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  • Write or improve documentation for WordPress.' ); ?>
  • Translate WordPress into your local language.' ); ?>
  • Create and improve WordPress educational materials.' ); ?>
  • Promote the WordPress project to your community.' ); ?>
  • Curate submissions or take photos for the WordPress Photos Directory.' ); ?>
  • Organize or participate in local WordPress Meetups and WordCamps.' ); ?>
  • Lend your creative imagination to the WordPress UI design.' ); ?>
  • Edit videos and add captions to WordPress.tv.' ); ?>
  • Explore ways to reduce the environmental impact of millions of websites.' ); ?>

  • Find and report bugs in the WordPress core software.' ); ?>
  • Test new releases and proposed features for the block editor.' ); ?>
  • Write and submit patches to fix bugs or help build new features.' ); ?>
  • Contribute to the code, improve the UX, and test the WordPress app.' ); ?>