Fixes EntityPotionEffectEvent
Fixes EntityPoseChangeEvent
Asynchronous chunk generation provides an opportunity for things
to happen async that previously fired synchronous-only events. This
patch is for mitigating those issues by various methods.
Also fixes correctly marking/clearing the entity generation flag.
This patch sets the generation flag anytime an entity is created
via StructureTemplate before loading from NBT to catch uses of
the flag during the loading logic. This patch clears the generation
flag from an entity when added to a ServerLevel for the situation
where generation happened directly to a ServerLevel and the
entity still has the flag set.
For each player on each tick, enter block triggers are invoked, and these create loot contexts that are promptly thrown away since the trigger doesn't pass the predicate
To avoid this, we now lazily create the LootContext if the criterion passes the predicate AND if any of the listener triggers require a loot context instance
Upstream did not account for different hands when storing
the breed item for later use in the event. Also they only
stored a reference to the stack, not a copy so if the stack
changed after love mode was started, the breed item in the event
also changed. Also in several places, the breed item was stored after
it was decreased by one to consume the item.
== AT ==
public readSavedData(Ljava/util/function/Function;Lnet/minecraft/util/datafix/DataFixTypes;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/world/level/saveddata/SavedData;
Objectives displayed in team sidebars were not cleared when switching
scoreboards. If a player's scoreboard has a displayed objective for the
'gold' sidebar, and their scoreboard was switched to one where they
still had a 'gold' team, it would still be displayed
The CHUNKY_FIXERS field is modified during the constructors
of the BlockFixers, but the code that uses CHUNKY_FIXERS does
not properly ensure that BlockFixers has been initialised before
using it, leading to a possible race condition where instances of
BlockFixers are accessed before they have initialised correctly.
We can force the class to initialise fully before accessing the
field by calling any method on the class, and for convenience
we use values().
The tile entities are not accessible and so should not be loaded.
This can happen as a result of users moving regionfiles around,
which would cause a crash on Folia but would appear to function
fine on Paper.
moves the loading after vanilla loading, so it overrides the values.
disables saving any forced stats, so it stays at the same value (without enabling disableStatSaving)
fixes stat initialization to not cause a NullPointerException
Copyright (C) 2020 Technove LLC
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This adds a very cheap distance check when an end crystal is placed.
Attempting to respawn the dragon, which involves looking up the end crystal
entities near the portal, every time an end crystal is placed, can be slow on
some servers that have players placing end crystals as a style of combat.
The very cheap distance check prevents running the entity lookup every time.
General patch fixing slot desyncs between the server and client that
result from cancelled events/paper introduced logic.
Co-authored-by: Minecrell <>
Co-authored-by: Newwind <>
Getting the nearest generated structure contains a nested set of loops that
iterates over all chunks at a specific chessboard distance. It does this by
iterating over the entire square of chunks within that distance, and checking
if the coordinates are at exactly the right distance to be on the border.
This patch optimizes the iteration by only iterating over the border chunks.
This evaluated chunks are the same, and in the same order, as before, to
ensure that the returned found structure (which may for example be a buried
treasure that will be marked on a treasure map) is the same as in vanilla.
== AT ==
public gateways
public respawnCrystals
public spawnNewGateway(Lnet/minecraft/core/BlockPos;)V
Boat status is null until the entity is added to the world and the tick() method is called.
== AT ==
public getStatus()Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/vehicle/AbstractBoat$Status;
Setting whether a block break dropped items controlled
far more than just whether blocks dropped, like stat increases
food consumption, turtle egg count decreases, ice to water
conversions and beehive releases
Tab-complete packet is supposed to tab-complete args for commands, but
it also can suggest commands like in version 1.12.2 or lower.
This patch prevents server from sending namespaced commands when player
requests tab-complete only commands.
== AT ==
public$CatalystListener bloom(Lnet/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel;Lnet/minecraft/core/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/BlockState;Lnet/minecraft/util/RandomSource;)V
Effect or LevelEvent needs to be replaced
but ideally after the enum PR has been merged
upstream. Until then, this test and these fixes
should address all the known issues with them
Spigot incorrectly instanceOf checks the EntityTargetEvent#getTarget
against the internal ItemEntity type and removes the nearest wanted item
memory if said instanceOf check fails, (which is always the case)
causing allays to behave differently as they constantly lose their
target item.
This commit fixes the faulty behaviour by instance performing a check
against the CraftItem type.
Pulling Folia API to Paper is primarily intended for plugins
that want to target both Paper and Folia without unnecessary
compatibility layers.
