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2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
package org.dynmap;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
import java.util.Scanner;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
import java.util.function.Supplier;
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import org.dynmap.MapType.ImageEncoding;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapCommandSender;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapListenerManager;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapListenerManager.EventType;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapPlayer;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapServerInterface;
import org.dynmap.debug.Debug;
import org.dynmap.debug.Debugger;
import org.dynmap.exporter.DynmapExpCommands;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockModels;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockStateTextureMap;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.impl.MarkerAPIImpl;
import org.dynmap.modsupport.ModSupportImpl;
import org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState;
import org.dynmap.servlet.*;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.storage.MapStorage;
2022-02-18 04:59:53 +01:00
import org.dynmap.storage.aws_s3.AWSS3MapStorage;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.storage.filetree.FileTreeMapStorage;
import org.dynmap.storage.mysql.MySQLMapStorage;
2022-03-10 21:30:02 +01:00
import org.dynmap.storage.mssql.MicrosoftSQLMapStorage;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.storage.mariadb.MariaDBMapStorage;
import org.dynmap.storage.sqllte.SQLiteMapStorage;
import org.dynmap.storage.postgresql.PostgreSQLMapStorage;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.utils.BlockStep;
2022-02-21 03:58:21 +01:00
import org.dynmap.utils.BufferOutputStream;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.utils.ImageIOManager;
import org.dynmap.web.BanIPFilter;
import org.dynmap.web.CustomHeaderFilter;
2021-01-01 16:21:12 +01:00
import org.dynmap.web.FileNameFilter;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.dynmap.web.FilterHandler;
import org.dynmap.web.HandlerRouter;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.NetworkTrafficServerConnector;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AllowSymLinkAliasChecker;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList;
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.DefaultSessionIdManager;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ExecutorThreadPool;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
public class DynmapCore implements DynmapCommonAPI {
* Callbacks for core initialization - subclassed by platform plugins
public static abstract class EnableCoreCallbacks {
* Called during enableCore to report that configuration.txt is loaded
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public abstract void configurationLoaded();
private File jarfile;
private DynmapServerInterface server;
private String version;
private String platform = null;
private String platformVersion = null;
private Server webServer = null;
private String webhostname = null;
private int webport = 0;
private HandlerRouter router = null;
public MapManager mapManager = null;
public PlayerList playerList;
public ConfigurationNode configuration;
public ConfigurationNode world_config;
public ComponentManager componentManager = new ComponentManager();
public DynmapListenerManager listenerManager = new DynmapListenerManager(this);
public PlayerFaces playerfacemgr;
public SkinUrlProvider skinUrlProvider;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public Events events = new Events();
public String deftemplatesuffix = "";
private DynmapMapCommands dmapcmds = new DynmapMapCommands();
private DynmapExpCommands dynmapexpcmds = new DynmapExpCommands();
boolean bettergrass = false;
boolean smoothlighting = false;
private boolean ctmsupport = false;
private boolean customcolorssupport = false;
private String def_image_format = "png";
private HashSet<String> enabledTriggers = new HashSet<String>();
public boolean disable_chat_to_web = false;
private WebAuthManager authmgr;
public boolean player_info_protected;
private boolean transparentLeaves = true;
private List<String> sortPermissionNodes;
private int perTickLimit = 50; // 50 ms
private boolean dumpMissing = false;
private static boolean migrate_chunks = false;
public boolean isInternalWebServerDisabled = false;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private int config_hashcode; /* Used to signal need to reload web configuration (world changes, config update, etc) */
private int fullrenderplayerlimit; /* Number of online players that will cause fullrender processing to pause */
private int updateplayerlimit; /* Number of online players that will cause update processing to pause */
private String publicURL; // If set, public HRL for accessing dynmap (declared by administrator)
2022-05-29 15:28:06 +02:00
private String noPermissionMsg;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private boolean didfullpause;
private boolean didupdatepause;
private Map<String, LinkedList<String>> ids_by_ip = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>();
private boolean persist_ids_by_ip = false;
private int snapshotcachesize;
private boolean snapshotsoftref;
private String[] biomenames = new String[0];
private Map<String, Integer> blockmap = null;
private Map<String, Integer> itemmap = null;
private boolean loginRequired;
private String hackAttemptSub = "(IaM5uchA1337Haxr-Ban Me!)";
// WEBP support
private String cwebpPath;
private String dwebpPath;
private boolean did_cwebpPath_warn = false;
private boolean did_dwebpPath_warn = false;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Flag to let code know that we're doing reload - make sure we don't double-register event handlers */
public boolean is_reload = false;
public static boolean ignore_chunk_loads = false; /* Flag keep us from processing our own chunk loads */
private MarkerAPIImpl markerapi;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private File dataDirectory;
private File tilesDirectory;
private File exportDirectory;
private File importDirectory;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private String plugin_ver;
private MapStorage defaultStorage;
// Read web path
private String webpath;
// And whether to disable web file update
private boolean updatewebpathfiles = true;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private String[] deftriggers = { };
private Boolean webserverCompConfigWarn = false;
private final String CompConfigWiki = "https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Component-Configuration";
private final String[] defaultTemplates = {"vlowres", "lowres", "medres", "hires", "low_boost_hi",
"hi_boost_vhi", "hi_boost_xhi"};
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Constructor for core */
public DynmapCore() {
public void setSkinUrlProvider(SkinUrlProvider skinUrlProvider) {
this.skinUrlProvider = skinUrlProvider;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Cleanup method */
public void cleanup() {
server = null;
markerapi = null;
public void restartMarkerSaveJob(){
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// Set plugin jar file
public void setPluginJarFile(File f) {
jarfile = f;
// Get plugin jar file
public File getPluginJarFile() {
return jarfile;
/* Dependencies - need to be supplied by plugin wrapper */
public void setPluginVersion(String pluginver, String platform) {
this.plugin_ver = pluginver;
this.platform = platform;
/* Default platform to forge... */
public void setPluginVersion(String pluginver) {
setPluginVersion(pluginver, "Forge");
public void setDataFolder(File dir) {
dataDirectory = dir;
public final File getDataFolder() {
return dataDirectory;
public final File getTilesFolder() {
return tilesDirectory;
public final File getExportFolder() {
return exportDirectory;
public final File getImportFolder() {
return importDirectory;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public void setMinecraftVersion(String mcver) {
this.platformVersion = mcver;
public void setServer(DynmapServerInterface srv) {
server = srv;
public final DynmapServerInterface getServer() { return server; }
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public final void setBiomeNames(String[] names) {
biomenames = names;
public static final boolean migrateChunks() {
return migrate_chunks;
public String getCWEBPPath() {
if ((cwebpPath == null) && (!did_cwebpPath_warn)) {
Log.severe("ERROR: trying to use WEBP without cwebp tool installed or cwebpPath set properly");
did_cwebpPath_warn = true;
return cwebpPath;
public String getDWEBPPath() {
if ((dwebpPath == null) && (!did_dwebpPath_warn)) {
Log.severe("ERROR: trying to use WEBP without dwebp tool installed or dwebpPath set properly");
did_dwebpPath_warn = true;
return dwebpPath;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public final String getBiomeName(int biomeid) {
String n = null;
if ((biomeid >= 0) && (biomeid < biomenames.length)) {
n = biomenames[biomeid];
if(n == null) n = "biome" + biomeid;
return n;
public final String[] getBiomeNames() {
return biomenames;
public final MapManager getMapManager() {
return mapManager;
public final void setTriggerDefault(String[] triggers) {
deftriggers = triggers;
public final void setLeafTransparency(boolean trans) {
transparentLeaves = trans;
public final boolean getLeafTransparency() {
return transparentLeaves;
/* Add/Replace branches in configuration tree with contribution from a separate file */
private void mergeConfigurationBranch(ConfigurationNode cfgnode, String branch, boolean replace_existing, boolean islist) {
Object srcbranch = cfgnode.getObject(branch);
if(srcbranch == null)
/* See if top branch is in configuration - if not, just add whole thing */
Object destbranch = configuration.getObject(branch);
if(destbranch == null) { /* Not found */
configuration.put(branch, srcbranch); /* Add new tree to configuration */
/* If list, merge by "name" attribute */
if(islist) {
List<ConfigurationNode> dest = configuration.getNodes(branch);
List<ConfigurationNode> src = cfgnode.getNodes(branch);
/* Go through new records : see what to do with each */
for(ConfigurationNode node : src) {
String name = node.getString("name", null);
if(name == null) continue;
/* Walk destination - see if match */
boolean matched = false;
for(ConfigurationNode dnode : dest) {
String dname = dnode.getString("name", null);
if(dname == null) continue;
if(dname.equals(name)) { /* Match? */
if(replace_existing) {
matched = true;
/* If no match, add to end */
if(!matched) {
/* If configuration node, merge by key */
else {
ConfigurationNode src = cfgnode.getNode(branch);
ConfigurationNode dest = configuration.getNode(branch);
for(String key : src.keySet()) { /* Check each contribution */
if(dest.containsKey(key)) { /* Exists? */
if(replace_existing) { /* If replacing, do so */
dest.put(key, src.getObject(key));
else { /* Else, always add if not there */
dest.put(key, src.getObject(key));
/* Table of default templates - all are resources in dynmap.jar unnder templates/, and go in templates directory when needed */
private static final String[] stdtemplates = { "normal.txt", "nether.txt", "normal-lowres.txt",
"nether-lowres.txt", "normal-hires.txt", "nether-hires.txt",
"normal-vlowres.txt", "nether-vlowres.txt", "the_end.txt", "the_end-vlowres.txt",
"the_end-lowres.txt", "the_end-hires.txt",
"normal-low_boost_hi.txt", "normal-hi_boost_vhi.txt", "normal-hi_boost_xhi.txt",
"nether-low_boost_hi.txt", "nether-hi_boost_vhi.txt", "nether-hi_boost_xhi.txt",
"the_end-low_boost_hi.txt", "the_end-hi_boost_vhi.txt", "the_end-hi_boost_xhi.txt"
private static final String CUSTOM_PREFIX = "custom-";
/* Load templates from template folder */
private void loadTemplates() {
File templatedir = new File(dataDirectory, "templates");
/* First, prime the templates directory with default standard templates, if needed */
for(String stdtemplate : stdtemplates) {
File f = new File(templatedir, stdtemplate);
updateVersionUsingDefaultResource("/templates/" + stdtemplate, f);
/* Now process files */
String[] templates = templatedir.list();
/* Go through list - process all ones not starting with 'custom' first */
for(String tname: templates) {
/* If matches naming convention */
if(tname.endsWith(".txt") && (!tname.startsWith(CUSTOM_PREFIX))) {
File tf = new File(templatedir, tname);
ConfigurationNode cn = new ConfigurationNode(tf);
/* Supplement existing values (don't replace), since configuration.txt is more custom than these */
mergeConfigurationBranch(cn, "templates", false, false);
/* Go through list again - this time do custom- ones */
for(String tname: templates) {
/* If matches naming convention */
if(tname.endsWith(".txt") && tname.startsWith(CUSTOM_PREFIX)) {
File tf = new File(templatedir, tname);
ConfigurationNode cn = new ConfigurationNode(tf);
/* This are overrides - replace even configuration.txt content */
mergeConfigurationBranch(cn, "templates", true, false);
public boolean enableCore() {
boolean rslt = initConfiguration(null);
if (rslt)
rslt = enableCore(null);
return rslt;
public boolean initConfiguration(EnableCoreCallbacks cb) {
/* Start with clean events */
events = new Events();
/* Default to being unprotected - set to protected by update components */
player_info_protected = false;
/* Load plugin version info */
/* Initialize confguration.txt if needed */
File f = new File(dataDirectory, "configuration.txt");
if(!createDefaultFileFromResource("/configuration.txt", f)) {
return false;
/* Load configuration.txt */
configuration = new ConfigurationNode(f);
// Read web path
webpath = configuration.getString("webpath", "web");
// And whether to disable web file update
updatewebpathfiles = configuration.getBoolean("update-webpath-files", true);
2020-12-31 23:50:48 +01:00
// Check if we are disabling the internal web server (implies external)
isInternalWebServerDisabled = configuration.getBoolean("disable-webserver", false);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Prime the tiles directory */
tilesDirectory = getFile(configuration.getString("tilespath", "web/tiles"));
if (!tilesDirectory.isDirectory() && !tilesDirectory.mkdirs()) {
Log.warning("Could not create directory for tiles ('" + tilesDirectory + "').");
// Prime the exports directory
exportDirectory = getFile(configuration.getString("exportpath", "export"));
if (!exportDirectory.isDirectory() && !exportDirectory.mkdirs()) {
Log.warning("Could not create directory for exports ('" + exportDirectory + "').");
// Prime the imports directory
importDirectory = getFile(configuration.getString("importpath", "import"));
if (!importDirectory.isDirectory() && !importDirectory.mkdirs()) {
Log.warning("Could not create directory for imports ('" + importDirectory + "').");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// Create default storage handler
String storetype = configuration.getString("storage/type", "filetree");
if (storetype.equals("filetree")) {
defaultStorage = new FileTreeMapStorage();
else if (storetype.equals("sqlite")) {
defaultStorage = new SQLiteMapStorage();
else if (storetype.equals("mysql")) {
defaultStorage = new MySQLMapStorage();
else if (storetype.equals("mariadb")) {
defaultStorage = new MariaDBMapStorage();
else if (storetype.equals("postgres") || storetype.equals("postgresql")) {
defaultStorage = new PostgreSQLMapStorage();
2022-02-18 04:59:53 +01:00
else if (storetype.equals("aws_s3")) {
defaultStorage = new AWSS3MapStorage();
2022-03-10 21:30:02 +01:00
else if (storetype.equals("microsoftsql")) {
defaultStorage = new MicrosoftSQLMapStorage();
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
else {
Log.severe("Invalid storage type for map data: " + storetype);
return false;
if (!defaultStorage.init(this)) {
Log.severe("Map storage initialization failure");
return false;
/* Register API with plugin, if needed */
if(!markerAPIInitialized()) {
MarkerAPIImpl api = MarkerAPIImpl.initializeMarkerAPI(this);
/* Call back to plugin to report that configuration is available */
if(cb != null)
return true;
private String findExecutableOnPath(String fname) {
String path = System.getenv("PATH");
// Fast-fail if path is null.
