Simon Gardling 0f2c8e806a
Updated Upstream and Sidestream(s) (Paper/Purpur) (#478)
Upstream/An Sidestream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly
This update has NOT been tested by YatopiaMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing.

Paper Changes:
bc7ea673a Add internal channel initialization listeners (#5557)
b28ad17ac Check for world change in MoveEvent API methods
3095c7592 [Auto] Updated Upstream (CraftBukkit)
f56989c97 Add RespawnFlags to PlayerRespawnEvent (#5533)
7579c2667 Add more API to PlayerMoveEvent (#5553)
ef60c01c4 [Auto] Updated Upstream (CraftBukkit)
0256dbea3 [Auto] Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit)
91ef74029 Updated Upstream (Spigot) (#5550)
fdf2a59d5 Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit) (#5549)

Purpur Changes:
97185df [CI-SKIP] Update mcdevimports documentation
1099c24 Config for wither explosion radius (closes #265)
c5c9527 Configurable damage settings for magma blocks (adds #247)
1389b02 Updated Upstream (Paper)  (#300)
79c82d2 Configuration to change the maximum number of bees in a hive (#301)
9fd776e Add configurable minecart speed and move controllable minecart options
2021-04-30 13:16:37 -04:00

32 KiB


This is an overview over all patches that are currently used.

Side Patch Author CoAuthors
server AFK API William Blake Galbreath
api AFK API William Blake Galbreath
server Ability to re-add farmland mechanics from Alpha Yive
server Actually unload POI data Spottedleaf
server Add /ping command William Blake Galbreath
server Add 5 second tps average in /tps William Blake Galbreath
api Add ChatColor.getById Aikar
server Add EntityTeleportHinderedEvent Mariell Hoversholm
api Add EntityTeleportHinderedEvent Mariell Hoversholm
server Add GameProfileLookupEvent tr7zw
api Add GameProfileLookupEvent tr7zw
server Add IntelliJ IDEA runnable Zoe
server Add NBT API as a first-class lib tr7zw
api Add NBT API as a first-class lib tr7zw
server Add StructureGenerateEvent Nahuel Mariell Hoversholm
api Add StructureGenerateEvent Nahuel Mariell Hoversholm
server Add Velocity natives for encryption and compression Andrew Steinborn
server Add adjustable breeding cooldown to config montlikadani
server Add allow water in end world option William Blake Galbreath
server Add boat fall damage config BillyGalbreath
server Add canSaveToDisk to Entity William Blake Galbreath
server Add config for allowing Endermen to despawn even while jmp
server Add config for snow on blue ice BillyGalbreath
server Add config for villager trading Ben Kerllenevich
server Add configurable snowball damage BillyGalbreath
server Add critical hit check to EntityDamagedByEntityEvent BillyGalbreath
api Add critical hit check to EntityDamagedByEntityEvent BillyGalbreath
server Add demo command BillyGalbreath
api Add enchantment target for bows and crossbows BillyGalbreath
server Add enderman and creeper griefing controls William Blake Galbreath
server Add ghast allow-griefing option BillyGalbreath
server Add last tick time API Ivan Pekov tr7zw
api Add last tick time API Ivan Pekov tr7zw
server Add mobGriefing bypass to everything affected Encode42
server Add no-random-tick block list William Blake Galbreath
server Add nspt command Ivan Pekov
server Add obfhelpers for plugin use William Blake Galbreath
server Add option for boats to eject players on land William Blake Galbreath
server Add option to allow loyalty on tridents to work in the void William Blake Galbreath
server Add option to disable dolphin treasure searching William Blake Galbreath
server Add option to disable mushroom and note block updates William Blake Galbreath
server Add option to disable observer clocks Phoenix616
server Add option to disable zombie aggressiveness towards villagers nitricspace
api Add option to disable zombie aggressiveness towards villagers nitricspace
server Add option to set armorstand step height William Blake Galbreath
server Add option to teleport to spawn if outside world border William Blake Galbreath
server Add packet limiter config Spottedleaf
server Add permission for F3+N debug William Blake Galbreath
server Add phantom spawning options William Blake Galbreath
server Add player death exp control options William Blake Galbreath
server Add predicate to recipe's ExactChoice ingredient William Blake Galbreath
api Add predicate to recipe's ExactChoice ingredient William Blake Galbreath
