Prevent a IOB exception when querying topic
suggestions on query string `/`.
Additionally hide help topics indices if no topics
are visible to the player requesting them.
A general set of bugfixes for itemstack damage related logic.
1. Prevent NPE when calling deprecated ItemStack#getMaxItemUseDuration()
2. Do not apply enchantments when damaging items via API
3. Do not error when passing a null equipment slot to hurtAndBreak
4. Correctly call PlayerItemBreakEvent
Only skip the damage tick logic on player entities if the original
damage was zero and was not modified by plugins down the line.
This way all the following three scenarios trigger the damage tick
a) vanilla damage was 0, plugin set it to non zero
b) vanilla damage was non zero, plugin did not modify it
c) vanilla damage was non zero, plugin set it to zero.
Regarding case c, the argument here is that EntityDamageEvent#setDamage
should not modify the damage tick logic.
Implemented in Moonrise patch
Not needed
API does not appear to be used, and it is a real pain to
implement this properly. The old patch did not handle
populators correctly, for example.
When teleporting, the spawn position packet will contain the
old position. Then the following tracking update will send a
teleport packet, but the client will lerp the position change
over 3 ticks. However, the client does not tick entities in
unloaded chunks - resulting in the lerp never occuring.
We fix this by sending the current position in the spawn packet.
Since the chunk may not even be at a loaded ticket level, the
getChunk call may invoke a sync load. To prevent this, we can
retrieve the full loaded chunk first which is guaranteed to be
non-null when unloading.
The recent upstream update moved around the event logic for
EntiyDamageEvent and its derivatives.
However, the event was called on every call to #hurt as it was moved out
of actuallyHurt.
This patch moves the invocation directly before the #actuallyHurt calls,
respective invulnerable timings.
The logic in place to prevent players from processing a damage
tick/knockback/etc when hit with 0 damage incorrectly used the damage
events final damage value, which is reduced by absorption.
Instead, use the event's "raw damage", e.g. the amount passed to hurt,
in order to determine if the damage tick should be skipped.
This still allows plugins to change the damage to a non-zero value and
properly damage ticks the player in such a case, but correctly processes
the damage tick in cases where the original damage is non zero but the
actual damage is.
* Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit/Spigot)
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
e86f4dc4 PR-1041: Improve getPlayer(String) docs to clarify it matches the name
9738f005 Fix spawner API documentation
69ebd9fd PR-1034: Add TrialSpawnerSpawnEvent
23cffd9c PR-973: Improve spawner API and add API for Trial Spawners
8bf19163 PR-1038: Clarify HumanEntity#openInventory(InventoryView) JavaDoc
1ff76351 SPIGOT-7732, SPIGOT-7786: Add freezing damage modifier
02161cb4 PR-1034: Add CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason#TRIAL_SPAWNER
f9cb6f34 SPIGOT-7777: All entity potion effects are removed on death
25d548eb PR-1031: Expose Creeper igniter
ccbf0915 SPIGOT-7770: Reserve spaces in shaped recipes for blank ingredients
17f7097c Clarify ambiguity around what is API
71714f0c Remove note from InventoryView JavaDoc
aaf49731 PR-1030: Deprecate more unused methods in UnsafeValues
3a9dc689 SPIGOT-7771: Material.getDefaultAttributes always returns an empty map
CraftBukkit Changes:
c3ceeb6f7 SPIGOT-7814: Call PlayerShearEntityEvent for Bogged
97b1e4f58 Fix wolf armor not dropping from use of shears
fd2ef563a SPIGOT-7812: Revert "SPIGOT-7809: Restore shield/banner conversion for base colours"
f672c351b SPIGOT-7811: Enchantments are applied on sweeping attack even if damage event is cancelled
cfe29350b SPIGOT-7808: Fix implementation of Enchantment#getName() for bad name return
19335f69e SPIGOT-7809: Restore shield/banner conversion for base colours
ae4f5a0be SPIGOT-7805: Fix jukebox deserialization
62e3b73a4 SPIGOT-7804: Fix written book serialization
aac911d26 SPIGOT-7800, SPIGOT-7801: Keep vanilla behaviour for items dropped on player death
13ece474f PR-1429: Implement TrialSpawnerSpawnEvent
bf13e9113 PR-1354: Improve spawner API and add API for Trial Spawners
515fe49e1 Increase outdated build delay
9cd5a19a0 SPIGOT-7794: Cancelling InventoryItemMoveEvent destroys items
ce40c7b14 SPIGOT-7796: Kickplayer newlines not working
5167256ff SPIGOT-7795: Fix damage/stats ignore the invulnerable damage time
f993563ee Improve cross-world teleportation handling
ab29122cf PR-1433: HumanEntity#openInventory(InventoryView) should only support views belonging to the player
764a541c5 SPIGOT-7732: Issue with the "hurt()" method of EntityLiving and invulnerable time
820084b5f SPIGOT-7791: Skull BlockState with null profile causes NullPointerException
5e46f1c82 SPIGOT-7785: Teleporting a player at the right moment can mess up vanilla teleportation
cbd95a6b3 SPIGOT-7772: Include hidden / non-sampled players in player count
3153debc5 SPIGOT-7790: Server crashes after bee nest is forced to update
e77bb26bb SPIGOT-7788: The healing power of friendship advancement is never granted
ee3d7258a SPIGOT-7789: Fix NPE in CraftMetaFirework applyToItem
2889b3a11 PR-1429: Add CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason#TRIAL_SPAWNER
cdd05bc7f SPIGOT-7777: Speed attribute stays after death; missing EntityPotionEffectEvent call
d0e6af2d4 PR-1428: Expose Creeper igniter
d01c70e93 PR-1425: Fix bytecode transformation taking care of class-to-interface compatibility.