if (path == null)
return null;
for (String dirname : path.split(File.pathSeparator)) {
File file = new File(dirname, fname);
if (file.isFile() && file.canExecute()) {
return file.getAbsolutePath();
file = new File(dirname, fname + ".exe");
if (file.isFile() && file.canExecute()) {
return file.getAbsolutePath();
return null;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public boolean enableCore(EnableCoreCallbacks cb) {
/* Update extracted files, if needed */
/* Initialize authorization manager */
if(configuration.getBoolean("login-enabled", false)) {
authmgr = new WebAuthManager(this);
2022-02-21 03:58:21 +01:00
// If storage serves web files, extract and publsh them
if (defaultStorage.needsStaticWebFiles()) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Load control for leaf transparency (spout lighting bug workaround) */
transparentLeaves = configuration.getBoolean("transparent-leaves", true);
// Inject core instance
ImageIOManager.core = this;
// Check for webp support
cwebpPath = configuration.getString("cwebpPath", null);
dwebpPath = configuration.getString("dwebpPath", null);
if (cwebpPath == null) {
cwebpPath = findExecutableOnPath("cwebp");
if (dwebpPath == null) {
dwebpPath = findExecutableOnPath("dwebp");
if (cwebpPath != null) {
File file = new File(cwebpPath);
if (!file.isFile() || !file.canExecute()) {
cwebpPath = null;
if (dwebpPath != null) {
File file = new File(dwebpPath);
if (!file.isFile() || !file.canExecute()) {
dwebpPath = null;
if ((cwebpPath != null) && (dwebpPath != null)) {
Log.info("Found cwebp at " + cwebpPath + " and dwebp at " + dwebpPath + ": webp format enabled");
else {
cwebpPath = dwebpPath = null;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Get default image format */
def_image_format = configuration.getString("image-format", "png");
MapType.ImageFormat fmt = MapType.ImageFormat.fromID(def_image_format);
if ((fmt == null) || ((fmt.enc == ImageEncoding.WEBP) && (cwebpPath == null))) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
Log.severe("Invalid image-format: " + def_image_format);
def_image_format = "png";
fmt = MapType.ImageFormat.fromID(def_image_format);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
DynmapWorld.doInitialScan(configuration.getBoolean("initial-zoomout-validate", true));
smoothlighting = configuration.getBoolean("smooth-lighting", false);
ctmsupport = configuration.getBoolean("ctm-support", true);
customcolorssupport = configuration.getBoolean("custom-colors-support", true);
Log.verbose = configuration.getBoolean("verbose", true);
deftemplatesuffix = configuration.getString("deftemplatesuffix", "");
/* Get snapshot cache size */
snapshotcachesize = configuration.getInteger("snapshotcachesize", 500);
/* Get soft ref flag for cache (weak=false, soft=true) */
snapshotsoftref = configuration.getBoolean("soft-ref-cache", true);
/* Default better-grass */
bettergrass = configuration.getBoolean("better-grass", false);
/* Load full render processing player limit */
fullrenderplayerlimit = configuration.getInteger("fullrenderplayerlimit", 0);
/* Load update render processing player limit */
updateplayerlimit = configuration.getInteger("updateplayerlimit", 0);
/* Load sort permission nodes */
sortPermissionNodes = configuration.getStrings("player-sort-permission-nodes", null);
perTickLimit = configuration.getInteger("per-tick-time-limit", 50);
if (perTickLimit < 5) perTickLimit = 5;
dumpMissing = configuration.getBoolean("dump-missing-blocks", false);
migrate_chunks = configuration.getBoolean("migrate-chunks", false);
if (migrate_chunks)
Log.info("EXPERIMENTAL: chunk migration enabled");
publicURL = configuration.getString("publicURL", "");
2022-05-29 15:28:06 +02:00
/* Send this message if the player does not have permission to use the command */
noPermissionMsg = configuration.getString("noPermissionMsg", "You don't have permission to use this command!");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Load preupdate/postupdate commands */
ImageIOManager.preUpdateCommand = configuration.getString("custom-commands/image-updates/preupdatecommand", "");
ImageIOManager.postUpdateCommand = configuration.getString("custom-commands/image-updates/postupdatecommand", "");
/* Get block and item maps */
blockmap = server.getBlockUniqueIDMap();
itemmap = server.getItemUniqueIDMap();
2018-09-06 15:15:08 +02:00
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Process mod support */
// Finalize block state
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Load block models */
Log.verboseinfo("Loading models...");
HDBlockModels.loadModels(this, configuration);
/* Load texture mappings */
Log.verboseinfo("Loading texture mappings...");
TexturePack.loadTextureMapping(this, configuration);
/* Now, process worlds.txt - merge it in as an override of existing values (since it is only user supplied values) */
File f = new File(dataDirectory, "worlds.txt");
if(!createDefaultFileFromResource("/worlds.txt", f)) {
return false;
world_config = new ConfigurationNode(f);
/* Now, process templates */
Log.verboseinfo("Loading templates...");
/* If we're persisting ids-by-ip, load it */
persist_ids_by_ip = configuration.getBoolean("persist-ids-by-ip", true);
if(persist_ids_by_ip) {
Log.verboseinfo("Loading userid-by-IP data...");
playerList = new PlayerList(getServer(), getFile("hiddenplayers.txt"), configuration);
mapManager = new MapManager(this, configuration);
2020-06-08 03:41:22 +02:00
if (markerapi != null) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
playerfacemgr = new PlayerFaces(this);
updateConfigHashcode(); /* Initialize/update config hashcode */
loginRequired = configuration.getBoolean("login-required", false);
hackAttemptSub = configuration.getString("hackAttemptBlurb", "(IaM5uchA1337Haxr-Ban Me!)");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// If not disabled, load and initialize the internal web server
if (!isInternalWebServerDisabled) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
List<String> triggers = configuration.getStrings("render-triggers", new ArrayList<String>());
if ((triggers != null) && (triggers.size() > 0))
for (Object trigger : triggers) {
enabledTriggers.add((String) trigger);
else {
for (String def : deftriggers) {
// Load components.
for(Component component : configuration.<Component>createInstances("components", new Class<?>[] { DynmapCore.class }, new Object[] { this })) {
Log.verboseinfo("Loaded " + componentManager.components.size() + " components.");
if (!isInternalWebServerDisabled) { // If internal not disabled, we should be using it and not external
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if (!componentManager.isLoaded(InternalClientUpdateComponent.class)) {
Log.warning("Using internal server, but " + InternalClientUpdateComponent.class.toString() + " is DISABLED!");
webserverCompConfigWarn = true;
if (componentManager.isLoaded(JsonFileClientUpdateComponent.class)) {
Log.warning("Using internal server, but " + JsonFileClientUpdateComponent.class.toString() + " is ENABLED!");
else {
if (componentManager.isLoaded(InternalClientUpdateComponent.class)) {
Log.warning("Using external server, but " + InternalClientUpdateComponent.class.toString() + " is ENABLED!");
if (!componentManager.isLoaded(JsonFileClientUpdateComponent.class)) {
Log.warning("Using external server, but " + JsonFileClientUpdateComponent.class.toString() + " is DISABLED!");
webserverCompConfigWarn = true;
if (webserverCompConfigWarn) {
Log.warning("If the website is missing files or not loading/updating, this might be why.");
Log.warning("For more info, read this: " + CompConfigWiki);
webserverCompConfigWarn = false;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Add login/logoff listeners */
listenerManager.addListener(EventType.PLAYER_JOIN, new DynmapListenerManager.PlayerEventListener() {
public void playerEvent(DynmapPlayer p) {
listenerManager.addListener(EventType.PLAYER_QUIT, new DynmapListenerManager.PlayerEventListener() {
public void playerEvent(DynmapPlayer p) {
/* Print version info */
Log.info("version " + plugin_ver + " is enabled - core version " + version );
2021-12-28 21:57:00 +01:00
Log.info("For support, visit our Discord at https://discord.gg/s3rd5qn");
2022-12-11 22:43:57 +01:00
Log.info("For news, visit https://reddit.com/r/Dynmap or follow https://universeodon.com/@dynmap");
2018-12-09 06:01:04 +01:00
Log.info("To report or track bugs, visit https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/issues");
Log.info("If you'd like to donate, please visit https://www.patreon.com/dynmap or https://ko-fi.com/michaelprimm");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
events.<Object>trigger("initialized", null);
2021-12-28 21:51:58 +01:00
if (configuration.getBoolean("dumpColorMaps", false)) {
dumpColorMap("standard.txt", "standard");
dumpColorMap("default.txt", "standard");
2021-12-28 21:51:58 +01:00
dumpColorMap("dokudark.txt", "dokudark.zip");
dumpColorMap("dokulight.txt", "dokulight.zip");
dumpColorMap("dokuhigh.txt", "dokuhigh.zip");
dumpColorMap("misa.txt", "misa.zip");
dumpColorMap("sphax.txt", "sphax.zip");
dumpColorMap("ovocean.txt", "ovocean.zip");
dumpColorMap("flames.txt", "standard"); // No TP around for this
dumpColorMap("sk89q.txt", "standard"); // No TP around for this
dumpColorMap("amidst.txt", "standard"); // No TP around for this
2021-12-28 21:51:58 +01:00
if (configuration.getBoolean("dumpBlockState", false)) {
Log.info("Block State Dump");
for (int i = 0; i < DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax(); i++) {
DynmapBlockState bs = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(i);
if (bs != null) {
2022-01-29 20:07:35 +01:00
Log.info(String.format("%d: %s (index %d)", i, bs.toString(), bs.stateIndex));
if (configuration.getBoolean("dumpBlockNames", false)) {
Log.info("Block Name dump");
for (int i = 0; i < DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax(); ) {
DynmapBlockState bs = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(i);
if (bs != null) {
Log.info(String.format("%d,%s,%d", i, bs.blockName, bs.getStateCount()));
i += bs.getStateCount();
else {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
return true;
void dumpColorMap(String id, String name) {
int[] sides = new int[] { BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.X_PLUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.Z_PLUS.ordinal(),
BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.X_MINUS.ordinal(), BlockStep.Z_MINUS.ordinal() };
FileWriter fw = null;
try {
fw = new FileWriter(new File(new File(getDataFolder(), "colorschemes"), id));
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
TexturePack tp = TexturePack.getTexturePack(this, name);
if (tp == null) return;
tp = tp.resampleTexturePack(1);
if (tp == null) return;
Color c = new Color();
for (int gidx = 0; gidx < DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax(); gidx++) {
DynmapBlockState blk = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(gidx);
if (blk.isAir()) continue;
int meta0color = 0;
HDBlockStateTextureMap map = HDBlockStateTextureMap.getByBlockState(blk);
boolean done = false;
for (int i = 0; (!done) && (i < sides.length); i++) {
int idx = map.getIndexForFace(sides[i]);
if (idx < 0) continue;
int rgb[] = tp.getTileARGB(idx % 1000000);
if (rgb == null) continue;
if (rgb[0] == 0) continue;
idx = (idx / 1000000);
switch(idx) {
case 1: // grass
case 18: // grass
Log.verboseinfo("Used grass for " + blk);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
c.blendColor(tp.getTrivialGrassMultiplier() | 0xFF000000);
case 2: // foliage
case 19: // foliage
case 22: // foliage
Log.verboseinfo("Used foliage for " + blk);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
c.blendColor(tp.getTrivialFoliageMultiplier() | 0xFF000000);
case 13: // pine
c.blendColor(0x619961 | 0xFF000000);
case 14: // birch
c.blendColor(0x80a755 | 0xFF000000);
case 15: // lily
c.blendColor(0x208030 | 0xFF000000);
case 3: // water
case 20: // water
Log.verboseinfo("Used water for " + blk);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
c.blendColor(tp.getTrivialWaterMultiplier() | 0xFF000000);
case 12: // clear inside
if (blk.isWater()) { // special case for water
Log.verboseinfo("Used water for " + blk);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
c.blendColor(tp.getTrivialWaterMultiplier() | 0xFF000000);
int custmult = tp.getCustomBlockMultiplier(blk);
if (custmult != 0xFFFFFF) {
Log.info(String.format("Custom color: %06x for %s", custmult, blk));
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if ((custmult & 0xFF000000) == 0) {
custmult |= 0xFF000000;
String ln = "";
if (blk.stateIndex == 0) {
meta0color = c.getARGB();
ln = blk.blockName + " ";
else {
ln = blk + " ";
if ((blk.stateIndex == 0) || (meta0color != c.getARGB())) {
ln += c.getRed() + " " + c.getGreen() + " " + c.getBlue() + " " + c.getAlpha();
ln += " " + (c.getRed()*4/5) + " " + (c.getGreen()*4/5) + " " + (c.getBlue()*4/5) + " " + c.getAlpha();
ln += " " + (c.getRed()/2) + " " + (c.getGreen()/2) + " " + (c.getBlue()/2) + " " + c.getAlpha();
ln += " " + (c.getRed()*2/5) + " " + (c.getGreen()*2/5) + " " + (c.getBlue()*2/5) + " " + c.getAlpha() + "\n";
done = true;
} catch (IOException iox) {
} finally {
if (fw != null) { try { fw.close(); } catch (IOException x) {} }
Log.info("Dumped RP=" + name + " to " + id);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private void playerJoined(DynmapPlayer p) {
if((fullrenderplayerlimit > 0) || (updateplayerlimit > 0)) {
int pcnt = getServer().getOnlinePlayers().length;
if ((fullrenderplayerlimit > 0) && (pcnt == fullrenderplayerlimit)) {
if(getPauseFullRadiusRenders() == false) { /* If not paused, pause it */
Log.info("Pause full/radius renders - player limit reached");
didfullpause = true;
else {
didfullpause = false;
if ((updateplayerlimit > 0) && (pcnt == updateplayerlimit)) {
if(getPauseUpdateRenders() == false) { /* If not paused, pause it */
Log.info("Pause tile update renders - player limit reached");
didupdatepause = true;
else {
didupdatepause = false;
/* Add player info to IP-to-ID table */
InetSocketAddress addr = p.getAddress();
if(addr != null) {
String ip = addr.getAddress().getHostAddress();
LinkedList<String> ids = ids_by_ip.get(ip);
if(ids == null) {
ids = new LinkedList<String>();
ids_by_ip.put(ip, ids);
String pid = p.getName();
if(ids.indexOf(pid) != 0) {
ids.remove(pid); /* Remove from list */
ids.addFirst(pid); /* Put us first on list */
/* Check sort weight permissions list */
if ((sortPermissionNodes != null) && (sortPermissionNodes.size() > 0)) {
int ord;
for (ord = 0; ord < sortPermissionNodes.size(); ord++) {
if (p.hasPermissionNode(sortPermissionNodes.get(ord))) {
else {
p.setSortWeight(0); // Initialize to zero
/* And re-attach to active jobs */
if(mapManager != null)
/* Called by plugin each time a player quits the server */
private void playerQuit(DynmapPlayer p) {
if ((fullrenderplayerlimit > 0) || (updateplayerlimit > 0)) {
/* Quitting player is still online at this moment, so discount count by 1 */
int pcnt = getServer().getOnlinePlayers().length - 1;
if ((fullrenderplayerlimit > 0) && (pcnt == (fullrenderplayerlimit - 1))) {
if(didfullpause && getPauseFullRadiusRenders()) { /* Only unpause if we did the pause */
Log.info("Resume full/radius renders - below player limit");
didfullpause = false;
if ((updateplayerlimit > 0) && (pcnt == (updateplayerlimit - 1))) {
if(didupdatepause && getPauseUpdateRenders()) { /* Only unpause if we did the pause */
Log.info("Resume tile update renders - below player limit");
didupdatepause = false;
public void updateConfigHashcode() {
config_hashcode = (int)System.currentTimeMillis();
public int getConfigHashcode() {
return config_hashcode;
2022-02-05 22:16:08 +01:00
private org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.FileResource createFileResource(String path) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
try {
File f = new File(path);
URI uri = f.toURI();
URL url = uri.toURL();
2022-02-05 22:16:08 +01:00
return new org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.FileResource(url);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.info("Could not create file resource");
return null;
public void loadWebserver() {
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log.setLog(new JettyNullLogger());
String ip = server.getServerIP();
if ((ip == null) || (ip.trim().length() == 0)) {
ip = "";
webhostname = configuration.getString("webserver-bindaddress", ip);
webport = configuration.getInteger("webserver-port", 8123);
int maxconnections = configuration.getInteger("max-sessions", 30);
if(maxconnections < 2) maxconnections = 2;
LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxconnections);
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
ExecutorThreadPool pool = new ExecutorThreadPool(maxconnections, 2, queue);
webServer = new Server(pool);
webServer.setSessionIdManager(new DefaultSessionIdManager(webServer));
NetworkTrafficServerConnector connector = new NetworkTrafficServerConnector(webServer);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if(webhostname.equals("") == false)
webServer.setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector});
final boolean allow_symlinks = configuration.getBoolean("allow-symlinks", false);
router = new HandlerRouter() {{
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
FileResourceHandler fileResourceHandler = new FileResourceHandler() {{
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
this.setWelcomeFiles(new String[] { "index.html" });
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
2020-01-13 01:03:57 +01:00
try {
}catch (Exception ex){
Log.severe("Failed to start resource handler: "+ex.getMessage());
ContextHandler fileResourceContext = new ContextHandler();
if (allow_symlinks){
fileResourceContext.addAliasCheck(new ContextHandler.ApproveAliases());
fileResourceContext.addAliasCheck(new ContextHandler.ApproveNonExistentDirectoryAliases());
fileResourceContext.addAliasCheck(new AllowSymLinkAliasChecker());
try {
Class<?> handlerClass = fileResourceHandler.getClass().getSuperclass().getSuperclass();
Field field = handlerClass.getDeclaredField("_context");
}catch (Exception e){
Log.severe("Failed to initialize resource handler: "+e.getMessage());
this.addHandler("/", fileResourceHandler);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
this.addHandler("/tiles/*", new MapStorageResourceHandler() {{
Log.verboseinfo("Web server is permitting symbolic links");
Log.verboseinfo("Web server is not permitting symbolic links");
List<Filter> filters = new LinkedList<Filter>();
/* Check for banned IPs */
boolean checkbannedips = configuration.getBoolean("check-banned-ips", true);
if (checkbannedips) {
filters.add(new BanIPFilter(this));
2021-01-01 16:21:12 +01:00
filters.add(new FileNameFilter(this));
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// filters.add(new LoginFilter(this));
/* Load customized response headers, if any */
filters.add(new CustomHeaderFilter(configuration.getNode("http-response-headers")));
FilterHandler fh = new FilterHandler(router, filters);
ContextHandler contextHandler = new ContextHandler();
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
HandlerList hlist = new HandlerList();
hlist.setHandlers(new org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler[] { new SessionHandler(), contextHandler });
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
addServlet("/up/configuration", new ClientConfigurationServlet(this));
addServlet("/standalone/config.js", new ConfigJSServlet(this));
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if(authmgr != null) {
LoginServlet login = new LoginServlet(this);
addServlet("/up/login", login);
addServlet("/up/register", login);
public boolean isLoginSupportEnabled() {
return (authmgr != null);
public boolean isLoginRequired() {
return loginRequired;
public boolean isCTMSupportEnabled() {
return ctmsupport;
public boolean isCustomColorsSupportEnabled() {
return customcolorssupport;
public Set<String> getIPBans() {
return getServer().getIPBans();
public void addServlet(String path, HttpServlet servlet) {
new ServletHolder(servlet);
router.addServlet(path, servlet);
public void startWebserver() {
try {
if(webServer != null) {
Log.info("Web server started on address " + webhostname + ":" + webport);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.severe("Failed to start WebServer on address " + webhostname + ":" + webport + " : " + e.getMessage());
public void disableCore() {
if (webServer != null) {
try {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { /* Limit wait to 10 seconds */
if(webServer.isStopping()) {
Log.warning("Graceful shutdown timed out - continuing to terminate");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.severe("Failed to stop WebServer!", e);
webServer = null;
if (componentManager != null) {
int componentCount = componentManager.components.size();
for(Component component : componentManager.components) {
Log.info("Unloaded " + componentCount + " components.");
if (mapManager != null) {
mapManager = null;
2022-07-24 20:09:52 +02:00
if (defaultStorage != null) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
playerfacemgr = null;
/* Clean up registered listeners */
/* Don't clean up markerAPI - other plugins may still be accessing it */
authmgr = null;
private static File combinePaths(File parent, String path) {
return combinePaths(parent, new File(path));
private static File combinePaths(File parent, File path) {
if (path.isAbsolute())
return path;
return new File(parent, path.getPath());
public File getFile(String path) {
return combinePaths(getDataFolder(), path);
protected void loadDebuggers() {
List<ConfigurationNode> debuggersConfiguration = configuration.getNodes("debuggers");
for (ConfigurationNode debuggerConfiguration : debuggersConfiguration) {
try {
Class<?> debuggerClass = Class.forName((String) debuggerConfiguration.getString("class"));
Constructor<?> constructor = debuggerClass.getConstructor(DynmapCore.class, ConfigurationNode.class);
Debugger debugger = (Debugger) constructor.newInstance(this, debuggerConfiguration);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.severe("Error loading debugger: " + e);
/* Parse argument strings : handle quoted strings */
