mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:21:10 +01:00
Changed top ten internally to use islands instead of players as keys (#295)
Added %[gamemode]_top_weighted_value_x% placeholder https://github.com/BentoBoxWorld/Level/issues/294
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,452 +32,429 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.LevelsData;
import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
public class LevelsManager {
private static final String INTOPTEN = "intopten";
private static final TreeMap<BigInteger, String> LEVELS;
private static final BigInteger THOUSAND = BigInteger.valueOf(1000);
static {
LEVELS = new TreeMap<>();
private static final String INTOPTEN = "intopten";
private static final TreeMap<BigInteger, String> LEVELS;
private static final BigInteger THOUSAND = BigInteger.valueOf(1000);
static {
LEVELS = new TreeMap<>();
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(2), "M");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(3), "G");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(4), "T");
private final Level addon;
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(2), "M");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(3), "G");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(4), "T");
private final Level addon;
// Database handler for level data
private final Database<IslandLevels> handler;
// A cache of island levels.
private final Map<String, IslandLevels> levelsCache;
// Top ten lists
private final Map<World, TopTenData> topTenLists;
// Database handler for level data
private final Database<IslandLevels> handler;
// A cache of island levels.
private final Map<String, IslandLevels> levelsCache;
// Top ten lists
private final Map<World, TopTenData> topTenLists;
public LevelsManager(Level addon) {
this.addon = addon;
// Get the BentoBox database
// Set up the database handler to store and retrieve data
// Note that these are saved by the BentoBox database
handler = new Database<>(addon, IslandLevels.class);
// Initialize the cache
levelsCache = new HashMap<>();
// Initialize top ten lists
topTenLists = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public LevelsManager(Level addon) {
this.addon = addon;
// Get the BentoBox database
// Set up the database handler to store and retrieve data
// Note that these are saved by the BentoBox database
handler = new Database<>(addon, IslandLevels.class);
// Initialize the cache
levelsCache = new HashMap<>();
// Initialize top ten lists
topTenLists = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void migrate() {
Database<LevelsData> oldDb = new Database<>(addon, LevelsData.class);
oldDb.loadObjects().forEach(ld -> {
try {
UUID owner = UUID.fromString(ld.getUniqueId());
// Step through each world
// World
// Island
.map(w -> addon.getIslands().getIsland(w, owner)).filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(i -> {
// Make new database entry
World w = i.getWorld();
IslandLevels il = new IslandLevels(i.getUniqueId());
// Save it
// Now delete the old database entry
} catch (Exception e) {
addon.logError("Could not migrate level data database! " + e.getMessage());
* Add a score to the top players list
* @param world - world
* @param targetPlayer - target player
* @param lv - island level
private void addToTopTen(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer, long lv) {
// Get top ten
Map<UUID, Long> topTen = topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(world, k -> new TopTenData(world)).getTopTen();
// Remove this player from the top list no matter what (we'll put them back
// later if required)
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
if (island != null && island.getOwner() != null && hasTopTenPerm(world, island.getOwner())) {
// Insert the owner into the top ten
topTen.put(island.getOwner(), lv);
* Add an island to a top ten
* @param island - island to add
* @param lv - level
* @return true if successful, false if not added
private boolean addToTopTen(Island island, long lv) {
if (island != null && island.getOwner() != null && hasTopTenPerm(island.getWorld(), island.getOwner())) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(island.getWorld(), k -> new TopTenData(island.getWorld())).getTopTen()
.put(island.getOwner(), lv);
return true;
return false;
* Calculate the island level, set all island member's levels to the result and
* try to add the owner to the top ten
* @param targetPlayer - uuid of targeted player - owner or team member
* @param island - island to calculate
* @return completable future with the results of the calculation
public CompletableFuture<Results> calculateLevel(UUID targetPlayer, Island island) {
CompletableFuture<Results> result = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Fire pre-level calc event
IslandPreLevelEvent e = new IslandPreLevelEvent(targetPlayer, island);
if (e.isCancelled()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Add island to the pipeline
addon.getPipeliner().addIsland(island).thenAccept(r -> {
// Results are irrelevant because the island is unowned or deleted, or
// IslandLevelCalcEvent is cancelled
if (r == null || fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(targetPlayer, island, r)) {
// Save result
setIslandResults(island.getWorld(), island.getOwner(), r);
// Save the island scan details
return result;
* Fires the IslandLevelCalculatedEvent and returns true if it is canceled
* @param targetPlayer - target player
* @param island - island
* @param results - results set
* @return true if canceled
private boolean fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(UUID targetPlayer, Island island, Results results) {
// Fire post calculation event
IslandLevelCalculatedEvent ilce = new IslandLevelCalculatedEvent(targetPlayer, island, results);
if (ilce.isCancelled())
return true;
// Set the values if they were altered
results.setLevel((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("level", results.getLevel()));
results.setInitialLevel((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("initialLevel", results.getInitialLevel()));
results.setDeathHandicap((int) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("deathHandicap", results.getDeathHandicap()));
(Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("pointsToNextLevel", results.getPointsToNextLevel()));
results.setTotalPoints((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("totalPoints", results.getTotalPoints()));
return ((Boolean) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("isCancelled", false));
* Get the string representation of the level. May be converted to shorthand
* notation, e.g., 104556 = 10.5k
* @param lvl - long value to represent
* @return string of the level.
public String formatLevel(@Nullable Long lvl) {
if (lvl == null)
return "";
String level = String.valueOf(lvl);
// Asking for the level of another player
if (addon.getSettings().isShorthand()) {
BigInteger levelValue = BigInteger.valueOf(lvl);
Map.Entry<BigInteger, String> stage = LEVELS.floorEntry(levelValue);
if (stage != null) { // level > 1000
// 1 052 -> 1.0k
// 1 527 314 -> 1.5M
// 3 874 130 021 -> 3.8G
// 4 002 317 889 -> 4.0T
level = new DecimalFormat("#.#").format(
levelValue.divide(stage.getKey().divide(THOUSAND)).doubleValue() / 1000.0) + stage.getValue();
return level;
* Get the initial level of the island. Used to zero island levels
* @param island - island
* @return initial level of island
public long getInitialLevel(Island island) {
return getLevelsData(island).getInitialLevel();
* Get level of island from cache for a player.
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return Level of the player's island or zero if player is unknown or UUID is
* null
public long getIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return 0L;
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? 0L : getLevelsData(island).getLevel();
* Get the maximum level ever given to this island
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return Max level of the player's island or zero if player is unknown or UUID
* is null
public long getIslandMaxLevel(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return 0L;
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? 0L : getLevelsData(island).getMaxLevel();
* Returns a formatted string of the target player's island level
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player's UUID
* @return Formatted level of player or zero if player is unknown or UUID is
* null
public String getIslandLevelString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
return formatLevel(getIslandLevel(world, targetPlayer));
* Load a level data for the island from the cache or database.
* @param island - UUID of island
* @return IslandLevels object
public IslandLevels getLevelsData(@NonNull Island island) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
if (levelsCache.containsKey(id)) {
return levelsCache.get(id);
// Get from database if not in cache
if (handler.objectExists(id)) {
IslandLevels ld = handler.loadObject(id);
if (ld != null) {
levelsCache.put(id, ld);
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
// Return cached value
return levelsCache.get(id);
* Get the number of points required until the next level since the last level
* calc
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return string with the number required or blank if the player is unknown
public String getPointsToNextString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return "";
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? "" : String.valueOf(getLevelsData(island).getPointsToNextLevel());
* Get the top ten for this world. Returns offline players or players with the
* intopten permission.
* @param world - world requested
* @param size - size of the top ten
* @return sorted top ten map
public Map<UUID, Long> getTopTen(@NonNull World world, int size) {
// Return the sorted map
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> addon.getIslands().hasIsland(world, e.getKey())).filter(l -> l.getValue() > 0)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new)));
void createAndCleanRankings(@NonNull World world) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(world, TopTenData::new);
// Remove player from top ten if they are online and do not have the perm
topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().keySet().removeIf(u -> !hasTopTenPerm(world, u));
* @return the topTenLists
public Map<World, TopTenData> getTopTenLists() {
return topTenLists;
* Get the rank of the player in the rankings
* @param world - world
* @param uuid - player UUID
* @return rank placing - note - placing of 1 means top ranked
public int getRank(@NonNull World world, UUID uuid) {
Stream<Entry<UUID, Long>> stream = topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> addon.getIslands().hasIsland(world, e.getKey())).filter(l -> l.getValue() > 0)
return (int) (stream.takeWhile(x -> !x.getKey().equals(uuid)).map(Map.Entry::getKey).count() + 1);
* Checks if player has the correct top ten perm to have their level saved
* @param world
* @param targetPlayer
* @return true if player has the perm or the player is offline
boolean hasTopTenPerm(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer) {
String permPrefix = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(world);
return Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer) == null
|| Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer).hasPermission(permPrefix + INTOPTEN);
* Loads all the top tens from the database
public void loadTopTens() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(addon.getPlugin(), () -> {
addon.log("Generating rankings");
handler.loadObjects().forEach(il -> {
if (il.getLevel() > 0) {
.ifPresent(i -> this.addToTopTen(i, il.getLevel()));
public void migrate() {
Database<LevelsData> oldDb = new Database<>(addon, LevelsData.class);
oldDb.loadObjects().forEach(ld -> {
try {
UUID owner = UUID.fromString(ld.getUniqueId());
// Step through each world
// World
// Island
.map(w -> addon.getIslands().getIsland(w, owner)).filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(i -> {
// Make new database entry
World w = i.getWorld();
IslandLevels il = new IslandLevels(i.getUniqueId());
// Save it
topTenLists.keySet().forEach(w -> addon.log("Generated rankings for " + w.getName()));
// Now delete the old database entry
} catch (Exception e) {
addon.logError("Could not migrate level data database! " + e.getMessage());
* Removes a player from a world's top ten and removes world from player's level
* data
* @param world - world
* @param uuid - the player's uuid
public void removeEntry(World world, UUID uuid) {
if (topTenLists.containsKey(world)) {
* Add an island to a top ten
* @param island - island to add
* @param lv - level
* @return true if successful, false if not added
private boolean addToTopTen(Island island, long lv) {
if (island != null && island.getOwner() != null && hasTopTenPerm(island.getWorld(), island.getOwner())) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(island.getWorld(), k -> new TopTenData(island.getWorld())).getTopTen()
.put(island.getUniqueId(), lv);
return true;
return false;
* Calculate the island level, set all island member's levels to the result and
* try to add the owner to the top ten
* @param targetPlayer - uuid of targeted player - owner or team member
* @param island - island to calculate
* @return completable future with the results of the calculation
public CompletableFuture<Results> calculateLevel(UUID targetPlayer, Island island) {
CompletableFuture<Results> result = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Fire pre-level calc event
IslandPreLevelEvent e = new IslandPreLevelEvent(targetPlayer, island);
if (e.isCancelled()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Add island to the pipeline
addon.getPipeliner().addIsland(island).thenAccept(r -> {
// Results are irrelevant because the island is unowned or deleted, or
// IslandLevelCalcEvent is cancelled
if (r == null || fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(targetPlayer, island, r)) {
// Save result
setIslandResults(island, r);
// Save the island scan details
return result;
* Fires the IslandLevelCalculatedEvent and returns true if it is canceled
* @param targetPlayer - target player
* @param island - island
* @param results - results set
* @return true if canceled
private boolean fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(UUID targetPlayer, Island island, Results results) {
// Fire post calculation event
IslandLevelCalculatedEvent ilce = new IslandLevelCalculatedEvent(targetPlayer, island, results);
if (ilce.isCancelled())
return true;
// Set the values if they were altered
results.setLevel((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("level", results.getLevel()));
results.setInitialLevel((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("initialLevel", results.getInitialLevel()));
results.setDeathHandicap((int) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("deathHandicap", results.getDeathHandicap()));
(Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("pointsToNextLevel", results.getPointsToNextLevel()));
results.setTotalPoints((Long) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("totalPoints", results.getTotalPoints()));
return ((Boolean) ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("isCancelled", false));
* Get the string representation of the level. May be converted to shorthand
* notation, e.g., 104556 = 10.5k
* @param lvl - long value to represent
* @return string of the level.
public String formatLevel(@Nullable Long lvl) {
if (lvl == null)
return "";
String level = String.valueOf(lvl);
// Asking for the level of another player
if (addon.getSettings().isShorthand()) {
BigInteger levelValue = BigInteger.valueOf(lvl);
Map.Entry<BigInteger, String> stage = LEVELS.floorEntry(levelValue);
if (stage != null) { // level > 1000
// 1 052 -> 1.0k
// 1 527 314 -> 1.5M
// 3 874 130 021 -> 3.8G
// 4 002 317 889 -> 4.0T
level = new DecimalFormat("#.#").format(
levelValue.divide(stage.getKey().divide(THOUSAND)).doubleValue() / 1000.0) + stage.getValue();
return level;
* Get the initial level of the island. Used to zero island levels
* @param island - island
* @return initial level of island
public long getInitialLevel(Island island) {
return getLevelsData(island).getInitialLevel();
* Get level of island from cache for a player.
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return Level of the player's island or zero if player is unknown or UUID is
* null
public long getIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return 0L;
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? 0L : getLevelsData(island).getLevel();
* Get the maximum level ever given to this island
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return Max level of the player's island or zero if player is unknown or UUID
* is null
public long getIslandMaxLevel(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return 0L;
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? 0L : getLevelsData(island).getMaxLevel();
* Returns a formatted string of the target player's island level
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player's UUID
* @return Formatted level of player or zero if player is unknown or UUID is
* null
public String getIslandLevelString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
return formatLevel(getIslandLevel(world, targetPlayer));
* Load a level data for the island from the cache or database.
* @param island - UUID of island
* @return IslandLevels object
public IslandLevels getLevelsData(@NonNull Island island) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
if (levelsCache.containsKey(id)) {
return levelsCache.get(id);
// Get from database if not in cache
if (handler.objectExists(id)) {
IslandLevels ld = handler.loadObject(id);
if (ld != null) {
levelsCache.put(id, ld);
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
// Return cached value
return levelsCache.get(id);
* Get the number of points required until the next level since the last level
* calc
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return string with the number required or blank if the player is unknown
public String getPointsToNextString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null)
return "";
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? "" : String.valueOf(getLevelsData(island).getPointsToNextLevel());
* Get the top ten for this world. Returns offline players or players with the
* intopten permission.
* @param world - world requested
* @param size - size of the top ten
* @return sorted top ten map. The key is the island unique ID
public Map<String, Long> getTopTen(@NonNull World world, int size) {
// Return the sorted map
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().entrySet().stream()
.filter(l -> l.getValue() > 0).sorted(Collections.reverseOrder(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new)));
void createAndCleanRankings(@NonNull World world) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(world, TopTenData::new);
// Remove player from top ten if they are online and do not have the perm
topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().keySet().removeIf(u -> addon.getIslands().getIslandById(u)
.filter(i -> i.getOwner() == null || !hasTopTenPerm(world, i.getOwner())).isPresent());
* @return the topTenLists
public Map<World, TopTenData> getTopTenLists() {
return topTenLists;
* Get the rank of the player in the rankings
* @param world - world
* @param uuid - player UUID
* @return rank placing - note - placing of 1 means top ranked
public int getRank(@NonNull World world, UUID uuid) {
Stream<Entry<String, Long>> stream = topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().entrySet().stream()
.filter(l -> l.getValue() > 0).sorted(Collections.reverseOrder(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()));
// Get player's current island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, uuid);
String id = island == null ? null : island.getUniqueId();
return (int) (stream.takeWhile(x -> !x.getKey().equals(id)).map(Map.Entry::getKey).count() + 1);
* Checks if player has the correct top ten perm to have their level saved
* @param world
* @param targetPlayer
* @return true if player has the perm or the player is offline
boolean hasTopTenPerm(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer) {
String permPrefix = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(world);
return Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer) == null
|| Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer).hasPermission(permPrefix + INTOPTEN);
* Loads all the top tens from the database
public void loadTopTens() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(addon.getPlugin(), () -> {
addon.log("Generating rankings");
handler.loadObjects().forEach(il -> {
if (il.getLevel() > 0) {
.ifPresent(i -> this.addToTopTen(i, il.getLevel()));
topTenLists.keySet().forEach(w -> addon.log("Generated rankings for " + w.getName()));
* Removes an island from a world's top ten
* @param world - world
* @param uuid - the island's uuid
public void removeEntry(World world, String uuid) {
if (topTenLists.containsKey(world)) {
* Set an initial island level
* @param island - the island to set. Must have a non-null world
* @param lv - initial island level
public void setInitialIslandLevel(@NonNull Island island, long lv) {
if (island.getWorld() == null)
levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new).setInitialLevel(lv);
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a
* member
* @param world - world
* @param targetPlayer - player, may be a team member
* @param lv - level
public void setIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer, long lv) {
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
if (island != null) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
IslandLevels il = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(id, IslandLevels::new);
// Remove the initial level
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
il.setLevel(lv - il.getInitialLevel());
} else {
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(world, targetPlayer, levelsCache.get(id).getLevel());
* Set an initial island level
* @param island - the island to set. Must have a non-null world
* @param lv - initial island level
public void setInitialIslandLevel(@NonNull Island island, long lv) {
if (island.getWorld() == null)
levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new).setInitialLevel(lv);
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a
* member
* @param world - world
* @param island - island
* @param lv - level
public void setIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer, long lv) {
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
if (island != null) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
IslandLevels il = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(id, IslandLevels::new);
// Remove the initial level
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
il.setLevel(lv - il.getInitialLevel());
} else {
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(island, levelsCache.get(id).getLevel());
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a
* member
* @param world - world
* @param owner - owner of the island
* @param r - results of the calculation
private void setIslandResults(World world, @NonNull UUID owner, Results r) {
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, owner);
if (island == null)
IslandLevels ld = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new);
ld.setUwCount(Maps.asMap(r.getUwCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getUwCount().count(elem)));
ld.setMdCount(Maps.asMap(r.getMdCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getMdCount().count(elem)));
levelsCache.put(island.getUniqueId(), ld);
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(world, owner, ld.getLevel());
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a
* member
* @param world - world
* @param owner - owner of the island
* @param r - results of the calculation
private void setIslandResults(Island island, Results r) {
if (island == null)
IslandLevels ld = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new);
ld.setUwCount(Maps.asMap(r.getUwCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getUwCount().count(elem)));
ld.setMdCount(Maps.asMap(r.getMdCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getMdCount().count(elem)));
levelsCache.put(island.getUniqueId(), ld);
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(island, ld.getLevel());
* Removes island from cache when it is deleted
* @param uniqueId - id of island
public void deleteIsland(String uniqueId) {
* Removes island from cache when it is deleted
* @param uniqueId - id of island
public void deleteIsland(String uniqueId) {
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ package world.bentobox.level;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon;
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
* Handles Level placeholders
* @author tastybento
@ -27,150 +31,180 @@ public class PlaceholderManager {
private final BentoBox plugin;
public PlaceholderManager(Level addon) {
this.addon = addon;
this.plugin = addon.getPlugin();
this.addon = addon;
this.plugin = addon.getPlugin();
protected void registerPlaceholders(GameModeAddon gm) {
if (plugin.getPlaceholdersManager() == null) return;
PlaceholdersManager bpm = plugin.getPlaceholdersManager();
// Island Level
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level",
user -> addon.getManager().getIslandLevelString(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId()));
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level_raw",
user -> String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getIslandLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId())));
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_total_points",
user -> {
IslandLevels data = addon.getManager().getLevelsData(addon.getIslands().getIsland(gm.getOverWorld(), user));
return data.getTotalPoints()+"";
if (plugin.getPlaceholdersManager() == null)
PlaceholdersManager bpm = plugin.getPlaceholdersManager();
// Island Level
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level",
user -> addon.getManager().getIslandLevelString(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId()));
// Unformatted island level
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level_raw",
user -> String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getIslandLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId())));
// Total number of points counted before applying level formula
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_total_points", user -> {
IslandLevels data = addon.getManager().getLevelsData(addon.getIslands().getIsland(gm.getOverWorld(), user));
return data.getTotalPoints() + "";
// Points to the next level for player
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_points_to_next_level",
user -> addon.getManager().getPointsToNextString(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId()));
// Maximum level this island has ever been. Current level maybe lower.