server Add soft async catcher Spottedleaf
server Add tablist suffix option for afk montlikadani
server Add timings for Behavior Phoenix616
server Add timings for Pathfinder MrIvanPlays
server Add twisting and weeping vines growth rates BillyGalbreath
server Add unsafe Entity serialization API Mariell Hoversholm
api Add unsafe Entity serialization API Mariell Hoversholm
server Add vindicator johnny spawn chance William Blake Galbreath
server Add wither skeleton takes wither damage option William Blake Galbreath
server Advancement API William Blake Galbreath
api Advancement API William Blake Galbreath
server Airplane Branding Changes Paul Sauve
server Airplane Configuration Paul Sauve
server Airplane MC Dev Fixes Paul Sauve
server Airplane Profiler Paul Sauve
server Allow Entities to be removed from a world while ticking Spottedleaf
server Allow anvil colors William Blake Galbreath
server Allow color codes in books William Blake Galbreath
server Allow controlled flushing for network manager Spottedleaf
server Allow infinite and mending enchantments together William Blake Galbreath
server Allow infinity on crossbows Ben Kerllenevich
api Allow inventory resizing William Blake Galbreath
server Allow leashing villagers William Blake Galbreath
server Allow soil to moisten from water directly under it William Blake Galbreath
server Allow to change the piston push limit tr7zw
server Allow toggling special MobSpawners per world jmp
api Alphabetize in-game /plugins list BillyGalbreath
server Alternative Keepalive Handling William Blake Galbreath
server Anvil API William Blake Galbreath
api Anvil API William Blake Galbreath
server Apply display names from item forms of entities to entities jmp
server Arrows should not reset despawn counter William Blake Galbreath
server Attempt to recalculate regionfile header if it is corrupt Spottedleaf
server Avoid double I/O operation on load player file ㄗㄠˋ ㄑㄧˊ
server Barrels and enderchests 6 rows William Blake Galbreath
server Be aware of entity teleports when chunk checking entities Spottedleaf
server Brand changes Spottedleaf
server Brandings YatopiaMC
server Break individual slabs when sneaking BillyGalbreath
server Breedable Polar Bears William Blake Galbreath
server Bring back server name William Blake Galbreath
api Bring back server name William Blake Galbreath
server Cache climbing check for activation Paul Sauve
server Cache coordinate key for micro opt Paul Sauve
server Cache entityhuman display name Paul Sauve
server Cache palette array Paul Sauve
server Cat spawning options William Blake Galbreath
server Change writes to use NORMAL priority rather than LOW Spottedleaf
server Changeable Mob Left Handed Chance Ben Kerllenevich
server Charged creeper naturally spawn William Blake Galbreath
api ChatColor conveniences William Blake Galbreath
server Chickens can retaliate William Blake Galbreath
server Config for Enderman to aggro spawned Endermites Encode42
server Config for powered rail activation distance Encode42
server Config for skipping night Ben Kerllenevich
server Config for wither explosion radius Ben Kerllenevich
server Config migration: climbing should not bypass cramming jmp
server Config migration: disable saving projectiles to disk -> jmp
server Config to allow Note Block sounds when blocked Encode42
server Config to allow for unsafe enchants Encode42
server Config to always tame in Creative Encode42
server Config to change max number of bees DoctaEnkoda
server Config to disable Llama caravans Encode42
server Config to disable hostile mob spawn on ice Encode42
server Config to disable method profiler Paul Sauve
server Config to ignore Dragon Head wearers and stare aggro Encode42
server Config to ignore nearby mobs when sleeping Encode42
server Config to make Creepers explode on death Encode42
server Config to show Armor Stand arms on spawn Encode42
server Config to use infinity bows without arrows Encode42
server Configs for if Wither/Ender Dragon can ride vehicles jmp
server Configurable BlockPhysicsEvent Mykyta Komarnytskyy
server Configurable Ender Pearl cooldown, damage, and Endermite RNG Encode42
server Configurable TPS Catchup William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable chance for wolves to spawn rabid Encode42
server Configurable criterion triggers Mykyta Komarnytskyy
server Configurable damage settings for magma blocks Ben Kerllenevich
server Configurable daylight cycle William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable default wolf collar color Encode42
server Configurable dungeon seed William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable enchanting table tick Ivan Pekov
server Configurable end spike seed William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable entity base attributes BillyGalbreath
server Configurable flight checks l_MrBoom_l
server Configurable jockey options William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable movement checks l_MrBoom_l
api Configurable permission message upgrades William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable ravager griefable blocks list BillyGalbreath
server Configurable server mod name William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable sponge absorption Encode42
server Configurable villager brain ticks William Blake Galbreath
server Configurable villager breeding draycia
server Configurable void damage height William Blake Galbreath
api Conflict on change for adventure deprecations BillyGalbreath
server Consolidate flush calls for entity tracker packets Spottedleaf
server Copy passenger list in enderTeleportTo Spottedleaf
server Correctly handle recursion for chunkholder updates Spottedleaf
server Cows eat mushrooms William Blake Galbreath
server Crying obsidian valid for portal frames William Blake Galbreath
server Custom Locale Support Zoe
server Custom table implementation for blockstate state lookups Spottedleaf
server Customizable wither health and healing jmp
api Default permissions William Blake Galbreath
server Delay chunk unloads Spottedleaf
server Despawn rate config options per projectile type jmp
server Detail more information in watchdog dumps Spottedleaf
server Disable loot drops on death by cramming William Blake Galbreath
server Disable outdated build check William Blake Galbreath
api Disable reload command Ivan Pekov
server Disable the Snooper Sotr
server Dispenser curse of binding protection William Blake Galbreath
server Dispensers place anvils option William Blake Galbreath
server Distance manager tick timings Spottedleaf
server Do not allow the server to unload chunks at request of Spottedleaf
server Do not allow ticket level changes while unloading Spottedleaf
server Do not copy visible chunks Spottedleaf
server Do not load chunks during a crash report Spottedleaf
server Do not retain playerchunkmap instance in light thread factory Spottedleaf
server Do not run close logic for inventories on chunk unload Spottedleaf
server Do not run raytrace logic for AIR Spottedleaf
server Do not update TE's in generating chunks Spottedleaf
server Don't allow StructureLocateEvent to change worlds Spottedleaf
server Don't get entity equipment if not needed Paul Sauve
server Don't lookup fluid state when raytracing Spottedleaf
server Don't read neighbour chunk data off disk when converting Spottedleaf
server Don't trigger Lootable Refresh for non player interaction Aikar
server Don't wake up entities when damage event is cancelled Phoenix616
server Dont run with scissors! JustDoom
server Dont send useless entity packets William Blake Galbreath
server Drowning Settings Ben Kerllenevich
server Dynamic activation range Paul Sauve
server EMC - Configurable disable give dropping Aikar
server EMC - MonsterEggSpawnEvent Aikar
api EMC - MonsterEggSpawnEvent Aikar
server Early return optimization for target finding Paul Sauve
server End crystal explosion options Ben Kerllenevich
server End gateway should check if entity can use portal William Blake Galbreath
server Ender dragon always drop full exp William Blake Galbreath
server Ensure pools create daemon threads Ivan Pekov
server Entities can use portals configuration William Blake Galbreath
server Entities pick up loot bypass mob-griefing gamerule William Blake Galbreath
server Entity lifespan William Blake Galbreath
server Execute chunk tasks mid-tick Spottedleaf
api ExecuteCommandEvent William Blake Galbreath
api Expose findClass for profiler Paul Sauve
server Farmland trampling changes Mariell Hoversholm
server Fix 'outdated server' showing in ping before server fully William Blake Galbreath
server Fix Bukkit.createInventory() with type LECTERN willies952002
server Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when sending too many changes Ivan Pekov
server Fix LightEngineThreaded memory leak Ivan Pekov
