* Remove the old per-world permission cache.
* Use the new permission caching feature.
* Always use permission subscriptions.
* Permission subscriptions might fail under certain conditions
Only count the fall height below the set back y from lift-off (rather).
* Adjust method signatures and public visibility / interface for NoFall.
Issues with bunny hopping remain (...), but this might help with
Use of velocity entries has been made more strict (directly use, remove
previously queued ones).
(+) Extend/alter slightly, e.g. added a regex example.
Replacement characters are not needed, and default values won't keep
Tests pending, e.g. dump with the upcoming registry log.
* Improves performance, where permission lookup has major impact, with
timeout based lookup, static permissions (skip permission check
entirely), and world/offline based invalidation. (Once fully
* Hopefully more efficient: use Bukkit Permission for faster defaults.
* (Allows control over how which permission is to be
updated/invalidated, which is useful per se.)
* Complex changes yield bugs.
* Other plugins depending on NCP might break.
* Cache incoherence might happen (permissions are changed dynamically +-
unintended malconfiguration, or in case of bugs).
* (Endless loops certainly have all been fixed.)
* Lots of more or less internal API has been changed or removed: Check,
CheckType, CheckUtils, TickTask, ...
* Permission checking behavior has been altered.
Rough points:
* Implement a permission cache within PlayerData.
* Remove the player tasks and permission updates in favour of handling
those within DataManager and PlayerData.
* Adjust everything else to it (partly TBD).
* Updating sets of permissions (e.g. for CHAT) is done more lazily now,
i.e. one per 10 ticks). An actual permission check would still yield an
update next tick (asynchronous).
* Fixed/extended random spots (DualCollection, MiniListener registration
support, StringUtil).
* Basic implementation
* Cleanup after logout (stages: 1. non-essential like permissions,
2. unrecoverable like set-back location, 3. complete data removal).
* Coverage
* Might have missed spots.
* NoCheatPlus.nameSetPerms should be replaced by caching + default
config for world-wise updating.
* Command permissions are always checked. At least for players,
cache based lookup should get implemented.
* More unit tests.
* Extended configurability: Per-world settings/policies.
* Efficiency
* Not all parts of the implementation are 100%/optimal yet.
Relatively cheap addition, done:
* Internal API within BlockProperties.
* Support configuration: compatibility.blocks.breakingtime
* Support a command to update by the last n mined blocks (!). Needs
storing all side conditions within BlockBreakKey and convenience methods
for getBlockBreakKey + use internally.
The old ListenerManager is removed, new system in place. Removed
doesManageListeners(). (The new system isn't that new, but it's been
fixed and adapted to using RegistrationOrder.)
* Register all Bukkit events via the new EventRegistryBukkit.
* This way listeners can be ordered by numeric priority and tags
(regular expressions for beforeTag and afterTag).
* Unregistering listeners is possible (a listener node stays in the
Bukkit registry, but only one per event).
* It's possible to add listeners with minimal impact (MiniListener).
* The registry registers by event class 'hard' i.e., no relations
between already registered classes are checked.
* Order isn't necessarily stable nor even reproducible for randomized
start conditions with the same elements.
* Compatibility hooks can easily place event listeners
before/after/between NCP default listeners, without resorting to tricks
like 'load-before'.
* Future registry of NCP itself: unregistering listeners is necessary
for runtime-removable checks, order is useful if not necessary, to be
able to add check listeners at any point of time.
* Anything relying on the previous (optional) managelisteners feature.
* Lots of testing/inspection.
* Ensure all NCP listeners are coming with name/tag at least.
* Provide meaningful tags/RegistrationOrder for fine grained access
(e.g. after feature.moving but before feature.inventory).
* Change cncp to hard depend on NCP and use listener priorities.
* The annotations made for RegistrationOrder are defined in there.
* Add RegisterMethodWithOrder (method) for event handlers.
* Add RegisterEventsWithOrder (type) for default order with listeners.
* Remove the UNKNOWN type.
* All types except ALL have a parent now.
* All types have a type now.
* APIUtils: Add getDirectChildren for distinction.
* APIUtils doesn't collect the descendants in a generic way yet.
(+) Note: If it's fired asynchronously, meta data isn't checked, due to
that not being thread-safe. In future extra checks for (demanded to be)
thread-safe external plugin APIs can be added (reflection only).
(+) Add comments to PlayerData, concerning future treatment of name-uuid
mappings and retaining data.