Add both a location based scheduler, an entity based scheduler,
and a global region scheduler.
Owned region API may be useful for plugins which want to perform
operations over large areas outside of the buffer zone provided
by the regionaliser, as it is not guaranteed that anything
outside of the buffer zone is owned. Then, the plugins may use
the schedulers depending on the result of the ownership check.
When selecting which explosion resistance to use for lava and water, vanilla selects the highest value between their block explosion resistance and fluid explosion resistance.
Problems emerge when we want to reduce the explosion resistance of water or lava, since the fluid explosion resistance is hardcoded to return 100.0F and can't be changed by a plugin. This simply makes the fluid explosion resistance the same as the block explosion resistance, which allows plugin to change the value. Since both are the same in vanilla, this has no side effects on servers that do not need to do this.
In the event that an item frame cannot be seen by any players, ticking the item frame every tick is unnecessary. This can be a very hot section of the entity tracker when lots of item frames are present on a server, so this reduces the logic which speeds it up.
Fix several issues when a player interact with a block:
* the place sound isn't played for the dispensed shulker block
* desync of the jukebox blocks between bukkit handler and the vanilla interaction
* poi can desync when the BlockPhysicsEvent is cancelled
Makes sure the value returned by Projectile#getShooter in
the API matches the owner UUID specified in the entity nbt.
Previously, after the entity reloaded, Projectile#getShooter
would return null, while the entity still had an owner.
Also fixes setting the shooter/owner to null actually
clearing the owner.
Co-authored-by: Warrior <>
For fishing hooks, the openWater field is true by default, and only calculated when a "fish" is approaching the bobber.
This patch changes the API impl to calculate the open water state itself instead of returning this field.
Relevant link:
== AT ==
public calculateOpenWater(Lnet/minecraft/core/BlockPos;)Z
public outOfWaterTime
This patch is meant to get rid of any instances of lazy initialization that Minecraft introduces for enums.
This has the possibility to create race condition issues, and generally don't make sense to be lazily done anyways.
Upstream incorrectly skipped explosion logic if
the bed was occupied and added a "feature" where
if you set your spawn in a respawn anchor world
but then replaced it with a bed, you could respawn
at the bed in that world.
Wandering Trader, AbstractHorse, Beacon and Composter inventories returned null locations
when a block or entity location is readily available
Co-authored-by: Lukas Planz <>
Changes the Interaction entity's trigger to use the vanilla
generic damage source
Fixes a couple places where the original damage and modified damage
were passed in the reverse order to the advancement triggers
This creates a problem with Paper's item serialization
api where deserialized items, which are internally
created as a CraftItemStack, will be completely lost if
#setAmount(0) is invoked (since the underlying handle
is set to null), while a regular Bukkit ItemStack
simply sets the amount field to zero, retaining the
item's data.
Vanilla treats items with zero amounts the same as items
with less than zero amounts, so this code doesn't create
a problem with operations on the vanilla ItemStack.
The EntityResurrectEvent logic is supposed to locate a totem of undying
in any of the interaction slots of the player inventory and then, if the
called EntityResurrectEvent is not cancelled, shrink that item by 1,
usually reducing it to zero.
For this, the logic iterates over the items in the interaction slots and
breaks out the loop if a totem of undying was found.
However, even if no totem of undying was found, the iteration item stack
variable remains as a refernce to the last interaction slot probed.
Plugins uncancelling a EntityResurrectEvent, which is published
pre-cancelled to listeners if no totem of undying could be found,
would hence cause the server logic to shrink completely unrelated items
found in, at the writing of this patch, the players off hand slot.
This patch corrects this behaviour by only shrinking the item if a totem
of undying was found and the event was called uncancelled.
Menus don't add slots for the offhand, so on sendAllDataToRemote calls the
offhand slot isn't sent. This is not correct because you *can* put stuff into the offhand
by pressing the offhand swap item
When the server is stopping, the default execution handler method will throw a
RejectedExecutionException in order to prevent further execution, this causes
us to lose the actual kick reason. To mitigate this, we'll use a seperate marked
class in order to gracefully ignore these.
Adds methods notify clients about item breaks and
to simulate damage done to an itemstack and all
the logic associated with damaging them
== AT ==
public entityEventForEquipmentBreak(Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/EquipmentSlot;)B
== AT ==
public net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer wardenSpawnTracker
public ticksSinceLastWarning
public cooldownTicks
public increaseWarningLevel()V
Fixes where the user has permission for selectors but not their
suggestions, which especially matters when we force suggestions to
the server for this type