mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
App and package update
Support for recently added drivers. Clover.app has some fixes for the UI.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
<string>Copyright © 2019 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.</string>
<string>Copyright © 2019-2020 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.</string>
@ -305,13 +305,22 @@ final class CollectionViewItem: NSCollectionViewItem {
let unknownSection = kind == .uefi ? kUnknownUEFISection : kUnknownBIOSSection
if driver.state == .on && vc.sectionsUEFI.contains(unknownSection) {
if sectionName == "UEFI/MemoryFix" {
uncheck(list: ["aptiomemory", "osxlowmem", "osxaptiofix"],
uncheck(list: ["aptiomemory", "osxlowmem", "osxaptiofix", "ocquirks", "openruntime"],
current: driverName,
kind: kind,
sectionName: unknownSection,
installer: installer)
// OcQuirks exception
if sectionName == "UEFI/MemoryFix" &&
kind == .uefi &&
(driverName.lowercased() == "ocquirks.efi" || driverName.lowercased() == "openruntime.efi") &&
driver.state == .on {
check(driver: "OcQuirks.efi", kind: kind, sectionName: sectionName, installer: vc)
check(driver: "OpenRuntime.efi", kind: kind, sectionName: sectionName, installer: vc)
} else if let vc = installer as? InstallerOutViewController {
let sections = vc.sectionsUEFI
let sectIndex : Int = sections.firstIndex(of: sectionName)!
@ -330,13 +339,53 @@ final class CollectionViewItem: NSCollectionViewItem {
let unknownSection = kind == .uefi ? kUnknownUEFISection : kUnknownBIOSSection
if driver.state == .on && vc.sectionsUEFI.contains(unknownSection) {
if sectionName == "UEFI/MemoryFix" {
uncheck(list: ["aptiomemory", "osxlowmem", "osxaptiofix"],
uncheck(list: ["aptiomemory", "osxlowmem", "osxaptiofix", "ocquirks", "openruntime"],
current: driverName,
kind: kind,
sectionName: unknownSection,
installer: installer)
// OcQuirks exception
if sectionName == "UEFI/MemoryFix" &&
kind == .uefi &&
(driverName.lowercased() == "ocquirks.efi" || driverName.lowercased() == "openruntime.efi") &&
driver.state == .on {
check(driver: "OcQuirks.efi", kind: kind, sectionName: sectionName, installer: vc)
check(driver: "OpenRuntime.efi", kind: kind, sectionName: sectionName, installer: vc)
private func check(driver name: String,
kind: EFIkind,
sectionName: String,
installer: NSViewController) {
if let vc = installer as? InstallerViewController {
let sections = vc.sectionsUEFI
let sectIndex : Int = sections.firstIndex(of: sectionName)!
let drivers = vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex]
for (index, drv) in drivers.enumerated() {
if drv.src.lastPath == name {
if vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex][index].state == .off {
vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex][index].state = .on
} else if let vc = installer as? InstallerOutViewController {
let sections = vc.sectionsUEFI
let sectIndex : Int = sections.firstIndex(of: sectionName)!
let drivers = vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex]
for (index, drv) in drivers.enumerated() {
if drv.src.lastPath == name {
if vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex][index].state == .off {
vc.driversUEFI[sectIndex][index].state = .on
@ -161,24 +161,7 @@ final class SettingsViewController:
self.themeUserCBox.numberOfVisibleItems = authors.count
self.themeUserCBox.completes = true
let themeManagerIndexDir = NSHomeDirectory().addPath("Library/Application Support/CloverApp/Themeindex/\(AppSD.themeUser)_\(AppSD.themeRepo)")
let tm = ThemeManager(user: AppSD.themeUser,
repo: AppSD.themeRepo,
basePath: themeManagerIndexDir,
indexDir: themeManagerIndexDir,
delegate: nil)
let indexedThemes = tm.getIndexedThemesForAllRepositories()
AppSD.themes = indexedThemes.sorted()
if !AppSD.themes.contains("embedded") {
if !AppSD.themes.contains("random") {
self.themeBox.delegate = self
self.themeBox.dataSource = self
@ -235,6 +218,43 @@ final class SettingsViewController:
func getThemeList() {
var t : [String] = [String]()
let bootDeviceMountPoint = getMountPoint(from: self.bootDevice ?? "")
if bootDeviceMountPoint != nil && fm.fileExists(atPath: bootDeviceMountPoint!.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/themes")){
let sdirs = gGetDirs(at: bootDeviceMountPoint!.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/themes"))
for dir in sdirs {
let tp = bootDeviceMountPoint!.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/themes").addPath(dir)
if fm.fileExists(atPath: tp.addPath("theme.plist")) ||
fm.fileExists(atPath: tp.addPath("theme.svg")) {
if t.count == 0 {
let themeManagerIndexDir = NSHomeDirectory().addPath("Library/Application Support/CloverApp/Themeindex/\(AppSD.themeUser)_\(AppSD.themeRepo)")
let tm = ThemeManager(user: AppSD.themeUser,
repo: AppSD.themeRepo,
basePath: themeManagerIndexDir,
indexDir: themeManagerIndexDir,
delegate: nil)
t = tm.getIndexedThemesForAllRepositories()
AppSD.themes = t.sorted()
if !AppSD.themes.contains("embedded") {
if !AppSD.themes.contains("random") {
func setUpInfo() {
var osminorVersion : Int = 9
if #available(OSX 10.10, *) {
@ -461,6 +481,7 @@ final class SettingsViewController:
func searchESPDisks() {
@ -829,7 +850,7 @@ final class SettingsViewController:
if isXcode {
alert.informativeText = "The Installer should not run from \(path) because it can reuse old resources like old built dependencies (in the DerivedData directory) instead ones from the app bundle in which you may had made changes.\nThis appear to be a bug in the Xcode build system, so please move Clover.app somewhere else for real installations, unless you are a Developer and you're just testing."
