2016-10-24 00:22:29 +08:00

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Test 1-03 - User update password (DB Mode)


To verify that a non-admin user can update password when users are managed locally by Harbor (DB mode).


User guide


  • This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available.
  • Harbor is set to authenticate against a local database. ( auth_mode is set to db_auth .) The user data is stored in a local database.
  • A linux host with Docker CLI installed (Docker client).

Test Steps:

NOTE: Use a non-admin user for this test case. Admin user has other test cases.

  1. A non-admin user logs in to the UI by username.
  2. The user changes his/her own password.
  3. The user logs out.
  4. The same user logs in to the UI by email using the new password.
  5. The user can log in using docker login command using the new password.
  6. The user goes to the page to change his/her own password. Provide invalid values of input to see if validation works:
  • old password is incorrect
  • password input does not compliant to password rule
  • two passwords do not match

Expected Outcome:

  • Password can be changed in Step 2.
  • User can log in using new password in Step 4.
  • In Step 6, the user cannot change password due to various errors. Proper error message should be displayed.

Possible Problems:
