2016-10-24 00:22:29 +08:00

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Test 1-02 - User Log In and Log Out (DB Mode)


To verify that a non-admin user can log in and log out when users are managed locally by Harbor (DB mode).


User guide


  • This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
  • Harbor is set to authenticate against a local database. ( auth_mode is set to db_auth .) The user data is stored in a local database.
  • A linux host with Docker CLI installed (Docker client).

Test Steps:

NOTE: Use a non-admin user for this test case. Admin user has other test cases.

  1. A non-admin user logs in to the UI by username.
  2. The user logs out from the UI.
  3. A non-admin user logs in to the UI by email.
  4. The user logs out from the UI.
  5. Use the incorrect password and username/email of the user to log in to the UI and check the error message.
  6. On a Docker client host, use docker login <harbor_host> command to verify the user can log in by either the username or email . (check both)
  7. Use docker login <harbor_host> command to log in with incorrect password by either the username or email .

Expected Outcome:

  • The user can log in via UI in Step 1 & 3, verify the dashboard and navigation bar are for a non-admin user. (should not see admin options)
  • After the user logged out in Step 2 & 4, the login page will be displayed again.
  • The error message in Step 5 should not show which input value is incorrect. It should only display the username(email) and password combination is incorrect.
  • Docker client can log in in Step 6.
  • Docker client fails to log in in Step 7.

Possible Problems:
