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Updated Bungee Configuration (markdown)
@ -4,15 +4,9 @@
This page is about the **Bungee** *config.yml* file and the various settings it provides.
This page is about the **Bungee** *config.yml* file and the various settings it provides.
For Bukkit see [[Bukkit Configuration]]
For Bukkit see [[Bukkit Configuration]]
> **4.6.0 has been released, but config settings are not yet up to date.**
- [Default Config](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/common/src/main/resources/bungeeconfig.yml)
> Please be patient as it will take a while to update all config references.
Settings are provided with the Settings Enum class that reads the config.
Page version: **4.6.0**
- [Settings class](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/Settings.java)
Most of the Bungee settings affect the state of Plan on Bukkit servers connected to it. If you want to set these settings individually for Bukkit servers set `Bungee-Override.CopyBungeeSettings` to `false` on the Bukkit server.
Page Version: **4.3.2**
# Settings
# Settings
@ -22,79 +16,134 @@ Setting | Default | Affects | Description
IP | | Bungee | Since Bungee does not provide a get IP method, IP of the server running Bungee has to be manually set. Set this to an address or IP that connects to the Bungee server machine. **If this setting is not changed from default the plugin will not function**
IP | | Bungee | Since Bungee does not provide a get IP method, IP of the server running Bungee has to be manually set. Set this to an address or IP that connects to the Bungee server machine. **If this setting is not changed from default the plugin will not function**
Network.Name | 'Plan' | Bungee | This name is displayed on the Network page.
Network.Name | 'Plan' | Bungee | This name is displayed on the Network page.
## Bukkit Server Specific Settings (Servers)
## Server Configuration on BungeeCord
These settings are automatically generated and the default values are copied from the Bukkit config on the first connection (After Plugin channel message)
You can configure Plan on your other servers by modifying the connected server's configs in `/plugins/Plan/serverConfiguration`. Theses files follow the Bukkit config format (see above article)
WebServerPort: 8034
ServerName: Example
ThemeBase: Default
Setting | Description
-- | --
WebServerPort | Changes the WebServer.Port of a single Bukkit server
ServerName | Changes the Server.ServerName of a single Bukkit server
ThemeBase | Changes the Theme.Base of a Single Bukkit server, this allows for different themes for different servers.
## Plugin
## Plugin
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
Debug | false | Bungee | Logger debug mode, takes options 'true'/'both','false','console','file'.
Locale | default | Bukkit | 2 letter Locale code, selects the locale used (Found inside the jar)
WriteNewLocaleFileOnEnable | false | Bungee | Writes a new locale file to /plugins/Plan/ next time Plan enables.
Dev | false | Bungee | Additional Debug, Benchmark & Error logs only useful while developing.
Allow-Update-Command | true | Both | Allows execution of updates with upcoming update command
Notify-About-DEV-Releases | false | Both | If true notifications about DEV releases are given to players
KeepLogsForXDays | 7 | Both | Number of days after which log files are removed
## WebServer
Setting | Default | Description
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
-- | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | --
Logging.Locale | default | 2 letter Locale code, selects the locale used (Found inside the jar)
Port | 8804 | Bungee | Main WebServer port.
Logging.Create_new_locale_file_on_next_enable| false | Writes a new locale.txt file to plugin folder on plugin enable and sets this back to `false`.
InternalIP | | Bungee | Internal InetAddress to start the WebServer on.
Logging.Debug | false | Logger debug mode, takes one or multiple options 'true'/'both'/'all','false','console','file','memory'. Example: "file, console"
Security.Certificate | | Bungee | [[View the tutorial on setting up a SSL Certificate|SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Set-Up]]
Logging.Dev | false | Enables development error logging as well as other debug messages
Logging.Delete_logs_after_days| 7 | Number of days after which log files are removed
Update_notifications.Check_for_updates | true | Should update notification be displayed on the website
Update_notifications.Notify_about_DEV_releases | false | Should update notifications include DEV releases
## Database
## Database
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | --
Host | localhost | Both | MySQL host address
MySQL.Host | localhost |
Port | 3306 | Both | MySQL host port
MySQL.Port | 3306 |
User | root | Both | User for editing the database
MySQL.User | root | User for editing the database
Password | minecraft | Both | Password of User
MySQL.Password | minecraft | Password of MySQL.User
Database | Plan | Both | Name of the Database to use
MySQL.Database | Plan | Name of the Database to use
LaunchOptions | "?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false" | Both | Launch options to use
MySQL.Launch_options| ?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false | Launch options to use
## Commands
## Webserver
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | --
AlternativeIP.Enabled | false | Bungee | Enables the use AlternativeIP in the URL to the WebServer
Port | 8804 | Port of the Webserver
AlternativeIP.Link | `your.ip.here:%port%` | Bungee | Address to use as link in inspect and analyze commands if setting above is enabled. %port% will be replaced with the Port automatically. If you have port-forwarded an alternate address to the webserver port, %port% is not required.
Alternative_IP | false | Should an alternate address be used for the WebServer links
Colors | '&2', '&7', '&f' | Bukkit | Color codes to use for command messages
Alternative_IP.Address | your.domain.here:%port% | Address to use as link in inspect and analyze commands if setting above is enabled. %port% will be replaced with the Port automatically. If you have port-forwarded an alternate address to the webserver port, %port% is not required.
Internal_IP| | Internal InetAddress to start the WebServer on. manages the Internal IP automatically. No need to change unless running in Docker.