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level_max",
user -> String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getIslandMaxLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId())));
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_points_to_next_level",
user -> addon.getManager().getPointsToNextString(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId()));
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_level_max",
user -> String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getIslandMaxLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), user.getUniqueId())));
// Visited Island Level
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_visited_island_level",
user -> getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
// Visited Island Level
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_visited_island_level", user -> getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
// Register Top Ten Placeholders
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
final int rank = i;
// Name
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_name_" + i,
u -> getRankName(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Island Name
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_island_name_" + i,
u -> getRankIslandName(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Members
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_members_" + i,
u -> getRankMembers(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Level
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_value_" + i,
u -> getRankLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Weighted Level (Level / number of members)
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_weighted_value_" + i,
u -> getWeightedRankLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Register Top Ten Placeholders
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
final int rank = i;
// Name
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_name_" + i, u -> getRankName(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Island Name
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_island_name_" + i, u -> getRankIslandName(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Members
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_members_" + i, u -> getRankMembers(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Level
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_top_value_" + i, u -> getRankLevel(gm.getOverWorld(), rank));
// Personal rank
gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_rank_value", u -> getRankValue(gm.getOverWorld(), u));
// Personal rank
bpm.registerPlaceholder(addon, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_rank_value",
u -> getRankValue(gm.getOverWorld(), u));
* Get the name of the player who holds the rank in this world
* Get the name of the owner of the island who holds the rank in this world.
* @param world world
* @param rank rank 1 to 10
* @param rank rank 1 to 10
* @return rank name
String getRankName(World world, int rank) {
if (rank < 1) rank = 1;
if (rank > Level.TEN) rank = Level.TEN;
return addon.getPlayers().getName(addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L).findFirst().orElse(null));
// Ensure rank is within bounds
rank = Math.max(1, Math.min(rank, Level.TEN));
UUID owner = addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L)
return addon.getPlayers().getName(owner);
* Get the island name for this rank
* @param world world
* @param rank rank 1 to 10
* @param rank rank 1 to 10
* @return name of island or nothing if there isn't one
String getRankIslandName(World world, int rank) {
if (rank < 1) rank = 1;
if (rank > Level.TEN) rank = Level.TEN;
UUID owner = addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (owner != null) {
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, owner);
if (island != null) {
return island.getName() == null ? "" : island.getName();
return "";
// Ensure rank is within bounds
rank = Math.max(1, Math.min(rank, Level.TEN));
return addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L).findFirst()
* Gets a comma separated string of island member names
* @param world world
* @param rank rank to request
* @param rank rank to request
* @return comma separated string of island member names
String getRankMembers(World world, int rank) {
if (rank < 1) rank = 1;
if (rank > Level.TEN) rank = Level.TEN;
UUID owner = addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (owner != null) {
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, owner);
if (island != null) {
// Sort members by rank
return island.getMembers().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getValue() >= RanksManager.MEMBER_RANK)
return "";
// Ensure rank is within bounds
rank = Math.max(1, Math.min(rank, Level.TEN));
Optional<Island> island = addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).keySet().stream().skip(rank - 1L)
if (island.isPresent()) {
// Sort members by rank
return island.get().getMembers().entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue() >= RanksManager.MEMBER_RANK)
return "";
* Gets the weighted level, which is the level / number of players
* @param world world
* @param rank level
* @return weighted level
String getWeightedRankLevel(World world, int rank) {
// Ensure rank is within bounds
rank = Math.max(1, Math.min(rank, Level.TEN));
// Retrieve the top ten entries
Map<String, Long> topTen = addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
if (topTen.isEmpty()) {
return "";
// Find the entry corresponding to the rank
Entry<String, Long> entry = topTen.entrySet().stream().skip(rank - 1).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (entry == null) {
return "";
// Calculate the score
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIslandById(entry.getKey()).orElse(null);
if (island == null || island.getMemberSet().isEmpty()) {
return "";
double score = (double) entry.getValue() / island.getMemberSet().size();
// Format and return the level
return addon.getManager().formatLevel((long) score);
String getRankLevel(World world, int rank) {
if (rank < 1) rank = 1;
if (rank > Level.TEN) rank = Level.TEN;
return addon.getManager()
.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN)
.skip(rank - 1L)
// Ensure rank is within bounds
rank = Math.max(1, Math.min(rank, Level.TEN));
return addon.getManager().formatLevel(addon.getManager().getTopTen(world, Level.TEN).values().stream()
.skip(rank - 1L).limit(1L).findFirst().orElse(null));
* Return the rank of the player in a world
* @param world world
* @param user player
* @param user player
* @return rank where 1 is the top rank.
private String getRankValue(World world, User user) {
if (user == null) {
return "";
// Get the island level for this user
long level = addon.getManager().getIslandLevel(world, user.getUniqueId());
return String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getTopTenLists().getOrDefault(world, new TopTenData(world)).getTopTen().values().stream().filter(l -> l > level).count() + 1);
if (user == null) {
return "";
// Get the island level for this user
long level = addon.getManager().getIslandLevel(world, user.getUniqueId());
return String.valueOf(addon.getManager().getTopTenLists().getOrDefault(world, new TopTenData(world)).getTopTen()
.values().stream().filter(l -> l > level).count() + 1);
String getVisitedIslandLevel(GameModeAddon gm, User user) {
if (user == null || !gm.inWorld(user.getWorld())) return "";
return addon.getIslands().getIslandAt(user.getLocation())
.map(island -> addon.getManager().getIslandLevelString(gm.getOverWorld(), island.getOwner()))
if (user == null || !gm.inWorld(user.getWorld()))
return "";
return addon.getIslands().getIslandAt(user.getLocation())
.map(island -> addon.getManager().getIslandLevelString(gm.getOverWorld(), island.getOwner()))
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.bukkit.World;
@ -19,81 +18,81 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
public class AdminStatsCommand extends CompositeCommand {
private final Level level;
private final Level level;
public AdminStatsCommand(Level addon, CompositeCommand parent) {
super(parent, "stats");
this.level = addon;
new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, this);
public AdminStatsCommand(Level addon, CompositeCommand parent) {
super(parent, "stats");
this.level = addon;
new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, this);
public void setup() {
public boolean execute(User user, String label, List<String> args) {
Map<World, TopTenData> topTenLists = level.getManager().getTopTenLists();
if (topTenLists.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (Entry<World, TopTenData> en : topTenLists.entrySet()) {
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.world", TextVariables.NAME,
Map<String, Long> topTen = en.getValue().getTopTen();
if (topTen.isEmpty()) {
return false;
public void setup() {
// Calculating basic statistics
long sum = 0, max = Long.MIN_VALUE, min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
Map<Long, Integer> levelFrequency = new HashMap<>();
for (Long level : topTen.values()) {
sum += level;
max = Math.max(max, level);
min = Math.min(min, level);
levelFrequency.merge(level, 1, Integer::sum);
double average = sum / (double) topTen.size();
List<Long> sortedLevels = topTen.values().stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
long median = sortedLevels.get(sortedLevels.size() / 2);
Long mode = Collections.max(levelFrequency.entrySet(), Map.Entry.comparingByValue()).getKey();
// Logging basic statistics
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.average-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(average));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.median-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(median));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.mode-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(mode));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.highest-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(max));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.lowest-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(min));
// Grouping data for distribution analysis
Map<String, Integer> rangeMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (Long level : topTen.values()) {
String range = getRange(level);
rangeMap.merge(range, 1, Integer::sum);
// Logging distribution
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : rangeMap.entrySet()) {
entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue() + " " + user.getTranslation("admin.stats.islands"));
return true;
public boolean execute(User user, String label, List<String> args) {
Map<World, TopTenData> topTenLists = level.getManager().getTopTenLists();
if (topTenLists.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (Entry<World, TopTenData> en : topTenLists.entrySet()) {
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.world", TextVariables.NAME,
Map<UUID, Long> topTen = en.getValue().getTopTen();
if (topTen.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Calculating basic statistics
long sum = 0, max = Long.MIN_VALUE, min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
Map<Long, Integer> levelFrequency = new HashMap<>();
for (Long level : topTen.values()) {
sum += level;
max = Math.max(max, level);
min = Math.min(min, level);
levelFrequency.merge(level, 1, Integer::sum);
double average = sum / (double) topTen.size();
List<Long> sortedLevels = topTen.values().stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
long median = sortedLevels.get(sortedLevels.size() / 2);
Long mode = Collections.max(levelFrequency.entrySet(), Map.Entry.comparingByValue()).getKey();
// Logging basic statistics
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.average-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(average));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.median-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(median));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.mode-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(mode));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.highest-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(max));
user.sendMessage("admin.stats.lowest-level", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(min));
// Grouping data for distribution analysis
Map<String, Integer> rangeMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (Long level : topTen.values()) {
String range = getRange(level);
rangeMap.merge(range, 1, Integer::sum);
// Logging distribution
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : rangeMap.entrySet()) {
entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue() + " " + user.getTranslation("admin.stats.islands"));
return true;
private static String getRange(long level) {
long rangeStart = level / 100 * 100;
long rangeEnd = rangeStart + 99;
return rangeStart + "-" + rangeEnd;
private static String getRange(long level) {
long rangeStart = level / 100 * 100;
long rangeEnd = rangeStart + 99;
return rangeStart + "-" + rangeEnd;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package world.bentobox.level.commands;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Optional;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.CompositeCommand;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
@ -14,36 +14,32 @@ public class AdminTopCommand extends CompositeCommand {
private final Level levelPlugin;
public AdminTopCommand(Level addon, CompositeCommand parent) {
super(parent, "top", "topten");
this.levelPlugin = addon;
new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, this);
super(parent, "top", "topten");
this.levelPlugin = addon;
new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, this);
public void setup() {
public boolean execute(User user, String label, List<String> args) {
int rank = 0;
for (Map.Entry<UUID, Long> topTen : levelPlugin.getManager().getTopTen(getWorld(), Level.TEN).entrySet()) {
Island island = getPlugin().getIslands().getIsland(getWorld(), topTen.getKey());
if (island != null) {
return true;
int rank = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> topTen : levelPlugin.getManager().getTopTen(getWorld(), Level.TEN).entrySet()) {
Optional<Island> is = getPlugin().getIslands().getIslandById(topTen.getKey());
if (is.isPresent()) {
Island island = is.get();
user.sendMessage("admin.top.display", "[rank]", String.valueOf(rank), "[name]",
this.getPlugin().getPlayers().getUser(island.getOwner()).getName(), "[level]",
return true;
@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import java.util.Optional;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.CompositeCommand;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.localization.TextVariables;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.level.Level;
* Removes a player from the top ten
* @author tastybento
@ -19,46 +21,53 @@ public class AdminTopRemoveCommand extends CompositeCommand {
private User target;
public AdminTopRemoveCommand(Level addon, CompositeCommand parent) {
super(parent, "remove", "delete");
this.addon = addon;
super(parent, "remove", "delete");
this.addon = addon;
public void setup() {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.BentoBoxCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.BentoBoxCommand#canExecute(world.
* bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)
public boolean canExecute(User user, String label, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() != 1) {
this.showHelp(this, user);
return false;
target = getPlayers().getUser(args.get(0));
if (target == null) {
user.sendMessage("general.errors.unknown-player", TextVariables.NAME, args.get(0));
return false;
if (args.size() != 1) {
this.showHelp(this, user);
return false;
target = getPlayers().getUser(args.get(0));
if (target == null) {
user.sendMessage("general.errors.unknown-player", TextVariables.NAME, args.get(0));
return false;
return true;
return true;
public boolean execute(User user, String label, List<String> args) {
addon.getManager().removeEntry(getWorld(), target.getUniqueId());
return true;
// Removes islands that this target is an owner of
getIslands().getIslands(getWorld(), target.getUniqueId()).stream()
.filter(is -> target.getUniqueId().equals(is.getOwner()))
.forEach(island -> addon.getManager().removeEntry(getWorld(), island.getUniqueId()));
return true;
public Optional<List<String>> tabComplete(User user, String alias, List<String> args) {
return Optional.of(addon.getManager().getTopTen(getWorld(), Level.TEN).keySet().stream().map(addon.getPlayers()::getName)
.filter(n -> !n.isEmpty()).toList());
return Optional.of(addon.getManager().getTopTen(getWorld(), Level.TEN).keySet().stream()
.map(addon.getPlayers()::getName).filter(n -> !n.isEmpty()).toList());
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package world.bentobox.level.listeners;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
@ -21,7 +19,9 @@ import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.level.Level;
* Listens for new islands or ownership changes and sets the level to zero automatically
* Listens for new islands or ownership changes and sets the level to zero
* automatically
* @author tastybento
@ -33,93 +33,89 @@ public class IslandActivitiesListeners implements Listener {
* @param addon - addon
public IslandActivitiesListeners(Level addon) {
this.addon = addon;
this.addon = addon;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onNewIsland(IslandCreatedEvent e) {
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onNewIsland(IslandResettedEvent e) {
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
private void zeroIsland(final Island island) {
// Clear the island setting
if (island.getOwner() != null && island.getWorld() != null) {
addon.getPipeliner().zeroIsland(island).thenAccept(results ->
addon.getManager().setInitialIslandLevel(island, results.getLevel()));
// Clear the island setting
if (island.getOwner() != null && island.getWorld() != null) {
.thenAccept(results -> addon.getManager().setInitialIslandLevel(island, results.getLevel()));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIslandDelete(IslandPreclearEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten and level
UUID uuid = e.getIsland().getOwner();
World world = e.getIsland().getWorld();
remove(world, uuid);
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getIsland().getUniqueId());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIslandDeleted(IslandDeleteEvent e) {
// Remove island
// Remove island
private void remove(World world, UUID uuid) {
if (uuid != null && world != null) {
addon.getManager().removeEntry(world, uuid);
private void remove(World world, String uuid) {
if (uuid != null && world != null) {
addon.getManager().removeEntry(world, uuid);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onNewIslandOwner(TeamSetownerEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten and level
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getIsland().getOwner());
// Remove island from the top ten and level
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getIsland().getUniqueId());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIsland(TeamJoinedEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten and level
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
// TODO: anything to do here?
// Remove player from the top ten and level
// remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIsland(IslandUnregisteredEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
// Remove island from the top ten
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getIsland().getUniqueId());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIsland(IslandRegisteredEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
// TODO: anything to do here?
// Remove player from the top ten
// remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIsland(TeamLeaveEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten and level
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
// TODO: anything to do here?
// Remove player from the top ten and level
// remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onIsland(TeamKickEvent e) {
// Remove player from the top ten and level
remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
//// TODO: anything to do here?
// Remove player from the top ten and level
// remove(e.getIsland().getWorld(), e.getPlayerUUID());
@ -3,56 +3,41 @@ package world.bentobox.level.objects;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.World;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.DataObject;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Table;
* This class stores the top ten.
* @author tastybento
@Table(name = "TopTenData")
public class TopTenData implements DataObject {
public class TopTenData {
// UniqueId is the world name
private String uniqueId = "";
private Map<UUID, Long> topTen = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map<String, Long> topTen = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public TopTenData(World k) {
uniqueId = k.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
uniqueId = k.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
public String getUniqueId() {
// This is the world name
return uniqueId;
public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId) {
// This is the world name - make it always lowercase
this.uniqueId = uniqueId.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* @return the topTen
public Map<UUID, Long> getTopTen() {
return topTen;
public Map<String, Long> getTopTen() {
return topTen;
* @param topTen the topTen to set
public void setTopTen(Map<UUID, Long> topTen) {
this.topTen = topTen;
public void setTopTen(Map<String, Long> topTen) {
this.topTen = topTen;
@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
package world.bentobox.level.panels;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@ -29,474 +30,390 @@ import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.RanksManager;
import world.bentobox.level.Level;
import world.bentobox.level.util.Utils;
* This panel opens top likes panel
public class TopLevelPanel
public class TopLevelPanel {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Internal Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is internal constructor. It is used internally in current class to avoid creating objects everywhere.
* This is internal constructor. It is used internally in current class to avoid
* creating objects everywhere.
* @param addon Level object.
* @param user User who opens Panel.
* @param world World where gui is opened
* @param addon Level object.
* @param user User who opens Panel.
* @param world World where gui is opened
* @param permissionPrefix Permission Prefix
private TopLevelPanel(Level addon, User user, World world, String permissionPrefix)
this.addon = addon;
this.user = user;
this.world = world;
private TopLevelPanel(Level addon, User user, World world, String permissionPrefix) {
this.addon = addon;
this.user = user;
this.world = world;
this.iconPermission = permissionPrefix + "level.icon";
this.topIslands = this.addon.getManager().getTopTen(this.world, 10).entrySet().stream().
map(entry -> {
Island island = this.addon.getIslandsManager().getIsland(this.world, entry.getKey());
return new IslandTopRecord(island, entry.getValue());
this.iconPermission = permissionPrefix + "level.icon";
topIslands = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> en : addon.getManager().getTopTen(this.world, Level.TEN).entrySet()) {
Optional<Island> is = addon.getIslands().getIslandById(en.getKey());
if (is.isPresent()) {
topIslands.add(new IslandTopRecord(is.get(), en.getValue()));
* Build method manages current panel opening. It uses BentoBox PanelAPI that is easy to use and users can get nice
* panels.
* Build method manages current panel opening. It uses BentoBox PanelAPI that is
* easy to use and users can get nice panels.
public void build()
TemplatedPanelBuilder panelBuilder = new TemplatedPanelBuilder();
public void build() {
TemplatedPanelBuilder panelBuilder = new TemplatedPanelBuilder();
panelBuilder.template("top_panel", new File(this.addon.getDataFolder(), "panels"));
panelBuilder.template("top_panel", new File(this.addon.getDataFolder(), "panels"));
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("VIEW", this::createViewerButton);
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("TOP", this::createPlayerButton);
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("VIEW", this::createViewerButton);
panelBuilder.registerTypeBuilder("TOP", this::createPlayerButton);
// Register unknown type builder.