public static String[] parseArgs(String[] args, DynmapCommandSender snd) {
return parseArgs(args, snd, false);
/* Parse argument strings : handle quoted strings */
public static String[] parseArgs(String[] args, DynmapCommandSender snd, boolean allowUnclosedQuotes) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
ArrayList<String> rslt = new ArrayList<String>();
/* Build command line, so we can parse our way - make sure there is trailing space */
String cmdline = "";
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
cmdline += args[i] + " ";
boolean inquote = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < cmdline.length(); i++) {
char c = cmdline.charAt(i);
if(inquote) { /* If in quote, accumulate until end or another quote */
if(c == '\"') { /* End quote */
inquote = false;
else {
else if(c == '\"') { /* Start of quote? */
inquote = true;
else if(c == ' ') { /* Ending space? */
else {
if(inquote) { // If still in quote
if(allowUnclosedQuotes) {
if(sb.length() > 1) { // Add remaining input without trailing space
rslt.add(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1));
} else { // Syntax error
snd.sendMessage("Error: unclosed doublequote");
return null;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
return rslt.toArray(new String[rslt.size()]);
private static final Set<String> commands = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private static class CommandInfo {
final String cmd;
final String subcmd;
final String args;
final String helptext;
public CommandInfo(String cmd, String subcmd, String helptxt) {
this.cmd = cmd;
this.subcmd = subcmd;
this.helptext = helptxt;
this.args = "";
public CommandInfo(String cmd, String subcmd, String args, String helptxt) {
this.cmd = cmd;
this.subcmd = subcmd;
this.args = args;
this.helptext = helptxt;
public boolean matches(String c, String sc) {
return (cmd.equals(c) && subcmd.equals(sc));
public boolean matches(String c) {
return cmd.equals(c);
private static final CommandInfo[] commandinfo = {
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "", "Control execution of dynmap."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "hide", "Hides the current player from the map."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "hide", "<player>", "Hides <player> on the map."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "show", "Shows the current player on the map."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "show", "<player>", "Shows <player> on the map."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "render", "Renders the tile at your location."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "fullrender", "Render all maps for entire world from your location."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "fullrender", "<world>", "Render all maps for world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "fullrender", "<world>:<map>", "Render map <map> of world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "fullrender", "resume <world>", "Resume render of all maps for world <world>. Skip already rendered tiles."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "fullrender", "resume <world>:<map>", "Resume render of map <map> of world <world>. Skip already rendered tiles."),
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "radiusrender", "<radius>", "Render at least <radius> block radius from your location on all maps."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "radiusrender", "<radius> <mapname>", "Render at least <radius> block radius from your location on map <mapname>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "radiusrender", "<world> <x> <z> <radius>", "Render at least <radius> block radius from location <x>,<z> on world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "radiusrender", "<world> <x> <z> <radius> <map>", "Render at least <radius> block radius from location <x>,<z> on world <world> on map <map>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "updaterender", "Render updates starting at your location on all maps."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "updaterender", "<map>", "Render updates starting at your location on map <map>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "updaterender", "<world> <x> <z> <map>", "Render updates starting at location <x>,<z> on world <world> for map <map>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "cancelrender", "Cancels any active renders on current world."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "cancelrender", "<world>", "Cancels any active renders of world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "stats", "Show render statistics."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "triggerstats", "Show render update trigger statistics."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "resetstats", "Reset render statistics."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "sendtoweb", "<msg>", "Send message <msg> to web users."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "purgequeue", "Empty all pending tile updates from update queue."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "purgequeue", "<world>", "Empty all pending tile updates from update queue for world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "purgemap", "<world> <map>", "Delete all existing tiles for map <map> on world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "purgeworld", "<world>", "Delete all existing directories for world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "pause", "Show render pause state."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "pause", "<all|none|full|update>", "Set render pause state."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "quiet", "Stop output from active jobs."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "ids-for-ip", "<ipaddress>", "Show player IDs that have logged in from address <ipaddress>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "ips-for-id", "<player>", "Show IP addresses that have been used for player <player>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "add-id-for-ip", "<player> <ipaddress>", "Associate player <player> with IP address <ipaddress>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "del-id-for-ip", "<player> <ipaddress>", "Disassociate player <player> from IP address <ipaddress>."),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "webregister", "Start registration process for creating web login account"),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "webregister", "<player>", "Start registration process for creating web login account for player <player>"),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "version", "Return version information"),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "dumpmemory", "Return mempry use information"),
new CommandInfo("dynmap", "url", "Return confgured URL for Dynmap web"),
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "", "Manipulate map markers."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "add", "<label>", "Add new marker with label <label> at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "add", "id:<id> <label>", "Add new marker with ID <id> at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "movehere", "<label>", "Move marker with label <label> to current location."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "movehere", "id:<id>", "Move marker with ID <id> to current location."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "update", "<label> icon:<icon> newlabel:<newlabel>", "Update marker with ID <id> with new label <newlabel> and new icon <icon>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "delete", "<label>", "Delete marker with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "delete", "id:<id>", "Delete marker with ID of <id>."),
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "list", "List details of all markers."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "icons", "List details of all icons."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addset", "<label>", "Add marker set with label <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addset", "id:<id> <label>", "Add marker set with ID <id> and label <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateset", "id:<id> newlabel:<newlabel>", "Update marker set with ID <id> with new label <newlabel>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateset", "<label> newlabel:<newlabel>", "Update marker set with label <label> to new label <newlabel>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteset", "<label>", "Delete marker set with label <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteset", "id:<id>", "Delete marker set with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "listsets", "List all marker sets."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addicon", "id:<id> <label> file:<filename>", "Install new icon with ID <id> using image file <filename>"),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateicon", "id:<id> newlabel:<newlabel> file:<filename>", "Update existing icon with ID of <id> with new label or file."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateicon", "<label> newlabel:<newlabel> file:<filename>", "Update existing icon with label of <label> with new label or file."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteicon", "id:<id>", "Remove icon with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteicon", "<label>", "Remove icon with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addcorner", "Add corner to corner list using current location."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addcorner", "<x> <y> <z> <world>", "Add corner with coordinate <x>, <y>, <z> on world <world> to corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "clearcorners", "Clear corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addarea", "<label>", "Add new area marker with label of <label> using current corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addarea", "id:<id> <label>", "Add new area marker with ID of <id> using current corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deletearea", "<label>", "Delete area marker with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deletearea", "id:<id> <label>", "Delete area marker with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "listareas", "List details of all area markers."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updatearea", "<label> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of area marker with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updatearea", "id:<id> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of area marker with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addline", "<label>", "Add new poly-line marker with label of <label> using current corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addline", "id:<id> <label>", "Add new poly-line marker with ID of <id> using current corner list."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteline", "<label>", "Delete poly-line marker with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deleteline", "id:<id>", "Delete poly-line marker with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "listlines", "List details of all poly-line markers."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateline", "<label> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of poly-line marker with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updateline", "id:<id> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of poly-line marker with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addcircle", "<label> radius:<rad>", "Add new circle centered at current location with radius of <radius> and label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addcircle", "id:<id> <label> radius:<rad>", "Add new circle centered at current location with radius of <radius> and ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "addcircle", "<label> radius:<rad> x:<x> y:<y> z:<z> world:<world>", "Add new circle centered at <x>,<y>,<z> on world <world> with radius of <rad> and label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deletecircle", "<label>", "Delete circle with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "deletecircle", "id:<id>", "Delete circle with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "listcircles", "List details of all circles."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updatecircle", "<label> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of circle with label of <label>."),
new CommandInfo("dmarker", "updatecircle", "id:<id> <arg>:<value> ...", "Update attributes of circle with ID of <id>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "", "List and modify dynmap configuration."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldlist", "List all worlds configured (enabled or disabled)."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldset", "<world> enabled:<true|false>", "Enable or disable world named <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldset", "<world> center:<x/y/z|here|default>", "Set map center for world <world> to ccoordinates <x>,<y>,<z>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldset", "<world> extrazoomout:<N>", "Set extra zoom out levels for world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "maplist", "<world>", "List all maps for world <world>"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "mapdelete", "<world>:<map>", "Delete map <map> from world <world>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "mapadd", "<world>:<map> <attrib>:<value> <attrib>:<value>", "Create map for world <world> with name <map> using provided attributes."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "mapset", "<world>:<map> <attrib>:<value> <attrib>:<value>", "Update map <map> of world <world> with new attribute values."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldreset", "<world>", "Reset world <world> to default template for world type"),
2023-06-21 06:11:29 +02:00
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldreset", "<world> <templatename>", "Reset world <world> to template <templatename>."),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldgetlimits", "<world>", "List visibity and hidden limits for world"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldaddlimit", "<world> corner1:<x>/<z> corner2:<x>/<z>", "Add rectangular visibilty limit"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldaddlimit", "<world> type:round center:<x>/<z> radius:<radius>", "Add round visibilty limit"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldaddlimit", "<world> limittype:hidden corner1:<x>/<z> corner2:<x>/<z>", "Add rectangular hidden limit"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldaddlimit", "<world> limittype:hidden hitype:round center:<x>/<z> radius:<radius>", "Add round hidden limit"),
new CommandInfo("dmap", "worldremovelimit", "<world> <limit-index>", "Remove world limit with index limit-index"),
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "", "Set and execute exports in OBJ format."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "set", "<attrib> <value> ...", "Set bounds attributes for OBJ export."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "reset", "Reset all bounds for OBJ export."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "pos0", "Set first corner of bounds to player's position."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "pos1", "Set second corner of bounds to player's position."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "radius", "<radius>", "Set bounds to radius <radius> around player's position."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "export", "<name>", "Export map data to <name>.zip in export path."),
new CommandInfo("dynmapexp", "purge", "<name>", "Purge exported map data <name>.zip from export path.")
