2019-10-17 17:40:06 +02:00

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Harbor Role Based Access Control (RBAC)


Harbor manages images through projects. Users can be added into one project as a member with one of three different roles:

  • Guest: Guest has read-only privilege for a specified project.
  • Developer: Developer has read and write privileges for a project.
  • Master: Master has elevated permissions beyond those of 'Developer' including the ability to scan images, view replications jobs, and delete images and helm charts.
  • ProjectAdmin: When creating a new project, you will be assigned the "ProjectAdmin" role to the project. Besides read-write privileges, the "ProjectAdmin" also has some management privileges, such as adding and removing members, starting a vulnerability scan.

Besides the above three roles, there are two system-level roles:

  • SysAdmin: "SysAdmin" has the most privileges. In addition to the privileges mentioned above, "SysAdmin" can also list all projects, set an ordinary user as administrator, delete users and set vulnerability scan policy for all images. The public project "library" is also owned by the administrator.
  • Anonymous: When a user is not logged in, the user is considered as an "Anonymous" user. An anonymous user has no access to private projects and has read-only access to public projects.

For full details of the permissions of the different roles, see User Permissions By Role.

Managing user

Administrator can add "Administrator" role to one or more ordinary users by checking checkboxes and clicking SET AS ADMINISTRATOR. To delete users, checked checkboxes and select DELETE. Deleting user is only supported under database authentication mode.

browse project

User account

Harbor supports different authentication modes:

  • Database(db_auth)

    Users are stored in the local database.

    A user can register himself/herself in Harbor in this mode. To disable user self-registration, refer to the installation guide for initial configuration, or disable this feature in Administrator Options. When self-registration is disabled, the system administrator can add users into Harbor.

    When registering or adding a new user, the username and email must be unique in the Harbor system. The password must contain at least 8 characters with 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter and 1 numeric character.

    When you forgot your password, you can follow the below steps to reset the password:

    1. Click the link "Forgot Password" in the sign in page.
    2. Input the email address entered when you signed up, an email will be sent out to you for password reset.
    3. After receiving the email, click on the link in the email which directs you to a password reset web page.
    4. Input your new password and click "Save".
  • LDAP/Active Directory (ldap_auth)

    Under this authentication mode, users whose credentials are stored in an external LDAP or AD server can log in to Harbor directly.

    When an LDAP/AD user logs in by username and password, Harbor binds to the LDAP/AD server with the "LDAP Search DN" and "LDAP Search Password" described in installation guide. If it succeeded, Harbor looks up the user under the LDAP entry "LDAP Base DN" including substree. The attribute (such as uid, cn) specified by "LDAP UID" is used to match a user with the username. If a match is found, the user's password is verified by a bind request to the LDAP/AD server. Uncheck "LDAP Verify Cert" if the LDAP/AD server uses a self-signed or an untrusted certificate.

    Self-registration, deleting user, changing password and resetting password are not supported under LDAP/AD authentication mode because the users are managed by LDAP or AD.

  • OIDC Provider (oidc_auth)

    With this authentication mode, regular user will login to Harbor Portal via SSO flow.
    After the system administrator configure Harbor to authenticate via OIDC (more details refer to this section), a button LOGIN VIA OIDC PROVIDER will appear on the login page.

    By clicking this button user will kick off the SSO flow and be redirected to the OIDC Provider for authentication. After a successful authentication at the remote site, user will be redirected to Harbor. There will be an "onboard" step if it's the first time the user authenticate using his account, in which there will be a dialog popped up for him to set his user name in Harbor: oidc_onboar

    This user name will be the identifier for this user in Harbor, which will be used in the cases such as adding member to a project, assigning roles, etc. This has to be a unique user name, if another user has used this user name to onboard, user will be prompted to choose another one.

    Regarding this user to use docker CLI, please refer to Using CLI after login via OIDC based SSO


    1. After the onboard process, you still have to login to Harbor via SSO flow, the Username and Password fields are only for local admin to login when Harbor is configured authentication via OIDC.
    2. Similar to LDAP authentication mode, self-registration, updating profile, deleting user, changing password and resetting password are not supported.

Using OIDC CLI secret

Having authenticated via OIDC SSO and onboarded to Harbor, you can use Docker/Helm CLI to access Harbor to read/write the artifacts. As the CLI cannot handle redirection for SSO, we introduced CLI secret, which is only available when Harbor's authentication mode is configured to OIDC based.
After logging into Harbor, click the drop down list to view user's profile: user_profile

You can copy your CLI secret via the dialog of profile: profile_dlg

After that you can authenticate using your user name in Harbor that you set during onboard process, and CLI secret as the password with Docker/Helm CLI, for example:

docker login -u testuser -p xxxxxx jt-test.local.goharbor.io

When you click the "..." icon in the profile dialog, a button for generating new CLI secret will appear, and you can generate a new CLI secret by clicking this button. Please be reminded one user can only have one CLI secret, so when a new secret is generated, the old one becomes invalid at once.

NOTE: Under the hood the CLI secret is associated with the ID token, and Harbor will try to refresh the token, so the CLI secret will be valid after th ID token expires. However, if the OIDC Provider does not provide refresh token or the refresh fails for some reason, the CLI secret will become invalid. In that case you can logout and login Harbor via SSO flow again so Harbor can get a new ID token and the CLI secret will work again.