The key can be retrieved via methods Location#toBlockKey() and
World provides lookup for blocks by long key via method World#getBlockAtKey(long)
The formatting for the key is as follows:
10 bit y|27 bit z|27 bit x
The y value is considered unsigned while z and x are considered two's complement
Y range: [0, 1023]
X, Z range: [-67 108 864, 67 108 863]
Checked encoding and decoding via
Particle packets contain a boolean which marks the particle to either force or show normal to the receiver.
Spigot has been sending all particles with the force boolean which overrides client particle settings.
Related changes in this commit;
- Add a force option to the ParticleBuilder API, which defaults to true to keep spigot consistent with existing api.
- Add a new spawnParticle method to support this mode as a parameter. Of course kept existing api methods the same so as to not break them.
Let me know if changes are needed.
This enables us a fast reference to the entities current chunk instead
of having to look it up by hashmap lookups.
We also store counts by type to further enable other performance optimizations in later patches.
This is the best way to get an entity when the world and its UUID are known.
It is faster than Server.getEntity(UUID) because it does not have to iterate all worlds
This fixes a CRITICAL missing part of the Bukkit API due to mistakes on upstream
refusing to implement the Sentient NPC baseclass of all NPC's.
Until now, the Bukkit API has not provided a way for accessing and setting
a non creature entities target.
Although Flying, Slime, Ambient, and Water mobs all supported targets internally,
you were unable to get/set it.
Now with the SentientNPC API and these API's moved down, every sentient NPC has
access to target data.
This event is called when an entity receives knockback by another entity. The knockback can be modified in the event. If the event is cancelled the entity is not knocked back.
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
Plugins can skip selection of certain arrows and control which is used.
Used to determine ACTUAL Living NPC's. Spigot mistakenly inversed the conditions for LivingEntity, and
used LivingEntity for Insentient Entities, and named the actual EntityLiving class EntityInsentient.
This should of all been inversed on the implementation side. To make matters worse, Spigot never
exposed the differentiator that there are entities with AI that are not sentient/alive such as
Armor stands and Players are the only things that do not implement the REAL EntityLiving class (named Insentient internally)
This interface lets you identify NPC entities capable of sentience, and able to move about and react to the world.
Redirects are in place (or will be shortly). This is mostly
Maven repo URLs already redirect however we can't deploy through them.
Jenkins URLs do not currently redirect but will within 24 hours.
Also adds a Discord link to the README, because apparently that's what
people want.
Documentation will be updated and announcements made once all redirects
are in place, until then, consider this advanced notice.