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# Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
build.denied.location = You can't build here.
build.denied.outside = You can only build inside warzones.
build.denied.teamblock = You can only use your team's blocks to capture monuments.
build.denied.zone.break = The blocks in this warzone are unbreakable!
build.denied.zone.multteam = You already have a {0} block.
build.denied.zone.outside = You can't destroy a warzone you are not playing in.
build.denied.zone.place = You cannot place blocks in this warzone.
build.denied.zone.type = You cannot modify this type of block.
command.console = You can't do this if you are not in game.
command.disabled = You can only use War commands (e.g. /leave) while playing.
command.tp.init = Please wait for {0} seconds before teleportation. Movement or damage will cancel the timer.
command.tp.moved = Teleportation cancelled due to movement.
command.tp.damaged = Teleportation cancelled due to damage.
command.tp.success = You have been teleported. Thanks for your patience.
drop.bomb.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} bomb!
drop.bomb.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing bomb. What are you doing?! Run for your enemy's spawn!
drop.cake.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} cake!
drop.cake.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing cake. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.flag.broadcast = {0} dropped the {1} flag!
drop.flag.disabled = You can't drop items while stealing flag. What are you doing?! Run!
drop.item.border = You can't drop items near the zone border.
drop.item.disabled = You can't drop items in this warzone.
drop.item.spawn = You can't drop items while you are still in spawn.
drop.team = You can''t drop {0} blocks.
drop.wand = You dropped the zone {0} wand.
join.aarequired = This warzone requires you to be automatically assigned to a team. Please enter the autoassign gate instead.
join.broadcast = {0} joined team {1}.
join.disabled = This warzone is disabled.
join.full.all = All teams are full.
join.full.single = Team {0} is full.
join.inventorystored = Your inventory is in storage until you exit with /war leave.
join.permission.all = You don't have permission for any of the available teams in this warzone.
join.permission.single = You don''t have permission to join team {0}.
join.progress = You can't join a battle in progress in this zone.
join.selfteam = You can't join your own team.
join.team404 = That team could not be found. Try using /teams for a list.
leave.broadcast = {0} left the zone.
leave.inventoryrestore = Your inventory is being restored.
pvp.death.drown = {0} drowned
pvp.death.explosion = {0} exploded
pvp.death.fall = {0} fell to an untimely death
pvp.death.fire = {0} burned to a crisp
pvp.death.other = {0} died
pvp.ff.disabled = Your attack missed! Your target is on your team.
pvp.ff.enabled = Friendly fire is on! Please, don't hurt your teammates.
pvp.kill.adjectives = ;;mighty;deadly;fine;precise;brutal;powerful
pvp.kill.bomb = {0} made {1} blow up!
pvp.kill.format = {0}''s {1} {2} {3} {4}
pvp.kill.self = {0} committed suicide
pvp.kill.verbs = killed;killed;killed;finished;annihilated;murdered;obliterated;exterminated
pvp.kill.weapon.aim = aim
pvp.kill.weapon.bow = bow
pvp.kill.weapon.hand = hand
pvp.outside.permission = You can't attack players outside warzones.
pvp.self.notplaying = You need to be playing in the warzone to attack.
pvp.self.respawn = You can't attack while respawning!
pvp.self.spawn = You can't attack while still in spawn!
pvp.target.notplaying = Your target is not playing in the warzone.
pvp.target.otherzone = Your target is playing in another warzone.
pvp.target.respawn = The target is currently respawning!
pvp.target.spawn = The target is still in spawn!
sign.lobby.autoassign = Warzone\n{0}\nEnter the auto-\nassign gate.
sign.lobby.pick = Warzone\n{0}\n\nPick your team.
sign.lobby.warhub = \nTo War hub\n\n
sign.team.limited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\n{5} lives left
sign.team.unlimited = Team {0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3}/{4} pts\nunlimited lives
sign.warhub = War hub\n(/warhub)\nPick your\nbattle!
sign.warzone = Warzone\n{0}\n{1}/{2} players\n{3} teams
team.chat.enable = Team chat toggled on. Your regular chat messages will be received by your team only.
team.chat.disable = Team chat toggled off.
use.anvil = You can't use anvils in this warzone!
use.enchant = You can't use enchantment tables in this warzone!
use.ender = You can't use ender chests while playing in a warzone!
use.item.spawn = You can't use items while still in spawn.
use.xpkillmeter = This is due to the xpkillmeter option being enabled.
wand.toofar = Your target block is too far away.
war.notadmin = You can't do this if you are not a War admin (permission war.admin).
war.notzm = You can't do this if you are not a warzone maker (permission war.zonemaker).
war.prefix = War>
war.title = War
warhub.none = No warhub on this War server. Try /zones and /zone.
warhub.permission = You do not have permission to teleport to War hub.
warhub.teleport = Welcome to the WarHub. Choose your battle!
zone.airstrike = {0} called in an airstrike!
zone.battle.end = The battle is over. Team {0} lost: {1} died and there were no lives left in their life pool.
zone.battle.newscores = New scores - {0}
zone.battle.next = The battle was interrupted. Resetting warzone {0}...
zone.battle.reset = A new battle will begin shortly. Resetting warzone...
zone.battle.resetprogress = Reset progress: {0}%, {1} seconds...
zone.battle.resetcomplete = Warzone reset in {0} seconds. A new battle begins.
zone.bomb.broadcast = {0} blew up team {1}''s spawn. Team {2} scores one point.
zone.cake.broadcast = {0} captured cake {1}. Team {2} scores one point and gets a full lifepool.
zone.capturepoint.addpoint = Team {0} gained one point for maintaining control of capture point {1}.
zone.capturepoint.lose = Team {0} has lost control of capture point {1}.
zone.capturepoint.contest = Capture point {0} is being contested by {1}!
zone.capturepoint.capture = Team {0} has captured point {1}, gaining 1 extra point.
zone.capturepoint.fortify = Team {0} is gaining control of point {1}!
zone.flagcapture.broadcast = {0} captured team {1}''s flag. Team {2} scores one point.
zone.flagreturn.deadlock = You can't capture the enemy flag until your team's flag is returned.
zone.flagreturn.flag = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's flag.
zone.flagreturn.spawn = You have to capture the enemy flag at your team's spawn.
zone.leavenotice = Use /war leave to exit the zone.
zone.lifepool.empty = Team {0}''s life pool is empty. One more death and they lose the battle!
zone.loadout.equip = Equipped {0} loadout (sneak to switch).
zone.loadout.reenter = Can't change loadout after exiting the spawn.
zone.monument.badblock = You must capture a monument with a block of your team's wool color. Get one from your team spawn.
zone.monument.capture = Monument {0} has been captured by team {1}.
zone.monument.lose = Team {0} lost control of monument {1}.
zone.monument.voodoo = Your dance pleases the monument''s voodoo. You gain {0} heart(s)!
zone.noteamnotice = You can't be inside a warzone without a team.
zone.score.board404 = This warzone has not enabled a scoreboard.
zone.score.empty = You can't score until at least one player joins another team.
zone.spawn.minplayers = You can''t leave spawn until there''s a minimum of {0} player(s) on at least {1} team(s).
zone.spawn.timer = You can''t leave spawn for {0} second(s) after respawning!
zone.spawn.timer.title = Respawn in {0} second(s)...
zone.steal.bomb.broadcast = {0} has bomb {1}.
zone.steal.bomb.notice = You have bomb {0}. Reach another team''s spawn to score. Don''t get touched by anyone or you''ll blow up!
zone.steal.bomb.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching your spawn with the bomb!
zone.steal.cake.broadcast = {0} has cake {1}.
zone.steal.cake.notice = You have cake {0}. Reach your team''s spawn to score and replenish your lifepool.
zone.steal.cake.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching their spawn with the cake!
zone.steal.flag.broadcast = {0} stole team {1}''s flag.
zone.steal.flag.empty = You can''t steal team {0}''s flag since no players are on that team.
zone.steal.flag.notice = You have team {0}''s flag. Reach your team spawn or flag to capture it!
zone.steal.flag.prevent = Prevent {0} from reaching team {1}''s spawn or flag.
zone.stealextra.bomb = You can only steal one bomb at a time!
zone.stealextra.cake = You can only steal one cake at a time!
zone.stealextra.flag = You can only steal one flag at a time!
zone.stealextra.other = You can only steal one thing at a time!
zone.teaminfo.format = {0}: {1} points, {2}/{3} lives left. {4}
zone.teaminfo.none = none
zone.teaminfo.prefix = Teams:
zone.teleport = Welcome to warzone {0}.
zone.warp.permission = You do not have permission to teleport to the warzone.
zone.zone404 = The warzone could not be found.
zone.zoneinfo.format = {0}: {1} teams, {2} players
zone.zoneinfo.prefix = Warzones:
zone.zoneinfo.teleport = Use /zone <zone-name> to teleport to a warzone.