DQ 590212b485 Remove clair related code
- clair code in harbor core
- clair code in frontend
- clair code in robotcase

Signed-off-by: DQ <dengq@vmware.com>
2020-11-27 14:01:04 +08:00

795 B

Test 10-02 Trivy scan a image with vulnerability


To verify that trivy can scan a image with vulnerability.


User guide


  • This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
  • Harbor is installed with trivy enable.
  • A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
  • Trivy has been updated to the latest.

Test Step

  1. Login Harbor as admin.
  2. Push an image with vulnerability.
  3. Scan the image.
  4. Click tag link enter detail page.
  5. Rescan the image.

Expected Outcome:

  • Step3 should exist result summary chart.
  • Step4 should see cve link and detail is match with summary in step3.
  • Step4 cve link should clickable.
  • Step5 rescan should successful.

Possible Problems:
