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# Advanced Portals Config
# To set this file back to its default state just delete it and reload the server or restart it!
2020-06-18 04:37:06 +02:00
# Will update whenever there is a config update from an older version so may not be the latest plugin version
2021-01-24 04:05:58 +01:00
ConfigVersion: 0.5.13
# Set to true if you want the normal axes to work normally but the ones gived with /portals selector or wand will still work though
# It can be usefull if people with permission want to use an iron axe on a survival server
UseOnlyServerMadeAxe: false
# Preferably an item and not a block but it shouldnt matter
# Will be implemented so you can give yourself the portal block and build manually with it so its easier to make portals with the portal block.
CanBuildPortalBlock: true
# Defines if portals protect themselves
PortalProtection: true
# How many blocks around the portals will be protected from griefing or destruction
2019-12-30 16:18:14 +01:00
PortalProtectionArea: 5
# What the default trigger block is for portals if nothing is defined.
DefaultPortalTriggerBlock: PORTAL
# This stops all water flowing inside a portal area(can be disabled if something like world edit is handelling the water flow or you dont want it active)
# you want to
StopWaterFlow: true
# This must be a placeable block or it will not work and may even crash
# WarpEffect
# 0 = disabled(no particles)
# 1 = Eye of ender explode effect(loads of portal particles)
# adding more soon and may create some custom ones
WarpParticles: 1
# WarpSound generally suggested to keep the same as warpeffect but can usually be used for just the sound and no particle effects
# 0 = disabled(no sound)
# 1 = Enderman Warp Sound
# adding more soon
WarpSound: 1
# In case you want to show the bungee attempting warp message
ShowBungeeWarpMessage: false
# This changes how long the show seletion lasts in seconds
ShowSelectionShowDuration: 10
# Where to display the message 0 = disabled(replaces PortalWarpMessages), 1 = in chat and 2 = action bar(1.8 and above only, anything lower will print the message that would
# generally on the action bar in the chat without a prefix or extra chat formatting)
WarpMessageDisplay: 2
# Use plugin name in the warp messages
UseWarpPrefix: true
# If this is true a custom prefix can be used, (not fully coded yet!!)
UseCustomPrefix: false
2015-02-09 20:50:10 +01:00
CustomPrefix: '&a[&eAdvancedPortals&a]'
2016-03-29 15:35:41 +02:00
CustomPrefixFail: '&c[&7AdvancedPortals&c]'
2016-07-31 18:26:04 +02:00
# Message sent to player in chat/action bar on warp
WarpMessage: '&aYou have warped to &e<warp>&a.'
2017-11-30 20:13:52 +01:00
BlockSpectatorMode: false
2016-07-31 18:26:04 +02:00
PortalCooldown: 5 # How long after trying to enter a portal until the player can try to enter another. 0 or lower to deactivate.
2016-09-01 21:08:51 +02:00
ThrowbackAmount: 0.7 # How fast to throw them back, 0 or lower to disable throwback
2020-06-21 03:49:18 +02:00
# Only disables the gateway block places with "/portal gatewayblock" for now
# If you want to replace already made portals just use "/portal disablebeacon" and it will run through all the blocks in the area
# Reloading the world or chunks that portals are in will also trigger the beacons to be disabled (this is for efficiency reasons)
# However these wont trigger in the spawn chunks as they are loaded before any pluigns are.
DisableGatewayBeam: true
2018-08-27 22:43:02 +02:00
# Enable or disable special command portals
2017-04-20 04:55:14 +02:00
# n Disabled none, best just put this to really make sure the fact none are here is specified. It disables any others too
# o enable op command portals
# p enable permission command portals
# c enable console command portals
# b enable bungee command portals
CommandLevels: opcb
# Should the commands being triggered log in the console? (If you have an active server it may cause a bit of spam)
CommandLogs: true
2021-01-24 04:05:58 +01:00
# If you want to use bungee or velocity and it is not automatically detected (make sure you have advanced portals on the proxy, especially with velocity)
ForceEnableProxySupport: false
# How many seconds after the proxy event fires should the player be teleported (should help with on spawn plugins and such)
# 0 is disabled and anything higher causes a delay.
ProxyTeleportDelay: 0
# Just in case you are not using the proxy and dont want the warning message
DisableProxyWarning: false
# Whether the integration with worldedit should be enabled.
# This will force AdvancedPortals to use WorldEdit selections.
WorldEditIntegration: false