// Register unknown type builder.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates fallback based on template.
* @param template Template record for fallback button.
* @param index Place of the fallback.
* @param index Place of the fallback.
* @return Fallback panel item.
private PanelItem createFallback(ItemTemplateRecord template, long index)
if (template == null)
return null;
private PanelItem createFallback(ItemTemplateRecord template, long index) {
if (template == null) {
return null;
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
if (template.icon() != null)
if (template.icon() != null) {
if (template.title() != null)
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(),
TextVariables.NAME, String.valueOf(index)));
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, REFERENCE,
TextVariables.NAME, String.valueOf(index)));
if (template.title() != null) {
this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(), TextVariables.NAME, String.valueOf(index)));
} else {
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, REFERENCE, TextVariables.NAME, String.valueOf(index)));
if (template.description() != null)
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(),
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(index)));
if (template.description() != null) {
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(), TextVariables.NUMBER,
builder.amount(index != 0 ? (int) index : 1);
builder.amount(index != 0 ? (int) index : 1);
return builder.build();
return builder.build();
* This method creates player icon with warp functionality.
* @return PanelItem for PanelBuilder.
private PanelItem createPlayerButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot itemSlot)
int index = (int) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("index", 0);
private PanelItem createPlayerButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot itemSlot) {
int index = (int) template.dataMap().getOrDefault("index", 0);
if (index < 1)
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
if (index < 1) {
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord = this.topIslands.size() < index ? null : this.topIslands.get(index - 1);
IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord = this.topIslands.size() < index ? null : this.topIslands.get(index - 1);
if (islandTopRecord == null)
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
if (islandTopRecord == null) {
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
return this.createIslandIcon(template, islandTopRecord, index);
return this.createIslandIcon(template, islandTopRecord, index);
* This method creates button from template for given island top record.
* @param template Icon Template.
* @param template Icon Template.
* @param islandTopRecord Island Top Record.
* @param index Place Index.
* @param index Place Index.
* @return PanelItem for PanelBuilder.
private PanelItem createIslandIcon(ItemTemplateRecord template, IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord, int index)
// Get player island.
Island island = islandTopRecord.island();
private PanelItem createIslandIcon(ItemTemplateRecord template, IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord, int index) {
// Get player island.
Island island = islandTopRecord.island();
if (island == null)
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
if (island == null) {
return this.createFallback(template.fallback(), index);
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder();
this.populateIslandIcon(builder, template, island);
this.populateIslandTitle(builder, template, island);
this.populateIslandDescription(builder, template, island, islandTopRecord, index);
this.populateIslandIcon(builder, template, island);
this.populateIslandTitle(builder, template, island);
this.populateIslandDescription(builder, template, island, islandTopRecord, index);
// Get only possible actions, by removing all inactive ones.
List<ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords> activeActions = new ArrayList<>(template.actions());
// Get only possible actions, by removing all inactive ones.
List<ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords> activeActions = new ArrayList<>(template.actions());
activeActions.removeIf(action ->
switch (action.actionType().toUpperCase())
case "WARP" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null ||
this.addon.getWarpHook() == null ||
!this.addon.getWarpHook().getWarpSignsManager().hasWarp(this.world, island.getOwner());
case "VISIT" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null ||
this.addon.getVisitHook() == null ||
!this.addon.getVisitHook().getAddonManager().preprocessTeleportation(this.user, island);
case "VIEW" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null ||
default -> {
return false;
activeActions.removeIf(action -> {
switch (action.actionType().toUpperCase()) {
case "WARP" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null || this.addon.getWarpHook() == null
|| !this.addon.getWarpHook().getWarpSignsManager().hasWarp(this.world, island.getOwner());
case "VISIT" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null || this.addon.getVisitHook() == null
|| !this.addon.getVisitHook().getAddonManager().preprocessTeleportation(this.user, island);
case "VIEW" -> {
return island.getOwner() == null
|| !island.getMemberSet(RanksManager.MEMBER_RANK).contains(this.user.getUniqueId());
default -> {
return false;
// Add Click handler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) ->
for (ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords action : activeActions)
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN)
switch (action.actionType().toUpperCase())
case "WARP" -> {
this.addon.getWarpHook().getWarpSignsManager().warpPlayer(this.world, this.user, island.getOwner());
case "VISIT" ->
// The command call implementation solves necessity to check for all visits options,
// like cool down, confirmation and preprocess in single go. Would it be better to write
// all logic here?
// Add Click handler
builder.clickHandler((panel, user, clickType, i) -> {
for (ItemTemplateRecord.ActionRecords action : activeActions) {
if (clickType == action.clickType() || action.clickType() == ClickType.UNKNOWN) {
switch (action.actionType().toUpperCase()) {
case "WARP" -> {
this.addon.getWarpHook().getWarpSignsManager().warpPlayer(this.world, this.user,
case "VISIT" ->
// The command call implementation solves necessity to check for all visits
// options,
// like cool down, confirmation and preprocess in single go. Would it be better
// to write
// all logic here?
flatMap(GameModeAddon::getPlayerCommand).ifPresent(command ->
String mainCommand =
.ifPresent(command -> {
String mainCommand = this.addon.getVisitHook().getSettings().getPlayerMainCommand();
if (!mainCommand.isBlank())
this.user.performCommand(command.getTopLabel() + " " + mainCommand + " " + island.getOwner());
if (!mainCommand.isBlank()) {
command.getTopLabel() + " " + mainCommand + " " + island.getOwner());
case "VIEW" -> {
// Open Detailed GUI.
DetailsPanel.openPanel(this.addon, this.world, this.user);
// Catch default
default -> {
addon.logError("Unknown action type " + action.actionType().toUpperCase());
case "VIEW" -> {
// Open Detailed GUI.
DetailsPanel.openPanel(this.addon, this.world, this.user);
// Catch default
default -> {
addon.logError("Unknown action type " + action.actionType().toUpperCase());
return true;
return true;
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = activeActions.stream().
filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null).
map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())).
filter(text -> !text.isBlank()).
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Collect tooltips.
List<String> tooltips = activeActions.stream().filter(action -> action.tooltip() != null)
.map(action -> this.user.getTranslation(this.world, action.tooltip())).filter(text -> !text.isBlank())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(template.actions().size())));
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty())
// Empty line and tooltips.
// Add tooltips.
if (!tooltips.isEmpty()) {
// Empty line and tooltips.
return builder.build();
return builder.build();
* Populate given panel item builder name with values from template and island objects.
* Populate given panel item builder name with values from template and island
* objects.
* @param builder the builder
* @param builder the builder
* @param template the template
* @param island the island
* @param island the island
private void populateIslandTitle(PanelItemBuilder builder,
ItemTemplateRecord template,
Island island)
private void populateIslandTitle(PanelItemBuilder builder, ItemTemplateRecord template, Island island) {
// Get Island Name
String nameText;
// Get Island Name
String nameText;
if (island.getName() == null || island.getName().isEmpty())
nameText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "owners-island",
island.getOwner() == null ?
this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "unknown") :
nameText = island.getName();
if (island.getName() == null || island.getName().isEmpty()) {
nameText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "owners-island", PLAYER,
island.getOwner() == null ? this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "unknown")
: this.addon.getPlayers().getName(island.getOwner()));
} else {
nameText = island.getName();
// Template specific title is always more important than custom one.
if (template.title() != null && !template.title().isBlank())
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(),
TextVariables.NAME, nameText));
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "name", TextVariables.NAME, nameText));
// Template specific title is always more important than custom one.
if (template.title() != null && !template.title().isBlank()) {
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.title(), TextVariables.NAME, nameText));
} else {
builder.name(this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "name", TextVariables.NAME, nameText));
* Populate given panel item builder icon with values from template and island objects.
* Populate given panel item builder icon with values from template and island
* objects.
* @param builder the builder
* @param builder the builder
* @param template the template
* @param island the island
* @param island the island
private void populateIslandIcon(PanelItemBuilder builder,
ItemTemplateRecord template,
Island island)
User owner = island.getOwner() == null ? null : User.getInstance(island.getOwner());
private void populateIslandIcon(PanelItemBuilder builder, ItemTemplateRecord template, Island island) {
User owner = island.getOwner() == null ? null : User.getInstance(island.getOwner());
// Get permission or island icon
String permissionIcon = owner == null ? null :
Utils.getPermissionValue(owner, this.iconPermission, null);
// Get permission or island icon
String permissionIcon = owner == null ? null : Utils.getPermissionValue(owner, this.iconPermission, null);
Material material;
Material material;
if (permissionIcon != null && !permissionIcon.equals("*"))
material = Material.matchMaterial(permissionIcon);
material = null;
if (permissionIcon != null && !permissionIcon.equals("*")) {
material = Material.matchMaterial(permissionIcon);
} else {
material = null;
if (material != null)
if (!material.equals(Material.PLAYER_HEAD))
else if (template.icon() != null)
else if (owner != null)
if (material != null) {
if (!material.equals(Material.PLAYER_HEAD)) {
} else {
} else if (template.icon() != null) {
} else if (owner != null) {
} else {
* Populate given panel item builder description with values from template and island objects.
* Populate given panel item builder description with values from template and
* island objects.
* @param builder the builder
* @param template the template
* @param island the island
* @param builder the builder
* @param template the template
* @param island the island
* @param islandTopRecord the top record object
* @param index place index.
