Note that the new dependencies in the pom have the scope set to test, so
they will not be included into the built artifact. A first test class
illustrates the general way unit tests can be set up with JUnit, Mockito
and Hamcrest matchers.
Instead of clearing the inventory of players and storing it's contents in a file, we now prevent
the server from sending the inventory packet if the player is not logged in. The player will
see a empty inventory, but has still his items stored on the server. Therefore we don't
need to modify the player's inventory and we won't make any inventory corrupted.
Remove dead code + Fix empty inventory on the unregister command
Fix NPE if ProtocolLib isn't enabled or installed
//Changes 3.3.6://
* **Emergency fix: Email recovery method are now fixed and safety to
* Support all craftbukkit builds
* Now Support our sponsor ipClean feature ( Get player real ip through
their servers )
* Now Cache correctly Item Custom Names and Lores
* Fix FlatToSQL converter
* Add /authme getip <playername> command, perm : authme.admin.getip
* Implement correctly XenForo Support
* Fix maxregperip
* Fix maxloginperip
* Add ForceCommandsAsConsole config
* Preparation for next features, coming soon !
//Changes 3.3.5://
* Now Support our sponsor ipClean feature ( Get player real ip through
their servers )
* Now Cache correctly Item Custom Names and Lores
* Fix FlatToSQL converter
* Add /authme getip <playername> command, perm : authme.admin.getip
* Implement correctly XenForo Support
* Fix maxregperip
* Fix maxloginperip
* Preparation for next features, coming soon !
//Changes 3.3.4://
* Add an isLogged column in mySQL
* Add a maxLoginPerIp
* Add a maxJoinPerIp
* Add a way to force kick after register
* Add a way to force login after register
* Update session correctly
* Fix Change Email command
* Fix some perm problems
* Fix some problems with email sending
* Remove some dead code
* Add a way to control spawn priority, by default , in order, it is :
//Changes 3.3.2://
* Fix Vault support
* Fix Group permission problems
* Rewrite /register and /login command, would be much faster
* Fix useWelcomeMessage
* Add a way to broadcast welcome message
* Remove Join/Quit message only if enableProtection is true
* Fix /login and /register requested at the same time
* Some other fixes
//Changes 3.2://
* Fix Password showed in console ( support for Log4J )
* Quit Location will be more precise ( now double instead of int )
* Force command after the /register too
* Close inventory when player try to open one unlogged
* Fix old password supports
* Remove some Magic Values ( 1.7.2+ )
* Fix threads not start correctly
* Add a recall email adding message
* Fix catpcha messages
* Add multilines messages ( add &n )
* Fix some inventory problem
* Fix some events problem
* Call login event after /register
Developpement status actually
Some Fixes for the 1.7.2
Remove some Magic Values
Fix threads not start correctly
Add a recall email adding message
Fix catpcha messages
Add multilines messages ( add &n )
Fix some inventory problem
Fix some events problem
Call login event after /register
//Changes 3.1.1://
* Do /login correctly in the correct thread
* Add a way to force some commands after /login
* Try a fix for bungeecord , let's see ...
* Fix Logout command ( pos + inventory )
* Fix PHPBB support + random salt
* Add a bypass antibot perm : authme.bypassantibot
* Translation file will automatically update now
* Some other fixes
//Changes 3.0://
* Repackaging from to fr.xephi.authme, please
developpers, update!
* Rewrite some of parts of the plugin
* Some code was already perfect , also did not change it :p
* Full support for phpbb3
* Add full support for WordPress + passwordHash: WORDPRESS
* Completely rewrite Management system for inventories and tp issues,
Thanks to : [[|Possible]]
* Rework on /passpartu command
* Completely rewrite the password encryption method
* Add a way for developers to add their own Password Encryption Method
on AuthMe via event way (please see
* Add an auto purge with players.dat removing method and essentials
files removing ( if you want authme to hook with an another plugin let
me know )
* Complete Hook with BungeeCord by removing the /server command before
* message_lang.yml will never be overwritten with English Strings , but
correctly update the message_lang.yml when needed to
* Fix a lot of issues mentioned in tickets , commants , or by mp, Thanks
for all your reports!
//Changes 2.9.4://
* Fix AssertionError
* AuthMe automatically reconnect to MySQL if session timeout
* Optimize threads
* AuthMe now caching flying status
* AuthMe now apply a fake creative flying status temporary while the
player is not loging in ( force them to do not shake in the air ;) )
* You can now apply the survivalforce only after loging in
* You can now convert FlatFile to SQLite ( /authme flattosqlite )
* Fix Some inventories issues
* Fix some problems with Multiverse-Inventories and MultiInv
* Fix NullPointerExceptions reported
* Fix SaveQuitLocation do not send you to the right pos
* Fix Sessions for multi-servers
* Fix Sessions globally
* Fix maxRegistering
* Fix register API
* Fix DJANGO passwordhashing method ( PBKDF2 )
* Fix do not force registration method
* Add a config to display auto the /motd command from essentials before
the /login ( some bug with some servers )
* Fix BungeeCord again
* Remove useless part of api
* Fix register api method
* Always store cache with lowercase players name
* Remove some useless asynchronous part
* Fix some thread problems
* Add PBKDF2 method
* Fix SQLite problem (world duplicate column)
* Fix cannot measure distance between two different world
* Add a better MultiThreading support for database
* Fix some problem with assertion error
* Add WBB3 support
* Add SH512 support
* Add reg_email_msg in all messages.yml for diff visibility
* Fix Problem with DeOped players
* FIX BungeeCord support - Thanks to games647
* Update to CB 1.5.2-R1.0
* Add multi-world support in databases
* Add multi-plugins spawns support : in this order :
BukkitWorldSpawn(default) < Multiverse-Core < EssentialsSpawn <
Authme(/authme setspawn)
* Add BCRYPT passwordhashing method
* Set the Email method to HTML ! you can now send html email correctly
* Some fix with BungeeCord
* Some fix with inventory security ( i recommend you to disable
ProtectInventoryBeforeLogin if you encounter issues , all inventory
click method are now cancelled )
* Add a separate thread for /login command (enable multi-threading in
config file)
* Add a separate thead for /register command (enable multi-threading in
config file)
* Add isRegistered(String playerName) in the API
* Some other code reworks
* Some other debugs
* Re-Indent code
* Add Slot Reservation system ( permission : )
* Add ConsoleLogging in authme.log file ( disabled by default, check
config )
* Save the main thread by different database access and saves
* Perform login more quickly
* CleanUp the code entirely
* BungeeCord should be fixed :'(
* Fix the Flat To MySQL converter
* Teleport players correctly