
225 lines
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package world.bentobox.level.config;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import world.bentobox.level.Level;
public class Settings {
private boolean sumTeamDeaths;
private Map<Material, Integer> blockLimits = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Material, Integer> blockValues = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<World, Map<Material, Integer>> worldBlockValues = new HashMap<>();
private double underWaterMultiplier;
private int deathpenalty;
private long levelCost;
private int levelWait;
private int maxDeaths;
private boolean islandResetDeathReset;
private boolean teamJoinDeathReset;
public Settings(Level level) {
setLevelWait(level.getConfig().getInt("levelwait", 60));
if (getLevelWait() < 0) {
setDeathpenalty(level.getConfig().getInt("deathpenalty", 0));
setMaxDeaths(level.getConfig().getInt("maxdeaths", 10));
setIslandResetDeathReset(level.getConfig().getBoolean("islandresetdeathreset", true));
setTeamJoinDeathReset(level.getConfig().getBoolean("teamjoindeathreset", true));
setUnderWaterMultiplier(level.getConfig().getDouble("underwater", 1D));
setLevelCost(level.getConfig().getInt("levelcost", 100));
if (getLevelCost() < 1) {
level.getLogger().warning("levelcost in blockvalues.yml cannot be less than 1. Setting to 1.");
if (level.getConfig().isSet("limits")) {
HashMap<Material, Integer> bl = new HashMap<>();
for (String material : level.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("limits").getKeys(false)) {
try {
Material mat = Material.valueOf(material);
bl.put(mat, level.getConfig().getInt("limits." + material, 0));
} catch (Exception e) {
level.getLogger().warning(() -> "Unknown material (" + material + ") in blockvalues.yml Limits section. Skipping...");
if (level.getConfig().isSet("blocks")) {
Map<Material, Integer> bv = new HashMap<>();
for (String material : level.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("blocks").getKeys(false)) {
try {
Material mat = Material.valueOf(material);
bv.put(mat, level.getConfig().getInt("blocks." + material, 0));
} catch (Exception e) {
level.getLogger().warning(()-> "Unknown material (" + material + ") in config.yml blocks section. Skipping...");
} else {
level.getLogger().severe("No block values in config.yml! All island levels will be zero!");
// Worlds
if (level.getConfig().isSet("worlds")) {
ConfigurationSection worlds = level.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("worlds");
for (String world : worlds.getKeys(false)) {
World bWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(world);
if (bWorld != null) {
ConfigurationSection worldValues = worlds.getConfigurationSection(world);
for (String material : worldValues.getKeys(false)) {
Material mat = Material.valueOf(material);
Map<Material, Integer> values = worldBlockValues.getOrDefault(bWorld, new HashMap<>());
values.put(mat, worldValues.getInt("blocks." + material, 0));
worldBlockValues.put(bWorld, values);
} else {
level.getLogger().severe(() -> "Level Addon: No such world : " + world);
// All done
* @return the sumTeamDeaths
public final boolean isSumTeamDeaths() {
return sumTeamDeaths;
* @param sumTeamDeaths the sumTeamDeaths to set
private void setSumTeamDeaths(boolean sumTeamDeaths) {
this.sumTeamDeaths = sumTeamDeaths;
* @return the blockLimits
public final Map<Material, Integer> getBlockLimits() {
return blockLimits;
* @param blockLimits2 the blockLimits to set
private void setBlockLimits(HashMap<Material, Integer> blockLimits2) {
this.blockLimits = blockLimits2;
* @return the blockValues
public final Map<Material, Integer> getBlockValues() {
return blockValues;
* @param blockValues2 the blockValues to set
private void setBlockValues(Map<Material, Integer> blockValues2) {
this.blockValues = blockValues2;
* @return the underWaterMultiplier
public final double getUnderWaterMultiplier() {
return underWaterMultiplier;
* @param underWaterMultiplier the underWaterMultiplier to set
private void setUnderWaterMultiplier(double underWaterMultiplier) {
this.underWaterMultiplier = underWaterMultiplier;
* @return the deathpenalty
public final int getDeathPenalty() {
return deathpenalty;
* @param deathpenalty the deathpenalty to set
private void setDeathpenalty(int deathpenalty) {
this.deathpenalty = deathpenalty;
* @return the levelCost
public final long getLevelCost() {
return levelCost;
* @param levelCost the levelCost to set
private void setLevelCost(long levelCost) {
this.levelCost = levelCost;
* @return the levelWait
private int getLevelWait() {
return levelWait;
* @param levelWait the levelWait to set
private void setLevelWait(int levelWait) {
this.levelWait = levelWait;
* TODO: Use max deaths
* @return the maxDeaths
public final int getMaxDeaths() {
return maxDeaths;
* @param maxDeaths the maxDeaths to set
private void setMaxDeaths(int maxDeaths) {
this.maxDeaths = maxDeaths;
* @return the islandResetDeathReset
public final boolean isIslandResetDeathReset() {
return islandResetDeathReset;
* @param islandResetDeathReset the islandResetDeathReset to set
private void setIslandResetDeathReset(boolean islandResetDeathReset) {
this.islandResetDeathReset = islandResetDeathReset;
* @return the teamJoinDeathReset
public final boolean isTeamJoinDeathReset() {
return teamJoinDeathReset;
* @param teamJoinDeathReset the teamJoinDeathReset to set
private void setTeamJoinDeathReset(boolean teamJoinDeathReset) {
this.teamJoinDeathReset = teamJoinDeathReset;
* @return the worldBlockValues
public Map<World, Map<Material, Integer>> getWorldBlockValues() {
return worldBlockValues;