public void printCommandHelp(DynmapCommandSender sender, String cmd, String subcmd) {
boolean matched = false;
if((subcmd != null) && (!subcmd.equals(""))) {
for(CommandInfo ci : commandinfo) {
if(ci.matches(cmd, subcmd)) {
sender.sendMessage(String.format("/%s %s %s - %s", ci.cmd, ci.subcmd, ci.args, ci.helptext));
matched = true;
if(!matched) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid subcommand: " + subcmd);
else {
for(CommandInfo ci : commandinfo) {
if(ci.matches(cmd, "")) {
sender.sendMessage(String.format("/%s - %s", ci.cmd, ci.helptext));
String subcmdlist = " Valid subcommands:";
TreeSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<String>();
for(CommandInfo ci : commandinfo) {
if(ci.matches(cmd)) {
for(String sc : ts) {
subcmdlist += " " + sc;
* Returns tab completion suggestions for subcommands
* @param sender - The command sender requesting the tab completion suggestions
* @param cmd - The top level command to suggest for
* @param arg - Optional partial subcommand name to filter by
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
List<String> getSubcommandSuggestions(DynmapCommandSender sender, String cmd, String arg) {
List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
for (CommandInfo ci : commandinfo) {
//TODO: Permission checks
if (ci.matches(cmd) && ci.subcmd.startsWith(arg) && !suggestions.contains(ci.subcmd)) {
return suggestions;
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
* Returns tab completion suggestions for world names
* @param arg - Partial world name to filter by
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
public List<String> getWorldSuggestions(String arg) {
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
return mapManager.getWorlds().stream()
.filter(name -> name.startsWith(arg))
* Returns tab completion suggestions for map names of a specific world
* @param worldName - Name of the world
* @param mapArg - Partial map name to filter by
* @param colonSeparated - Whether to return suggestions in world:map format
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
List<String> getMapSuggestions(String worldName, String mapArg, boolean colonSeparated) {
DynmapWorld world = mapManager.getWorld(worldName);
if (world != null) {
//Don't suggest anything if the argument contains a space as the client doesn't handle this well
if(mapArg.contains(" ")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
return world.maps.stream()
.filter(map -> map.getName().startsWith(mapArg))
.map(map -> {
if (map.getName().contains(" ")) { //Quote if map name contains a space
return "\"" + (colonSeparated ? worldName + ":" + map.getName() : map.getName()) + "\"";
} else {
return colonSeparated ? worldName + ":" + map.getName() : map.getName();
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns tab completion suggestions for map names without a world name, in world:map format
* @param arg - Partial world:map name to filter by
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
List<String> getMapSuggestions(String arg) {
int colon = arg.indexOf(":");
final String worldName = (colon >= 0) ? arg.substring(0, colon) : arg;
String mapArg = (colon >= 0) ? arg.substring(colon + 1) : null;
//Don't suggest anything if the argument contains a space as the client doesn't handle this well
if(arg.contains(" ")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
if (mapArg != null) {
return getMapSuggestions(worldName, mapArg, true);
List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
.filter(world -> world.getName().startsWith(worldName))
.forEach(world -> {
List<String> maps = world.maps.stream()
.map(map -> {
if (map.getName().contains(" ")) { //Quote if map name contains a space
return "\"" + world.getName() + ":" + map.getName() + "\"";
} else {
return world.getName() + ":" + map.getName();
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
return suggestions;
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
* Returns tab completion suggestions for field:value args based on the provided arguments
* If the last provided argument contains a ":", values for the field will be suggested if present
* Otherwise fields will be suggested if they do not already exist with a value in the provided arguments
* @param args - Array of already provided command arguments
* @param fields - Map of possible field names and suppliers for values
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
public List<String> getFieldValueSuggestions(String[] args, Map<String, Supplier<String[]>> fields) {
if (args.length == 0 || fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>(fields.keySet());
String[] lastArgument = args[args.length - 1].split(":", 2);
//If last argument is an incomplete field value, suggest matching values for that field.
if (lastArgument.length == 2) {
if (fields.containsKey(lastArgument[0])) {
//Don't suggest anything if the value contains a space as the client doesn't handle this well
if(lastArgument[1].contains(" ")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
return Arrays.stream(fields.get(lastArgument[0]).get())
.filter(value -> value.startsWith(lastArgument[1]))
//Format suggestions as field:value, quoting the value if it contains a space
.map(value -> lastArgument[0] + ":" + (value.contains(" ") ? "\"" + value + "\"" : value))
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
//Remove fields with values in previous args from suggestions
for (String arg : args) {
String[] value = arg.split(":");
if (suggestions.contains(value[0]) && value.length == 2) {
//Suggest remaining fields
return suggestions.stream().
filter(field -> field.startsWith(args[args.length - 1]))
.map(field -> field + ":")
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public boolean processCommand(DynmapCommandSender sender, String cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if (mapManager == null) { // Initialization faulure
sender.sendMessage("Dynmap failed to initialize properly: commands not available");
return true;
if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dmarker")) {
if(!MarkerAPIImpl.onCommand(this, sender, cmd, commandLabel, args)) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, (args.length > 0)?args[0]:"");
return true;
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dmap")) {
if(!dmapcmds.processCommand(sender, cmd, commandLabel, args, this)) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, (args.length > 0)?args[0]:"");
return true;
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dynmapexp")) {
if(!dynmapexpcmds.processCommand(sender, cmd, commandLabel, args, this)) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, (args.length > 0)?args[0]:"");
return true;
if (!cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dynmap"))
return false;
DynmapPlayer player = null;
if (sender instanceof DynmapPlayer)
player = (DynmapPlayer) sender;
/* Re-parse args - handle doublequotes */
args = parseArgs(args, sender);
if(args == null) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, "");
return true;
if (args.length > 0) {
String c = args[0];
if (!commands.contains(c)) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, "");
return true;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if (c.equals("render") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"render")) {
if (player != null) {
DynmapLocation loc = player.getLocation();
if (loc != null) {
mapManager.touch(loc.world, (int)loc.x, (int)loc.y, (int)loc.z, "render");
sender.sendMessage("Tile render queued.");
else {
sender.sendMessage("Command can only be issued by player.");
else if(c.equals("radiusrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"radiusrender")) {
int radius = 0;
String mapname = null;
DynmapLocation loc = null;
if((args.length == 2) || (args.length == 3)) { /* Just radius, or <radius> <map> */
try {
radius = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); /* Parse radius */
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid radius: " + args[1]);
return true;
if(radius < 0)
radius = 0;
if(args.length > 2)
mapname = args[2];
if (player != null)
loc = player.getLocation();
sender.sendMessage("Command require <world> <x> <z> <radius> if issued from console.");
else if(args.length > 3) { /* <world> <x> <z> */
DynmapWorld w = mapManager.worldsLookup.get(args[1]); /* Look up world */
if(w == null) {
sender.sendMessage("World '" + args[1] + "' not defined/loaded");
int x = 0, z = 0;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid x coord: " + args[2]);
return true;
try {
z = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid z coord: " + args[3]);
return true;
if(args.length > 4) {
try {
radius = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid radius: " + args[4]);
return true;
if(args.length > 5)
mapname = args[5];
if(w != null)
loc = new DynmapLocation(w.getName(), x, 64, z);
if(loc != null)
mapManager.renderWorldRadius(loc, sender, mapname, radius);
} else if(c.equals("updaterender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"updaterender")) {
String mapname = null;
DynmapLocation loc = null;
if(args.length <= 3) { /* Just command, or command plus map */
if(args.length > 1)
mapname = args[1];
if (player != null)
loc = player.getLocation();
sender.sendMessage("Command require <world> <x> <z> <mapname> if issued from console.");
else { /* <world> <x> <z> */
DynmapWorld w = mapManager.worldsLookup.get(args[1]); /* Look up world */
if(w == null) {
sender.sendMessage("World '" + args[1] + "' not defined/loaded");
int x = 0, z = 0;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid x coord: " + args[2]);
return true;
try {
z = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid z coord: " + args[3]);
return true;
if(args.length > 4)
mapname = args[4];
if(w != null)
loc = new DynmapLocation(w.getName(), x, 64, z);
if(loc != null)
mapManager.renderFullWorld(loc, sender, mapname, true, false);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
} else if (c.equals("hide")) {
if (args.length == 1) {
if(player != null && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"hide.self")) {
sender.sendMessage("You are now hidden on Dynmap.");
} else if (checkPlayerPermission(sender,"hide.others")) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
sender.sendMessage(args[i] + " is now hidden on Dynmap.");
} else if (c.equals("show")) {
if (args.length == 1) {
if(player != null && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"show.self")) {
sender.sendMessage("You are now visible on Dynmap.");
} else if (checkPlayerPermission(sender,"show.others")) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
sender.sendMessage(args[i] + " is now visible on Dynmap.");
} else if (c.equals("fullrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"fullrender")) {
String map = null;
if (args.length > 1) {
boolean resume = false;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) {
resume = true;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
int dot = args[i].indexOf(":");
DynmapWorld w;
String wname = args[i];
if(dot >= 0) {
wname = args[i].substring(0, dot);
map = args[i].substring(dot+1);
w = mapManager.getWorld(wname);
if(w != null) {
DynmapLocation loc;
if(w.center != null)
loc = w.center;
loc = w.getSpawnLocation();
mapManager.renderFullWorld(loc,sender, map, false, resume);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
sender.sendMessage("World '" + wname + "' not defined/loaded");
} else if (player != null) {
DynmapLocation loc = player.getLocation();
if(args.length > 1)
map = args[1];
if(loc != null)
mapManager.renderFullWorld(loc, sender, map, false, false);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
} else {
sender.sendMessage("World name is required");
} else if (c.equals("cancelrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"cancelrender")) {
if (args.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
DynmapWorld w = mapManager.getWorld(args[i]);
if(w != null)
mapManager.cancelRender(w.getName(), sender);
sender.sendMessage("World '" + args[i] + "' not defined/loaded");
} else if (player != null) {
DynmapLocation loc = player.getLocation();
if(loc != null)
mapManager.cancelRender(loc.world, sender);
} else {
sender.sendMessage("World name is required");
} else if (c.equals("purgequeue") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "purgequeue")) {
if (args.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
mapManager.purgeQueue(sender, args[i]);
else {
mapManager.purgeQueue(sender, null);