Security.SSL_certificate | | [[View the tutorial on setting up a SSL Certificate|SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Set-Up]]
Disable_Webserver| false | Disables the WebServer. This is for [[External WebServer Use]]
External_Webserver_address| https://www.example.address | Address to give to users when WebServer is offline.
## Analysis
## Data_gathering
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | --
AutoRefreshPeriod | 60 | Bukkit | Refreshes Analysis results periodically (minutes)
Geolocations | true | Enable Geolocation gathering
Active | 30, 2 | Bukkit | Affects calculation of Activity Index
Export.Enabled | false | Bungee | See [[External WebServer Use]] for more information
## Data
## Time
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
AFKThresholdMinutes | 3 | Bukkit | Time the player has to be still before the stand-still time is added to the afk time when they move again.
Commands.LogUnknownCommands | false | Bukkit | Log commands that are not registered, e.g. /bremobmreb
Commands.CombineCommandAliases | true | Bukkit | Combines command aliases to the main command, e.g. /i to /give
Geolocations | false | Both | Enable Geolocation gathering
KeepInactivePlayersForDays | 180 | Both | After this number of days the data of a player is removed completely
## Customization
Setting | Default | Affects | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
Setting | Default (Unit) | Description
Formatting.DecimalPoints | '#.##' | Bukkit | How many decimal points should be displayed
-- | -- | --
Formatting.TimeAmount | | Bukkit | Time amounts are formatted by replacing the placeholders of these settings. If a %zero% is added to Hours, Minutes or Seconds, a zero will be added to single digit numbers, e.g. %zero%%seconds% -> 04. This allows time display of 04:43:23 for example.
Use_server_timezone | true | Attempt to use Server TimeZone everywhere. Depends on JVM Time, which is determined when server is started
Formatting.Dates | | Bukkit | Dates are formatted using [SimpleDateFormat patterns](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
Delays.Ping_server_enable_delay | 300 (SECONDS) | Delay from server start before Ping is started to be gathered.
Formatting.Dates.RecentDays | | Bukkit | Replaces few recent date days with 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'Friday'
Delays.Ping_player_join_delay | 30 (SECONDS) | Delay from player login before Ping is started to be gathered.
Display | | Both | Affects how web elements are displayed.
Thresholds.AFK_threshold | 3 (MINUTES) | Idle time before Plan considers a player afk
Thresholds.Activity_index.Login_threshold | 2 | Sessions/Week required to be considered Active by Activity Index
Thresholds.Activity_index.Playtime_threshold | 30 (MINUTES) | Playtime/Week to be considered Active by Activity Index
Thresholds.Remove_inactive_player_data_after | 180 (DAYS) | How many days player has to not log in to be removed from the database
Periodic_tasks.Check_DB_for_server_config_files_every | 1 (MINUTES) | How often database is checked for new config files
Periodic_tasks.Clean_caches_every | 10 (MINUTES) | How often data caches are cleaned
Periodic_tasks.Clean_Database_every | 1 (HOURS) | How often database is cleaned of old data
## Display_options
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
Theme | default | See [[Themes]] for more details about this setting
Sessions.Replace_accordion_with_table | false | Replaces Session Accordion with a Table
Sessions.Show_most_played_world_in_title | true | Adds most used world, eg "world (94.65%)" to the Session Accordion headers (Similar to session table)
Sessions.Show_on_page | 50 | How many sessions are visible on a page
Sessions.Order_world_pies_by_percentage | false | By Default WorldPie is ordered alphabetically, colors are still determined alphabetically.
Players_table.Show_on_server_page | 2500 | How many players are visible on /server page Players tab
Players_table.Show_on_players_page | 25000 | How many players are visible on /players page
Open_player_links_in_new_tab | false | Feature switch for old behavior of player links
Show_player_IPs | true | Should IPs be displayed on /player pages at all? (Normally shown partially censored)
Graphs.Show_gaps_in_data | false | Displays data gaps in line graphs (Might increase page load time)
Command_colors | `&2`, `&7`, `&f` | Color codes to use for command messages
## Formatting
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
Decimal_points| '#.##' | How many decimal points should be displayed
Time_amount | | Time amounts are formatted by replacing the placeholders of these settings. [More below.](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/Bukkit-Configuration/_edit#formattingtime_amount-examples)
Dates | | Dates are formatted with [SimpleDateFormat patterns](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
Dates.Show_recent_day_names | true | The day in dates is replaced by 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'Friday' for the few most recent days.
### Formatting.Time_amount Examples
Time | Formatted
-- | --
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12h 30m 20s
400 days | 1 year, 1 month, 5d
12 hours 20 sec. | 12h 20s
0 sec. | 0s
Extra Zeros
Year: '1 year, '
Years: '%years% years, '
Month: '1 month, '
Months: '%months% months, '
Day: '1d '
Days: '%days%d '
Hours: '%zero%%hours%:'
Minutes: '%hours%%zero%%minutes%:'
Seconds: '%minutes%%zero%%seconds%'
Zero: '00:00:00'
Time | Formatted
-- | --
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12:30:20
400 days | 1 year, 1 month, 5d
12 hours 20 sec. | 12:00:20
30 minutes | 00:30:00
20 sec. | 00:00:20
0 sec. | 00:00:00
## Export
See [[External WebServer Use]] for more information
Setting | Default
-- | --
HTML_Export_path | Analysis Results
JSON_Export_path | Raw JSON
Parts.`<any>` | false
## Plugins
If you have third party plugins installed, their analysis settings will be displayed here.
For example if Vault is taking too long it can be disabled.
`/plan status timings` and the `/debug`-page can help figuring out what is taking all the time.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user