b2b08f68c SPIGOT-7770: Fix certain shaped recipes not registering
3f8e4161f PR-1426: Deprecate more unused methods in UnsafeValues
2c9dd879e SPIGOT-7771: Material.getDefaultAttributes always returns an empty map
Spigot Changes:
491f3675 Rebuild patches
0a642bd7 Rebuild patches
8897571b Rebuild patches
cb8cf80c Fix newlines in custom restart message
1aabe506 Rebuild patches
If the server tick length is high, then the amount of time
available to process chunk tasks inbetween ticks is low. As a
result, chunk loading and generation may appear to slow down.
To ensure that chunk tasks are always processed, we add logic to
execute chunk tasks during tile entity tick, entity tick, chunk
random ticking, and scheduled block/fluid ticking. The mid-tick task
execution is timed so that it is not prioritised over the server
While the null UUID is almost certainly an error, the old
implementation did not NPE as it used a plain HashMap for lookup
by UUID, whereas we use a ConcurrentHashMap which will NPE on
null keys.
The unload queue stored the chunks in the same section as
the chunk coordinate, when it needed to apply the unload shift.
Additionally, change the default region shift to the ticket
propagator shift as there is no benefit to using a low region
shift since no regionizing is occuring. This makes the unload
queue shift 6, which should reduce the number of sections to deal
with while processing unloads.
Somehow, a chunkholder is present in the unload queue after
it has been unloaded. It is likely that this is a result of
adding the chunk holder to the unload queue while it is
unloading. However, that should not be possible.
To find out where it is being added to the unload queue, track
the last stacktrace which adds to the unload queue and check
on chunk holder remove if the holder is present in the unload queue
and log the stacktrace.
Remove utilities that are unused, as well as replacing
the full chunk map with a concurrentutil implementation.
Additionally, fix the addition/removal of chunks to/from the
full chunk map so that getChunkIfLoaded correctly returns a
non-null chunk when calling the load or unload events.
The upstream implementation is returning true for non-full chunks.
This fix is not ideal since the new chunk system doesn't have a region file/chunk status patch. May want to be revisited before a non-experimental release.
Implementations for ChunkStatuses below FULL are supposed to always
return ProtoChunk instances. However, since we used the last completed
status, it could return LevelChunk.
To resolve this, follow Vanilla behavior of tracking chunk
completions by status and replace old ProtoChunk statuses with
ImposterProtoChunk when the chunk generates to FULL.
Additionally, implement an optimisation for retrieving full chunks
by storing a map of pos -> LevelChunk. This requires only a simple
map lookup to occur for full chunks which are loaded.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
2b4b6d14 PR-1023: Convert InventoryView to interface
CraftBukkit Changes:
68603b1c1 Use expanded interaction ranges for traced interact events
eae9f760c PR-1414: Convert InventoryView to interface
ee9eafe67 Fix Implementation for DamageSource#isIndirect for internal custom causing entity
The method sadly is not usable in 1.21 without a player as all of an
enchantments attribtue modifiers rely on a base value supplied by a
player. The method could only offer a rough estimate based on some
default values, however a better method for this should be added down
the line rather than trying to force such logic into the existing one.
A long standing bug in spigot and its derivatives was the fact that
players taking damage while blocking with a shield would not receive
invulnerability, while they do in vanilla.
This enabled the pvp technique of disabling a shield and immediately
attacking again to knock a player into the air.
While upstream fixed this and properly aligned itself with vanilla
damage logic (in this specific case) changing such long standing
behaviour has some downsides.
To allow players used to this specific bug to still use it, this patch
introduces a configuration option to re-introduce said bug.
As there is no easy way to *only* re-add this bug, the option is found
in the unsupported section as it may introduce other damage related
disparity from vanilla.
Previously would stream and optionally filter out all entries in the
enchantment registry.
Moves it to using the empty optional if treasure is allowed, leaving the
logic to EnchantmentHelper.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
e2160a18 Make MapCursor#type not depends on deprecated values
CraftBukkit Changes:
6ce172642 SPIGOT-7761: Ender pearl does not damage or spawn endermites
f5a63f734 SPIGOT-7759: Chunk not there when requested in ChunkUnloadEvent
28287259c Remove unused import
eb9a7dde0 SPIGOT-7757: Cannot set item in Stonecutter Inventory
f8be9d752 Move deserialized removed unhandled tags to dedicated removedTags
a7e576186 Fix potential mutability issue with CraftMetaItem copy constructor
995885452 SPIGOT-7741: Vanilla ItemComponent in commands can't remove components
9ef69aa0b PR-1284: Move ItemType <-> ItemMeta linking to a centralized place
3e82eafbe PR-1420: Fix DirectEntity and CausingEntity Damager for Creepers ignited by Player
c23daa71f SPIGOT-7751: Fix crash caused by arrows from trial spawners
Make MapCursor#type not depends on deprecated values
SPIGOT-7761: Ender pearl does not damage or spawn endermites
Chunk system patch was refactored to take advantage of
newer ConcurrentUtil's concurrent long hash table (which
fixes hash collisions caused by chaining fastutil's long hash
and CHM's hash) plus some other minor improvements.
