+ Option to not reroll RNG stats actually works now.
Bugfixes to item skins:
+ Skin source information no longer lost when MMOItem is read from an Item Stack (would cause it to be lost when RevID updating even if keep skins was enabled).
I got this idea because of the Movement Speed system. The default Minecraft Movement Speed is 0.1, but IMO having 0.1 appear on Items, doesn't seem like a significant increase, even though you're actually doubling the Player's speed.
So now you can add to your stats.yml `movement-speed: 'Speed: +MATH(#*10)%'`
Now if I set the movement speed stat on an item to 0.1, the item will display in its lore "Speed: +100%"
This is purely "cosmetic" meaning this will only affect how the specific Item Stat is displayed in the Lore, not the stat itself!
- Changed sound for attempting to apply a Skin to an item which already has a skin, because it shouldn't be the same sound as successfully applying a skin
- `=`s cannot be used as comparators. Instead replace them with a `+`
For example, `placeholder{placeholder=%mmocore_profession_mining%~<+~20}` is less than or equal to
`placeholder{placeholder=%mmocore_profession_mining%~+~20}` is equal to
If using `+` gives you incorrect results when attempting to see if something is equal (Says that it is not equal, even though it is), use `equals` instead. Greater than or equal to & Less than or equal to, should NOT have incorrect results, only direct `+` equal to comparisons may.
So if `placeholder{placeholder=%mmocore_profession_mining%~++~20}` result is incorrect, then use `placeholder{placeholder=%mmocore_profession_mining%~equals~20}` instead.