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payForCommand(Player, String, String, double, String) - Static method in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosPriceManager
Metoda zajišťuje funkci platby za příkaz.
payForCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent, Player, String, String, double) - Static method in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosPriceManager
Metoda ukončuje/neukončuje událost použití příkazu v závislosti na tom, jakou hodnotu vrátila metoda payForCommand(Player player, String regexCommand, String originalCommand, double price, String name);.
pdfFile - Static variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosCoolDown
PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.mcstats.MetricsLite
Interval of time to ping (in minutes)
player - Variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosWarmUpTimer
playercommands - Static variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosWarmUpManager
playerloc - Static variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosWarmUpManager
playerworld - Static variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosWarmUpManager
plugin - Static variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosCoolDownListener
plugin - Variable in class org.mcstats.MetricsLite
The plugin this metrics submits for
pm - Variable in class cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosCoolDown
postPlugin(boolean) - Method in class org.mcstats.MetricsLite
Generic method that posts a plugin to the metrics website