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Compiling the firmware

Setup development environment

  1. Download and install Z-STACK-HOME 1.2.2a.
  2. Download and install IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051.

NOTE: For IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 you need either the full (paid) version or the 30-days evaluation version.


  1. Copy firmware.patch to Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a.44539
  2. Open Git Bash, go to Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a.44539 and apply the patch using git apply firmware.patch.
  3. Open Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a.44539\Projects\zstack\ZNP\CC253x\znp.eww with IAR Embedded workbench for 8051.
  4. You will get a warning: The project file 'CC253(0/1).ewp' is in an old format. Would you like to convert it for use with this version?. Press yes for both.
  5. Select the correct target:
  • For CC2531 select CC2531 - X
  • For CC2530, CC2530_CC2591, CC2530_CC2592 select CC2530 - X
  • Depending if you want to compile the .hex or SBL firmware select - ProdHex or - ProdSBL


  1. Right-click on your target and press options. Go to C/C++ compiler -> preprocessor. Depending on what you want to compile, add the following symbols to Defined symbols:
  • Device type: FIRMWARE_CC2530, FIRMWARE_CC2530_CC2591, FIRMWARE_CC2531 or FIRMWARE_CC2530_CC2592
  • In case you want to compile the SBL firmware, also add FIRMWARE_SBL.

To compile e.g the default CC2531 firmware, use:


NOTE: FIRMWARE_MAX_DEVICES is only available in combination with FIRMWARE_CC2531.

  1. Press OK.
  2. Right-click on your target and click Rebuild all.
  3. Once finished, you can find the CC253(0|1)ZNP-Prod.(hex|bin) file in Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a.44539\Projects\zstack\ZNP\CC253x\dev.