} else {
alert.informativeText = "The Installer cannot run from the \(path) and surely it will fail the installation.\nPlease move Clover.app somewhere else or use\n\nsudo spctl --master-disable\n\nThanks.\n\nP.S. Clover.app is not code signed because this require a paid Apple Developer certificate We cannot effort. If you have doubs, officiale releases are here:\n\n https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader/releases\n\n..and you can build the app by your self if you prefear as this project is completely open source!"
alert.informativeText = "The Installer cannot run from the \(path) and surely it will fail the installation.\nPlease move Clover.app somewhere else or use\n\nsudo spctl --master-disable\n\nThanks.\n\nP.S. Clover.app is not code signed because this require a paid Apple Developer certificate We cannot effort. If you have doubts, official releases are here:\n\n https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader/releases\n\n..and you can build the app by your self if you prefear as this project is completely open source!"
if isXcode {
@ -1154,7 +1175,7 @@ final class SettingsViewController:
// Time interval is what user defines less time elapsed
// Time interval is what user defines - time elapsed
if ti > 0 {
let lastCheckDate : Date = (UDs.object(forKey: kLastSearchUpdateDateKey) as? Date) ?? Date()
let secElapsed = Date().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - lastCheckDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
@ -148,6 +148,13 @@
*errorPtr = [NSError errorWithDomain:domain
liq_result_destroy(quantization_result); // Must be freed only after you're done using the palette
return nil;
@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
var basePath : String
private var urlBaseStr : String
var themeManagerIndexDir : String
private var gitInitCount : Int32 = 0
private var indexing : Bool = false
let userAgent = "Clover"
@ -731,7 +730,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
/// Check if a theme exist (in the current repository
/// Check if a theme exist (in the current repository)
public func exist(theme: String) -> Bool {
return fm.fileExists(atPath: "\(self.themeManagerIndexDir)/Themes/\(theme).plist")
@ -779,7 +778,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
if !isDir.boolValue {
// ..it is if a file doesn't exist
// ..it is, if a file doesn't exist
let key = theme.addPath(file)
if let githubSha = plist[key] {
@ -898,7 +897,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
while let file = enumerator?.nextObject() as? String {
if file.fileExtension == "png" || file.fileExtension == "icns" {
// load icons to see if they have the same
// load icons to see if they have the same size
if file.hasPrefix("icons/os_") || file.hasPrefix("icons/vol_") {
if let image = NSImage(byReferencingFile: path.addPath(file)) {
// ensure width and height are equal
@ -906,7 +905,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
iconsNeedsResize = true
if minIconSizeWidth != nil {
// size is same as previous in previous icon?
// size is same as in previous icon?
if minIconSizeWidth != image.size.width {
iconsNeedsResize = true
@ -924,7 +923,7 @@ final class ThemeManager: NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
if iconsNeedsResize {
// is minIconSizeWidth resonable fro suggestedSize?
// is minIconSizeWidth resonable from suggestedSize?
if minIconSizeWidth != nil && minIconSizeWidth! <= CGFloat(suggestedSize) {
minIconSizeWidth = CGFloat(suggestedSize)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
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<size key="intercellSpacing" width="2" height="3"/>
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
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<color key="textColor" name="headerTextColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
<color key="backgroundColor" name="headerColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@
<rect key="frame" x="162" y="74" width="579" height="14"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
<textFieldCell key="cell" controlSize="small" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" title="Description:" id="VVK-qM-R76">
<font key="font" metaFont="controlContent" size="11"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="label" size="11"/>
<color key="textColor" name="labelColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
<color key="backgroundColor" name="textBackgroundColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
<rect key="frame" x="162" y="51" width="579" height="15"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
<textFieldCell key="cell" controlSize="small" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" title="Author:" id="nVY-gj-ELR">
<font key="font" metaFont="controlContent" size="11"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="label" size="11"/>
<color key="textColor" name="labelColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
<color key="backgroundColor" name="textBackgroundColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
@ -223,6 +222,7 @@
<outlet property="installedThemesCheckBox" destination="qNn-1b-hdX" id="7cy-kq-gen"/>
<outlet property="nameBox" destination="1Be-Yl-lqT" id="STE-Aj-xum"/>
<outlet property="optimizeButton" destination="PtQ-Pf-Nip" id="4pd-Tf-UDz"/>
<outlet property="refreshButton" destination="x6y-uP-1AE" id="PNp-rr-cbb"/>
<outlet property="sidebar" destination="ydq-wg-aj2" id="dMd-2Y-AFt"/>
<outlet property="spinner" destination="tiZ-sK-mNx" id="jY2-rJ-ECs"/>
<outlet property="targetPop" destination="bLz-we-3A0" id="EcP-hC-Wbm"/>
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
@IBOutlet var installButton : NSButton!
