-**function** (*Optional*, enum): Function of the alert pin, either ``comparator`` or ``interrupt``. Defaults to ``comparator``.
-**polarity** (*Optional*, enum): Polarity of the alert pin, either ``active_high`` or ``active_low``. Defaults to ``active_high``.
-**limit_low** (*Optional*, int): Lower temperature limit, in °C. Defaults to ``-128`` (the lowest possible limit value).
-**limit_high** (*Optional*, int): Higher temperature limit, in °C. Defaults to ``127.9375`` (the highest possible limit value).
-**fault_count** (*Optional*, int): Number of measurements. required for the alert pin to act. Must be between ``1`` and ``4``, inclusive. Defaults to ``1``.
I²C Addresses
In order to allow multiple sensors to be connected to the same I²C bus, the
creators of this sensor hardware have included some options to change the I²C
address. Three address pins can be connected to GND, VCC, SDA, or SCL, creating
32 possible addresses. See section of the `datasheet
<https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/tmp1075>`__ for the mapping table.
When all address pins are connected to GND, the address is ``0x48``, which is