, you can find them only on modrinth/curseforge, <br>
they do not have their own releases, current backports (named after their branch):
- [1.19.3](
## Classic stuff
### Custom protocol extensions
ViaFabricPlus implements new Classic Extensions into the CPE protocol of ViaLegacy which are rather client side. <br>
- **WeatherType** extension (version **1**)
### Protocol commands
To better control the Classic Protocol, there are a few clientside commands, the command prefix is **/v**: <br>
- **/vhelp** - Displays all commands, available from: **c0.28-c0.30**
- **/vsettime <Time (Long)>** - Changes the Clientside World Time, available from: **c0.28-c0.30**
- **/vlistextensions** - Displays all classic protocol extensions, available in: **c0.30 CPE**
## Alternatives
- [ClientViaVersion]( Discontinued 5zig plugin.
- [multiconnect]( Fabric mod for connecting to older
versions: down to 1.11 (stable) and 1.8 (experimental).
- [ViaFabric]( Client-side and server-side ViaVersion implementation for Fabric
## ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️
**I cannot guarantee that this mod is allowed on every (or even any) server. This mod may cause problems with anti cheat
plugins. USE AT OWN RISK**