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package world.bentobox.challenges;
import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.Config;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.Database;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
import world.bentobox.challenges.commands.admin.SurroundChallengeBuilder;
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import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.ChallengeLevels;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.Challenges;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.Challenges.ChallengeType;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.ChallengesPlayerData;
import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.ChallengesPanels;
public class ChallengesManager {
public static final String FREE = "Free";
private Map<ChallengeLevels, Set<Challenges>> challengeMap;
private Config<Challenges> chConfig;
private Config<ChallengeLevels> lvConfig;
private Database<ChallengesPlayerData> players;
private ChallengesPanels challengesPanels;
private Map<UUID,ChallengesPlayerData> playerData;
private ChallengesAddon addon;
public ChallengesManager(ChallengesAddon addon) {
this.addon = addon;
// Set up the configs
chConfig = new Config<>(addon, Challenges.class);
lvConfig = new Config<>(addon, ChallengeLevels.class);
// Players is where all the player history will be stored
players = new Database<>(addon, ChallengesPlayerData.class);
// Cache of challenges
challengeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Cache of player data
playerData = new HashMap<>();
* Load player from database into the cache or create new player data
* @param user - user to add
private void addPlayer(User user) {
if (playerData.containsKey(user.getUniqueId())) {
// The player is not in the cache
// Check if the player exists in the database
if (players.objectExists(user.getUniqueId().toString())) {
// Load player from database
ChallengesPlayerData data = players.loadObject(user.getUniqueId().toString());
// Store in cache
playerData.put(user.getUniqueId(), data);
} else {
// Create the player data
ChallengesPlayerData pd = new ChallengesPlayerData(user.getUniqueId().toString());
// Add to cache
playerData.put(user.getUniqueId(), pd);
* Check how many times a player has done a challenge before
* @param user - user
* @param challenge - challenge
* @return - number of times
public long checkChallengeTimes(User user, Challenges challenge, World world) {
return playerData.get(user.getUniqueId()).getTimes(world, challenge.getUniqueId());
* Creates a simple example description of the requirements
* @param user - user of this command
* @param requiredItems - list of items
* @return Description list
private List<String> createDescription(User user, List<ItemStack> requiredItems) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (ItemStack item : requiredItems) {
result.add(user.getTranslation("challenges.admin.create.description-item-color") + item.getAmount() + " x " + Util.prettifyText(item.getType().toString()));
return result;
* Creates an inventory challenge
* @param user - the user who is making the challenge
* @param inventory - the inventory that will be used to make the challenge
public boolean createInvChallenge(User user, Inventory inventory) {
if (inventory.getContents().length == 0) {
return false;
Challenges newChallenge = new Challenges();
List<ItemStack> requiredItems = new ArrayList<>();
inventory.forEach(item -> {
if (item != null && !item.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
newChallenge.setIcon(new ItemStack(Material.MAP));
newChallenge.setDescription(createDescription(user, requiredItems));
// Move all the items back to the player's inventory
inventory.forEach(item -> {
if (item != null) {
Map<Integer, ItemStack> residual = user.getInventory().addItem(item);
// Drop any residual items at the foot of the player
residual.forEach((k, v) -> user.getWorld().dropItem(user.getLocation(), v));
// Save the challenge
if (!chConfig.saveConfigObject(newChallenge)) {
user.sendRawMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Challenge creation failed!");
return false;
return true;
* Create a surrounding challenge
* @param challengeInfo - info on the challenge from the builder
* @return true if successful, false if not
public boolean createSurroundingChallenge(SurroundChallengeBuilder challengeInfo) {
if (challengeInfo.getReqBlocks().isEmpty() && challengeInfo.getReqEntities().isEmpty()) {
return false;
Challenges newChallenge = new Challenges();
newChallenge.setIcon(new ItemStack(Material.ARMOR_STAND));
// Save the challenge
if (!chConfig.saveConfigObject(newChallenge)) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the list of all challenge unique names.
* @return List of challenge names
public List<String> getAllChallengesList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
challengeMap.values().forEach(ch -> ch.forEach(c -> result.add(c.getUniqueId())));
return result;
* Get the list of all challenge unique names for world.
