Warning: This information is intended for advanced users. Proceed with caution!
As of Quests 4.0.0-rc.3, you may elect to change your storage option through the storage-method
setting of the Quests configuration file. The available choices are described below.
This is the default selection which will save player data to separated .yml files under the /Quests/data folder. It is recommended for beginner and casual users as it works right "out of the box" with no additional setup required.
This will save player data to a local or remote MySQL database that you have configured ahead of time. Table and login settings may be specified via the storage-data
settings. An example of such configuration might look like:
address: localhost
database: minecraft
username: root
password: myComplexPassword
table_prefix: quests_
max-pool-size: 10
min-idle: 10
max-lifetime: 1800000
connection-timeout: 5000
Note that HikariCP has been shaded internally to maximize connection speed on largely-populated servers.
A developer may opt to employ a custom storage option. See here.