The chunk system was also merged with Starlight, which mostly
provides a small improvement to ThreadedLevelLightEngine#checkBlock
as the scheduling was rewritten.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
befcf86d SPIGOT-7740: Fix using new map cursor types
09229095 Add EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause#CAMPFIRE
CraftBukkit Changes:
a1d2cd152 SPIGOT-7747: Mob head is not dropped when mob was blown up by a charged creeper
8078294bc SPIGOT-7746: Server Crashing when Players Getting into End Portals
8d842e250 SPIGOT-7744: Fix exception for shooting projectiles with flame enchantment
64e0ad129 SPIGOT-7744: Fix crash when shooting arrows in creative mode
819f7a10a Fix player items not dropping on death
0a0229bb5 Implement DamageCause#CAMPFIRE and minor improvement in exception for Unhandled block damage
The player sample uses game profile internally, but discards everything but the name and uuid and does not follow player profile restrictions, so it doesn't make sense to use that in the event.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
376e37db SPIGOT-7677: Update which entities are marked as spawnable
06c4add3 SPIGOT-7737: Add separate TreeType.MEGA_PINE
19b7caaa SPIGOT-7731: Spawn eggs cannot have damage
e585297e PR-1022: Add force option to Player#spawnParticle
d26e0094 PR-1018: Add methods to get players seeing specific chunks
8df1ed18 PR-978: Add Material#isCompostable and Material#getCompostChance
4b9b59c7 SPIGOT-7676: Enforce locale parameter in toLowerCase and toUpperCase method calls and always use root locale
8d1e700a PR-1020: Cast instead of using #typed when getting BlockType and ItemType to better work with testing / mocks
fa28607a PR-1016: Fix incorrect assumption of Fireball having constant speed
4c6c8586 PR-1015: Add a tool component to ItemMeta
6f6b2123 PR-1014: Add PotionEffectTypeCategory to distinguish between beneficial and harmful effects
f511cfe1 PR-1013, SPIGOT-4288, SPIGOT-6202: Add material rerouting in preparation for the switch to ItemType and BlockType
def44cbf SPIGOT-7669: Fix typo in ProjectileHitEvent#getHitBlockFace documentation
53fa4f72 PR-1011: Throw an exception if a RecipeChoice is ever supplied air
CraftBukkit Changes:
ee95e171a SPIGOT-7737: Add separate TreeType.MEGA_PINE
0dae4c62c Fix spawn egg equality check and copy constructor
ab59e847c Fix spawn eggs with no entity creating invalid stacks and disconnect creative clients
3b6093b28 SPIGOT-7736: Creative spawn egg use loses components
c6b4d5a87 SPIGOT-7731: Spawn eggs cannot have damage
340ccd57f SPIGOT-7735: Fix serialization of player heads with note block sound
fd2f41834 SPIGOT-7734: Can't register a custom advancement using unsafe()
02456e2a5 PR-1413: Add force option to Player#spawnParticle
6a61f38b2 SPIGOT-7680: Per-world weather command
58c41cebb PR-1409: Add methods to get players seeing specific chunks
16c976797 PR-1412: Fix shipwreck loot tables not being set for BlockTransformers
7189ba636 PR-1360: Add Material#isCompostable and Material#getCompostChance
900384556 SPIGOT-7676: Enforce locale parameter in toLowerCase and toUpperCase method calls and always use root locale
bdb40c5f1 Increase outdated build delay
d6607c7dd SPIGOT-7675: Fix FoodComponent config deserialization
b148ed332 PR-1406: Fix incorrect assumption of Fireball having constant speed
3ec31ca75 PR-1405: Add a tool component to ItemMeta
5d7d675b9 PR-1404: Add PotionEffectTypeCategory to distinguish between beneficial and harmful effects
960827981 PR-1403, SPIGOT-4288, SPIGOT-6202: Add material rerouting in preparation for the switch to ItemType and BlockType
94e44ec93 PR-1401: Add a config option to accept old keys in registry get calls
a43701920 PR-1402: Fix ChunkSnapshot#isSectionEmpty() is always false
87d0a3368 SPIGOT-7668: Move NONE Registry updater to FieldRename to avoid some class loader issues
2ea1e7ac2 PR-1399: Fix regression preventing positive .setDamage value from causing knockback for 0 damage events
ba2d49d21 Increase outdated build delay
Spigot Changes:
fcd94e21 Rebuild patches
342f4939 SPIGOT-7661: Add experimental unload-frozen-chunks option