1. Replace unnecessary statement lambda to expression lambda (without the {} when only one expression is present)
2. Change map.get(i) == null ... to map.computeIfAbsent
3. Simplifies comparators
Fixed multiple PluginData issues
Fixed ViaVersion being compiled into final jar
Fixed GMTimesTable get multiple method
Fixed Playerlist being sorted the wrong way (Oldest players shown
instead of most recent)
Permission Group table
PluginData objects now use API#getUserDataInspectCache instead of
getOfflinePlayer (It was slow) - Using FakeOfflinePlayer when
OfflinePlayer is required.
Abstracted CommandSender
New Player UserData Creation optimized
Added Importer for players who haven't joined after Plan was installed.
Added Timings to Status command
Importing now temporarily disables Analysis
BenchmarkUtil now not static
Players Table (On analysis page) now limited to last 3000 players due to
browser performance hit with higher numbers.
GMTimes now saved & Get more efficiently (Batches & Single query)
Added #138 (ASkyBlock PluginData)
Added perm groups for #131
Fixed extra space before tables appearing
Total now indicated (Plugindata) with a "Total " modifier.
Added config setting for disabling minotaur player heads from analysis
Split tps graph axes to left & right
Added TimeAmount enum (BukkitPluginDependency)
New Utility jar BukkitPluginDependency contains new classes that include
methods & classes usually required for me to start creating a project,
such as:
- Version check
- Abstract command classes (For subcommands & commands w/ subcommands)
- UUIDFetcher
- Log utility
- Benchmarking
It was tested with Plan to ensure it works.
It will be used in the future to lower the threshold of starting a new
Split dependencies into another project to make forking easier in the
Implemented & Fixed:
Did research work for
(Won't be implemented)
- Optimized Advanced Achievements PluginData objects with method
introduced in AA 5.2.0
- Fixed some plugindata objects displaying as empty
- localStorage -> sessionStorage on html pages
- Updated javadocs partially complete
- Fixed possible memory leaks from the queues
- Fixed a bug where new player didn't save to the cache.
- Stable enough for release.
Pit report:
Total - 29% line coverage & 22% mutation coverage (1236/4253 & 436/1982)
The new processing - 75% & 77%
One class to test before testing cache
After that tests on the server and merge.
Pit Report:
Total - Line coverage: 1157/4258 (27%) | Mutation: 399/1978 (20%)
New test areas:
- The new processing system: 55% and 51%
- Database: 53% and 45%
New processing system pools event information and processes it every 60
Testing & Timings required
- Fixed GamemodeTimesHandler giving NPE if a gamemode is null.
- Fixed ArrayOutOfBounds if sessions is empty.
- Fixed randomly caused NPE when transforming sessions to length values
(also improved it)
Demographics tab not yet finished.
- Fixed new bugs found while creating tests with PlanDebug #47
- Moved manage things around to remove copy-paste code. New ManageUtils
- Made analyze more flexible, now allows analysis of any abstract
Database class' data.
- Moved RecentPlayerButtons creation to new class
UserData is now copied to avoid null pointer exception after some data
is removed from cache while analysis is running.
Additionally added access and stopAccessing to analysis in case the copy
constructor is somehow flawed, to prevent the data from getting cleared
while analysis is being run.
Also added clear prevention to inspect cache if the data is accessed.
- Changed "Plan has run into error..." to include error type
- More attempts to fix#26
- Null checks for uuid
- Now not saving userdata when uuid = null
- If uuid = null, data will not be fetched.
Removed Charts4j from the plugin, and moved to Chart.js javascript graph
rendering library - this almost halved the jar size, and analysis might
have gotten a tiny performance boost (Graph rendering delegated to
- The new graphs are more accurate, and you can hover over the graphs to
view more in-depth detail about the data.
- This update allows possible multiple lines in one graph in future
Updated Phrase & Html to include every message that was not yet
available. Updated locale files will be uploaded to github As soon as
Before they are uploaded using the config locale setting will
"Factions land is reported incorrectly. One of my factions (for OPs) has
only one member in testing, so power 10, but 71 chunks (OPs can claim
more chunks than power allows). Plan reports land = 10. How does Plan
determine faction holdings?"
Yeah fixed that.
- Fix for #17:
Schema now updated properly
- Fix for #18
Hooks to other plugins no longer cause NPE if plugin is not found.
