Cheng Dan f5c36a0123 helm chart doc improve
Signed-off-by: Cheng Dan <ssbdan@gmail.com>
2018-08-20 17:00:31 +08:00

12 KiB

Helm Chart for Harbor


This Helm chart installs Harbor in a Kubernetes cluster. Welcome to contribute to Helm Chart for Harbor.


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.8+ with Beta APIs enabled
  • Kubernetes Ingress Controller is enabled
  • Helm CLI 2.8.0+

Setup a Kubernetes cluster

You can use any tools to setup a K8s cluster. In this guide, we use minikube 0.25.0 to setup a K8s cluster as the dev/test env.

# Start minikube
minikube start --vm-driver=none
# Enable Ingress Controller
minikube addons enable ingress

Installing the Chart

First install Helm CLI, then initialize Helm.

helm init

Download Harbor helm chart code.

git clone https://github.com/vmware/harbor
cd harbor/contrib/helm/harbor

Download external dependent charts required by Harbor chart.

helm dependency update

Install the Harbor helm chart with a release name my-release:

helm install --debug --name my-release --set externalDomain=harbor.my.domain,externalPort=443 .

Note: Make sure harbor.my.domain can be resolved to the K8s Ingress Controller IP on the machines where you run docker or access Harbor UI. You can add harbor.my.domain and IP mapping in the DNS server, or in /etc/hosts, or use the FQDN harbor.<IP>.xip.io.

The command deploys Harbor on the Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured in values.yaml or via '--set' flag during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Harbor chart and the default values.

Parameter Description Default
persistence.enabled Persistent data true
externalProtocol The protocol Harbor serves with https
externalDomain Harbor will run on (https://externalDomain/). Recommend using K8s Ingress Controller FQDN as externalDomain, or make sure this FQDN resolves to the K8s Ingress Controller IP. harbor.my.domain
externalPort The external port Harbor serves on. Configure it with the port of Ingress controller if it is enabled 32700
harborAdminPassword The password of system admin Harbor12345
authenticationMode The authentication mode: db_auth for local database, ldap_auth for LDAP db_auth
selfRegistration Allows users to register by themselves, otherwise only system administrators can add users on
email.host The hostname of email server smtp.mydomain.com
email.port The port of email server 25
email.username The username of email server sample_admin@mydomain.com
email.password The password for email server password
email.ssl Whether use TLS false
email.insecure Whether the connection with email server is insecure false
email.from The from address shows when send email admin <sample_admin@mydomain.com>
ldap.url LDAP server URL for ldap_auth authentication ldaps://ldapserver
ldap.searchDN LDAP search DN
ldap.searchPassword LDAP search password
ldap.baseDN LDAP base DN
ldap.filter LDAP filter (objectClass=person)
ldap.uid LDAP UID uid
ldap.scope LDAP scope 2
ldap.timeout LDAP timeout 5
ldap.verifyCert Whether to verify HTTPS certificate true
secretkey The key used for encryption. Must be a string of 16 chars not-a-secure-key
harborImageTag The tag of Harbor images dev
ingress.enabled Enable ingress objects true
ingress.tls.secretName Fill the secretName if you want to use the certificate of yourself when Harbor serves with HTTPS. A certificate will be generated automatically by the chart if leave it empty
adminserver.image.repository Repository for adminserver image vmware/harbor-adminserver
adminserver.image.tag Tag for adminserver image dev
adminserver.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for adminserver image IfNotPresent
adminserver.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
adminserver.volumes used to create PVCs if persistence is enabled (see instructions in values.yaml) see values.yaml
adminserver.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
adminserver.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
adminserver.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
jobservice.image.repository Repository for jobservice image vmware/harbor-jobservice
jobservice.image.tag Tag for jobservice image dev
jobservice.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for jobservice image IfNotPresent
jobservice.secret jobservice secret not-a-secure-secret
jobservice.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
jobservice.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
jobservice.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
jobservice.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
ui.image.repository Repository for ui image vmware/harbor-ui
ui.image.tag Tag for ui image dev
ui.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for ui image IfNotPresent
ui.secret ui secret not-a-secure-secret
ui.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
ui.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
ui.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
ui.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
database.type If external database is used, set it to external internal
database.internal.image.repository Repository for database image vmware/harbor-db
database.internal.image.tag Tag for database image dev
database.internal.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for database image IfNotPresent
database.internal.password The password for database changeit
database.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
database.internal.volumes The volume used to persistent data
database.internal.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
database.internal.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
database.internal.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
database.external.host The hostname of external database
database.external.port The port of external database 5432
database.external.username The username of external database user
database.external.password The password of external database password
database.external.coreDatabase The database used by core service registry
database.external.clairDatabase The database used by clair clair
database.external.notaryServerDatabase The database used by Notary server notary_server
database.external.notarySignerDatabase The database used by Notary signer notary_signer
registry.image.repository Repository for registry image vmware/registry-photon
registry.image.tag Tag for registry image dev
registry.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for registry image IfNotPresent
registry.httpSecret registry secret not-a-secure-secret
registry.logLevel The log level info
registry.storage.type The storage used to store images: filesystem, azure, gcs, s3, swift, oss filesystem
registry.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
registry.volumes used to create PVCs if persistence is enabled (see instructions in values.yaml) see values.yaml
registry.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
registry.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
registry.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
chartmuseum.enabled Enable chartmusuem to store chart true
chartmuseum.image.repository Repository for chartmuseum image vmware/chartmuseum-photon
chartmuseum.image.tag Tag for chartmuseum image dev
chartmuseum.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy for chartmuseum image IfNotPresent
chartmuseum.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
chartmuseum.volumes used to create PVCs if persistence is enabled (see instructions in values.yaml) see values.yaml
chartmuseum.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
chartmuseum.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
chartmuseum.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
clair.enabled Enable Clair? true
clair.image.repository Repository for clair image vmware/clair-photon
clair.image.tag Tag for clair image dev
clair.resources resources to allocate for container undefined
clair.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
clair.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
clair.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
redis.usePassword Whether use password false
redis.password The password for Redis changeit
redis.cluster.enabled Enable Redis cluster false
redis.master.persistence.enabled Persistent data false
redis.external.enabled If an external Redis is used, set it to true false
redis.external.host The hostname of external Redis
redis.external.port The port of external Redis 6379
redis.external.databaseIndex The database index of external Redis 0
redis.external.usePassword Whether use password for external Redis false
redis.external.password The password of external Redis changeit
notary.enabled Enable Notary? true
notary.server.image.repository Repository for notary server image vmware/notary-server-photon
notary.server.image.tag Tag for notary server image dev
notary.signer.image.repository Repository for notary signer image vmware/notary-signer-photon
notary.signer.image.tag Tag for notary signer image dev
notary.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
notary.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
notary.affinity Node/Pod affinities {}


You need to create StorageClass before able to persist data in persistent volume.

And set the following values in values.yaml

  enabled: true

Four PVCs will be created automatically,

  • adminserver-config
  • chartmuseum-data
  • database-data
  • registry-data

All the created PVCs need to be removed manually after helm delete the Chart.

When running a cluster without persistence, this Chart will use emptyDir as the temporary volumes. Data will not survive during termination of a pod.