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title: Configure Harbor User Settings at the Command Line
weight: 65
From release 1.8.0 onwards, user settings are configured separately from the system settings. You do not configure user settings in the `harbor.yml` file, but rather in the Harbor interface or via HTTP requests.
## Example Configuration Commands:
**Add a new user in the local database:**
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki <Harbor Server URL>/api/configurations -d'{"<item_name>":"<item_value>"}'
**Get the current configuration:**
curl -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki <Harbor Server URL>/api/configurations
**Update Harbor to use LDAP authentication:**
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/configurations -d'{"auth_mode":"ldap_auth"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:22:02 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=a5803a1265e2b095cf65ce1d8bbd79b1; Path=/; HttpOnly
**Restrict project creation to Harbor administrators:**
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/configurations -d'{"project_creation_restriction":"adminonly"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:24:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=b7925eaf7af53bdefb13bdcae201a14a; Path=/; HttpOnly
**Update the token expiration time:**
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/configurations -d'{"token_expiration":"300"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:23:38 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=cc1bc93ffa2675253fc62b4bf3d9de0e; Path=/; HttpOnly
## Harbor user settings
| Configure item name | Description | Type | Required | Default Value |
| ------------ |------------ | ---- | ----- | ----- |
auth_mode | Authentication mode, it can be db_auth, ldap_auth, uaa_auth or oidc_auth | string
email_from | Email from | string | required (email feature)
email_host | Email server | string | required (email feature)
email_identity | Email identity | string | optional (email feature)
email_password | Email password | string | required (email feature)
email_insecure | Email verify certificate, true or false |boolean | optional (email feature) | false
email_port | Email server port | number | required (email feature)
email_ssl | Email SSL | boolean | optional | false
email_username | Email username | string | required (email feature)
ldap_url | LDAP URL | string | required |
ldap_base_dn | LDAP base DN | string | required(ldap_auth)
ldap_filter | LDAP filter | string | optional
ldap_scope | LDAP search scope, 0-Base Level, 1- One Level, 2-Sub Tree | number | optional | 2-Sub Tree
ldap_search_dn | LDAP DN to search LDAP users| string | required(ldap_auth)
ldap_search_password | LDAP DN's password |string | required(ldap_auth)
ldap_timeout | LDAP connection timeout | number | optional | 5
ldap_uid | LDAP attribute to indicate the username in Harbor | string | optional | cn
ldap_verify_cert | Verify cert when create SSL connection with LDAP server, true or false | boolean | optional | true
ldap_group_admin_dn | LDAP Group Admin DN | string | optional
ldap_group_attribute_name | LDAP Group Attribute, the LDAP attribute indicate the groupname in Harbor, it can be gid or cn | string | optional | cn
ldap_group_base_dn | The Base DN which to search the LDAP groups | string | required(ldap_auth and LDAP group)
ldap_group_search_filter | The filter to search LDAP groups | string | optional
ldap_group_search_scope | LDAP group search scope, 0-Base Level, 1- One Level, 2-Sub Tree | number | optional | 2-Sub Tree|
ldap_group_membership_attribute | LDAP group membership attribute, to indicate the group membership, it can be memberof, or ismemberof | string | optional | memberof
project_creation_restriction | The option to indicate user can be create object, it can be everyone, adminonly | string | optional | everyone
read_only | The option to set repository read only, it can be true or false | boolean | optional | false
self_registration | User can register account in Harbor, it can be true or false | boolean | optional| true
token_expiration | Security token expirtation time in minutes | number |optional| 30
uaa_client_id | UAA client ID | string | required(uaa_auth)
uaa_client_secret | UAA certificate | string | required(uaa_auth)
uaa_endpoint | UAA endpoint | string | required(uaa_auth)
uaa_verify_cert | UAA verify cert, true or false | boolean | optional | true
oidc_name | Name for OIDC authentication | string | required(oidc_auth)
oidc_endpoint | Endpoint for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth)
oidc_client_id | Client id for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth)
oidc_client_secret | Client secret for OIDC auth |string | required(oidc_auth)
oidc_scope | Ccope for OIDC auth | string| required(oidc_auth)
oidc_verify_cert | Verify certificate for OIDC auth, true or false | boolean | optional| true
robot_token_duration | Robot token expiration time in minutes | number | optional | 43200 (30days)
{{< note >}}
Both booleans and numbers can be enclosed with double quote in the request json, for example: `123`, `"123"`, `"true"` or `true` is OK.
{{< /note >}}