@IBOutlet var unistallButton : NSButton!
@IBOutlet var optimizeButton : NSButton!
@IBOutlet var refreshButton : NSButton!
var isPngTheme : Bool = false
var loaded : Bool = false
@ -96,6 +97,10 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
self.sidebar.usesStaticContents = true
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = false
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isHidden = true
self.installButton.isEnabled = false
self.installButton.isHidden = true
@ -105,6 +110,7 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
if let target = i.representedObject as? String {
if bootDevice == target {
self.targetVolume = mountPoint
@ -198,6 +204,18 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
if (self.targetVolume != nil && fm.fileExists(atPath: self.targetVolume!.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/themes"))) {
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = true
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isHidden = false
self.installButton.isHidden = false
self.installButton.isEnabled = true
} else {
self.installButton.isHidden = true
self.installButton.isEnabled = false
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = false
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isHidden = true
if sender.state == .on {
if (self.targetVolume != nil && fm.fileExists(atPath: self.targetVolume!)) {
@ -416,6 +434,7 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
do {
if fm.fileExists(atPath: themePath) {
try fm.removeItem(atPath: themePath)
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = false
self.unistallButton.isEnabled = false
self.unistallButton.animator().isHidden = true
NSSound(contentsOfFile: "/System/Library/Components/CoreAudio.component/Contents/SharedSupport/SystemSounds/finder/empty trash.aif", byReference: false)?.play()
@ -463,7 +482,7 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
self.targetPop.isEnabled = false
self.nameBox.isEnabled = false
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = false
self.manager?.download(theme: theme,
down: .complete,
completion: { (path) in
@ -759,9 +778,13 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
@IBAction func targetPopPressed(_ sender: FWPopUpButton!) {
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isEnabled = false
self.installedThemesCheckBox.isHidden = true
self.installButton.isEnabled = false
self.installButton.isHidden = true
if let disk = sender?.selectedItem?.representedObject as? String {
if !isMountPoint(path: disk) {
self.installButton.isEnabled = false
DispatchQueue.global(priority: .background).async(execute: { () -> Void in
let cmd = "diskutil mount \(disk)"
let msg = String(format: "Clover wants to mount %@", disk)
@ -791,13 +814,10 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.installButton.isEnabled = true
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.installButton.isEnabled = true
//self.installButton.isEnabled = true
@ -812,8 +832,6 @@ NSComboBoxDataSource {
} else {
self.targetVolume = nil
self.unistallButton.isEnabled = false
self.unistallButton.isHidden = true
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ final class Installer: NSObject {
let UEFIdest = targetVol.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/drivers/UEFI")
let BIOSdest = targetVol.addPath("EFI/CLOVER/drivers/BIOS")
if let UEFI = CloverappDict["UEFI"] as? [String] {
for dpath in UEFI {
if !copyReplace(src: dpath,
@ -419,6 +420,18 @@ final class Installer: NSObject {
log: true) {
exit("Error: cannot copy '\(dpath)' to destination.")
if dpath.lastPath == "OcQuirks.efi" {
let quirkPlistSrc = dpath.deletingLastPath.addPath("OcQuirks.plist")
let quirkPlistDest = UEFIdest.addPath("OcQuirks.plist")
if !fm.fileExists(atPath: quirkPlistDest) && fm.fileExists(atPath: quirkPlistSrc) {
if !copyReplace(src: quirkPlistSrc,
dst: quirkPlistDest,
attr: attributes,
log: true) {
exit("Error: cannot copy '\(quirkPlistSrc)' to destination.")
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import Foundation
let daemonVersion = "1.1.5"
let daemonVersion = "1.1.6"
let fm = FileManager.default
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import Foundation
let cmdVersion = "1.0.5"
let cmdVersion = "1.0.6"
let savedNVRAMPath = "/tmp/NVRAM_saved"
let NVRAMSavedToRoot = "/tmp/NVRAM_savedToRoot"
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func saveNVRAM(nvram: NSMutableDictionary, volume: String) {
func disableInsexing(for volume: String) {
func disableIndexing(for volume: String) {
if fm.fileExists(atPath: volume) {
var file = volume.addPath(".metadata_never_index")
if !fm.fileExists(atPath: file) {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func main() {
var disk : String? = nil
var espList = [String]()
/* find all internal ESP in the System as we don't want
/* find all internal ESPs in the System as we don't want
to save the nvram in a USB pen drive (user will lost the nvram if not plugged in)
for esp in getAllESPs() {
@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ func main() {
// find the boot partition device and check if it is a ESP
// find the boot partition device and check if it is an ESP
if let bd = findBootPartitionDevice() {
if espList.contains(bd) {
// boot device is a ESP :-)
// boot device is an ESP :-)
disk = bd
log("Detected ESP \(bd) as boot device.")