} else if (c.equals("purgemap") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"purgemap")) {
if (args.length > 2) {
mapManager.purgeMap(sender, args[1], args[2]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage("World name and map name values are required");
} else if (c.equals("purgeworld") && checkPlayerPermission(sender,"purgeworld")) {
if (args.length > 1) {
mapManager.purgeWorld(sender, args[1]);
} else {
sender.sendMessage("World name is required");
} /*else if (c.equals("reload") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "reload")) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
sender.sendMessage("Reloading Dynmap...");
sender.sendMessage("Dynmap reloaded");
} */else if (c.equals("stats") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "stats")) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if(args.length == 1)
mapManager.printStats(sender, null);
mapManager.printStats(sender, args[1]);
} else if (c.equals("triggerstats") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "stats")) {
} else if (c.equals("pause") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "pause")) {
if(args.length == 1) {
else if(args[1].equals("full")) {
else if(args[1].equals("update")) {
else if(args[1].equals("all")) {
else {
sender.sendMessage("Full/Radius renders are PAUSED");
else if (mapManager.getTPSFullRenderPause())
sender.sendMessage("Full/Radius renders are TPS PAUSED");
sender.sendMessage("Full/Radius renders are ACTIVE");
sender.sendMessage("Update renders are PAUSED");
else if (mapManager.getTPSUpdateRenderPause())
sender.sendMessage("Update renders are TPS PAUSED");
sender.sendMessage("Update renders are ACTIVE");
if (mapManager.getTPSZoomOutPause())
sender.sendMessage("Zoom out processing is TPS PAUSED");
sender.sendMessage("Zoom out processing is ACTIVE");
} else if (c.equals("resetstats") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "resetstats")) {
if(args.length == 1)
mapManager.resetStats(sender, null);
mapManager.resetStats(sender, args[1]);
} else if (c.equals("sendtoweb") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "sendtoweb")) {
String msg = "";
for(int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
msg += args[i] + " ";
this.sendBroadcastToWeb("dynmap", msg);
} else if(c.equals("ids-for-ip") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "ids-for-ip")) {
if(args.length > 1) {
List<String> ids = getIDsForIP(args[1]);
sender.sendMessage("IDs logged in from address " + args[1] + " (most recent to least):");
if(ids != null) {
for(String id : ids)
sender.sendMessage(" " + id);
else {
sender.sendMessage("IP address required as parameter");
} else if(c.equals("ips-for-id") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "ips-for-id")) {
if(args.length > 1) {
sender.sendMessage("IP addresses logged for player " + args[1] + ":");
for(String ip: ids_by_ip.keySet()) {
LinkedList<String> ids = ids_by_ip.get(ip);
if((ids != null) && ids.contains(args[1])) {
sender.sendMessage(" " + ip);
else {
sender.sendMessage("Player ID required as parameter");
} else if((c.equals("add-id-for-ip") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "add-id-for-ip")) ||
(c.equals("del-id-for-ip") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "del-id-for-ip"))) {
if(args.length > 2) {
String ipaddr = "";
try {
InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(args[2]);
ipaddr = ip.getHostAddress();
} catch (UnknownHostException uhx) {
sender.sendMessage("Invalid address : " + args[2]);
return true;
LinkedList<String> ids = ids_by_ip.get(ipaddr);
if(ids == null) {
ids = new LinkedList<String>();
ids_by_ip.put(ipaddr, ids);
ids.remove(args[1]); /* Remove existing, if any */
if(c.equals("add-id-for-ip")) {
ids.addFirst(args[1]); /* And add us first */
sender.sendMessage("Added player ID '" + args[1] + "' to address '" + ipaddr + "'");
else {
sender.sendMessage("Removed player ID '" + args[1] + "' from address '" + ipaddr + "'");
else {
sender.sendMessage("Needs player ID and IP address");
} else if(c.equals("webregister") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "webregister")) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.processWebRegisterCommand(this, sender, player, args);
sender.sendMessage("Login support is not enabled");
else if (c.equals("quiet") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "quiet")) {
else if(c.equals("help")) {
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, (args.length > 1)?args[1]:"");
else if(c.equals("dumpmemory") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "dumpmemory")) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
else if(c.equals("version")) {
sender.sendMessage("Dynmap version: core=" + this.getDynmapCoreVersion() + ", plugin=" + this.getDynmapPluginVersion());
else if (c.equals("url")) {
if (publicURL.length() > 0) {
sender.sendMessage("Dynmap URL for this server is: " + publicURL);
else {
sender.sendMessage("URL of Dynmap not configured");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
return true;
printCommandHelp(sender, cmd, (args.length > 0)?args[0]:"");
return true;
* Returns a list of tab completion suggestions for the given sender, command and command arguments.
* @param sender - The sender of the tab completion, used for permission checks
* @param cmd - The top level command being tab completed
* @param args - Array of extra command arguments
* @return List of tab completion suggestions
public List<String> getTabCompletions(DynmapCommandSender sender, String cmd, String[] args) {
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
if (mapManager == null || args.length == 0) {
return Collections.emptyList();
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
if (args.length == 1) {
return getSubcommandSuggestions(sender, cmd, args[0]);
2021-12-19 00:56:14 +01:00
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dmap")) {
return dmapcmds.getTabCompletions(sender, args, this);
2021-12-20 00:28:08 +01:00
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dmarker")) {
return markerapi.getTabCompletions(sender, args, this);
2021-12-20 01:31:03 +01:00
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dynmapexp")) {
return dynmapexpcmds.getTabCompletions(sender, args, this);
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
if (!cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("dynmap")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
/* Re-parse args - handle double quotes */
args = parseArgs(args, sender, true);
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
if (args == null || args.length <= 1) {
return Collections.emptyList();
String subcommand = args[0];
DynmapPlayer player = null;
if (sender instanceof DynmapPlayer) {
player = (DynmapPlayer) sender;
if (subcommand.equals("radiusrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "radiusrender")) {
if(args.length == 2) { // /dynmap radiusrender *<world>* <x> <z> <radius> <map>
return getWorldSuggestions(args[1]);
} if(args.length == 3 && player != null) { // /dynmap radiusrender <radius> *<mapname>*
2022-02-05 22:16:08 +01:00
try (Scanner sc = new Scanner(args[1])) {
if(sc.hasNextInt(10)) { //Only show map suggestions if a number was entered before
return getMapSuggestions(player.getLocation().world, args[2], false);
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
} else if(args.length == 6) { // /dynmap radiusrender <world> <x> <z> <radius> *<map>*
return getMapSuggestions(args[1], args[5], false);
} else if (subcommand.equals("updaterender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "updaterender")) {
if(args.length == 2) { // /dynmap updaterender *<world>* <x> <z> <map>/*<map>*
List<String> suggestions = getWorldSuggestions(args[1]);
if(player != null) {
suggestions.addAll(getMapSuggestions(player.getLocation().world, args[1], false));
return suggestions;
} else if(args.length == 5) { // /dynmap updaterender <world> <x> <z> *<map>*
return getMapSuggestions(args[1], args[4], false);
} else if (subcommand.equals("hide") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "hide.others")) {
if(args.length == 2) { // /dynmap hide *<player>*
final String arg = args[1];
return playerList.getVisiblePlayers().stream()
.filter(name -> name.startsWith(arg))
} else if (subcommand.equals("show") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "show.others")) {
if(args.length == 2) { // /dynmap show *<player>*
final String arg = args[1];
return playerList.getHiddenPlayers().stream()
.filter(name -> name.startsWith(arg))
} else if (subcommand.equals("fullrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "fullrender")) {
List<String> suggestions = getWorldSuggestions(args[args.length - 1]); //World suggestions
suggestions.addAll(getMapSuggestions(args[args.length - 1])); //world:map suggestions
//Remove suggestions present in other arguments
for (String arg : args) {
suggestions.remove(arg.contains(" ") ? "\"" + arg + "\"" : arg);
2021-12-18 20:03:32 +01:00
//Add resume if previous argument wasn't resume
if ("resume".startsWith(args[args.length - 1])
&& (args.length == 2 || !args[args.length - 2].equals("resume"))) {
return suggestions;
} else if ((subcommand.equals("cancelrender") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "cancelrender"))
|| (subcommand.equals("purgequeue") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "purgequeue"))) {
List<String> suggestions = getWorldSuggestions(args[args.length - 1]);
suggestions.removeAll(Arrays.asList(args)); //Remove worlds present in other arguments
return suggestions;
} else if (subcommand.equals("purgemap") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "purgemap")) {
if (args.length == 2) { // /dynmap purgemap *<world>* <map>
return getWorldSuggestions(args[1]);
} else if (args.length == 3) { // /dynmap purgemap <world> *<map>*
return getMapSuggestions(args[1], args[2], false);
} else if ((subcommand.equals("purgeworld") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "purgeworld"))
|| (subcommand.equals("stats") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "stats"))
|| (subcommand.equals("resetstats") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "resetstats"))) {
if (args.length == 2) {
return getWorldSuggestions(args[1]);
} else if (subcommand.equals("pause") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "pause")) {
List<String> suggestions = Arrays.asList("full", "update", "all", "none");
if (args.length == 2) {
final String arg = args[1];
return suggestions.stream().filter(suggestion -> suggestion.startsWith(arg))
} else if((subcommand.equals("ips-for-id") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "ips-for-id"))
|| (subcommand.equals("add-id-for-ip") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "add-id-for-ip"))
|| (subcommand.equals("del-id-for-ip") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "del-id-for-ip"))
|| (subcommand.equals("webregister") && checkPlayerPermission(sender, "webregister.other"))) {
if(args.length == 2) {
final String arg = args[1];
return Arrays.stream(playerList.getOnlinePlayers())
.filter(name -> name.startsWith(arg))
} else if(subcommand.equals("help")) {
if(args.length == 2) {
return getSubcommandSuggestions(sender, "dynmap", args[1]);
return Collections.emptyList();
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public boolean checkPlayerPermission(DynmapCommandSender sender, String permission) {
if (!(sender instanceof DynmapPlayer) || sender.isOp()) {
return true;
} else if (!sender.hasPrivilege(permission.toLowerCase())) {
2022-05-29 15:28:06 +02:00
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
return false;
return true;
public boolean checkPermission(String player, String permission) {
return getServer().checkPlayerPermission(player, permission);
public ConfigurationNode getWorldConfiguration(DynmapWorld world) {
String wname = world.getName();
ConfigurationNode finalConfiguration = new ConfigurationNode();
finalConfiguration.put("name", wname);
finalConfiguration.put("title", world.getTitle());
ConfigurationNode worldConfiguration = getWorldConfigurationNode(wname);
// Get the template.
ConfigurationNode templateConfiguration = null;
if (worldConfiguration != null) {
String templateName = worldConfiguration.getString("template");
if (templateName != null) {
templateConfiguration = getTemplateConfigurationNode(templateName);
// Template not found, using default template.
if (templateConfiguration == null) {
templateConfiguration = getDefaultTemplateConfigurationNode(world);
// Merge the finalConfiguration, templateConfiguration and worldConfiguration.
