11 3. Configuration
PretzelJohn edited this page 2022-08-11 03:17:55 -04:00

Global settings

These settings apply to all villagers and villager trades.
For the default config file, see config.yml


This helps me keep track of what server versions are being used. Please leave this set to true.



Whether to use MySQL for the database (true) or SQLite (false)


The IP address or domain name of your MySQL server. If the MySQL database is on the same server as your Minecraft server, leave this as


The port number of your MySQL server. Usually 3306.


The name of your MySQL database, or schema. You must create a database (schema) before using this plugin!


The username used to access your MySQL database.


The password to access your MySQL database.


If your MySQL database uses an encoding other than utf8, change this.


If your MySQL database can use SSL connections, set this to true!


Whether to ignore Citizens NPCs from the Citizens plugin. If set to true, Citizens NPCs won't be affected by this plugin.


Whether to ignore Shopkeepers NPCs from the Shopkeepers plugin. If set to true, Shopkeepers NPCs won't be affected by this plugin.


A list of item types where, when the player interacts with a villager while holding one of these items, VTL doesn't affect the interaction.
This is used for compatibility with other plugins, like the custom spawn eggs in SafariNet.


  • Add material names for special items used by other plugins
  • Remove all list items and set to [] to disable this feature


Whether to disable all villager trading for all worlds, some worlds, or no worlds.


  • Add world names for worlds that you want to completely disable ALL villager trading.
  • Set to true to disable trading in all worlds.
  • Set to false or [] to disable this feature.


The per-villager, per-trade cooldown in real-world time. This sets the time between villager restocks (default is about ~10m)


  • Set to 0 to disable this feature and keep vanilla settings
  • Set to a <number><interval> format to add a per-player, per-trade cooldown for all trades

A valid cooldown follows the <number><interval> format, where you replace <number> with any number, and you replace <interval> with one of the following intervals:
  • s = seconds ("30s" = 30 seconds)
  • m = minutes ("10m" = 10 minutes)
  • h = hours ("1h" = 1 hour)
  • d = days ("3d" = 3 days)
  • w = weeks ("2w" = 2 weeks)

Group settings

Here you can configure settings for different groups, and apply them to players by giving them the villagertradelimiter.group.<group> permission with your permission manager plugin.



The per-player, per-trade cooldown in real-world time. After a player makes a trade <MaxUses> times, the trade will be disabled for the player until the cooldown is over.


  • Set to "0h" to disable this feature and keep vanilla behavior
  • Set to a <number><interval> format to add a per-player, per-trade cooldown for all trades

A valid cooldown follows the <number><interval> format, where you replace <number> with any number, and you replace <interval> with one of the following intervals:
  • s = seconds ("30s" = 30 seconds)
  • m = minutes ("10m" = 10 minutes)
  • h = hours ("1h" = 1 hour)
  • d = days ("3d" = 3 days)
  • w = weeks ("2w" = 2 weeks)


The maximum level of the "Hero of the Village" (HotV) effect that a player can have. This limits HotV price decreases.


  • Set to -1 to disable this feature and keep vanilla behavior
  • Set to a number between 0 and 5 to set the maximum HotV effect level players can have
For more information, see Minecraft Wiki - Hero of the Village


The maximum discount (%) you can get from trading/healing zombie villagers. This limits reputation-based price decreases.


  • Set to -1.0 to disable this feature and keep vanilla behavior
  • Set to a number between 0.0 and 1.0 to limit the maximum discount a player can get. (NOTE: 30% = 0.3)
  • Set to a number above 1.0 to increase the maximum discount a player can get. (NOTE: 250% = 2.5)


The maximum demand for all items. This limits demand-based price increases.


  • Set to -1 to disable this feature and keep vanilla behavior
  • Set to 0 or higher to set the maximum demand for all items

WARNING: The previous demand information cannot be recovered if it was higher than the MaxDemand.
For more information, see Minecraft Wiki - Demand


The maximum number of times a player can make any trade before a villager is out of stock.


  • Set to -1 to disable this feature and keep vanilla behavior
  • Set to 0 or higher to change the maximum number of uses for all items
For more information, see Minecraft Wiki - Trades


Override the global settings for this group by adding as many overrides as you need. Enchanted books must follow the format of name_level (mending_1). All other items must follow the format of item_name (stone_bricks).


Disables all trades that contain this item (true/false)


Sets the time between trades for all trades that contain this item. See "Cooldown" above for details.


Sets the maximum discount for all trades that contain this item (-1.0, or between 0.0 to 1.0)


Sets the maximum demand for all trades that contain this item (-1, or 0+)


Sets the maximum number of times a player can make the trade before the villager is out of stock


Configures the item in the leftmost slot of all trades that contain this item


The type of item to put into the leftmost slot of the trade ("emerald", "name_tag", "enchanted_book", etc.)


The amount of items to put into the leftmost slot of the trade (any number from 1-64)


Configures the item in the middle slot of all trades that contain this item


The type of item to put into the middle slot of the trade ("book", "name_tag", "enchanted_book", etc.)


The amount of items to put into the middle slot of the trade (any number from 1-64)


Configures the item in the rightmost slot of all trades that contain this item


The type of item to put into the rightmost slot of the trade ("emerald", "name_tag", "enchanted_book", etc.)


The amount of items to put into the rightmost slot of the trade (any number from 1-64)