server Fix NPE in pickup logic for arrow Spottedleaf
server Fix chunks refusing to unload at low TPS Spottedleaf
server Fix cow rotation when shearing mooshroom William Blake Galbreath
server Fix exp drop of zombie pigmen (MC-56653) Phoenix616
server Fix incorrect isRealPlayer init Spottedleaf
api Fix javadoc warnings (missing @param and @return) BillyGalbreath
server Fix lead fall dmg config tr7zw
server Fix rotating UP/DOWN CW and CCW BillyGalbreath
server Fix stuck in portals BillyGalbreath
server Fix swamp hut cat generation deadlock Spottedleaf
server Fix the dead lagging the server William Blake Galbreath
server Fix vanilla command permission handler William Blake Galbreath
server Flying squids! Oh my! William Blake Galbreath
server Full netherite armor grants fire resistance BillyGalbreath
api Full netherite armor grants fire resistance BillyGalbreath
server Giants AI settings William Blake Galbreath
server Global Eula file tr7zw
server Heavily optimize furnance fuel and recipe lookups tr7zw Mykyta Komarn
server Heavily optimize recipe lookups in CraftingManager Mykyta Komarn Ivan Pekov, ishland
server Highly optimise single and multi-AABB VoxelShapes and Spottedleaf
server Highly optimize VillagePlace filtering Ivan Pekov
server Hopper Optimizations Phoenix616
server Illusioners AI settings William Blake Galbreath
server Implement TPSBar BillyGalbreath
server Implement bed explosion options William Blake Galbreath
server Implement configurable search radius for villagers to spawn William Blake Galbreath
server Implement elytra settings William Blake Galbreath
server Implement infinite lava William Blake Galbreath
server Implement respawn anchor explosion options William Blake Galbreath
server Improve abnormal server shutdown process Spottedleaf
server Improve async tp to not load chunks when crossing worlds Spottedleaf
server Improve fluid direction caching Paul Sauve
server Improve paper prevent moving into unloaded chunk check Spottedleaf
server Improved oversized chunk data packet handling Spottedleaf
server Infinite fuel furnace William Blake Galbreath
server Infinity bow settings William Blake Galbreath
server Item entity immunities William Blake Galbreath
api Item entity immunities William Blake Galbreath
server Item stuck sleep config tr7zw
server ItemFactory#getMonsterEgg William Blake Galbreath
api ItemFactory#getMonsterEgg William Blake Galbreath
api ItemStack convenience methods William Blake Galbreath
server Kelp weeping and twisting vines configurable max growth age BillyGalbreath
server Lag compensate block breaking Spottedleaf
server Lagging threshold William Blake Galbreath
api Lagging threshold William Blake Galbreath
server Left handed API BillyGalbreath
api Left handed API BillyGalbreath
server Lithium: CompactSineLUT JellySquid
server LivingEntity safeFallDistance William Blake Galbreath
api LivingEntity safeFallDistance William Blake Galbreath
server LivingEntity#broadcastItemBreak William Blake Galbreath
api LivingEntity#broadcastItemBreak William Blake Galbreath
server Llama API William Blake Galbreath
api Llama API William Blake Galbreath
server Lobotomize stuck villagers BillyGalbreath
server Logger settings (suppressing pointless logs) William Blake Galbreath
server MC-147659 - Fix non black cats spawning in swamp huts William Blake Galbreath
server MC-168772 Fix - Add turtle egg block options William Blake Galbreath
server MC-Dev fixes Spottedleaf
server Make CallbackExecutor strict again Spottedleaf
server Make Iron Golems Swim William Blake Galbreath
server Make entity breeding times configurable jmp
server Make entity tracker use highest range of passengers Spottedleaf
server Make lava flow speed configurable William Blake Galbreath
server Make sure inlined getChunkAt has inlined logic for loaded Spottedleaf
server Manually inline methods in BlockPosition Spottedleaf
server Mending mends most damages equipment first William Blake Galbreath
server Minecart settings and WASD controls William Blake Galbreath
server Modify POM YatopiaMC
api Modify POM YatopiaMC
server Modify default configs tr7zw
server More debug for plugins not shutting down tasks Paul Sauve
server Movement options for armor stands Mariell Hoversholm
server Multi-Threaded Server Ticking Vanilla Spottedleaf
server Multi-Threaded ticking CraftBukkit Spottedleaf
