1. Change way for quotas verification in upgrade pipeline, prepare specific size of image, then it's an known value for verifcation;
2. Add notary key rotate test;
3. For issue brought by docker 20, clean containerd cache is the only effective way, so both dockerd and containerd should be cache cleard and restarted;
4. Upgrade E2E Dockerfile for importing readable file size package, and other issues;
5. Uncomment project level robot account test in nightly.
6. Get DNS from local setting, and set it into docker deamon config file;
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Fix E2E quotas issue, push the same image but with different name;
2. Add checkpoint for robot account test;
3. Upgraded docker and containerd in E2E image;
4. Package base image sample(busybox) into E2E image, so in E2E
container, all local docker images can be cleaned up, once base image is needed for
building image, it can be loaded locally;
5. Adapt OIDC service of supporting LDAP user, and add OIDC group user
6. Restart docker deamon before content trust test, both in API and UI
7. Add retry for keyword "Add A Tag Immutability Rule";
8. Fix tag retention test issue, missing click angle icon, and enhance
checkpoint of dry run and real run;
9. Fix schedule test issue for wrong cron string;
10. Disable quotas verification, it's not stable for script defect;
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Local image should be removed, otherwise docker 20 will not tigger
get manifest request to harbor;
2. E2E image Dockerfile update;
3. Fix nighlty test issue of tag retention, add execution refesh to get
4. Fix nighlty test keyword 'Create An New Project And Go Into
Project' issue that waiting long enough time for list display;
5. Add nightly test case, in GUI, scan result will show if cve id exist in allow list configuration;
6. Move proxy cache test to schdule pipeline, it will save some time for
db pipeline.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add retry for Get Statics Text keywords make this operation robust;
2. Replace image to one with slash in name for CNAB test, to cover more
3. Add replication rule deletion verfication in upgrade test;
4. Add non-admin user in pull operation for proxy cache test;
5. Add verification for quota display for upgrade test;
6. Add test for large size of image replication;
7. Add test checkpoint for system robot account py-test script;
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add GUI test for system robot account feature;
2. Fix issue of failing to catch docker pull image exception in API test.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
Change source of most of test image samples from docker-hub to local building ones, so it will cost less docker-hub pull requests.
And some of cases like push cnab, they have to use docker-hub, but image samples in cnab test will cost 17 quotas, in this PR, we
replace those samples, now cnab case will cost 6 quotas.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
Due to docker-hub pull request rate limitation, we will use registed account to pull image
from docker-hub, therefore add docker-hub login in API tests.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Since upgrade python to 3.7, some urllib3 warnings come out during
execution, because missing disconnection when using request by docker
library, it's not affect script execution, therefore ignore them first.
2. Replication tests failed in nightly due to new UI code, some element
locators are not valid anymore;
3. Remove switch scanner test steps, since Clair was removed.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add 7 API python test scripts for tag immutability;
2. Swagger file has object struct defination issue on imuutability policy rule, because
this policy is in shared with retention rule, therefore, they should be unified to
the same type of rule;
3. Fixed a timeout issue of action keyword, waiting for a long period;
4. Add API test scripts for scan signed image.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
Containerd in e2e image was using native one in ubuntu, it should be updated to the latest release.
And add proxy cache py-tests including pull image/manifest list by docker and ctr CLI.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Verify LDAP group admin in UI;
2. Update LDAP group admin need to verify the AdminRoleInAuth, get current user will return this field as true.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
Robot tests have been always executed in docker container, but API pyt-test is not,
so rebuild Dockerfile for it. During that, some of tools have been upgraded, so API py-test
scripts need some modification.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Fix ldap script issue, test case name should be in lowercase;
2. Add manifest list checkout point for proxy cache issue;
3. Add P2P Preheat policy CRUD Test.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Upgrade robot-framework to 3.1 and Selenium library to 4.4.0.
2. Fix a registry issue for clear filter text input.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Fix issue of keyword Go Into Repo, the verification logic could be more strict;
2. Add API E2E pytest of GC with untag flag enabled;
3. Add sleep in test_user_view_logs.py for delete log ocurred;
4. Test Case - Tag CRUD is not stable. Although add button was clicked, but the tag was'nt added successfully.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
Add go build tags for gcs and oss, otherwise these drivers cannot be registered and the error "StorageDriver is not regsited: GCS" will raise on registryctl launch under the setting of GCS storage.
