- Most ESP32 S and C series devboards do *not* have a separate USB-UART chip - they have it built into the ESP. See below for instructions regarding ESP32-S series.
- The 5V connection on either board may be labelled either ``5V`` or ``VIN``. Some boards may not have a 5V connection and will require 3.3V only.
- Rather than powering the target board from the flasher board, it is also possible to use a separate power supply, just make sure all the ground pins are connected together.
- connect both ``EN`` and ``GND`` together in the flasher devboard
-``+5.0V`` or ``3V3`` on the flasher devboard to ``VIN`` or ``3V3`` respectively of the target device
-``GND``, or ground of flasher devboard to ``GND`` of the target device
-``TX`` of flasher devboard to ``TX`` of the target device
-``RX`` of flasher devboard to ``RX`` of the target device
Pulling down ``EN`` by connecting it to ``GND`` on the flasher board prevents
the ESP chip on flasher module from booting and polluting the serial lines.
- If the board has not previously had ESPHome loaded, you may need to pull the ``IO0`` pin low (i.e. connected to ``GND``) to force the board into flash mode.
This must be done before power is applied.
- Do not connect 3V3 to VIN of the target devices with a 3V3 LDO as it may lead to brownouts.
Once the connections are made, plug the flasher board into your computer via USB and proceed with flashing the target board via whichever means you intend to use.