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You can compile WorldGuard as long as you have some version of Java greater than or equal to 16 installed. Gradle will download JDK 16 specifically if needed, but it needs some version of Java to bootstrap from.

Note that if you have JRE 16 installed, Gradle will currently attempt to use that to compile, which will not work. It is easiest to uninstall JRE 16 and replace it with JDK 16.

The build process uses Gradle, which you do not need to download. WorldGuard is a multi-module project with four modules:

  • worldguard-core contains the WorldGuard API
  • worldguard-bukkit is the Bukkit plugin
  • worldguard-libs contains library relocations

To compile...

On Windows

  1. Shift + right click the folder with WorldGuard's files and click "Open command prompt".
  2. gradlew build

On Linux, BSD, or Mac OS X

  1. In your terminal, navigate to the folder with WorldGuard's files (cd /folder/of/worldguard/files)
  2. ./gradlew build

Then you will find...

You will find:

  • The core WorldGuard API in worldguard-core/build/libs
  • WorldGuard for Bukkit in worldguard-bukkit/build/libs

If you want to use WorldGuard, use the -dist version.

(The -dist version includes WorldGuard + necessary libraries.)

Other commands

  • gradlew idea will generate an IntelliJ IDEA module for each folder.
  • gradlew eclipse will generate an Eclipse project for each folder.