Replaced quite a few whiles and fors with for-eachs giving a performance gain. Also fixed a few issues with the MySQLDatabase and made several other minor improvements.
Players will now be told that they are in a no-PvP area if they are in one and attempting to attack someone, or that the player they are attacking is in a no-PvP area, if that is the case instead.
The group flags set with /region flag -g have no effect if the
normal flag is not also set, nor will they be displayed with
/region info once the normal flag is deleted. However, if a
group flag was to remain set in the database, the next time a
user sets the normal flag, they might be surprised to suddenly
see the corresponding group set as well.
Since the -g group is presented to the user as an attribute of
the normal flag, rather than a standalone flag, the group flag
should be deleted along with the normal flag.
The usage for "/region flag" implies both can be set at once:
/region flag <id> <flag> [-g group] [value]
However if the [-g group] [value] portions are specified, only
the group is set and the value is silently ignored. With this
commit, both values can be set at once. All other behavior of
the "flag" command is preserved. If only the [-g group] part is
given, then only the group flag changes and the regular flag's
value is unaffected. If neither part is given, then the flag is
The @Command parser requires that a value follow the -g option when
used in /refion flag. Therefore, it's not possible to remove the -g
flag by omitting it's value, as it is possible with the regular flags.
Rather, if the group flag is set to what would be the default region
group for the normal flag, then the group flag is actually removed
and the user sees a "Region group flagfor '...' reset to default."
If a region group flag has been set with the -g option to /region flag
the /region info command will not show it at all because these group
flags are not in the DefaultFlag.getFlags() array.
With this code change, if a group flag has been set on "entry" for
example, it might be shown as "Flags: entry -g OWNERS: ALLOW".
* Point would not be returned if the player was at point which exceeded the flat decimal maximum of a region.
* The getAplicableRegionIDs method would not return the parents of a region.
* All test would fail
Improve input handling of EnumFlag
Don't block gamemode changing after the gamemode flag is no longer in
effect but while the move event is still firing
Fixed database connection timing out
Added an error to be thrown explictly when the DB needs updating
Added a generic exception for Fatal errors when loading configuration
Exit the server when we encounter a fatal configuration exception