server Name craft scheduler threads according to the plugin using Spottedleaf
server New nbt cache Hugo Planque ishland
server Nuke streams off BlockPosition Ivan Pekov
server Nuke streams off SectionPosition Ivan Pekov
server One Punch Man! Fourmisain
server Oprimise map impl for tracked players Spottedleaf
server Optimise WorldServer#notify Spottedleaf
server Optimise chunk tick iteration Spottedleaf
server Optimise closest entity lookup Spottedleaf
server Optimise collision checking in player move packet handling Spottedleaf
server Optimise entity hard collision checking Spottedleaf
server Optimise general POI access Spottedleaf
server Optimise nearby player lookups Spottedleaf
server Optimise non-flush packet sending Spottedleaf
server Optimise snow & ice in chunk ticking Spottedleaf
server Optimise tab complete Spottedleaf
server Optimised hallowen checker Ivan Pekov
server Optimize BehaviorController MrIvanPlays
server Optimize TileEntity load/unload tr7zw
server Optimize Villagers Ivan Pekov
server Optimize advancement loading Ivan Pekov
server Optimize inventory API item handling Phoenix616
server Optimize random calls in chunk ticking Paul Sauve
server Optimize redundant calls Paul Sauve
server Optimize some stuff in WorldServer ticking MrIvanPlays
server Optimize whitelist command for multiple additions / removals Ivan Pekov
server Option for Villager Clerics to farm Nether Wart jmp
server Option for chests to open even with a solid block on top jmp
server Option for simpler Villagers tr7zw
server Option to make doors require redstone BillyGalbreath
server Option to toggle milk curing bad omen William Blake Galbreath
server Origami - Fix ProtocolLib issues on Java 15 Phoenix616
server Origami Server Config Phoenix616
server PaperPR - Config option for Piglins guarding chests jmp
server Per World Spawn Limits Chase Whipple
server Per entity (type) collision settings MrIvanPlays tr7zw
api Per player viewdistances Spottedleaf
server Persistent TileEntity Lore and DisplayName jmp
server Phantom flames on swoop BillyGalbreath
server Phantoms attracted to crystals and crystals shoot phantoms William Blake Galbreath
api Phantoms attracted to crystals and crystals shoot phantoms William Blake Galbreath
server Phantoms burn in light draycia
server Piglin portal spawn modifier BillyGalbreath
server Pigs give saddle back William Blake Galbreath
server Player invulnerabilities William Blake Galbreath
api Player invulnerabilities William Blake Galbreath
server PlayerAttackEntityEvent Ivan Pekov
api PlayerAttackEntityEvent Ivan Pekov
server PlayerBookTooLargeEvent BillyGalbreath
api PlayerBookTooLargeEvent BillyGalbreath
server PlayerSetSpawnerTypeWithEggEvent William Blake Galbreath
api PlayerSetSpawnerTypeWithEggEvent William Blake Galbreath
server Players should not cram to death William Blake Galbreath
server Populator seed controls Spottedleaf
server Port Cadmium Lucy-t
server Port LazyDFU Andrew Steinborn
server Preload ProtocolLib EnumWrappers ishland
server Prevent long map entry creation in light engine Spottedleaf
server Prevent unload() calls removing tickets for sync loads Spottedleaf
server Projectile offset config YouHaveTrouble
server Properly handle cancellation of projectile hit event Spottedleaf
server Purpur config files William Blake Galbreath
api Purpur config files William Blake Galbreath
server Rabbit naturally spawn toast and killer William Blake Galbreath
api Rabid Wolf API Encode42
server Raid cooldown setting jmp
server Range check flag dirty calls in PlayerChunk Spottedleaf
server Rebrand William Blake Galbreath
server Redirect Configs tr7zw
server Redstone deactivates spawners draycia
server Reduce allocation rate from crammed entities Spottedleaf
server Reduce allocs & improve perf of StructureManager Paul Sauve
server Reduce chunk loading & lookups Paul Sauve
server Reduce frequency of checking for entity despawn Paul Sauve
server Reduce iterator allocation from chunk gen Spottedleaf
server Reduce pathfinder branches Spottedleaf
server Reduce projectile chunk loading Paul Sauve
server Remove chunk lookup & lambda allocation from counting mobs Spottedleaf
server Remove iterators from inventory contains Paul Sauve
server Remove some streams and object allocations Phoenix616
server Remove streams Paul Sauve
server Remove streams for villager AI Spottedleaf
server Replace player chunk loader system Spottedleaf