* @param index place index.
private void populateIslandDescription(PanelItemBuilder builder,
ItemTemplateRecord template,
Island island,
IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord,
int index)
// Get Owner Name
String ownerText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "owner",
island.getOwner() == null ?
this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "unknown") :
private void populateIslandDescription(PanelItemBuilder builder, ItemTemplateRecord template, Island island,
IslandTopRecord islandTopRecord, int index) {
// Get Owner Name
String ownerText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "owner", PLAYER,
island.getOwner() == null ? this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "unknown")
: this.addon.getPlayers().getName(island.getOwner()));
// Get Members Text
String memberText;
// Get Members Text
String memberText;
if (island.getMemberSet().size() > 1)
StringBuilder memberBuilder = new StringBuilder(
this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(REFERENCE + "members-title"));
if (island.getMemberSet().size() > 1) {
StringBuilder memberBuilder = new StringBuilder(
this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(REFERENCE + "members-title"));
for (UUID uuid : island.getMemberSet())
User member = User.getInstance(uuid);
for (UUID uuid : island.getMemberSet()) {
User member = User.getInstance(uuid);
if (memberBuilder.length() > 0)
if (memberBuilder.length() > 0) {
this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(REFERENCE + "member",
PLAYER, member.getName()));
memberBuilder.append(this.user.getTranslationOrNothing(REFERENCE + "member", PLAYER, member.getName()));
memberText = memberBuilder.toString();
memberText = "";
memberText = memberBuilder.toString();
} else {
memberText = "";
String placeText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "place",
TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(index));
String placeText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "place", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(index));
String levelText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "level",
TextVariables.NUMBER, this.addon.getManager().formatLevel(islandTopRecord.level()));
String levelText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "level", TextVariables.NUMBER,
// Template specific description is always more important than custom one.
if (template.description() != null && !template.description().isBlank())
builder.description(this.user.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(),
"[owner]", ownerText,
"[members]", memberText,
"[level]", levelText,
"[place]", placeText).
replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").
replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n").
replace("\\\\\\|", "|")); // Not a regex - replace is more efficient
// Now combine everything.
String descriptionText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "description",
"[owner]", ownerText,
"[members]", memberText,
"[level]", levelText,
"[place]", placeText);
// Template specific description is always more important than custom one.
if (template.description() != null && !template.description().isBlank()) {
.getTranslation(this.world, template.description(), "[owner]", ownerText, "[members]", memberText,
"[level]", levelText, "[place]", placeText)
.replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n").replace("\\\\\\|", "|")); // Not
// a
// regex
// -
// replace
// is
// more
// efficient
} else {
// Now combine everything.
String descriptionText = this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE + "description", "[owner]", ownerText,
"[members]", memberText, "[level]", levelText, "[place]", placeText);
replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").
replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n").
replace("\\\\\\|", "|")); // Not a regex - replace is more efficient
builder.description(descriptionText.replaceAll("(?m)^[ \\t]*\\r?\\n", "").replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)\\|", "\n")
.replace("\\\\\\|", "|")); // Not a regex - replace is more efficient
* Create viewer button panel item.
* @return PanelItem for PanelBuilder.
private PanelItem createViewerButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot itemSlot)
Island island = this.addon.getIslands().getIsland(this.world, this.user);
private PanelItem createViewerButton(ItemTemplateRecord template, TemplatedPanel.ItemSlot itemSlot) {
Island island = this.addon.getIslands().getIsland(this.world, this.user);
if (island == null || island.getOwner() == null)
// Player do not have an island.
return null;
if (island == null || island.getOwner() == null) {
// Player do not have an island.
return null;
int place = this.addon.getManager().getRank(this.world, this.user.getUniqueId());
long level = this.addon.getIslandLevel(this.world, island.getOwner());
int place = this.addon.getManager().getRank(this.world, this.user.getUniqueId());
long level = this.addon.getIslandLevel(this.world, island.getOwner());
IslandTopRecord topRecord = new IslandTopRecord(island, level);
IslandTopRecord topRecord = new IslandTopRecord(island, level);
return this.createIslandIcon(template, topRecord, place);
return this.createIslandIcon(template, topRecord, place);
* This method is used to open UserPanel outside this class. It will be much easier to open panel with single method
* call then initializing new object.
* This method is used to open UserPanel outside this class. It will be much
* easier to open panel with single method call then initializing new object.
* @param addon Level Addon object
* @param user User who opens panel
* @param world World where gui is opened
* @param addon Level Addon object
* @param user User who opens panel
* @param world World where gui is opened
* @param permissionPrefix Permission Prefix
public static void openPanel(Level addon, User user, World world, String permissionPrefix)
new TopLevelPanel(addon, user, world, permissionPrefix).build();
public static void openPanel(Level addon, User user, World world, String permissionPrefix) {
new TopLevelPanel(addon, user, world, permissionPrefix).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -512,9 +429,12 @@ public class TopLevelPanel
* This record is used internally. It converts user -> level to island -> level.
* @param island island
* @param level level
private record IslandTopRecord(Island island, Long level) {}
private record IslandTopRecord(Island island, Long level) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
@ -73,60 +73,60 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
@PrepareForTest({ Bukkit.class, BentoBox.class, DatabaseSetup.class, PanelBuilder.class })
public class LevelsManagerTest {
private static AbstractDatabaseHandler<Object> handler;
Level addon;
private BentoBox plugin;
private Settings pluginSettings;
private static AbstractDatabaseHandler<Object> handler;
Level addon;
private BentoBox plugin;
private Settings pluginSettings;
// Class under test
private LevelsManager lm;
private Island island;
private Pipeliner pipeliner;
private CompletableFuture<Results> cf;
private UUID uuid;
private World world;
private Player player;
private ConfigSettings settings;
private User user;
private PlayersManager pm;
private Inventory inv;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private PluginManager pim;
private IslandLevels levelsData;
private IslandsManager im;
private BukkitScheduler scheduler;
// Class under test
private LevelsManager lm;
private Island island;
private Pipeliner pipeliner;
private CompletableFuture<Results> cf;
private UUID uuid;
private World world;
private Player player;
private ConfigSettings settings;
private User user;
private PlayersManager pm;
private Inventory inv;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private PluginManager pim;
private IslandLevels levelsData;
private IslandsManager im;
private BukkitScheduler scheduler;
public static void beforeClass() {
// This has to be done beforeClass otherwise the tests will interfere with each
// other
handler = mock(AbstractDatabaseHandler.class);
// Database
DatabaseSetup dbSetup = mock(DatabaseSetup.class);
public static void beforeClass() {
// This has to be done beforeClass otherwise the tests will interfere with each
// other
handler = mock(AbstractDatabaseHandler.class);
// Database
DatabaseSetup dbSetup = mock(DatabaseSetup.class);
* @throws java.lang.Exception
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class LevelsManagerTest {
// Default to uuid's being island owners
when(im.hasIsland(eq(world), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(true);
when(im.getIsland(world, uuid)).thenReturn(island);
@ -232,229 +232,218 @@ public class LevelsManagerTest {
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
deleteAll(new File("database"));
private static void deleteAll(File file) throws IOException {
if (file.exists()) {
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#calculateLevel(UUID, world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island)}.
public void testCalculateLevel() {
Results results = new Results();
lm.calculateLevel(uuid, island);
// Complete the pipelined completable future
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getLevelsData(island).getLevel());
// Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, 10);
// assertEquals(1, tt.size());
// assertTrue(tt.get(uuid) == 10000);
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getIslandMaxLevel(world, uuid));
lm.calculateLevel(uuid, island);
// Complete the pipelined completable future
assertEquals(5000L, lm.getLevelsData(island).getLevel());
// Still should be 10000
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getIslandMaxLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getInitialLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island)}.
public void testGetInitialLevel() {
assertEquals(0, lm.getInitialLevel(island));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getIslandLevel(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetIslandLevel() {
assertEquals(-5, lm.getIslandLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getPointsToNextString(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetPointsToNextString() {
// No island player
assertEquals("", lm.getPointsToNextString(world, UUID.randomUUID()));
// Player has island
assertEquals("0", lm.getPointsToNextString(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getIslandLevelString(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetIslandLevelString() {
assertEquals("-5", lm.getIslandLevelString(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getLevelsData(java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetLevelsData() {
assertEquals(levelsData, lm.getLevelsData(island));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#formatLevel(long)}.
public void testFormatLevel() {
assertEquals("123456789", lm.formatLevel(123456789L));
assertEquals("123.5M", lm.formatLevel(123456789L));
assertEquals("1.2k", lm.formatLevel(1234L));
assertEquals("123.5G", lm.formatLevel(123456789352L));
assertEquals("1.2T", lm.formatLevel(1234567893524L));
assertEquals("12345.7T", lm.formatLevel(12345678345345349L));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getTopTen(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetTopTenEmpty() {
Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getTopTen(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetTopTen() {
Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
assertEquals(1, tt.size());
assertEquals(1, lm.getTopTen(world, 1).size());
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getTopTen(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void testGetTopTenNoOwners() {
when(im.hasIsland(eq(world), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(false);
Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
deleteAll(new File("database"));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#hasTopTenPerm(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testHasTopTenPerm() {
assertTrue(lm.hasTopTenPerm(world, uuid));
private static void deleteAll(File file) throws IOException {
if (file.exists()) {
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#loadTopTens()}.
public void testLoadTopTens() {
ArgumentCaptor<Runnable> task = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Runnable.class);
PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Bukkit.class); // 1
verify(scheduler).runTaskAsynchronously(eq(plugin), task.capture());
verify(addon).log("Generating rankings");
verify(addon).log("Generated rankings for bskyblock-world");
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#calculateLevel(UUID, world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island)}.