(Added another constructor that sets isEnabled to false)
- Fix for #19
Removed debug message and replaced with continue;
- Fix for #20
Made new player creation async
Made inspect & search commands async
- Better error handling & logging. Implemented for SQLDB.java - other
catch clauses yet to be changed.
This was done mainly to be able to run Debugger tests on it.
- DB Auto-Commit bug #12 fixed
- New DB creation was no-longer execption free after adding throws
clauses, fixed that.
- SQLException: The prepared statement has been finalized when closing
database on disable, cause yet unknown
- "___ added to cache" called 5-6 times when player joins
- Events
- SessionData
- KillData
- Does DB save everything or just plan_users
- Location adding in baches
- Location data getting seperately for analysis, not saved to UserData
to speed up get.
- http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/
- Player data table
- Player session length
- Player online activity graph, week
- PlanLite features
- Changed the way UserData is cached so that it is cached asyncronously.
This was quite complex and I might have made mistakes so I will have to
test it properly.
- Location gathering temporarily disabled, will not be disabled in 2.6.0
when it is finished.
- NullPointerException when data is cleared from cache.
- Might be the reason that kick was not saved when player was kicked.
- DB in auto-commit mode for some reason. Too tired to figure.
- All Events
- Manage commands (might get in a infinite loop)
- Error causing UserData when calling a DBCallableProcessor (will be
tested with Debugger)
- SessionData
- KillData
- Location adding in baches
- http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/
- Player data table
- Player session length
- Player online activity graph, week
- PlanLite features
- Fixed many cases where database might try to save empty data.
(Possible fixes to causes of #13#8)
- Fixed partially ConcurrentModificationException causes by adding
uData.setAccessing to SaveMultipleUserData
- Sped up Graph creation with functional operations
- Cleared remaints of ServerData
- Empty nickname no longer added to Nicknames
- SessionData now correctly saved
- Changed imports and packages to main.java.com.djrapitops.plan. (Should
have been done ages ago)
- Organized imports & removed unused imports.
- Removed remaints of ServerData
- Named a few tasks
- Empty nickname no longer added to Nicknames
- SessionData no longer cleared when DataCache clears data from cache
- Moved all imports and package declerations to correct form (Should
have done this ages ago) main.java.com.djrapitops.plan....
- Playerkills untested
- PlanLite analysis part disabled, will be replaced soon.
Known bugs:
- One empty nickname somehow manages to get into nicknames
- SessionData cleared when DataCache clears data from cache -
UnIntended. Will need a seperate save spot for current session data.
- Boot analysis no longer run if /plan analyze is used before boot
- Config now responds properly (with exception of colors) [Settings
- Seriously revamped style of the html
- Added Html enum for better readability of the code
- Removed Jheatmap dependency
- Nicknames now have colors
- Moved some more things to Phrase
- Changed Phrase.parse to allow multiple values
- Socket server no longer requires refresh to properly load pages
- Plugin now reloads config when using /reload
- Fixed manage command not giving explanation for errors when database
connection is not establishable
- Fixed hotswap causing plugin reload to fail if database connection is
not establsihable.
- Added Phrase.GRABBING_DATA_MESSAGE to Analysis, Inspect & search
- Moved some methods from MiscUtils to DataCombineUtils
- Added Manage Import command that can be used to import data to the
database from other plugins. Currently supports only ontime.
- Added aliases to analyze and manage command
- Added OfflinePlayer object support to NewPlayerCreator
- Added database managment command:
- Copy & Overwrite data from one database to another (moving from one db
to another)
- Copy & Combine data from one database to another (in case both were
- Remove player's data from the active database
- Clear a database
- Check what database is in use, also on info command. Also now told on
- Hotswap to another database, reloads plugin with new database set in
- Reload command now restarts the plugin, DOES NOT LOAD NEWLY PLACED JAR
- Fixed typo in search command arguments
- Import command for OnTime in PlanLite
- Recent Players
- Lists of players
- Location heatmap
- Investigate Bungee support possibility
- Make Analysis.java readable
- Move the data combine methods from MiscUtils to new class
- Database Cleaning
- Change database initiation message to include "connection"
- If you feel like it make better html
- Bugfix for #2 (Catch for NoSuchFieldError, null checks)
- Database now uses Batch processing with Commanduse, IPs, Nicknames &
Locations. Also used when saving whole cache.