These build tags are designed in the distribution, just refer to https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/release/2.7/registry/storage/driver/gcs/gcs.go#L13
Pin the google cloud API to a old version is because distribution depends on it, otherwise go mode will use v0.17.0 that go-migrate is using as the dependency version, but this version will break the compile process with following error:
harbor/pkg/mod/google.golang.org/cloud@v0.0.0-20151119220103-975617b05ea8/storage/acl.go:65:16: invalid type assertion: v.(map[string]<inter>) (non-interface type *storage.ObjectAccessControl on left)
that's bacause another dependency google.golang.org/cloud requires the pinned version of google.golang.org/api.
The pinned package should be removed once https://github.com/docker/distribution/pull/3019 is merged, and distribution ships their v2.8.0
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>
1. Add oras cli py-test;
2. Add env for notary url, allow to input different notary port instead of solid 4443;
3. Add retry for keyword Cannot Pull Image and make it longer during retry.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Manifest list can be pulled by ctr;
2. ui-test missing key checkpoint, fix it by add checking scan detail result;
3. add tag retension untag image test;
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add Clair should be default scanner in upgrade test;
2. Add tag retention verification in upgrade test;
3. Add tag retention verification in upgrade test;
4. Add tag Immutability verification in upgrade test;
5. Add webhook verification in upgrade test;
6. Add CVE whitelist in upgrade test;
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add Multi-Scanner test file for harbor is deployed with multi scanners;
2. Modify notary doc description;
3. Add paragraph for e2e-api-python-based-scripting-guide;
4. Fix delete project issue;
5. Remove count qoutas in nightly and modify some of it;
6. Add Trivy in git hub offline action;
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Add notary tool in E2E Dockerfile;
2. Add push docker manifest list test in nightly;
3. Modify document for e2e user guide;
4. Add CNAB tool in E2E Dockerfile;
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
Signed-off-by: Yogi_Wang <yawang@vmware.com>
1.add case for trivy
2.vunerbility refresh bug
3.scan mutiple artifact
4.fix global search bug
5.disable delete tag btn when remove immutable tag
6.cancel selectRow when add label or remove label;fix #11195
7.fix cron tootip
1.nightly: fix tag retention and immutable tag case xpath
2.nightly: fix the part of delete repo button xpath
3.nightly: fix the api version when GC
4.nightly: fix add label of artifact xpath
5.text: change delete artifact show words
Signed-off-by: Yogi_Wang <yawang@vmware.com>
In project quotas API test, pull images from goharbor namespace instead of library:
1. Replace image source in API test;
2. Modify criteria for verify project configuration modification.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Fix issue that test step descriton was mismatch with test step;
2. Wrong helm command was used in Helm3 test, replace helm with helm3;
3. In API test, images were pulled from docker-hub registry, images size changed sometime, so we like to use internal registry.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Replace all keywords without using waiting;
2. Add a debug line in Go Into Repo for UI hung trouble shooting.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
In Helm pipeline, harbor access address is by domain name instead of IP, so cert directory should be created by domain name.
Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. Change parameter in Keyword Body Of Admin Push Signed Image to an
optional one.
2. Loose the restriction for Quotas error message verification.
3. Get cert for notary from API instead of local file.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
Nigthly test case failures always caused by filter issue, as Shijun
adviced, it's better to use repository filter in the list above.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
Add notary remove signature test case in nightly
1. Update E2E image Dockerfile for adding notary CLI;
2. Add test case of remove notary signature.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
1. update and docker-compose;
2. Install helm and helm3.
3. dockerd-entrypoint.sh has been modify by commit image manually, so it should be updated.
4. Keyword <Get Matching Xpath Count> is no longer recommended in
library Selenium2Library. After Dockerfile is updated and image is going
to be rebuiled, library Selenium2Library has be updated to 3.0.0, but
not 1.8.0, so keyword must be upgraded.
Signed-off-by: Danfeng Liu (c) <danfengl@vmware.com>
1, replace the UIVERSION file with ldflags, which is generarted by make to inject into the UI core.
2, inject additional ldflags for harbor compiler
Signed-off-by: wang yan <wangyan@vmware.com>