Log.verboseinfo("Configuration of world " + world.getName());
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> e : finalConfiguration.entrySet()) {
Log.verboseinfo(e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue());
/* Update world_config with final */
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
if(worlds == null) {
worlds = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
world_config.put("worlds", worlds);
boolean did_upd = false;
for(int idx = 0; idx < worlds.size(); idx++) {
Map<String,Object> m = worlds.get(idx);
if(wname.equals(m.get("name"))) {
worlds.set(idx, finalConfiguration);
did_upd = true;
return finalConfiguration;
ConfigurationNode getDefaultTemplateConfigurationNode(DynmapWorld world) {
String environmentName = world.getEnvironment();
if(deftemplatesuffix.length() > 0) {
if(!Arrays.asList(defaultTemplates).contains(deftemplatesuffix)) {
Log.warning("Not using a default defined template, worlds might not be accessible.");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
environmentName += "-" + deftemplatesuffix;
Log.verboseinfo("Using environment as template: " + environmentName);
return getTemplateConfigurationNode(environmentName);
private ConfigurationNode getWorldConfigurationNode(String worldName) {
worldName = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(worldName);
for(ConfigurationNode worldNode : world_config.getNodes("worlds")) {
if (worldName.equals(worldNode.getString("name"))) {
return worldNode;
return new ConfigurationNode();
ConfigurationNode getTemplateConfigurationNode(String templateName) {
ConfigurationNode templatesNode = configuration.getNode("templates");
if (templatesNode != null) {
return templatesNode.getNode(templateName);
return null;
public String getWebPath() {
return webpath;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public static void setIgnoreChunkLoads(boolean ignore) {
ignore_chunk_loads = ignore;
/* Uses resource to create default file, if file does not yet exist */
public boolean createDefaultFileFromResource(String resourcename, File deffile) {
return true;
Debug.debug(deffile.getPath() + " not found - creating default");
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcename);
if(in == null) {
Log.severe("Unable to find default resource - " + resourcename);
return false;
else {
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(deffile);
byte[] buf = new byte[512];
int len;
while((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
fos.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch (IOException iox) {
Log.severe("ERROR creatomg default for " + deffile.getPath());
return false;
} finally {
if(fos != null)
try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
if(in != null)
try { in.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
return true;
* Update if new version
public boolean updateVersionUsingDefaultResource(String resourcename, File deffile) {
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcename);
if(in == null) {
Log.severe("Unable to find resource - " + resourcename);
return false;
if(deffile.canRead() == false) { /* Doesn't exist? */
return createDefaultFileFromResource(resourcename, deffile);
/* Load default from resource */
ConfigurationNode def_fc = new ConfigurationNode(in);
/* Load existing from file */
ConfigurationNode fc = new ConfigurationNode(deffile);
if (fc.getString("version", "").equals(def_fc.getString("version", ""))) {
return true;
return createDefaultFileFromResource(resourcename, deffile);
* Add in any missing sections to existing file, using resource
public boolean updateUsingDefaultResource(String resourcename, File deffile, String basenode) {
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcename);
if(in == null) {
Log.severe("Unable to find resource - " + resourcename);
return false;
if(deffile.canRead() == false) { /* Doesn't exist? */
return createDefaultFileFromResource(resourcename, deffile);
/* Load default from resource */
ConfigurationNode def_fc = new ConfigurationNode(in);
/* Load existing from file */
ConfigurationNode fc = new ConfigurationNode(deffile);
/* Now, get the list associated with the base node default */
List<Map<String,Object>> existing = fc.getMapList(basenode);
Set<String> existing_names = new HashSet<String>();
/* Make map, indexed by 'name' in map */
if(existing != null) {
for(Map<String,Object> m : existing) {
Object name = m.get("name");
if(name instanceof String)
boolean did_update = false;
/* Now, loop through defaults, and see if any are missing */
List<Map<String,Object>> defmaps = def_fc.getMapList(basenode);
if(defmaps != null) {
for(Map<String,Object> m : defmaps) {
Object name = m.get("name");
if(name instanceof String) {
/* If not an existing one, need to add it */
if(existing_names.contains((String)name) == false) {
did_update = true;
/* If we did update, save existing */
if(did_update) {
fc.put(basenode, existing);
Log.info("Updated file " + deffile.getPath());
return true;
* ** This is the public API for other plugins to use for accessing the Marker API **
* This method can return null if the 'markers' component has not been configured -
* a warning message will be issued to the server.log in this event.
* @return MarkerAPI, or null if not configured
public MarkerAPI getMarkerAPI() {
if(markerapi == null) {
Log.warning("Marker API has been requested, but is not enabled. Uncomment or add 'markers' component to configuration.txt.");
return markerapi;
public boolean markerAPIInitialized() {
return (markerapi != null);
* Send generic message to all web users
* @param sender - label for sender of message ("[&lt;sender&gt;] message") - if null, no from notice
* @param msg - message to be sent
* @return true if successful
public boolean sendBroadcastToWeb(String sender, String msg) {
if(mapManager != null) {
mapManager.pushUpdate(new Client.ChatMessage("plugin", sender, "", msg, ""));
return true;
return false;
* Register markers API - used by component to supply marker API to plugin
* @param api - marker API
public void registerMarkerAPI(MarkerAPIImpl api) {
markerapi = api;
* Pause full/radius render processing
* @param dopause - true to pause, false to unpause
public void setPauseFullRadiusRenders(boolean dopause) {
* Test if full renders are paused
* @return true if paused
public boolean getPauseFullRadiusRenders() {
return mapManager.getPauseFullRadiusRenders();
* Pause update render processing
* @param dopause - true to pause, false to unpause
public void setPauseUpdateRenders(boolean dopause) {
* Test if update renders are paused
* @return true if paused
public boolean getPauseUpdateRenders() {
return mapManager.getPauseUpdateRenders();
* Get list of IDs seen on give IP (most recent to least recent)
* @param addr - IP address
* @return list of IDs
public List<String> getIDsForIP(InetAddress addr) {
return getIDsForIP(addr.getHostAddress());
* Get list of IDs seen on give IP (most recent to least recent)
* @param ip - IP to check
* @return list of IDs
public List<String> getIDsForIP(String ip) {
LinkedList<String> ids = ids_by_ip.get(ip);
if(ids != null)
return new ArrayList<String>(ids);
return null;
private void loadIDsByIP() {
File f = new File(getDataFolder(), "ids-by-ip.txt");
if(f.exists() == false)
ConfigurationNode fc = new ConfigurationNode(new File(getDataFolder(), "ids-by-ip.txt"));
try {
for(String k : fc.keySet()) {
List<String> ids = fc.getList(k);
if(ids != null) {
k = k.replace("_", ".");
ids_by_ip.put(k, new LinkedList<String>(ids));
} catch (Exception iox) {
Log.severe("Error loading " + f.getPath() + " - " + iox.getMessage());
private void saveIDsByIP() {
File f = new File(getDataFolder(), "ids-by-ip.txt");
ConfigurationNode fc = new ConfigurationNode();
for(String k : ids_by_ip.keySet()) {
List<String> v = ids_by_ip.get(k);
if(v != null) {
k = k.replace(".", "_");
fc.put(k, v);
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
Log.severe("Error saving " + f.getPath() + " - " + x.getMessage());
public void setPlayerVisiblity(String player, boolean is_visible) {
playerList.setVisible(player, is_visible);
public boolean getPlayerVisbility(String player) {
return playerList.isVisiblePlayer(player);
public void assertPlayerInvisibility(String player, boolean is_invisible, String plugin_id) {
playerList.assertInvisiblilty(player, is_invisible, plugin_id);
public void assertPlayerVisibility(String player, boolean is_visible, String plugin_id) {
playerList.assertVisiblilty(player, is_visible, plugin_id);
public void postPlayerMessageToWeb(String playerid, String playerdisplay, String message) {
if(playerdisplay == null) playerdisplay = playerid;
if(mapManager != null)
mapManager.pushUpdate(new Client.ChatMessage("player", "", playerdisplay, message, playerid));
public void postPlayerJoinQuitToWeb(String playerid, String playerdisplay, boolean isjoin) {
if(playerdisplay == null) playerdisplay = playerid;
if((mapManager != null) && (playerList != null) && (playerList.isVisiblePlayer(playerid))) {
mapManager.pushUpdate(new Client.PlayerJoinMessage(playerdisplay, playerid));
mapManager.pushUpdate(new Client.PlayerQuitMessage(playerdisplay, playerid));
public String getDynmapCoreVersion() {
return version;
public String getDynmapPluginVersion() {
return plugin_ver;
public int triggerRenderOfBlock(String wid, int x, int y, int z) {
if(mapManager != null)
mapManager.touch(wid, x, y, z, "api");
return 0;
public int triggerRenderOfVolume(String wid, int minx, int miny, int minz, int maxx, int maxy, int maxz) {
if(mapManager != null) {
if((minx == maxx) && (miny == maxy) && (minz == maxz))
mapManager.touch(wid, minx, miny, minz, "api");
mapManager.touchVolume(wid, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, "api");
return 0;
public boolean isTrigger(String s) {
return enabledTriggers.contains(s);
public DynmapWorld getWorld(String wid) {
if(mapManager != null)
return mapManager.getWorld(wid);
return null;
/* Called by plugin when world loaded */
public boolean processWorldLoad(DynmapWorld w) {
boolean activated = true;
if(mapManager.getWorld(w.getName()) == null) {
activated = mapManager.activateWorld(w);
else {
return activated;
/* Called by plugin when world unloaded */
public boolean processWorldUnload(DynmapWorld w) {
boolean done = false;
if(mapManager.getWorld(w.getName()) != null) {
done = true;
return done;
/* Enable/disable world */
public boolean setWorldEnable(String wname, boolean isenab) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
for(Map<String,Object> m : worlds) {
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
m.put("enabled", isenab);
return true;
/* If not found, and disable, add disable node */
if(isenab == false) {
Map<String,Object> newworld = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
newworld.put("name", wname);
newworld.put("enabled", isenab);
return true;
public boolean setWorldZoomOut(String wname, int xzoomout) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
for(Map<String,Object> m : worlds) {
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
m.put("extrazoomout", xzoomout);
return true;
return false;
public boolean setWorldTileUpdateDelay(String wname, int tud) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
for(Map<String,Object> m : worlds) {
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
if(tud > 0)
m.put("tileupdatedelay", tud);
return true;
return false;
public boolean setWorldCenter(String wname, DynmapLocation loc) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
for(Map<String,Object> m : worlds) {
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
if(loc != null) {
Map<String,Object> c = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
c.put("x", loc.x);
c.put("y", loc.y);
c.put("z", loc.z);
m.put("center", c);
else {
return true;
return false;
public boolean setWorldOrder(String wname, int order) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> newworlds = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(worlds);
Map<String,Object> w = null;
for(Map<String,Object> m : worlds) {
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
w = m;
newworlds.remove(m); /* Remove from list */
if(w != null) { /* If found it, add back at right pount */
if(order >= newworlds.size()) { /* At end? */
else {
newworlds.add(order, w);
world_config.put("worlds", newworlds);
return true;
return false;
public boolean updateWorldConfig(DynmapWorld w) {
ConfigurationNode cn = w.saveConfiguration();
return replaceWorldConfig(w.getName(), cn);
public boolean replaceWorldConfig(String wname, ConfigurationNode cn) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
List<Map<String,Object>> worlds = world_config.getMapList("worlds");
if(worlds == null) {
worlds = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
world_config.put("worlds", worlds);
for(int i = 0; i < worlds.size(); i++) {
Map<String,Object> m = worlds.get(i);
String wn = (String)m.get("name");
if((wn != null) && (wn.equals(wname))) {
worlds.set(i, cn.entries); /* Replace */
return true;
return false;
public boolean saveWorldConfig() {
boolean rslt = world_config.save(); /* Save world config */
updateConfigHashcode(); /* Update config hashcode */
return rslt;
/* Refresh world config */
public boolean refreshWorld(String wname) {
wname = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(wname);
if(mapManager != null) {
mapManager.deactivateWorld(wname); /* Clean it up */
DynmapWorld w = getServer().getWorldByName(wname); /* Get new instance */
if(w != null)
mapManager.activateWorld(w); /* And activate it again */
return true;
/* Load core version */
private void loadVersion() {
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/core.yml");
if(in == null)
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
Map<String,Object> val = (Map<String,Object>)yaml.load(in);
if(val != null)
version = (String)val.get("version");
public int getSnapShotCacheSize() { return snapshotcachesize; }
public boolean useSoftRefInSnapShotCache() { return snapshotsoftref; }
public String getDefImageFormat() { return def_image_format; }
public String scanAndReplaceLog4JMacro(String msg) {
int nestcnt = 0;
int off = 0;
int firsthit = -1;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
int idx = msg.indexOf("${", off); // Look for next ${
if (idx >= 0) { // Hit
if (nestcnt == 0) firsthit = idx; // Record start of hit
off = idx + 2;
else {
idx = msg.indexOf("}", off); // Next }
if (idx >= 0) {
if (nestcnt > 0) {
if ((nestcnt == 0) && (firsthit >= 0)) { // If back to zero, time to strip it
String newmsg = msg.substring(0, firsthit) + hackAttemptSub + msg.substring(idx+1);
msg = newmsg; // Switch to new version, and restart
off = 0;
firsthit = -1; // And restart scan
off = idx + 1;
else { // At end without a close
if (firsthit >= 0) { // Open strip?
