Merge remote-tracking branch 'jared/patch-2' into develop

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Connor Monahan 2017-07-28 12:01:38 -05:00
commit f1caca70f5

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@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ package com.tommytony.war.config;
public enum TeamConfig {
FLAGMUSTBEHOME (Boolean.class, "Flag must be home", "If true, enemy flag cannot be captured if your flag is out"),
FLAGMUSTBEHOME (Boolean.class, "Flag Must Be Home", "If true, enemy flag cannot be captured if your flag is out"),
FLAGPOINTSONLY (Boolean.class, null, null), // obsolete
FLAGRETURN (FlagReturn.class, "Flag return destination", "Defines where the flag must be returned to capture"),
LIFEPOOL (Integer.class, "Lifepool", "Maximum team lives"),
MAXSCORE (Integer.class, "Max score", "When the team gets this many points, they win"),
FLAGRETURN (FlagReturn.class, "Flag Return Destination", "Defines where the flag must be returned to capture\nOptions: spawn, flag, or both"),
LIFEPOOL (Integer.class, "Lifepool", "Sets maximum team lives"),
MAXSCORE (Integer.class, "Max Score", "Sets the point limit for when a team will win"),
NOHUNGER (Boolean.class, "No Hunger", "If true, player hunger will not decrease"),
PLAYERLOADOUTASDEFAULT (Boolean.class, "Player loadout as default", "If set, the default loadout will be the items the player brings into the zone"),
RESPAWNTIMER (Integer.class, "Respawn time", "Force players to wait in their spawn for this many seconds after each death"),
PLAYERLOADOUTASDEFAULT (Boolean.class, "Player Loadout As Default", "If true, the default loadout will be the items the player brings into the zone"),
RESPAWNTIMER (Integer.class, "Respawn Time", "Time, in seconds, required to wait after each death"),
SATURATION (Integer.class, "Saturation", "Set player saturation to this level after each death"),
SPAWNSTYLE (TeamSpawnStyle.class, "Spawn style", "Choose from several different sizes for the spawn points"),
TEAMSIZE (Integer.class, "Team size", "Maximum players that may play on a team"),
PERMISSION (String.class, "Required permission", "Only allow players with a certain permission to join a team"),
XPKILLMETER (Boolean.class, "XP kill meter", "Use the XP bar to count kills"),
KILLSTREAK (Boolean.class, "Killstreak rewards", "Reward players for kills based on war.yml configuration"),
BLOCKWHITELIST (String.class, "Block whitelist", "Comma-separated list of blocks players may break or place. 'all' removes this limit"),
PLACEBLOCK (Boolean.class, "Place blocks", "If false, players cannot build. See unbreakable"),
APPLYPOTION(String.class, "Apply potion", "Give players a potion effect after each death. Format: EFFECT;DURATION;STRENGTH"),
ECOREWARD(Double.class, "Economy reward", "Give the winning team this much money. Requires Vault plugin"),
INVENTORYDROP(Boolean.class, "Drop inventory", "If false, players will not drop items on death"),
BORDERDROP(Boolean.class, "Drop near border", "If false, players cannot drop items near the border, to prevent duping");
SPAWNSTYLE (TeamSpawnStyle.class, "Spawn Style", "Sets the type spawn point\nOptions: small, big, flat, invisible"),
TEAMSIZE (Integer.class, "Team Size", "Maximum players that may play on a team"),
PERMISSION (String.class, "Required Permission", "Only allow players with a certain permission to join a team"),
XPKILLMETER (Boolean.class, "XP Kill Meter", "Use the XP bar to count kills"),
KILLSTREAK (Boolean.class, "Killstreak Rewards", "Reward players for kills based on war.yml configuration"),
BLOCKWHITELIST (String.class, "Block Whitelist", "Comma-separated list of blocks players may break or place, 'all' removes this limit"),
PLACEBLOCK (Boolean.class, "Place Blocks", "If true, players can place blocks"),
APPLYPOTION(String.class, "Apply Potion Effect", "Give players a potion effect after each death, Format: EFFECT;DURATION;STRENGTH"),
ECOREWARD(Double.class, "Economy Reward", "Give the winning team this much money, requires Vault plugin"),
INVENTORYDROP(Boolean.class, "Drop Inventory", "If true, players will drop items on death"),
BORDERDROP(Boolean.class, "Drop Near Border", "If true, players can drop items near the border\nUsually enabled to prevent duping");
private final Class<?> configType;
private final String title;