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Troubleshooting Harbor Installation

Harbor Doesn't Start or Functions Incorrectly

When Harbor does not function correctly, run the following commands to find out if all of Harbor's containers in UP status:

    $ sudo docker-compose ps
        Name                     Command               State                    Ports
  harbor-core         /harbor/start.sh                 Up
  harbor-db           /entrypoint.sh postgres          Up      5432/tcp
  harbor-jobservice   /harbor/start.sh                 Up
  harbor-log          /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ...   Up>10514/tcp
  harbor-portal       nginx -g daemon off;             Up      80/tcp
  nginx               nginx -g daemon off;             Up>443/tcp,>4443/tcp,>80/tcp
  redis               docker-entrypoint.sh redis ...   Up      6379/tcp
  registry            /entrypoint.sh /etc/regist ...   Up      5000/tcp
  registryctl         /harbor/start.sh                 Up

If a container is not in the Up state, check the log file for that container in /var/log/harbor. For example, if the harbor-core container is not running, look at the core.log log file.

Using nginx or Load Balancing

When setting up Harbor behind an nginx proxy or elastic load balancing, look for the following line in common/config/nginx/nginx.conf and, if the proxy already has similar settings, remove it from the sections location /, location /v2/ and location /service/.

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

Then re-deploy Harbor per the instructions in "Managing Harbor Lifecycle.