String newmsg = msg.substring(0, firsthit) + hackAttemptSub; // Replace rest
msg = newmsg; // Switch to new version, and restart
done = true;
return msg;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public void webChat(final String name, final String message) {
if(mapManager == null)
// Check for folks trying to exploit Log4J
final String cleanname = scanAndReplaceLog4JMacro(name);
final String cleanmsg = scanAndReplaceLog4JMacro(message);
if (!cleanname.equals(name)) {
Log.severe("Possible hack attempt blocked: name contains Log4J macro - " + name.replaceAll("\\$", "_"));
if (!cleanmsg.equals(message)) {
Log.severe("Possible hack attempt blocked: message contains Log4J macro (from " + cleanname + ") - " + message.replaceAll("\\$", "_"));
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
Runnable c = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ChatEvent event = new ChatEvent("web", cleanname, cleanmsg);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
events.trigger("webchat", event);
getServer().scheduleServerTask(c, 1);
* Disable chat message processing (used by mods that will handle sending chat to the web themselves, via sendBroadcastToWeb()
* @param disable - if true, suppress internal chat-to-web messages
public boolean setDisableChatToWebProcessing(boolean disable) {
boolean prev = disable_chat_to_web;
disable_chat_to_web = disable;
return prev;
public boolean getLoginRequired() {
return loginRequired;
public boolean registerLogin(String uid, String pwd, String passcode) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.registerLogin(uid, pwd, passcode);
return false;
public boolean checkLogin(String uid, String pwd) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.checkLogin(uid, pwd);
return false;
String getLoginPHP(boolean wrap) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.getLoginPHP(wrap);
return null;
String getAccessPHP(boolean wrap) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.getAccessPHP(wrap);
return WebAuthManager.getDisabledAccessPHP(this, wrap);
boolean pendingRegisters() {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.pendingRegisters();
return false;
boolean processCompletedRegister(String uid, String pc, String hash) {
if(authmgr != null)
return authmgr.processCompletedRegister(uid, pc, hash);
return false;
public boolean testIfPlayerVisibleToPlayer(String player, String player_to_see) {
player = player.toLowerCase();
player_to_see = player_to_see.toLowerCase();
/* Can always see self */
if(player.equals(player_to_see)) return true;
/* If player is hidden, that is dominant */
if(getPlayerVisbility(player_to_see) == false) return false;
/* Check if player has see-all permission */
if(checkPermission(player, "playermarkers.seeall")) return true;
if(markerapi != null) {
return markerapi.testIfPlayerVisible(player, player_to_see);
return false;
public Set<String> getPlayersVisibleToPlayer(String player) {
if(markerapi != null)
return markerapi.getPlayersVisibleToPlayer(player);
return Collections.singleton(player.toLowerCase());
* Test if player position/information is protected on map view
* @return true if protected, false if visible to guests and all players
public boolean testIfPlayerInfoProtected() {
return player_info_protected;
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return server.getMaxPlayers();
public int getCurrentPlayers() {
return server.getCurrentPlayers();
public String getDynmapPluginPlatform() {
return platform;
public String getDynmapPluginPlatformVersion() {
return platformVersion;
2022-02-05 22:16:08 +01:00
public static boolean deleteDirectory(File dir) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File f : files) {
if (f.getName().equals(".") || f.getName().equals("..")) continue;
if (f.isDirectory()) {
else if(f.isFile()) {
return dir.delete();
2022-02-21 03:58:21 +01:00
private void updateStaticWebToStorage() {
if(jarfile == null) return;
// If doing update and web path update is disabled, send warning
if (!this.updatewebpathfiles) {
Log.info("Publishing web files to storage");
/* Open JAR as ZIP */
ZipFile zf = null;
InputStream ins = null;
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
String n = null;
try {
zf = new ZipFile(jarfile);
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> e = zf.entries();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry ze = e.nextElement();
n = ze.getName();
if (!n.startsWith("extracted/web/")) {
n = n.substring("extracted/web/".length());
// If file is going to web path, redirect it to the configured web
if (ze.isDirectory()) {
try {
ins = zf.getInputStream(ze);
BufferOutputStream buffer = new BufferOutputStream();
int len;
while ((len = ins.read(buf)) >= 0) {
buffer.write(buf, 0, len);
defaultStorage.setStaticWebFile(n, buffer);
} catch(IOException io) {
Log.severe("Error updating file in storage - " + n, io);
} finally {
if (ins != null) {
ins = null;
} catch (IOException iox) {
Log.severe("Error extracting file - " + n);
} finally {
if (ins != null) {
try { ins.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
ins = null;
if (zf != null) {
try { zf.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
zf = null;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
private void updateExtractedFiles() {
if(jarfile == null) return;
File df = this.getDataFolder();
if(df.exists() == false) df.mkdirs();
File ver = new File(df, "version.txt");
2022-02-05 06:14:31 +01:00
File wpath = this.getFile(this.getWebPath());
File webver = new File(wpath, "version.txt");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
String prevver = "1.6";
String prevwebver = "1.6";
if (ver.exists()) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
Reader ir = null;
try {
ir = new FileReader(ver);
prevver = "";
int c;
while((c = ir.read()) >= 0) {
prevver += (char)c;
} catch (IOException iox) {
} finally {
if(ir != null) {
try { ir.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
if (webver.exists()) {
Reader ir = null;
try {
ir = new FileReader(webver);
prevwebver = "";
int c;
while((c = ir.read()) >= 0) {
prevwebver += (char)c;
} catch (IOException iox) {
} finally {
if(ir != null) {
try { ir.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
2020-05-03 01:19:17 +02:00
String curver = this.getDynmapCoreVersion();
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* If matched, we're good */
if (prevver.equals(curver) && prevwebver.equals(curver) && (!curver.endsWith(("-Dev")))) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// If doing update and web path update is disabled, send warning
if (!this.updatewebpathfiles) {
Log.warning("Update of web interface is disabled, and update is available - UI may not function without updates");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
/* Get deleted file list */
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/deleted.txt");
if (in != null) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.length() == 0) continue;
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue;
File newfile = new File(df, line);
} catch (IOException iox) {
Log.warning("Exception while processing deleted files - " + iox.getMessage());
} finally {
try { in.close(); } catch (IOException x) {}
/* Open JAR as ZIP */
ZipFile zf = null;
FileOutputStream fos = null;
InputStream ins = null;
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
String n = null;
try {
File f;
zf = new ZipFile(jarfile);
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> e = zf.entries();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry ze = e.nextElement();
n = ze.getName();
if (!n.startsWith("extracted/")) {
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
n = n.substring("extracted/".length());
// If file is going to web path, redirect it to the configured web
if (n.startsWith("web/")) {
// Don't update unless we are allowed to
if (!updatewebpathfiles) {
2022-02-05 06:14:31 +01:00
f = new File(wpath, n.substring("web/".length()));
else {
f = new File(df, n);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
if(ze.isDirectory()) {
else {
try {
2022-02-21 03:58:21 +01:00
fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
ins = zf.getInputStream(ze);
int len;
while ((len = ins.read(buf)) >= 0) {
fos.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch(IOException io) {
Log.severe("Error updating file - " + f.getPath(), io);
} finally {
if (ins != null) {
ins = null;
if (fos != null) {
fos = null;
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
} catch (IOException iox) {
Log.severe("Error extracting file - " + n);
} finally {
if (ins != null) {
try { ins.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
ins = null;
if (fos != null) {
try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
fos = null;
if (zf != null) {
try { zf.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
zf = null;
/* Finally, write new version cookie to both data folder and web folder*/
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
Writer out = null;
try {
out = new FileWriter(ver);
} catch (IOException iox) {
} finally {
if(out != null) {
try { out.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
if (this.updatewebpathfiles) {
try {
out = new FileWriter(webver);
} catch (IOException iox) {
} finally {
if(out != null) {
try { out.close(); } catch (IOException iox) {}
Log.info("Extracted files upgraded");
else {
Log.info("Extracted files upgraded (excluding webpath files)");
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
// Server thread tick : nominally, once per 20 Hz tick
public void serverTick(double tps) {
if (this.mapManager != null) {
public int getMaxTickUseMS() {
return perTickLimit;
public boolean dumpMissingBlocks() {
return dumpMissing;
// Notice that server has finished starting (needed for forge, which starts dynmap before full server is running)
public void serverStarted() {
events.<Object>trigger("server-started", null);
// Normalize ID (strip out submods)
public String getNormalizedModID(String mod) {
int idx = mod.indexOf('|');
if (idx > 0) mod = mod.substring(0, idx);
return mod;
// Add mod block IDs to value map
public void addModBlockItemIDs(String mod, Map<String, Integer> modvals) {
mod = getNormalizedModID(mod);
for (String k : blockmap.keySet()) {
String[] ks = k.split(":", 2);
if (ks.length != 2) continue;
int id = blockmap.get(k);
ks[0] = getNormalizedModID(ks[0]);
if (mod.equals(ks[0])) {
modvals.put("%" + ks[1], id);
for (String k : itemmap.keySet()) {
String[] ks = k.split(":", 2);
if (ks.length != 2) continue;
int id = itemmap.get(k);
ks[0] = getNormalizedModID(ks[0]);
if (mod.equals(ks[0])) {
modvals.put("&" + ks[1], id);
public void processSignChange(String material, String world, int x, int y, int z,
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
String[] lines, String playerid) {
DynmapPlayer dp = server.getPlayer(playerid);
listenerManager.processSignChangeEvent(EventType.SIGN_CHANGE, material, world, x, y, z, lines, dp);
2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
public MapStorage getDefaultMapStorage() {
return defaultStorage;