PhpBB3 requires second column (username_clen) with username as table primary key. Yet, config value "mySQLOtherUsernameColumns" is not an option as this value needs to be formated with phpBB custom utf8_clean_string() function which brings letters to lower case, merges nearby spaces and removes invalid UTF8 chatacters.
Due to characters already being limited both in config and in minecraft itself I believe toLowerCaste() will suffice for now.
Increment users count not to loose those nice statistics!
//Changes 3.3.6://
* **Emergency fix: Email recovery method are now fixed and safety to
* Support all craftbukkit builds
* Now Support our sponsor ipClean feature ( Get player real ip through
their servers )
* Now Cache correctly Item Custom Names and Lores
* Fix FlatToSQL converter
* Add /authme getip <playername> command, perm : authme.admin.getip
* Implement correctly XenForo Support
* Fix maxregperip
* Fix maxloginperip
* Add ForceCommandsAsConsole config
* Preparation for next features, coming soon !
//Changes 3.3.5://
* Now Support our sponsor ipClean feature ( Get player real ip through
their servers )
* Now Cache correctly Item Custom Names and Lores
* Fix FlatToSQL converter
* Add /authme getip <playername> command, perm : authme.admin.getip
* Implement correctly XenForo Support
* Fix maxregperip
* Fix maxloginperip
* Preparation for next features, coming soon !
//Changes 3.3.4://
* Add an isLogged column in mySQL
* Add a maxLoginPerIp
* Add a maxJoinPerIp
* Add a way to force kick after register
* Add a way to force login after register
* Update session correctly
* Fix Change Email command
* Fix some perm problems
* Fix some problems with email sending
* Remove some dead code
* Add a way to control spawn priority, by default , in order, it is :
//Changes 3.3.2://
* Fix Vault support
* Fix Group permission problems
* Rewrite /register and /login command, would be much faster
* Fix useWelcomeMessage
* Add a way to broadcast welcome message
* Remove Join/Quit message only if enableProtection is true
* Fix /login and /register requested at the same time
* Some other fixes
//Changes 3.2://
* Fix Password showed in console ( support for Log4J )
* Quit Location will be more precise ( now double instead of int )
* Force command after the /register too
* Close inventory when player try to open one unlogged
* Fix old password supports
* Remove some Magic Values ( 1.7.2+ )
* Fix threads not start correctly
* Add a recall email adding message
* Fix catpcha messages
* Add multilines messages ( add &n )
* Fix some inventory problem
* Fix some events problem
* Call login event after /register
Developpement status actually
Some Fixes for the 1.7.2
Remove some Magic Values
Fix threads not start correctly
Add a recall email adding message
Fix catpcha messages
Add multilines messages ( add &n )
Fix some inventory problem
Fix some events problem
Call login event after /register
//Changes 3.1.1://
* Do /login correctly in the correct thread
* Add a way to force some commands after /login
* Try a fix for bungeecord , let's see ...
* Fix Logout command ( pos + inventory )
* Fix PHPBB support + random salt
* Add a bypass antibot perm : authme.bypassantibot
* Translation file will automatically update now
* Some other fixes
//Changes 3.0://
* Repackaging from to fr.xephi.authme, please
developpers, update!
* Rewrite some of parts of the plugin
* Some code was already perfect , also did not change it :p
* Full support for phpbb3
* Add full support for WordPress + passwordHash: WORDPRESS
* Completely rewrite Management system for inventories and tp issues,
Thanks to : [[|Possible]]
* Rework on /passpartu command
* Completely rewrite the password encryption method
* Add a way for developers to add their own Password Encryption Method
on AuthMe via event way (please see
* Add an auto purge with players.dat removing method and essentials
files removing ( if you want authme to hook with an another plugin let
me know )
* Complete Hook with BungeeCord by removing the /server command before
* message_lang.yml will never be overwritten with English Strings , but
correctly update the message_lang.yml when needed to
* Fix a lot of issues mentioned in tickets , commants , or by mp, Thanks
for all your reports!