
548 lines
21 KiB

package world.bentobox.level;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.Database;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.level.calculators.Results;
import world.bentobox.level.objects.IslandLevels;
import world.bentobox.level.objects.LevelsData;
import world.bentobox.level.objects.TopTenData;
import world.bentobox.level.panels.DetailsGUITab;
import world.bentobox.level.panels.DetailsGUITab.DetailsType;
public class LevelsManager {
private static final String INTOPTEN = "intopten";
private static final TreeMap<BigInteger, String> LEVELS;
private static final int[] SLOTS = new int[] {4, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25};
private static final BigInteger THOUSAND = BigInteger.valueOf(1000);
static {
LEVELS = new TreeMap<>();
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(2), "M");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(3), "G");
LEVELS.put(THOUSAND.pow(4), "T");
private Level addon;
// Database handler for level data
private final Database<IslandLevels> handler;
// A cache of island levels.
private final Map<String, IslandLevels> levelsCache;
private final Database<TopTenData> topTenHandler;
// Top ten lists
private final Map<World,TopTenData> topTenLists;
// Background
private final PanelItem background;
public LevelsManager(Level addon) {
this.addon = addon;
// Get the BentoBox database
// Set up the database handler to store and retrieve data
// Note that these are saved by the BentoBox database
handler = new Database<>(addon, IslandLevels.class);
// Top Ten handler
topTenHandler = new Database<>(addon, TopTenData.class);
// Initialize the cache
levelsCache = new HashMap<>();
// Initialize top ten lists
topTenLists = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Background
background = new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).name(" ").build();
public void migrate() {
Database<LevelsData> oldDb = new Database<>(addon, LevelsData.class);
oldDb.loadObjects().forEach(ld -> {
try {
UUID owner = UUID.fromString(ld.getUniqueId());
// Step through each world
// World
// Island
.map(w -> addon.getIslands().getIsland(w, owner)).filter(Objects::nonNull)
.forEach(i -> {
// Make new database entry
World w = i.getWorld();
IslandLevels il = new IslandLevels(i.getUniqueId());
// Save it
// Now delete the old database entry
} catch (Exception e) {
addon.logError("Could not migrate level data database! " + e.getMessage());
* Add a score to the top players list
* @param world - world
* @param targetPlayer - target player
* @param lv - island level
private void addToTopTen(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer, long lv) {
// Get top ten
Map<UUID, Long> topTen = topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(world, k -> new TopTenData(world)).getTopTen();
// Remove this player from the top list no matter what (we'll put them back later if required)
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
if (island != null && island.getOwner() != null && hasTopTenPerm(world, island.getOwner())) {
// Insert the owner into the top ten
topTen.put(island.getOwner(), lv);
* Add an island to a top ten
* @param island - island to add
* @param lv - level
* @return true if successful, false if not added
private boolean addToTopTen(Island island, long lv) {
if (island != null && island.getOwner() != null && hasTopTenPerm(island.getWorld(), island.getOwner())) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(island.getWorld(), k -> new TopTenData(island.getWorld()))
.getTopTen().put(island.getOwner(), lv);
return true;
return false;
* Calculate the island level, set all island member's levels to the result and try to add the owner to the top ten
* @param targetPlayer - uuid of targeted player - owner or team member
* @param island - island to calculate
* @return completable future with the results of the calculation
public CompletableFuture<Results> calculateLevel(UUID targetPlayer, Island island) {
CompletableFuture<Results> result = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Fire pre-level calc event
IslandPreLevelEvent e = new IslandPreLevelEvent(targetPlayer, island);
if (e.isCancelled()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Add island to the pipeline
addon.getPipeliner().addIsland(island).thenAccept(r -> {
// Results are irrelevant because the island is unowned or deleted, or IslandLevelCalcEvent is cancelled
if (r == null || fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(targetPlayer, island, r)) {
System.out.println("results are null or event canceled");
// Save result
setIslandResults(island.getWorld(), island.getOwner(), r);
// Save top ten
// Save the island scan details
return result;
* Fires the IslandLevelCalculatedEvent and returns true if it is canceled
* @param targetPlayer - target player
* @param island - island
* @param results - results set
* @return true if canceled
private boolean fireIslandLevelCalcEvent(UUID targetPlayer, Island island, Results results) {
// Fire post calculation event
IslandLevelCalculatedEvent ilce = new IslandLevelCalculatedEvent(targetPlayer, island, results);
if (ilce.isCancelled()) return true;
// Set the values if they were altered
results.setLevel((Long)ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("level", results.getLevel()));
results.setInitialLevel((Long)ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("initialLevel", results.getInitialLevel()));
results.setDeathHandicap((int)ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("deathHandicap", results.getDeathHandicap()));
results.setPointsToNextLevel((Long)ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("pointsToNextLevel", results.getPointsToNextLevel()));
return ((Boolean)ilce.getKeyValues().getOrDefault("isCancelled", false));
* Get the string representation of the level. May be converted to shorthand notation, e.g., 104556 = 10.5k
* @param lvl - long value to represent
* @return string of the level.
public String formatLevel(@Nullable Long lvl) {
if (lvl == null) return "";
String level = String.valueOf(lvl);
// Asking for the level of another player
if(addon.getSettings().isShorthand()) {
BigInteger levelValue = BigInteger.valueOf(lvl);
Map.Entry<BigInteger, String> stage = LEVELS.floorEntry(levelValue);
if (stage != null) { // level > 1000
// 1 052 -> 1.0k
// 1 527 314 -> 1.5M
// 3 874 130 021 -> 3.8G
// 4 002 317 889 -> 4.0T
level = new DecimalFormat("#.#").format(levelValue.divide(stage.getKey().divide(THOUSAND)).doubleValue()/1000.0) + stage.getValue();
return level;
* Displays the Top Ten list
* @param world - world
* @param user - the requesting player
public void getGUI(World world, final User user) {
// Check world
Map<UUID, Long> topTen = getTopTen(world, 10);
PanelBuilder panel = new PanelBuilder()
// Background
for (int j = 0; j < 54; panel.item(j++, background));
// Top Ten
int i = 0;
boolean inTopTen = false;
for (Entry<UUID, Long> m : topTen.entrySet()) {
PanelItem h = getHead((i+1), m.getValue(), m.getKey(), user, world);
panel.item(SLOTS[i], h);
// If this is also the asking player
if (m.getKey().equals(user.getUniqueId())) {
inTopTen = true;
addSelf(world, user, panel);
// Show remaining slots
for (; i < SLOTS.length; i++) {
panel.item(SLOTS[i], new PanelItemBuilder().icon(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE).name(String.valueOf(i + 1)).build());
// Add yourself if you were not already in the top ten
if (!inTopTen) {
addSelf(world, user, panel);
private void addSelf(World world, User user, PanelBuilder panel) {
if (addon.getIslands().hasIsland(world, user) || addon.getIslands().inTeam(world, user.getUniqueId())) {
PanelItem head = getHead(0, this.getIslandLevel(world, user.getUniqueId()), user.getUniqueId(), user, world);
setClickHandler(head, user, world);
panel.item(49, head);
private void setClickHandler(PanelItem head, User user, World world) {
head.setClickHandler((p, u, ch, s) -> {
new TabbedPanelBuilder()
.tab(1, new DetailsGUITab(addon, world, user, DetailsType.ALL_BLOCKS))
.tab(2, new DetailsGUITab(addon, world, user, DetailsType.ABOVE_SEA_LEVEL_BLOCKS))
.tab(3, new DetailsGUITab(addon, world, user, DetailsType.UNDERWATER_BLOCKS))
.tab(4, new DetailsGUITab(addon, world, user, DetailsType.SPAWNERS))
return true;
* Get the head panel item
* @param rank - the top ten rank of this player/team. Can be used in the name of the island for vanity.
* @param level - the level of the island
* @param playerUUID - the UUID of the top ten player
* @param asker - the asker of the top ten
* @return PanelItem
private PanelItem getHead(int rank, long level, UUID playerUUID, User asker, World world) {
final String name = addon.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID);
List<String> description = new ArrayList<>();
if (rank > 0) {
description.add(asker.getTranslation("", "[name]", name, "[rank]", String.valueOf(rank)));
description.add(asker.getTranslation("","[level]", formatLevel(level)));
if (addon.getIslands().inTeam(world, playerUUID)) {
List<String> memberList = new ArrayList<>();
for (UUID members : addon.getIslands().getMembers(world, playerUUID)) {
memberList.add(ChatColor.AQUA + addon.getPlayers().getName(members));
PanelItemBuilder builder = new PanelItemBuilder()
* Get the initial level of the island. Used to zero island levels
* @param island - island
* @return initial level of island
public long getInitialLevel(Island island) {
return getLevelsData(island).getInitialLevel();
* Get level of island from cache for a player.