* @param world - the world to check
* @return List of challenge names
public List<String> getAllChallengesList(World world) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
challengeMap.values().forEach(ch -> -> c.getWorld().equals(Util.getWorld(world).getName())).forEach(c -> result.add(c.getUniqueId())));
return result;
* Get challenge by name
* @param name - unique name of challenge
* @param world - world to check
* @return - challenge or null if it does not exist
public Challenges getChallenge(String name, World world) {
String worldName = Util.getWorld(world).getName();
for (Set<Challenges> ch : challengeMap.values()) {
Optional<Challenges> challenge = -> c.getUniqueId().equalsIgnoreCase(worldName + name)).findFirst();
if (challenge.isPresent()) {
return challenge.get();
return null;
* Get the status on every level
* @param user - user
* @param world - world to check
* @return Level status - how many challenges still to do on which level
public List<LevelStatus> getChallengeLevelStatus(User user, World world) {
ChallengesPlayerData pd = playerData.get(user.getUniqueId());
List<LevelStatus> result = new ArrayList<>();
ChallengeLevels previousLevel = null;
// The first level is always unlocked
boolean isUnlocked = true;
// For each challenge level, check how many the user has done
for (Entry<ChallengeLevels, Set<Challenges>> en : challengeMap.entrySet()) {
int total = challengeMap.values().size();
int waiverAmount = en.getKey().getWaiveramount();
int challengesDone = (int) en.getValue().stream().filter(ch -> pd.isChallengeDone(world, ch.getUniqueId())).count();
int challsToDo = Math.max(0,total - challengesDone - waiverAmount);
boolean complete = challsToDo > 0 ? false : true;
// Create result class with the data
result.add(new LevelStatus(en.getKey(), previousLevel, challsToDo, complete, isUnlocked));
// Set up the next level for the next loop
previousLevel = en.getKey();
isUnlocked = complete;
return result;
* Get the challenge list
* @return the challengeList
public Map<ChallengeLevels, Set<Challenges>> getChallengeList() {
// TODO return the challenges for world
return challengeMap;
* Get the set of challenges for this level for this world
* @param level - the level required
* @param world
* @return the set of challenges for this level, or the first set of challenges if level is blank, or a blank list if there are no challenges
public Set<Challenges> getChallenges(String level, World world) {
String worldName = Util.getWorld(world).getName();
Optional<ChallengeLevels> lv = challengeMap.keySet().stream().filter(l -> l.getUniqueId().equalsIgnoreCase(level)).findFirst();
// Get the challenges applicable to this world
return lv.isPresent() ? challengeMap.get(lv.get()).stream()
.filter(c -> c.getWorld().equalsIgnoreCase(worldName) || c.getWorld().isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toSet())
: new HashSet<>();
* @return the challengesPanels
public ChallengesPanels getChallengesPanels() {
return challengesPanels;
* Get the previous level to the one supplied
* @param currentLevel - the current level
* @return the previous level, or null if there is none
public ChallengeLevels getPreviousLevel(ChallengeLevels currentLevel) {
ChallengeLevels result = null;
for (ChallengeLevels level : challengeMap.keySet()) {
if (level.equals(currentLevel)) {
return result;
result = level;
return result;
* Check if a challenge exists - case insensitive
* @param name - name of challenge
* @return true if it exists, otherwise false
public boolean isChallenge(String name) {
for (Set<Challenges> ch : challengeMap.values()) {
if ( -> c.getUniqueId().equalsIgnoreCase(name))) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if a challenge exists in world - case insensitive
* @param world - world to check
* @param name - name of challenge
* @return true if it exists, otherwise false
public boolean isChallenge(World world, String name) {
for (Set<Challenges> ch : challengeMap.values()) {
if ( -> c.getWorld().equals(Util.getWorld(world).getName())).anyMatch(c -> c.getUniqueId().equalsIgnoreCase(name))) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if a challenge is complete or not
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* @param uniqueId - unique ID - player's UUID
* @param challengeName - Challenge uniqueId
* @return - true if completed
public boolean isChallengeComplete(User user, String challengeName, World world) {
return playerData.get(user.getUniqueId()).isChallengeDone(world, challengeName);
* Check is user can see level
* @param user - user
* @param level - level unique id