public void testCalculateLevel() {
Results results = new Results();
lm.calculateLevel(uuid, island);
// Complete the pipelined completable future
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getLevelsData(island).getLevel());
// Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, 10);
// assertEquals(1, tt.size());
// assertTrue(tt.get(uuid) == 10000);
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getIslandMaxLevel(world, uuid));
lm.calculateLevel(uuid, island);
// Complete the pipelined completable future
assertEquals(5000L, lm.getLevelsData(island).getLevel());
// Still should be 10000
assertEquals(10000L, lm.getIslandMaxLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getInitialLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island)}.
public void testGetInitialLevel() {
assertEquals(0, lm.getInitialLevel(island));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getIslandLevel(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetIslandLevel() {
assertEquals(-5, lm.getIslandLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getPointsToNextString(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetPointsToNextString() {
// No island player
assertEquals("", lm.getPointsToNextString(world, UUID.randomUUID()));
// Player has island
assertEquals("0", lm.getPointsToNextString(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getIslandLevelString(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetIslandLevelString() {
assertEquals("-5", lm.getIslandLevelString(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getLevelsData(java.util.UUID)}.
public void testGetLevelsData() {
assertEquals(levelsData, lm.getLevelsData(island));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#formatLevel(long)}.
public void testFormatLevel() {
assertEquals("123456789", lm.formatLevel(123456789L));
assertEquals("123.5M", lm.formatLevel(123456789L));
assertEquals("1.2k", lm.formatLevel(1234L));
assertEquals("123.5G", lm.formatLevel(123456789352L));
assertEquals("1.2T", lm.formatLevel(1234567893524L));
assertEquals("12345.7T", lm.formatLevel(12345678345345349L));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getTopTen(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetTopTenEmpty() {
Map<String, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getTopTen(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetTopTen() {
Map<String, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
assertEquals(1, tt.size());
assertEquals(1, lm.getTopTen(world, 1).size());
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#hasTopTenPerm(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testHasTopTenPerm() {
assertTrue(lm.hasTopTenPerm(world, uuid));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#loadTopTens()}.
public void testLoadTopTens() {
ArgumentCaptor<Runnable> task = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Runnable.class);
PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Bukkit.class); // 1
verify(scheduler).runTaskAsynchronously(eq(plugin), task.capture());
verify(addon).log("Generating rankings");
verify(addon).log("Generated rankings for bskyblock-world");
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#removeEntry(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testRemoveEntry() {
Map<String, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
lm.removeEntry(world, uuid.toString());
tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#setInitialIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island, long)}.
public void testSetInitialIslandLevel() {
lm.setInitialIslandLevel(island, Level.TEN);
assertEquals(Level.TEN, lm.getInitialLevel(island));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#setIslandLevel(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID, long)}.
public void testSetIslandLevel() {
lm.setIslandLevel(world, uuid, 1234);
assertEquals(1234, lm.getIslandLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getRank(World, UUID)}
public void testGetRank() {
Map<World, TopTenData> ttl = lm.getTopTenLists();
Map<String, Long> tt = ttl.get(world).getTopTen();
for (long i = 100; i < 150; i++) {
tt.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), i);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#removeEntry(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID)}.
public void testRemoveEntry() {
Map<UUID, Long> tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
lm.removeEntry(world, uuid);
tt = lm.getTopTen(world, Level.TEN);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#setInitialIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island, long)}.
public void testSetInitialIslandLevel() {
lm.setInitialIslandLevel(island, Level.TEN);
assertEquals(Level.TEN, lm.getInitialLevel(island));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#setIslandLevel(org.bukkit.World, java.util.UUID, long)}.
public void testSetIslandLevel() {
lm.setIslandLevel(world, uuid, 1234);
assertEquals(1234, lm.getIslandLevel(world, uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.LevelsManager#getRank(World, UUID)}
public void testGetRank() {
Map<World, TopTenData> ttl = lm.getTopTenLists();
Map<UUID, Long> tt = ttl.get(world).getTopTen();
for (long i = 100; i < 150; i++) {
tt.put(UUID.randomUUID(), i);
// Put player as lowest rank
tt.put(uuid, 10L);
assertEquals(51, lm.getRank(world, uuid));
// Put player as highest rank
tt.put(uuid, 1000L);
assertEquals(1, lm.getRank(world, uuid));
// Unknown UUID - lowest rank + 1
assertEquals(52, lm.getRank(world, UUID.randomUUID()));
// Put island as lowest rank
tt.put(uuid.toString(), 10L);
assertEquals(51, lm.getRank(world, uuid));
// Put island as highest rank
tt.put(uuid.toString(), 1000L);
assertEquals(1, lm.getRank(world, uuid));
// Unknown UUID - lowest rank + 1
assertEquals(52, lm.getRank(world, UUID.randomUUID()));
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package world.bentobox.level;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
@ -10,9 +11,10 @@ import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.IslandLevels;
@PrepareForTest({ BentoBox.class })
public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
private BentoBox plugin;
private PlaceholderManager pm;
private PlaceholderManager phm;
private PlaceholdersManager bpm;
@ -67,13 +69,24 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
private Island island;
private User user;
private Map<UUID, String> names = new HashMap<>();
private static final List<String> NAMES = List.of("tasty", "bento", "fred", "bonne", "cyprien", "mael", "joe", "horacio", "steph", "vicky");
private Map<UUID, Island> islands = new HashMap<>();
private Map<UUID, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<UUID, String> names = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static {
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "tasty");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "bento");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "fred");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "bonne");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "cyprien");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "mael");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "joe");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "horacio");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "steph");
names.put(UUID.randomUUID(), "vicky");
private Map<String, Island> islands = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
private @NonNull IslandLevels data;
private PlayersManager players;
private PlayersManager pm;
* @throws java.lang.Exception
@ -83,29 +96,31 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
// Users
// Users
for (int i = 0; i < Level.TEN; i++) {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
names.put(uuid, NAMES.get(i));
map.put(uuid, (long)(100 - i));
int i = 0;
for (Entry<UUID, String> n : names.entrySet()) {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); // Random island ID
map.put(uuid.toString(), (long)(100 - i++)); // level
Island is = new Island();
is.setName(NAMES.get(i) + "'s island");
islands.put(uuid, is);
is.setName(n.getValue() + "'s island");
islands.put(uuid.toString(), is);
// Sort
map = map.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new));
when(players.getName(any())).thenAnswer((Answer<String>) invocation -> names.getOrDefault(invocation.getArgument(0, UUID.class), "unknown"));
when(pm.getName(any())).thenAnswer((Answer<String>) invocation -> names.getOrDefault(invocation.getArgument(0, UUID.class), "unknown"));
Map<UUID, Integer> members = new HashMap<>();
map.forEach((uuid, l) -> members.put(uuid, RanksManager.MEMBER_RANK));
islands.values().forEach(i -> i.setMembers(members));
names.forEach((uuid, l) -> members.put(uuid, RanksManager.MEMBER_RANK));
islands.values().forEach(is -> is.setMembers(members));
// Placeholders manager for plugin
@ -120,7 +135,8 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
// Islands
when(im.getIsland(any(World.class), any(User.class))).thenReturn(island);
when(im.getIsland(any(World.class), any(UUID.class))).thenAnswer((Answer<Island>) invocation -> islands.get(invocation.getArgument(1, UUID.class)));
when(im.getIslandById(anyString())).thenAnswer((Answer<Optional<Island>>) invocation -> Optional.of(islands.get(invocation.getArgument(0, String.class))));
when(im.getIslands(any(), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(new HashSet<>(islands.values()));
// Levels Manager
@ -136,127 +152,134 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
pm = new PlaceholderManager(addon);
phm = new PlaceholderManager(addon);
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#PlaceholderManager(world.bentobox.level.Level)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#PlaceholderManager(world.bentobox.level.Level)}.
public void testPlaceholderManager() {
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#registerPlaceholders(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#registerPlaceholders(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon)}.
public void testRegisterPlaceholders() {
// Island Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level_raw"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_total_points"), any());
// Island Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level_raw"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_total_points"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_points_to_next_level"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level_max"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_points_to_next_level"), any());
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_island_level_max"), any());
// Visited Island Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_visited_island_level"), any());
// Visited Island Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_visited_island_level"), any());
// Register Top Ten Placeholders
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
// Name
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_name_" + i), any());
// Island Name
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_island_name_" + i), any());
// Members
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_members_" + i), any());
// Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_value_" + i), any());
// Register Top Ten Placeholders
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
// Name
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_name_" + i), any());
// Island Name
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_island_name_" + i), any());
// Members
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_members_" + i), any());
// Level
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_top_value_" + i), any());
// Personal rank
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_rank_value"), any());
// Personal rank
verify(bpm).registerPlaceholder(eq(addon), eq("aoneblock_rank_value"), any());
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankName(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankName(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetRankName() {
// Test extremes
assertEquals("tasty", pm.getRankName(world, 0));
assertEquals("vicky", pm.getRankName(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
int rank = 1;
for (String name : NAMES) {
assertEquals(name, pm.getRankName(world, rank++));
// Test extremes
assertEquals("tasty", phm.getRankName(world, 0));
assertEquals("vicky", phm.getRankName(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
int rank = 1;
for (String name : names.values()) {
assertEquals(name, phm.getRankName(world, rank++));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankIslandName(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankIslandName(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetRankIslandName() {
// Test extremes
assertEquals("tasty's island", pm.getRankIslandName(world, 0));
assertEquals("vicky's island", pm.getRankIslandName(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
int rank = 1;
for (String name : NAMES) {
assertEquals(name + "'s island", pm.getRankIslandName(world, rank++));
// Test extremes
assertEquals("tasty's island", phm.getRankIslandName(world, 0));
assertEquals("vicky's island", phm.getRankIslandName(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
int rank = 1;
for (String name : names.values()) {
assertEquals(name + "'s island", phm.getRankIslandName(world, rank++));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankMembers(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankMembers(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetRankMembers() {
// Test extremes
check(1, pm.getRankMembers(world, 0));
check(2, pm.getRankMembers(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
for (int rank = 1; rank < 11; rank++) {
check(3, pm.getRankMembers(world, rank));
// Test extremes
check(1, phm.getRankMembers(world, 0));
check(2, phm.getRankMembers(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
for (int rank = 1; rank < 11; rank++) {
check(3, phm.getRankMembers(world, rank));
void check(int indicator, String list) {
for (String n : NAMES) {
assertTrue(n + " is missing for twst " + indicator, list.contains(n));
for (String n : names.values()) {
assertTrue(n + " is missing for test " + indicator, list.contains(n));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankLevel(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getRankLevel(org.bukkit.World, int)}.