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return Level of the player's island or zero if player is unknown or UUID is null
public long getIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null) return 0L;
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? 0L : getLevelsData(island).getLevel();
* Returns a formatted string of the target player's island level
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player's UUID
* @return Formatted level of player or zero if player is unknown or UUID is null
public String getIslandLevelString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
return formatLevel(getIslandLevel(world, targetPlayer));
* Load a level data for the island from the cache or database.
* @param island - UUID of island
* @return IslandLevels object
public IslandLevels getLevelsData(@NonNull Island island) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
if (levelsCache.containsKey(id)) {
return levelsCache.get(id);
// Get from database if not in cache
if (handler.objectExists(id)) {
IslandLevels ld = handler.loadObject(id);
if (ld != null) {
levelsCache.put(id, ld);
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
} else {
levelsCache.put(id, new IslandLevels(id));
// Return cached value
return levelsCache.get(id);
* Get the number of points required until the next level since the last level calc
* @param world - world where the island is
* @param targetPlayer - target player UUID
* @return string with the number required or blank if the player is unknown
public String getPointsToNextString(@NonNull World world, @Nullable UUID targetPlayer) {
if (targetPlayer == null) return "";
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
return island == null ? "" : String.valueOf(getLevelsData(island).getPointsToNextLevel());
* Get the top ten for this world. Returns offline players or players with the intopten permission.
* @param world - world requested
* @param size - size of the top ten
* @return sorted top ten map
public Map<UUID, Long> getTopTen(@NonNull World world, int size) {
topTenLists.computeIfAbsent(world, TopTenData::new);
// Remove player from top ten if they are online and do not have the perm
topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().keySet().removeIf(u -> !hasTopTenPerm(world, u));
// Return the sorted map
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(topTenLists.get(world).getTopTen().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> addon.getIslands().isOwner(world, e.getKey()))
.filter(l -> l.getValue() > 0)
Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new)));
* Checks if player has the correct top ten perm to have their level saved
* @param world
* @param targetPlayer
* @return true if player has the perm or the player is offline
boolean hasTopTenPerm(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer) {
String permPrefix = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(world);
return Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer) == null || Bukkit.getPlayer(targetPlayer).hasPermission(permPrefix + INTOPTEN);
* Loads all the top tens from the database
void loadTopTens() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(addon.getPlugin(), () -> {
addon.log("Generating Top Ten Tables");
handler.loadObjects().forEach(il -> {
if (il.getLevel() > 0) {
addon.getIslands().getIslandById(il.getUniqueId()).ifPresent(i -> this.addToTopTen(i, il.getLevel()));
topTenLists.keySet().forEach(w -> {
addon.log("Loaded top ten for " + w.getName());
* Removes a player from a world's top ten and removes world from player's level data
* @param world - world
* @param uuid - the player's uuid
public void removeEntry(World world, UUID uuid) {
if (topTenLists.containsKey(world)) {
* Saves all player data and the top ten
public void save() {
* Save the top ten for world
* @param world - world
public void saveTopTen(World world) {
* Set an initial island level
* @param island - the island to set. Must have a non-null world
* @param lv - initial island level
public void setInitialIslandLevel(@NonNull Island island, long lv) {
if (island.getWorld() == null) return;
levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new).setInitialLevel(lv);
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a member
* @param world - world
* @param targetPlayer - player, may be a team member
* @param lv - level
public void setIslandLevel(@NonNull World world, @NonNull UUID targetPlayer, long lv) {
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, targetPlayer);
if (island != null) {
String id = island.getUniqueId();
IslandLevels il = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(id, IslandLevels::new);
// Remove the initial level
if (addon.getSettings().isZeroNewIslandLevels()) {
il.setLevel(lv - il.getInitialLevel());
} else {
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(world, targetPlayer, levelsCache.get(id).getLevel());
* Set the island level for the owner of the island that targetPlayer is a member
* @param world - world
* @param owner - owner of the island
* @param r - results of the calculation
private void setIslandResults(World world, @NonNull UUID owner, Results r) {
// Get the island
Island island = addon.getIslands().getIsland(world, owner);
if (island == null) return;
IslandLevels ld = levelsCache.computeIfAbsent(island.getUniqueId(), IslandLevels::new);
ld.setUwCount(Maps.asMap(r.getUwCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getUwCount().count(elem)));
ld.setMdCount(Maps.asMap(r.getMdCount().elementSet(), elem -> r.getMdCount().count(elem)));
levelsCache.put(island.getUniqueId(), ld);
// Update TopTen
addToTopTen(world, owner, ld.getLevel());
* Removes island from cache when it is deleted
* @param uniqueId - id of island
public void deleteIsland(String uniqueId) {