@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ func main() {
log("\(disk!) was already mounted.")
saveNVRAM(nvram: nvram, volume: mp)
if espList.contains(disk!) {
disableInsexing(for: mp)
disableIndexing(for: mp)
return // as the disk was found already mounted
if !mounted {
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ func main() {
mounted = true
saveNVRAM(nvram: nvram, volume: mp)
if espList.contains(disk!) {
disableInsexing(for: mp)
disableIndexing(for: mp)
umount(disk: disk!, force: true)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func main() {
if !mounted {
log("mount failed for \(disk!).")
saveNVRAM(nvram: nvram, volume: "/")
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ Diese Auswahl wird keine Partition im MBR aktivieren.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Aktuell empfohlener 64Bit-Treiber um Speicherprobleme in der UEFI-Firmware von AMI Aptio zu beheben. Dieser Treiber sollte NICHT mit anderen AptioFix Treibern verwendet werden.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA Treiber zur Unterstützung eines Startup Ton.
Startup Ton über das Option Menü konfigurieren, inklusiv:
Lautstärke und Audio Gerät (nur für unterstützte Audio-Geräte).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ Esta opción no activará ninguna partición en el MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ Ce choix n'activera aucune partition dans le MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Pilote recommandé pour corriger les problemes memoires sur firmware UEFI comme AMI Aptio. Ne pas utiliser en assocication avec d'autres AptioFix.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "Pilote HDA pour le son de depart durant le demarrage de Clover.
A configurer via son de Démarrage de sortie dans le menu des options, y compris:
Volume et périphériques Audio (seulement pour les appareils compatible IOAudio).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ Opsi ini tidak membuat partisi di MBR menjadi aktif.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Driver pilihan untuk membenahi masalah Memori pada firmware UEFI, misalnya AMI Aptio. Firmware lainnya mungkin juga kompatibel.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "Driver HDA untuk memainkan Startup Sound ketika Boot. Atur terlebih dahulu perangkat dan Volume Audio melalui Startup sound output yang ada di menu Options. Tidak semua perangkat IOAudio didukung, butuh NVRAM aktif.";
"FirmwareVolume.efi" = "Membuat FirmwareVolume dengan gambar cursor untuk FileVault2.";
@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ Necessario anche per accedere ad unità che utilizzano controller RAID, JMicron,
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Driver preferito che risolve i problemi di memoria sul firmware UEFI come AMI Aptio bios.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "Driver HDA per il suono al boot.";
"FirmwareVolume.efi" = "Crea il FirmwareVolume con ‘cursor images’ per FileVault2.";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ boot0ss (boot0 시그내쳐 스캐닝) 부트로더는 EFI/FAT32/HFS의 첫번
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "AMI Aptio와 같은 UEFI 펌웨어에서 메모리 문제를 해결하기 위해 선호되는 64비트 드라이버";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "시동시 시동 음을 재생하는 HDA 드라이버.
옵션 메뉴에서 시동 음의 출력 설정:
볼륨 및 오디오 장치 (IOAudio를 지원하는 장치만 해당).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -148,6 +148,10 @@ boot2 (Na raiz da partição) para carregar /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERIA32.efi ou CLOVER
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Driver preferido para corrigir problemas de memória no firmware UEFI, como o AMI Aptio. Não use com outro AptioFix.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "Driver HDA para reproduzir o som durante a inicialização do Clover.
Configure-o através da saída de som de inicialização no menu Opções, incluindo: Dispositivo de volume e áudio (apenas para dispositivos IOAudio suportados).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ boot0ss (boot0 Signature Scanning) ищет первый раздел типа E
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Исправляет ошибки памяти, имеющиеся в AMI Aptio и некоторых других UEFI.
Можно ставить совместно с другими AptioFix, работает более приоритетный";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "Звуковой драйвер для исполнения гимна при запуске Кловера";
"FirmwareVolume.efi" = "Поддержка протокола FirmwareVolume для FileVault 2.";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Trenutno se preporučuje 64-bitni upravljački program za rešavanje problema s memorijom u UEFI firmware-u AMI Aptio. Ovaj upravljački program NE sme da se koristiti s drugim upravljačkim programima AptioFix.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA Dajver koji podržava zvuki pri pokretanju.
Konfigurisanje zvuka pokretanja putem izbornika Option, uključujući:
Glasnoća i audio uređaj (samo za podržane audio uređaje).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ boot0ss (boot0 签名扫描) 引导器 优先引导第一个含 有效 PBR 签
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "提供 UEFI 固件的 内存问题修正, 例如 AMI Aptio。不要与其他 内存修正驱动 共同使用。";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA 驱动, 在使用 Clover 引导时播放 启动音。
在 Option 菜单中 Startup sound output 进行配置, 包括:
音量 和 输出设备 (仅限 受支持的 IOAudio 设备)。";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OcQuirks.efi" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.";
"OpenRuntime.efi" = "Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
Binary file not shown.
@ -148,6 +148,10 @@
@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
<string>A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants.</string>
<string>Runtime dependency for OcQuirks.efi. </string>
<key>'%@' is already present in the Dictionary. Do you want to undo the editing or replace the existing key?</key>
<string>'%@' is already present in the Dictionary. Do you want to undo the editing or replace the existing key?</string>
<key>*Disable Sleep Proxy Client</key>
@ -808,4 +816,4 @@ This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.</string>
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ off directory isn't loaded by Clover any how and this is only helpfull if you ha
"AppleUITheme.UEFI_description" = "Create boot UI Themes support";
"AptioInputFix.UEFI_description" = "Driver to fix input problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio.";
"AptioMemoryFix.UEFI_description" = "Preferred 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio";
"OcQuirks.UEFI_description" = "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency.";
"AudioDxe.UEFI_description" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time";
"CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description" = "64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.
It is based on CSM module in UEFI BIOS and required CSM will be enabled.
@ -19,14 +19,36 @@ driver_dir="@DRIVER_DIR@"
if [[ -d "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir" ]]; then
cd "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir"
for driver in *.efi
low=$(echo "${driver}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [[ "$driver" != $driver_name ]] && \
[[ "$low" == *aptiofix* || "$low" == *memfix* || "$low" == *memoryfix* ]]; then
echo "Removing ${driver_dir}/${driver} because $driver_name is installed" >> "$install_log"
rm -f "${driver}"
if [[ "$driver" == OcQuirks.efi ]]; then
# copy OcQuirks.plist if doesn't exist
if [[ ! -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir/OcQuirks.plist" ]]; then
if [[ -f ./OcQuirks.plist ]]; then
cp -R ./OcQuirks.plist "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir"/
cd "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir"
if [[ "$driver" == OcQuirks.efi ]]; then
for driver in *.efi
low=$(echo "${driver}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [[ "$driver" != $driver_name ]] && \
[[ "$low" == *aptiofix* || "$low" == *memfix* || "$low" == *memoryfix* ]]; then
echo "Removing ${driver_dir}/${driver} because $driver_name is installed" >> "$install_log"
rm -f "${driver}"
for driver in *.efi
low=$(echo "${driver}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [[ "$driver" != $driver_name ]] && \
[[ "$low" == *aptiofix* || "$low" == *memfix* || "$low" == *memoryfix* \
|| "$low" == *ocquirks* || "$low" == *openruntime* ]]; then
echo "Removing ${driver_dir}/${driver} because $driver_name is installed" >> "$install_log"
rm -f "${driver}"
@ -1149,26 +1149,37 @@ if [[ -d "${SRCROOT}/CloverV2/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$DRIVERS_OFF/$DRIVERS_UEFI/Memo
local driver="${drivers[$i]##*/}"
local driverName="${driver%.efi}.UEFI"
ditto --noextattr --noqtn --arch i386 "${drivers[$i]}" "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}/Root/"
find "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm -R -f {} \; 2>/dev/null
fixperms "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}/Root/"
if [[ "$driver" != OpenRuntime.efi ]]; then
if [[ "$driver" == OcQuirks.efi ]]; then
ditto --noextattr --noqtn --arch i386 \
"${SRCROOT}/CloverV2/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$DRIVERS_OFF/$DRIVERS_UEFI/MemoryFix/OpenRuntime.efi" \
ditto --noextattr --noqtn --arch i386 "${drivers[$i]}" "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}/Root/"
find "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm -R -f {} \; 2>/dev/null
fixperms "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}/Root/"
packageRefId=$(getPackageRefId "${packagesidentity}" "${driverName}")
packageRefId=$(getPackageRefId "${packagesidentity}" "${driverName}")
addTemplateScripts --pkg-rootdir="${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" \
--subst="DRIVER_NAME=$driver" \
addTemplateScripts --pkg-rootdir="${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" \
--subst="DRIVER_NAME=$driver" \
addTemplateScripts --pkg-rootdir="${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" \
--subst="INSTALLER_CHOICE=$packageRefId" MarkChoice
addTemplateScripts --pkg-rootdir="${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" \
--subst="INSTALLER_CHOICE=$packageRefId" MarkChoice
buildpackage "$packageRefId" "${driverName}" "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" "${driverDestDir}"
addChoice --group="MemoryFix64UEFI" --title="$driverName" \
--start-selected="choicePreviouslySelected('$packageRefId')" \
--pkg-refs="$packageRefId" "${driverName}"
rm -R -f "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}"
if [[ "$driver" == OcQuirks.efi ]]; then
cp -R "${SRCROOT}/CloverV2/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$DRIVERS_OFF/$DRIVERS_UEFI/MemoryFix/OcQuirks.plist" \
buildpackage "$packageRefId" "${driverName}" "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}" "${driverDestDir}"
addChoice --group="MemoryFix64UEFI" --title="$driverName" \
--start-selected="choicePreviouslySelected('$packageRefId')" \
--pkg-refs="$packageRefId" "${driverName}"
rm -R -f "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/${driverName}"
# End build FileVault drivers-x64UEFI packages
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover r5117\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Clover r5119\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -535,13 +535,13 @@ msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound"
msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr ""
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr ""
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ msgid "UDF filesystem driver from GRUB."
