This translation has been done by adapting the syntax to French language, so, the word order is sometimes different, it's "normal" that translations don't mean anything. Although I have worked for several weeks to adap to French as better as possible, it's possible that there are some mistakes made by me and I apologize for them. If that is the case, I'll correct them as soon as possible. Have a good time :)
Not included:
- CommonDBTest (abstract) and it's extensions. JUnit 5 does not support
recursive test discovery. Different method needs to be implemented
for these to move over.
- All plugin files moved to /assets/ inside the jar
- InputStreams, lines and flat string now accessed through Resource
interface obtained from PlanFiles
- Removed FileUtil
- Removed old methods from PlanFiles that returned something that is now
accessed via Resource interface.
- Implemented a PlanFiles class for Sponge that uses Sponge
Asset API for fetching items in the jar.
* Plan api module
* Information annotations for DataExtension API
* Added BooleanProvider annotation
* Added NumberProvider
* Added DoubleProvider
* Added PercentageProvider
* Added StringProvider
* Retention and Target to Providers
* Validation class for annotations
* Refactored ExtensionExtractor, Added Group parameter
* Method names used as provider identifiers
* Begun work on extracting data providers
* Provider Extraction + priority to Providers:
Implemented methods for extracting each kind of Provider annotation
related method information to a DataProvider.
DataProviders required some duplicate code due to type erasure of the
parameter class.
Added Display-priority to Providers, highest value is placed top most.
InvalidateMethod annotations are now extracted.
* Small amount of code cleanup
* Storage of plugin info, icon and tabs of DataExtension
* Simplified Provider method calling:
- Added an enum for each method kind
- Moved parameter resolution to the end of the chain, right before
invoking the method.
- The enum is used for storage in DataProviders for easier access.
- ProviderInformation created as early as possible
* Player data gathering for all providers:
- Incremental condition resolution of BooleanProvider conditions
- Gathering of Number and String values
- Gathering and disambiguation between double and percentage providers.
* Storage of Provider icons
* String provider extra info
* plan_extension_providers table information
* plan_extension_user_values table information
* BooleanProvider store transaction
* NumberProvider store transaction
* StringProvider store transaction
* DoubleProvider, PercentageProvider store transaction
* Boolean result store transaction
* Double result store transaction
* Number result store transaction
* Percentage result store transaction
* String result store transaction
* Transaction for removing invalid providers from storage
* Interface for registering DataExtensions
* ExtensionService implementation
* Handling of by default empty annotation values
* Extension table create table statements
* Annotation String length enforcement:
- Description is 150 characters max, truncated
- Others are 50 characters max, truncated
- StringProvider value is 50 characters max, truncated
* Logging of implementation mistake warnings
* Added 'extensions' module:
- Module is in charge of registering built in DataExtensions
- This is done via ExtensionRegister
* Config enable check for DataExtension registration
* Fixed Extension SQL syntax errors
* Debug logging of DataExtension registration
* Extension data updating to login listeners
* Fix Extension SQL Syntax errors related to id selection
* Fixed many Extension Provider store errors
* Data objects for extension data about a player
These objects make it easier to construct query data from database.
* Fix flipped double and percentage storage transactions
* getByName to Extension enums
* Query for DataExtension data of a single player
* Deprecated player plugin tab related things
* DataExtension API player page plugin tab generation
* Registered AdvancedBan extension
* Added BooleanProvider#hidden
* Added Conditional#negated
* Added booleans to PluginInfo for controlling method calls.
* Bump extension API to 0.0.2
* Extract method call booleans from PluginInfo
* Added flow for Negated conditions
Negated conditions' names are prefixed with not_
This allows checking against negated Conditionals and does not need
adding more table rows.
* Registered BanManager Extension
* Transaction for removing unsatisfied Conditional data:
This is one of the most complex queries I have made.
- Select all fulfilled conditions for all players (conditionName when
true and not_conditionName when false)
- Left join with player value & provider tables when uuids match, and
when condition matches a condition in the query above.
- Filter the join query for values where the condition did not match
any provided condition in the join (Is null)
- Delete all player values with IDs that are returned by the left join
query after filtering
In addition:
- Added test for the transaction
- Added extension data removal to RemoveEverythingTransaction
- Added unregister method to ExtensionService
* Reverse table names since MySQL can not select and update:
More information
Attempts to fix:
'You can't specify target table 'plan_extension_user_values' for update
in FROM clause'
* Nest query since MySQL can not select and update:
More information
Attempts to fix:
'You can't specify target table 'plan_extension_user_values' for update
in FROM clause'
* Added missing "as ..." to the query:
Attempts to fix
"Every derived table must have its own alias"
* Added comment about nested query
* Implemented BooleanProvider hidden parameter
* Bump extension versions
* Registered DiscordSRV extension
* Fixing some new code smells:
- String literal duplication fixed in a few places
- Cognitive complexity reduced in BooleanProviderValueGatherer
- Called Optional#isPresent before accessing value
16 instances in ProviderTransactions
- private constructor to Extension tables
- Missing deprecated tags to deprecated plugin tab stuff
- Unused class variable removal
- Throw dedicated exceptions in ServerServerInfo
- Unused method removal
- Renamed 'API' field to 'service' in ExtensionService
- Unused variable removal
* Fix SQL error introduced when 'hidden' was added
* Color replacement to StringProvider values
* Gatherer methods for server providers
* Storage for extension server data
* Moved some results classes around
* ExtensionServerData class
* Fixed ConfigReader sometimes adding empty string to a null value.
* ExtensionServerDataQuery + BooleanAggregateQuery:
- Queries plan_extension_server_values
- Queries plan_extension_player_values for aggregates
* More Aggregate Queries
* Server ExtensionData visualization
* Network ExtensionData visualization
* Removed date values from number aggregate query
* Registered Essentials extension
* Registered Sponge Economy Extension
* Removed update booleans from PluginInfo
* More flexible definition of calling Extension methods
* Implemented Caller and CallEvents filtering
* Implemented Extension player method calls
* CallEvents.SERVER_PERIODICAL calls
* Updated extension versions
* Updated Essentials extension
* Fixed 'sponge' module test errors
* Fix some code smells
* Fixed Transaction#executeOther when using dbType
* Fixed Aggregate label issues
* TableContainer no longer displays 'null'
* '(Legacy)' added to PluginData tabs