Instead of playing 3 times per tick it now just plays once Particles still stack but it ruins the effect whereas the sound literally kills your ears especially when you change the sound.
Instead of playing 3 times per tick it now just plays once Particles still stack but it ruins the effect whereas the sound literally kills your ears especially when you change the sound.
Instead of playing 3 times per tick it now just plays once Particles still stack but it ruins the effect whereas the sound literally kills your ears especially when you change the sound.
Instead of playing 3 times per tick it now just plays once Particles still stack but it ruins the effect whereas the sound literally kills your ears especially when you change the sound.
- Item Bomb no longer deals Projectile damage.
- Throw Up damage changed from Magical to Physical.
- Lute damage changed from Physical to Magical.
- Staff damage changed from Physical to Magical.
- Fixed the chicken dropping items (If killed somehow)
- Fixed the chicken being able to be killed within a few ticks of being spawned (Rare case but happens every now and then, especially if already using another ability at the same time)
- Improved the chicken by making it silent
- Added duration stat to the ability (How long the chicken flys for)
- Made the chicken spawn 0.6 blocks away from the players look direction (To stop the chicken hitting the player using the ability if they are moving forward while using the ability)
- Increased the amount of time from 3 seconds to 5 seconds to take fall damage before removing the user
- Removed the users if their fall damage get cancelled so they can't ignore fall damage more than once