msgstr ""
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109 Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr ""
@ -656,14 +656,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and "
"all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -673,7 +681,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -682,13 +690,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in "
@ -696,55 +704,55 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr ""
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr ""
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr ""
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr ""
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr ""
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr ""
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr ""
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr ""
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or "
@ -752,67 +760,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr ""
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr ""
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr ""
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr ""
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr ""
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr ""
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr ""
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr ""
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr ""
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr ""
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -820,13 +828,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr ""
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -834,13 +842,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr ""
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -848,13 +856,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -862,13 +870,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr ""
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -876,13 +884,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr ""
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -890,13 +898,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr ""
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -904,13 +912,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -920,13 +928,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr ""
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -934,13 +942,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr ""
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the "
@ -948,19 +956,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr ""
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr ""
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the "
@ -968,13 +976,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-08 18:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ge <ge@li.org>\n"
@ -588,14 +588,14 @@ msgstr "HDA Treiber zur Unterstützung eines Startup Ton"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Erstellt ein FirmwareVolume mit cursor images für FileVault2"
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Ermöglicht die Einbindung von im Clover Ordner hinterlegten Kernel Erweiterungen."
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ msgstr "Treiber für das UDF Dateisystem."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen der NVRAM SMC Schlüssel durch FakeSMC"
@ -709,14 +709,20 @@ msgstr "Erstellt ein AppleEvent Protokoll für FileVault2"
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Erstellt ein optionales AppleGraphicsConfig Protokoll"
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "HDA Treiber, um einen Startup Ton beim booten abzuspielen"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -728,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Bitte Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -738,7 +744,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Normalerweise schon vorhanden, kann aber trotzdem manchmal fehlen. In diesem Fall solltest Du eine Fehlermeldung sehen."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -746,55 +752,55 @@ msgstr ""
"Diesen Treiber nur benutzen, wenn es ohne ihn Probleme gibt."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Unterstützung eines UnicodeCollation Protokolls für die EFI Shell, sollte im UEFI keines vorhanden sein."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Treiber für das FAT Dateisystem."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Stellt die Hash Unterstützung bereit, wenn im nativen UEFI BIOS keine solche vorhanden ist"
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternativer Treiber für das HFS+ Dateisystem."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Treiber zur Unterstützung von NVM Express Geräten."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternativer Treiber (v3) um Speicherproblem in der UEFI Firmware zu beheben. Dieser Treiber sollte NICHT mit anderen AptioFix Treibern zusammen verwendet werden."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Alter Treiber zur Behebung von UEFI Firmware Speicherproblem, wie z.B. in AMI Aptio. Dieser Treiber sollte NICHT mit anderen AptioFix Treibern zusammen verwendet werden"
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Treiber für die Unterstützung von FAT Binary executables für macOS 10.9 und älter."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr ""
@ -803,73 +809,73 @@ msgstr ""
"! Diesen Treiber niemals mit anderen AptioFix Treibern verwenden !"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64Bit-Treiber zur Unterstützung unüblicher Partitionstabellen, wie z.B. GPT/MBR oder der Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Treiber für PS/2 Maus, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Tastaturtreiber für die UI Unterstützung während des Bootvorgangs"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Treiber für USB Maus, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Treiber für das ext2/3 Dateisystem aus VirtualBox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Treiber für das ext4 Dateisystem aus VirtualBox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Treiber für das HFS+ Dateisystem."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Treiber für das ISO 9600 Dateisystem."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Clover Themen"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "CLOVER bietet verschiedene Themen, mit denen die Benutzeroberfläche angepasst werden kann. Hier findest Du eine kleine Auswahl solcher Themen."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -879,13 +885,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -895,13 +901,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -911,13 +917,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "Cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -927,13 +933,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy Thema"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -943,13 +949,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Zufall"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -959,13 +965,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -975,13 +981,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wird installiert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "CloverThemeManager.app"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -997,13 +1003,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Die App wird standardmäßig im Ordner 'Programme' installiert"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "RC Skripte auf dem Ziellaufwerk installieren"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1013,43 +1019,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Das Ziellaufwerk muss ein bootfähiges macOS System enthalten."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "RC Skripte auf allen bootfähigen macOS Laufwerken installieren"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "RC Skripte werden auf allen internen bootfähigen macOS Laufwerken, außer dem Ziellaufwerk installiert."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "RC Skripte (optional)"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Deaktiviere den sleep proxy Client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Deaktiviere den mDNSResponder sleep proxy client Dienst. Verhindert das aufwachen des Systems zu jeder Stunde"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Clover Systemeinstellungen"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: en <en@li.org>\n"
@ -585,14 +585,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver from GRUB."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -706,9 +706,15 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
"HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.\n"
@ -716,7 +722,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only)."
