2019-10-17 17:40:06 +02:00

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Create Replication Rules

Login as a system administrator user, click NEW REPLICATION RULE under Administration->Replications and fill in the necessary fields. You can choose different replication modes, resource filters and trigger modes according to the different requirements. If there is no endpoint available in the list, follow the instructions in the Creating replication endpoints to create one. Click SAVE to create a replication rule.

browse project

Resource filter

Three resource filters are supported:

  • Name: Filter resources according to the name.
  • Tag: Filter resources according to the tag.
  • Resource: Filter images according to the resource type.

The terms supported in the pattern used by name filter and tag filter are as follows:

  • *: Matches any sequence of non-separator characters /.
  • **: Matches any sequence of characters, including path separators /.
  • ?: Matches any single non-separator character /.
  • {alt1,...}: Matches a sequence of characters if one of the comma-separated alternatives matches.

Note: library must be added if you want to replicate the official images of Docker Hub. For example, library/hello-world matches the official hello-world images.

Pattern String(Match or not)
library/* library/hello-world(Y)
library/** library/hello-world(Y)
{library,goharbor}/** library/hello-world(Y)
1.? 1.0(Y)

Trigger mode

  • Manual: Replicate the resources manually when needed. Note: The deletion operations are not replicated.
  • Scheduled: Replicate the resources periodically. Note: The deletion operations are not replicated.
  • Event Based: When a new resource is pushed to the project, it is replicated to the remote registry immediately. Same to the deletion operation if the Delete remote resources when locally deleted checkbox is selected.