public void testGetRankLevel() {
// Test extremes
assertEquals("100", pm.getRankLevel(world, 0));
assertEquals("91", pm.getRankLevel(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
for (int rank = 1; rank < 11; rank++) {
assertEquals(String.valueOf(101 - rank), pm.getRankLevel(world, rank));
// Test extremes
assertEquals("100", phm.getRankLevel(world, 0));
assertEquals("91", phm.getRankLevel(world, 100));
// Test the ranks
for (int rank = 1; rank < 11; rank++) {
assertEquals(String.valueOf(101 - rank), phm.getRankLevel(world, rank));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
public void testGetVisitedIslandLevelNullUser() {
assertEquals("", pm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, null));
assertEquals("", phm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, null));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
@ -264,26 +287,27 @@ public class PlaceholderManagerTest {
public void testGetVisitedIslandLevelUserNotInWorld() {
// Another world
assertEquals("", pm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
assertEquals("", phm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
public void testGetVisitedIslandLevel() {
assertEquals("1234567", pm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
assertEquals("1234567", phm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.PlaceholderManager#getVisitedIslandLevel(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User)}.
public void testGetVisitedIslandLevelNoIsland() {
assertEquals("0", pm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
assertEquals("0", phm.getVisitedIslandLevel(gm, user));
@ -52,132 +52,132 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
@PrepareForTest({ Bukkit.class, BentoBox.class })
public class AdminStatsCommandTest {
private CompositeCommand ic;
private UUID uuid;
private User user;
private IslandsManager im;
private Island island;
private Level addon;
private World world;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private GameModeAddon gameModeAddon;
private Player p;
private LocalesManager lm;
private PlayersManager pm;
private CompositeCommand ic;
private UUID uuid;
private User user;
private IslandsManager im;
private Island island;
private Level addon;
private World world;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private GameModeAddon gameModeAddon;
private Player p;
private LocalesManager lm;
private PlayersManager pm;
private AdminStatsCommand asc;
private TopTenData ttd;
private LevelsManager manager;
private Server server;
private AdminStatsCommand asc;
private TopTenData ttd;
private LevelsManager manager;
private Server server;
public void setUp() {
// Set up plugin
BentoBox plugin = mock(BentoBox.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(BentoBox.class, "instance", plugin);
public void setUp() {
// Set up plugin
BentoBox plugin = mock(BentoBox.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(BentoBox.class, "instance", plugin);
// Addon
// Addon
// IWM friendly name
// IWM friendly name
// World
// World
// Player manager
// topTen
// User
uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
when(user.getTranslation(any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0, String.class));
// Player manager
// topTen
// User
uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
when(user.getTranslation(any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0, String.class));
// Bukkit
// Mock item factory (for itemstacks)
ItemFactory itemFactory = mock(ItemFactory.class);
ItemMeta itemMeta = mock(ItemMeta.class);
// Bukkit
// Mock item factory (for itemstacks)
ItemFactory itemFactory = mock(ItemFactory.class);
ItemMeta itemMeta = mock(ItemMeta.class);
// Top ten
ttd = new TopTenData(world);
Map<UUID, Long> topten = new HashMap<>();
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
topten.put(UUID.randomUUID(), r.nextLong(20000));
asc = new AdminStatsCommand(addon, ic);
// Top ten
ttd = new TopTenData(world);
Map<String, Long> topten = new HashMap<>();
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
topten.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), r.nextLong(20000));
asc = new AdminStatsCommand(addon, ic);
public void tearDown() {
public void tearDown() {
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#setup()}.
public void testSetup() {
assertEquals("bskyblock.admin.stats", asc.getPermission());
assertEquals("admin.stats.description", asc.getDescription());
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#setup()}.
public void testSetup() {
assertEquals("bskyblock.admin.stats", asc.getPermission());
assertEquals("admin.stats.description", asc.getDescription());
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfString() {
assertFalse(asc.execute(user, "", List.of()));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfString() {
assertFalse(asc.execute(user, "", List.of()));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfStringLevels() {
Map<World, TopTenData> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(world, ttd);
assertTrue(asc.execute(user, "", List.of()));
verify(user, never()).sendMessage("admin.stats.no-data");
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.AdminStatsCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfStringLevels() {
Map<World, TopTenData> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(world, ttd);
assertTrue(asc.execute(user, "", List.of()));
verify(user, never()).sendMessage("admin.stats.no-data");
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@ -51,122 +51,130 @@ import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
@PrepareForTest({ Bukkit.class, BentoBox.class })
public class AdminTopRemoveCommandTest {
private CompositeCommand ic;
private UUID uuid;
private User user;
private IslandsManager im;
private Island island;
private Level addon;
private World world;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private GameModeAddon gameModeAddon;
private Player p;
private LocalesManager lm;
private PlayersManager pm;
private CompositeCommand ic;
private UUID uuid;
private User user;
private IslandsManager im;
private Island island;
private Level addon;
private World world;
private IslandWorldManager iwm;
private GameModeAddon gameModeAddon;
private Player p;
private LocalesManager lm;
private PlayersManager pm;
private AdminTopRemoveCommand atrc;
private TopTenData ttd;
private LevelsManager manager;
private Server server;
private AdminTopRemoveCommand atrc;
private TopTenData ttd;
private LevelsManager manager;
private Server server;
public void setUp() {
// Set up plugin
BentoBox plugin = mock(BentoBox.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(BentoBox.class, "instance", plugin);
// Addon
public void setUp() {
// Set up plugin
BentoBox plugin = mock(BentoBox.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(BentoBox.class, "instance", plugin);
// IWM friendly name
// Addon
// World
// IWM friendly name
// Player manager
// topTen
// User
uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
when(user.getTranslation(any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0, String.class));
// World
// Bukkit
// Mock item factory (for itemstacks)
ItemFactory itemFactory = mock(ItemFactory.class);
ItemMeta itemMeta = mock(ItemMeta.class);
// Player manager
// topTen
// User
uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
when(user.getTranslation(any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0, String.class));
// Island
// Island Manager
when(im.getIslands(any(), any(User.class))).thenReturn(Set.of(island));
when(im.getIslands(any(), any(UUID.class))).thenReturn(Set.of(island));
atrc = new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, ic);
// Bukkit
// Mock item factory (for itemstacks)
ItemFactory itemFactory = mock(ItemFactory.class);
ItemMeta itemMeta = mock(ItemMeta.class);
public void tearDown() {
atrc = new AdminTopRemoveCommand(addon, ic);
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#AdminTopRemoveCommand(world.bentobox.level.Level, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.CompositeCommand)}.
public void testAdminTopRemoveCommand() {
assertEquals("remove", atrc.getLabel());
assertEquals("delete", atrc.getAliases().get(0));
public void tearDown() {
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#setup()}.
public void testSetup() {
assertEquals("bskyblock.admin.top.remove", atrc.getPermission());
assertEquals("admin.top.remove.parameters", atrc.getParameters());
assertEquals("admin.top.remove.description", atrc.getDescription());
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#AdminTopRemoveCommand(world.bentobox.level.Level, world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.CompositeCommand)}.
public void testAdminTopRemoveCommand() {
assertEquals("remove", atrc.getLabel());
assertEquals("delete", atrc.getAliases().get(0));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#setup()}.
public void testSetup() {
assertEquals("bskyblock.admin.top.remove", atrc.getPermission());
assertEquals("admin.top.remove.parameters", atrc.getParameters());
assertEquals("admin.top.remove.description", atrc.getDescription());
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testCanExecuteWrongArgs() {
assertFalse(atrc.canExecute(user, "delete", Collections.emptyList()));
verify(user).sendMessage("commands.help.header", TextVariables.LABEL, "BSkyBlock");
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testCanExecuteWrongArgs() {
assertFalse(atrc.canExecute(user, "delete", Collections.emptyList()));
verify(user).sendMessage("commands.help.header", TextVariables.LABEL, "BSkyBlock");
* Test method for {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
@ -176,25 +184,25 @@ public class AdminTopRemoveCommandTest {
verify(user).sendMessage("general.errors.unknown-player", TextVariables.NAME, "tastybento");
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testCanExecuteKnown() {
assertTrue(atrc.canExecute(user, "delete", Collections.singletonList("tastybento")));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#canExecute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testCanExecuteKnown() {
assertTrue(atrc.canExecute(user, "delete", Collections.singletonList("tastybento")));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfString() {
assertTrue(atrc.execute(user, "delete", Collections.singletonList("tastybento")));
verify(manager).removeEntry(any(World.class), eq(uuid));
* Test method for
* {@link world.bentobox.level.commands.admin.AdminTopRemoveCommand#execute(world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User, java.lang.String, java.util.List)}.
public void testExecuteUserStringListOfString() {
assertTrue(atrc.execute(user, "delete", Collections.singletonList("tastybento")));
verify(manager).removeEntry(world, uuid.toString());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user