server Replace ticket level propagator Spottedleaf
server Revert MC-4 fix Spottedleaf
server Revert getChunkAt(Async) retaining chunks for long periods of Spottedleaf
server Rework PlayerChunk main thread checks Spottedleaf
server Rewrite the light engine Spottedleaf
server Ridables William Blake Galbreath
api Ridables William Blake Galbreath
server Send full pos packets for hard colliding entities Spottedleaf
server Separate lookup locking from state access in UserCache Spottedleaf
server Set name visible when using a Name Tag on an Armor Stand jmp
server Short enderman height William Blake Galbreath
server Shutdown Bootstrap thread pool foss-mc
server Signs allow color codes William Blake Galbreath
server Signs editable on right click William Blake Galbreath
server Silk touch spawners William Blake Galbreath
server Simpler ShapelessRecipes comparison for Vanilla Paul Sauve
server Skip POI finding if stuck in vehicle Paul Sauve
server Skip copying unloading tile entities Paul Sauve
server Skip creating hashset for entity track range Paul Sauve
server Skip events if there's no listeners William Blake Galbreath
server Smarter statistics ticking Mykyta Komarnytskyy
server Smol entity optimisations Ivan Pekov
server Sneak to bulk process composter BillyGalbreath
server Snow Golem rate of fire config Simon Gardling
server Snowman drop and put back pumpkin William Blake Galbreath
api Spigot - Improve output of plugins command Parker Hawke
server Spread out and optimise player list ticks James Lyne
server Squid EAR immunity William Blake Galbreath
server Stonecutter damage William Blake Galbreath
server Stop large move vectors in player packet handling from Spottedleaf
server Stop squids floating on top of water William Blake Galbreath
server Stop wasting resources on JsonList#get Ivan Pekov
server Striders give saddle back Ben Kerllenevich
server Strip raytracing for EntityLiving#hasLineOfSight Paul Sauve
server Suspected plugins report ishland
api Suspected plugins report ishland
server Swap priority of checks in chunk ticking Paul Sauve
server Swaps the predicate order of collision ㄗㄠˋ ㄑㄧˊ
server Tick fluids config BillyGalbreath
server Time scoreboard search Spottedleaf
server Timings stuff William Blake Galbreath
server Toggle for Zombified Piglin death always counting as player jmp
server Toggle for water sensitive mob damage YouHaveTrouble
server Totems work in inventory draycia
server Tuinity POM Changes Spottedleaf
api Tuinity POM Changes Spottedleaf
server Tuinity Server Config Spottedleaf
api Tuinity config Spottedleaf
server Tulips change fox type William Blake Galbreath
server Update version fetcher repo JRoy
server Use configured height for nether surface builders William Blake Galbreath
server Use entity ticking chunk map for entity tracker Spottedleaf
server Use hash table for maintaing changed block set Spottedleaf
server Use unmodifiableMap instead of making copy Paul Sauve
server Util patch Spottedleaf
server Utilities YatopiaMC Mykyta Komarnytskyy, Ivan Pekov
api Villager#resetOffers William Blake Galbreath
server Villagers farming can bypass mob-griefing gamerule William Blake Galbreath
server Villagers follow emerald blocks William Blake Galbreath
api Yatopia Config & Redirect Config YatopiaMC
server Yatopia configuration tr7zw
server Zombie break door minimum difficulty option BillyGalbreath
server Zombie horse naturally spawn William Blake Galbreath
server add config for logging login location Simon Gardling
server dont load chunks for physics Aikar
server lithium DataTrackerMixin JellySquid tr7zw
server lithium HashedList JellySquid
server lithium MixinBox JellySquid
server lithium MixinDirection JellySquid
server lithium MixinGoalSelector JellySquid
server lithium NoiseChunkGeneratorMixin JellySquid
server lithium PerlinNoiseSamplerMixin JellySquid Bud Gidiere
server lithium VoronoiBiomeAccessTypeMixin JellySquid
server lithium block JellySquid Hugo Planque
server lithium entity JellySquid Hugo Planque
server lithium enum_values JellySquid
server lithium gen JellySquid Hugo Planque
server lithium reduce allocations JellySquid Mykyta Komarnytskyy
server lithium shape JellySquid Hugo Planque
server lithium: cache chunk gen sea level SuperCoder7979
server lithium: optimize `BlockPos.iterateOutwards` by caching 2No2Name
server lithium: skip ticking block entities that are doing nothing 2No2Name
server tic-tacs: unblocking Gegy