- Uncommented Location gathering and swapped the location saving to use
batch processing. TODO: Worlds table
- Added placeholders for top lists & recent players to analysis &
- Worlds Table
- Links to players
- New HashMaps in Analysis for recent players
- InspectCache clear multiper
- InspectCache clear task check. (Time value for each task)
This update brings more customization options, couple bugfixes and extra
slice to the player composition pie that tells how many players have
only joined once, but never returned (previously counted as inactive).
In more detail:
Added "Unknown" slice to the Player Composition Pie (Players who have
joined only once)
ServerData and UserData now saved with seperate timers to avoid loss of
player activity data with less dense cache saves.
Added possibility to turn off the WebServer.
- API will return HTML without webserver if the server is off.
- If AlternativeIP is in use, all commands will use that as link,
- Analysis & Search commands are disabled if the webserver is off.
- If PlanLite is installed and is used as alternative UI (config),
Inspect command is passed to PlanLite.
Added possibility to use PlanLite as an alternative UI.
- Use /plan lite inspect <player> to view the data in the chatbox.
- Graphs, piecharts & list available only on the web UI.
- Analysis not yet available in PlanLite UI.
Added possibility to change all colors of the Web UI and command
- Changes in the color settings require plugin restart, fix for this in
the future.
- Web UI Colors use the HTML Color Codes without the # (hashtag)
Added possibility to translate & add/remove Demographics triggers
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when data is being cleared after
a save.
- Attempted fix of PlanLite balance analysis by rewriting a formatting
utility method.
Fixed bugs:
- Demographics data properly detected.
- MapComparator now compares values as integers.
- ServerData is now saved properly, and playersOnline is updated
- Graph is untested
- MySQL untested
- PlanLite features done.
Fixed bugs:
- Demographics data is not properly detected (partial fix)
-> Geolocation untested.
Known bugs:
- MapComparator compares values as strings (causes wrong order)
- Graph is wrong way around
- Graph is written to points with no data present
- (Player activity graph data might not be properly saved)
-> Graph uses players from a single point and draws a line
- (MySQL not tested)
- new API unimplemented
- Started creating planlite html,
-> html unfinished.
- Tested all 3 plugins working together, fixed bugs and typos
-> Swapped planlite permissions and commands from plan to planlite
Following bugs have been fixed:
- Changed command links to say "Click me"
- Concurrent modification exception: Cachehandler 83, Cachehandler 208
- GMTimes on analysis page still shows 0 but graph works
- Page has to be refreshed multiple times to view (Faulty response)
- Data not saved to db on login
- Command usages upside down
- New Players set to 0 too easily (Wrong data was fetched)
Known bugs:
- Graph is wrong way around
- Graph is written to points with no data present
- (Player activity graph data might not be properly saved)
-> Graph uses players from a single point and draws a line
- Demographics data is not saved properly/detected
- (MySQL not tested)
- PlanLite features
- Added Player Activity graph
- Top 50 Commands now looks proper
Fixed bugs:
- Activity now determined properly (two weeks seconds multiplied by
Known Bugs:
- GMTimes on analysis page still shows 0 but graph works
- Page has to be refreshed multiple times to view (Faulty response)
- (Player activity graph data might not be properly saved)
Not implemented:
- PlanLite features
- Updated config file to clearer structure
Fixed bugs:
- Commands now show link with /tellraw command.
- PieCharts now check if total is not 100,
- Piecharts now render correctly (There was some issues with int)
- InspectCache updates properly.
- ClassCastException on start-up when PlanLite is not installed fixed.
- DataCache now returns active data to InspectCache if it is present.
Known Bugs:
- GMTimes on analysis page still shows 0 but graph works
- Page has to be refreshed multiple times to view (Faulty response)
- Top50Commands not pretty yet.
- Extra panel to put PlanLite stuff on is empty
Not implemented:
- PlanLite features
- Player Activity Graph
Known bugs:
- Commands: Link does not show ip, might be related to localhost
- Page has to be refreshed multiple times to view (Faulty response
- Gamemode Times corrupted somehow
- 0 0 0 0 0 debug in console
- GM Pie doesn't check if total 100
- Average Age shows NaN because dividing by 0
- (Inspect cache not updating properly)
- PlanLite features not implemented yet
- Moved to Maven project to solve dependencies
- > Added Chart4j (Google Charts) to render graphs and pie charts.
- More AnalysisUtils
- Added GMTimesChartCreator