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -728,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Clover may not started with it and you may have wake problem in system. Use with precautions."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -738,7 +744,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Usually it is already present but sometime it may be missed. In this case you should see warning on screen."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -746,127 +752,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Mostly UEFI boot uses hardware NVRAM but in some rare cases this driver is needed. Use it only if you have a problem without it"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64 bit. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64-bits Driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 mouse driver, 64 bit."
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB mouse driver, 64 bit."
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "EXT2/3 filesystem driver from VirtualBox, 64 bit."
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "EXT4 filesystem driver from VirtualBox, 64 bit."
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Themes"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Select Themes to install."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black Green Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -876,13 +882,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -892,13 +898,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "Metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -908,13 +914,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -924,13 +930,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -940,13 +946,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -957,13 +963,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -973,13 +979,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "CloverThemeManager"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -994,13 +1000,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Install RC scripts on target volume"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1010,43 +1016,43 @@ msgstr ""
"The target volume must be a bootable OSX system volume."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Install RC scripts on other volumes"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Install system RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Optional RC Scripts"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hour."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Install Clover Preference Pane"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: es <es@li.org>\n"
@ -585,14 +585,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -706,14 +706,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -727,7 +733,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Use con precaución."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -737,7 +743,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Usualmente esta presente pero puede faltar por algún motivo. En este caso debería ver una advertencia en pantalla."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -746,127 +752,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Usar solamente si tiene problemas sin el"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Variante simplificada de OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (no usar ambos simultáneamente)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Controlador 64bit que provee soporte para mapas de partición inusuales como: GPT/MBR híbridos o Mapa de Partición de Apple."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Controlador para ratones PS/2, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Controlador para ratones USB, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Controlador para sistema de archivos ext2/3 de VirtualBox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Controlador para sistema de archivos ext4 de VirtualBox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Seleccione temas a instalar."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black Green Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -876,13 +882,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -895,13 +901,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -911,13 +917,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -930,14 +936,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -950,13 +956,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -969,13 +975,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -985,13 +991,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instala en /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Tema de Clover"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1006,13 +1012,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instalar los scripts RC en el volumen seleccionado"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1022,43 +1028,43 @@ msgstr ""
"El volumen seleccionado debe ser una partición del sistema OSX arrancable."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instalar los scripts RC en todo volumen OSX arrancable"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instala los scripts RC en todo volumen OSX interno y arrancable, además del volumen seleccionado."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Scripts RC opcionales"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Desactiva el servicio mDNSResponder durante el reposo. Esto evitará que el sistema salga del reposo por sí mismo"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instalar el Panel de Preferencias de Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: en <en@li.org>\n"
@ -599,14 +599,14 @@ msgstr "Pilote HDA pour le son au démarrage."
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Crée FirmwareVolume avec des images de curseur pour FileVault 2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Fournit l’injection des kexts du dossier Clover."
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ msgstr "Pilote GRUB pour système de fichiers UDF."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restaure les clés SMC laissées en NVRAM par FakeSMC."
@ -720,9 +720,15 @@ msgstr "Crée un protocole AppleEvent pour FileVault 2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Crée un protocole optionnel AppleGraphicsConfig."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
"Pilote audio HDA pour le son au démarrage.\n"
@ -730,7 +736,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Sélection du périphérique de sortie et du volume (pour le matériel supporté uniquement)."
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -744,7 +750,7 @@ msgstr ""
"À utiliser avec précaution."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -754,7 +760,7 @@ msgstr ""
"En général, ce protocole est déjà présent dans la majorité des cas mais il se peut qu’il manque sur certaines configurations. Dans ce cas vous devriez voir des avertissements à l’écran."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -763,127 +769,127 @@ msgstr ""
"À n’utiliser que si vous avez des problèmes de NVRAM."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support du protocole UnicodeCollation utilisé dans le Shell EFI s’il est absent du firmware UEFI natif."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Pilote de système de fichiers FAT."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Correction du support Hash en cas d’absence dans le firmware UEFI natif."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Pilote alternatif de système de fichiers HFS+."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Pilote pour les périphériques NVM Express."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Pilote alternatif (v3) pour résoudre les problèmes de mémoire avec certains firmwares UEFI."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Ancien pilote 64 bit pour résoudre les problèmes de mémoire avec certains firmwares UEFI tels que AMI Aptio."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Pilote pour la prise en charge des exécutables FAT binary pour OS X 10.9+."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Variante simplifiée du driver 64 bit OsxAptioFixDrv (les 2 pilotes ne doivent pas être installés simultanément)."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Pilote 64 bit permettant le support de tables de partition non communes telles que Hybrid GPT/MBR ou Apple Partition."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Pilotes 64 bit pour souris PS/2."
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Pilote de clavier pour la prise en charge dans l’interface utilisateur d’amorçage."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Pilote 64 bit pour souris USB."
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Pilote 64 bit pour lire les partitions formatées en ext2/3."
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Pilote 64 bit pour lire les partitions formatées en ext4."