* @return true if level is unlocked
public boolean isLevelUnlocked(User user, String level, World world) {
return getChallengeLevelStatus(user, world).stream().filter(LevelStatus::isUnlocked).anyMatch(lv -> lv.getLevel().getUniqueId().equalsIgnoreCase(level));
* Clear and reload all challenges
public void load() {
// Load the challenges
addon.getLogger().info("Loading challenges...");
players.loadObjects().forEach(pd -> {
try {
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(pd.getUniqueId());
} catch (Exception e) {
addon.getLogger().severe("UUID for player in challenge data file is invalid!");
* Save configs and player data
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public void save() {
challengeMap.entrySet().forEach(en -> {
private void savePlayers() {
playerData.values().forEach(players :: saveObject);
private void savePlayer(UUID playerUUID) {
if (playerData.containsKey(playerUUID)) {
* Sets the challenge as complete and increments the number of times it has been completed
* @param user - user
* @param challengeUniqueId - unique challenge id
* @param world - world to set
public void setChallengeComplete(User user, String challengeUniqueId, World world) {
playerData.get(user.getUniqueId()).setChallengeDone(world, challengeUniqueId);
// Save
* Reset the challenge to zero time / not done
* @param user - user
* @param challengeUniqueId - unique challenge id
* @param world - world to set
public void setResetChallenge(User user, String challengeUniqueId, World world) {
playerData.get(user.getUniqueId()).setChallengeTimes(world, challengeUniqueId, 0);
// Save
* @param challengeList the challengeList to set
public void setChallengeList(Map<ChallengeLevels, Set<Challenges>> challengeList) {
this.challengeMap = challengeList;
public void sortChallenges() {
// Sort the challenge list into level order
challengeMap = challengeMap.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
(oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue, LinkedHashMap::new));
* Store challenge silently. Used when loading.
* @param challenge
* @return true if successful
private boolean storeChallenge(Challenges challenge) {
return storeChallenge(challenge, true, null, true);
* Stores the challenge.
* @param challenge - challenge
* @param overwrite - true if previous challenge should be overwritten
* @param user - user making the request
* @param silent - if true, no messages are sent to user
* @return - true if imported
public boolean storeChallenge(Challenges challenge, boolean overwrite, User user, boolean silent) {
// See if we have this level already
ChallengeLevels level;
if (lvConfig.configObjectExists(challenge.getLevel())) {
// Get it from the database
level = lvConfig.loadConfigObject(challenge.getLevel());
} else {
// Make it
level = new ChallengeLevels();
challengeMap.putIfAbsent(level, new HashSet<>());
if (challengeMap.get(level).contains(challenge)) {
if (!overwrite) {
if (!silent) {
user.sendMessage("challenges.admin.import.skipping", "[challenge]", challenge.getFriendlyName());
return false;
} else {
if (!silent) {
user.sendMessage("challenges.admin.import.overwriting", "[challenge]", challenge.getFriendlyName());
return true;
if (!silent) {
user.sendMessage("challenges.admin.import.imported", "[challenge]", challenge.getFriendlyName());
return true;
* Store a challenge level
* @param level the challenge level
public void storeLevel(ChallengeLevels level) {
* Simple splitter
* @param string - string to be split
* @return list of split strings
public List<String> stringSplit(String string) {
string = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', string);
// Check length of lines
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
Arrays.asList(string.split("\\|")).forEach(line -> result.addAll(Arrays.asList(WordUtils.wrap(line,25).split("\\n"))));
return result;
* Resets all the challenges for user in world
* @param uuid - island owner's UUID
* @param world - world
public void resetAllChallenges(UUID uuid, World world) {
User user = User.getInstance(uuid);
// Save
public Challenges createChallenge()
return new Challenges();
public List<Challenges> getChallenges(ChallengeLevels challengeLevel)
return new ArrayList<>(this.challengeMap.get(challengeLevel));
public List<ChallengeLevels> getChallengeLevelList()
return new ArrayList<>(this.challengeMap.keySet());
public List<Challenges> getChallengesList()
return new ArrayList<>();
public void deleteChallenge(Challenges selectedChallenge)
public void deleteChallengeLevel(ChallengeLevels valueObject)
public void resetAllChallenges(User uuid, World world)