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# NodeMCU PyFlasher
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Self-contained [NodeMCU]( flasher with GUI based on []( and [wxPython](
![Image of NodeMCU PyFlasher GUI](images/gui.png)
## Installation
NodeMCU PyFlasher doesn't have to be installed, just double-click it and it'll start. Check the [releases section]( for downloads for your platform. For every release there's at least a .exe file for Windows. Starting from 3.0 there's also a .dmg for macOS.
## Status
Scan the [list of open issues]( for bugs and pending features.
This is my first Python project. If you have constructive feedback as for how to improve the code please do reach out to me.
## Getting help
In the unlikely event that you're stuck with this simple tool the best way to get help is to turn to the ["Tools and IDE" subforum on](
## Donationware
All open-source development by the author is donationware. Show your love and support for open-source development by donating to the good cause through PayPal.
[![PayPal Donations](./images/paypal-256.png)](
## Build it yourself
If you want to build this application yourself you need to:
- Install [Python 3.x]( and [Pip]( (it comes with Python if installed from ``).
- Create a virtual environment with `python -m venv venv`
- Activate the virtual environment with `. venv/bin/activate` (`. venv/Scripts/activate` if you are on Windows with [Cygwin]( or [Mingw](
- Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
**A note on Linux:** As described on the [downloads section of `wxPython`](, wheels for Linux are complicated and may require you to run something like this to install `wxPython` correctly:
# Assuming you are running it on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with GTK3
pip install -U \
-f \
## Why this project exists
### Motivation
This addresses an issue the NodeMCU community touched on several times in the past, most recently at
[#1500 (comment)](
I stated that based on my experience doing NodeMCU user support it should be a lot simpler to flash NodeMCU for Windows users.
- A number of flashing tools are available but only two are actively maintained: esptool-ck and Only one is endorsed by Espressif: []( (they hired the developer(s)).
- 70% of the users of my []( service are on Windows.
- BUT Windows doesn't come with Python installed - which is required for
- BUT Windows users in general are more reluctant to use the CLI than Linux/Mac users - which is required for
To conclude: this is not a comfortable situation for NodeMCU's largest user group.
### The plan
For quite a while I planned to write a self-contained GUI tool which would use in the background. It should primarily target Windows users but since I'm on Mac it should be cross-platform. Even though I had never used Python before I felt confident to pull this off.
### Implementation
- Uses the cross-platform wxPython GUI framework. I also tried PyForms/PyQt4 but settled for wxPython.
- Requires absolutely minimal user input.
- The "console" output is redirected to text control on the GUI.
- Uses [PyInstaller]( to create self-contained executable for Windows and Mac. The packaged app can run standalone i.e. without installing itself, a Python interpreter or any modules.
## License
[MIT]( © Marcel Stör