DQ 590212b485 Remove clair related code
- clair code in harbor core
- clair code in frontend
- clair code in robotcase

Signed-off-by: DQ <dengq@vmware.com>
2020-11-27 14:01:04 +08:00

896 B

Test 10-05 Schedule daily scan


To verify daily scan work correctly


User guide


  • This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
  • Harbor is installed with trivy enable.
  • A linux host with Docker CLI installed.
  • Trivy has been updated to the latest.

Test Step

  1. Login Harbor as admin.
  2. Create at least 3 projects.
  3. Push at least 2 images to each project.
  4. Schedule a daily scan that time is before current time.
  5. Wait one day.
  6. Check the timestamp of scan.
  7. Schedule a daily scan that time is after current time.
  8. Wait until time is after the scheduled time.
  9. Check the timestamp of scan.

Expected Outcome:

  • Step6 the timestamp should be the same as scheduled.
  • Step9 the timestamp should be the same as scheduled.

Posssible Problems:
