$blogrolling = false;
$opml_url = $uploadfile;
} else {
echo "Upload error
if (isset($opml_url) && $opml_url != '') {
$opml = implode('', file($opml_url));
$link_count = count($names);
for ($i = 0; $i < $link_count; $i++) {
if ('Last' == substr($titles[$i], 0, 4))
$titles[$i] = '';
if ('http' == substr($titles[$i], 0, 4))
$titles[$i] = '';
$query = "INSERT INTO $tablelinks (link_url, link_name, link_target, link_category, link_description, link_owner)
VALUES('{$urls[$i]}', '".addslashes($names[$i])."', '', $cat_id, '".addslashes($descriptions[$i])."', $user_ID)\n";
$result = $wpdb->query($query);
echo "
Inserted {$names[$i]}
Inserted links into category . All done! Go manage those links.
You need to supply your OPML url. Press back on your browser and try again\n";
} // end else