Expandable Minecraft server plugin for island-type games like SkyBlock or AcidIsland.
Updated 2024-04-28 17:13:01 +02:00
Easy-to-use, open-source plugin for the creation and execution of quests on Minecraft servers.
Updated 2024-04-28 15:22:33 +02:00
Vault of common APIs for Bukkit Plugins
Updated 2022-08-01 19:03:21 +02:00
MobArena plugin for Minecraft
Updated 2024-01-01 20:15:55 +01:00
API Component of Vault
Updated 2023-08-16 17:57:52 +02:00
Create custom dungeons and adventure maps with ease!
Updated 2023-11-02 05:50:56 +01:00
The original Bukkit Multi-World Plugin!
Updated 2024-03-12 03:39:36 +01:00
Add-on for BentoBox to add challenges for BSkyBlock and AcidIsland
Updated 2024-04-26 01:13:27 +02:00
BentoBox add-on for Welcome Warp Signs
Updated 2024-02-03 17:30:12 +01:00
An intuitive and powerful plugin to create graphical user interfaces in Minecraft.
Updated 2024-01-27 16:55:49 +01:00
Egg catching plugin for bukkit/spigot
Updated 2020-03-09 14:55:34 +01:00
Bukkit plugin which lets you teleport players to random locations. [v2: 1.13 - 1.16.x]
Updated 2023-04-09 14:45:53 +02:00
A spigot plugin for the chat.
Updated 2021-06-12 06:42:52 +02:00
Bukkit plugin for IRC integration.
Updated 2024-01-19 01:08:29 +01:00
A Bukkit/Spigot (Minecraft server) plugin that facilitates renting and buying WorldGuard regions
Updated 2020-02-26 11:02:43 +01:00
War - Minecraft TDM & CTF for Bukkit
Updated 2020-11-25 17:42:12 +01:00
The Most Powerful and Feature Rich Minecraft Server Software!
Updated 2021-06-18 23:29:39 +02:00
Add on for BentoBox to calculate island levels for BSkyBlock and AcidIsland. Please read the Wiki!
Updated 2024-04-20 18:50:17 +02:00