The new world populator on some engines are multi-threaded, however, minecraft does not allow to remove entities outside main-thread. As entity populator spawned entity and then removed when there were no spot for it, servers crashed.
The issue should be fixed now as I add custom entity bounding box calculator before it is spawned to check if there is place for entity.
Expose 3 world generator options for overworld:
- natural-surface - generates surface that is natural(-ish). Currently, it may be just grass and dirt layers.
- natural-caves - generates caves inside world.
- natural-bedrock - generates natural looking bedrock pattern.
This also fixes a bug with floor and roof config option not working properly.
* Uses the new 1.17.1 ChunkGenerator options
* More work on the ores
* Make CaveBlock a Pladdon
* WWIP - added nether and end ores.
* Improved generation
* Increment development version.
* Prepare for 1.16.1 release.
- Added nether and the end biome sections in config.
* Add 1.15.2 backward compatibility.
Update to 1.14 api.
- Use general player and admin command. Adding new commands will require whole addon update.
- Add default-action, new-player-action, block-mobs config options.
- Rename link for max-trusted-size and max-coop-size from island to cave.
Add AdminSwitchCommand
Optimize code that checks if player can walk on top of the world.
Remove AlternativeTeleports, as it is moved to VoidPortals addon.
Init next version.
Add build.number to pom and addon.yml.
Replace develop profile with ci profile. It will be activated by BUILD_NUMBER variable, but will change only build.number property.
Add '-SNAPSHOT' at the end of revision. It will now be added by default.