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Pilote pour système de fichiers HFS+."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Pilote GRUB pour système de fichiers ISO 9600."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Thèmes"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Sélectionnez un thème."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black Green Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -893,13 +899,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -909,13 +915,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "Metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -925,13 +931,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -941,13 +947,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -957,13 +963,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -973,13 +979,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Choisit un thème au hasard et sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -989,13 +995,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Sera installé dans /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de thèmes pour Clover"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1011,13 +1017,13 @@ msgstr ""
"S’installe dans le dossier /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "RC scripts sur le volume de destination"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1028,43 +1034,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Le volume de destination doit être un volume macOS bootable."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "RC scripts sur tous les autres volumes macOS bootables"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Installation de tous les RC scripts sur tous les volumes internes macOS bootables autre que le volume de destination."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "RC Scripts optionnels"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Désactive le client proxy de mise en veille."
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Script pour désactiver le service Bonjour 'sleep proxy client' afin d’éviter que le système ne se réveille toutes les heures."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Installe le panneau de préférence de Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:39+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: hr <hr@li.org>\n"
@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -703,14 +703,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -724,7 +730,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Koristiti sa oprezom."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -734,7 +740,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Uglavnom bi trebala biti prisutna,u slučaju da je nema pojavit će se poruka upozorenja. "
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -742,127 +748,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Koristiti samo ako imate problema bez njega."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Pojednostavljena verzija OsxAptioFixDrv,64 bitna. ( nemojte koristiti obe verzije u isto vrijeme)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64 bitni upravljački program za podršku ne uobičajenih particija poput hybrid GPT/MBR ili Apple Partition Map"
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 upravljački program za miša, 64 bitna verzija"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB upravljački program za miša, 64 bitna verzija"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext2/3 filesystem upravljački program iz virtualbox-a , 64 bitna verzija"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext4 filesystem upravljački program iz virtualbox-a , 64 bitna verzija"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Teme"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Odaberi za instalaciju teme."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Crno_Zelena_Čudna"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -872,13 +878,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -891,13 +897,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -907,13 +913,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -926,14 +932,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -946,13 +952,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -965,13 +971,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installiraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange."
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -981,13 +987,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instaliraj u /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover Tema"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1002,13 +1008,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instaliraj RC skripte na odabrani disk"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1018,43 +1024,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Mora biti odabran OSX bootabilni sistemski disk."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instaliraj sve RC skripte na sve OSX bootabilne diskove"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instalira sve RC skripte na sve interne OSX bootabilne diskove."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Opcionalne RC skripte"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Isključuje mDNSResponder spavajuči proxy client service.Ovo sprečava da se sistem budi iz sleepa svakih nekoliko sati"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instaliraj Clover Preference Pane"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-20 10:15+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Badruzeus\n"
"Language-Team: id <id@li.org>\n"
@ -592,14 +592,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Membuat FirmwareVolume dengan gambar cursor."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Menyediakan injeksi kexts dari folder CLOVER."
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ msgstr "Driver File System UDF dari GRUB."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Memulihkan keys FakeSMC yang tersisa di NVRAM"
@ -713,9 +713,15 @@ msgstr "Membuat protokol AppleEvent bagi FileVault2"
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Membuat protokol AppleGraphicsConfig opsional"
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
"Driver HDA untuk memainkan Startup Sound ketika Boot.\n"
@ -725,7 +731,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Tidak semua perangkat IOAudio didukung, butuh NVRAM aktif."
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -739,7 +745,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Gunakan dengan hati-hati."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -750,7 +756,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Jika terlewatkan, maka akan muncul peringatan di layar."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -759,61 +765,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Gunakan (hanya) jika tanpa memakainya, Anda menemui kendala."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Dukungan protokol UnicodeCollation bagi EFI Shell jika firmware UEFI tidak menyediakan."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver File System FAT."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Mendukung Hash jika firmware UEFI native tidak menyediakan."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver File System HFS+ (versi alternatif)."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver untuk mendukung perangkat NVMExpress."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Driver alternatif (v3) untuk membenahi masalah Memory di firmware UEFI."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Driver 64-bit lawas untuk membenahi masalah Memory pada firmware UEFI misalnya AMI Aptio."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver untuk mendukung FAT Binary executables bagi OS X 10.9 atau versi sebelumnya."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Varian sederhana driver OsxAptioFixDrv (jangan pakai bersamaan)."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr ""
@ -821,67 +827,67 @@ msgstr ""
"Hybrid GPT/MBR atau Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver Mouse PS/2, 64-bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Driver Keyboard USB, untuk dukungan UI boot"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver Mouse USB, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver File System EXT2/3 dari VirtualBox, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver File System EXT4 dari VirtualBox, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver File System HFS+ dari VirtualBox, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver File System ISO 9600."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Themes"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Pilih Themes untuk diinstall."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "BGM Theme"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -891,13 +897,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -907,13 +913,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -923,13 +929,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -939,13 +945,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -955,13 +961,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "random (acak)"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -972,13 +978,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "steampunkblack"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -988,13 +994,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "CloverThemeManager.app"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1010,13 +1016,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install ke /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Install rc.scripts di Volume Tujuan"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1026,13 +1032,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Harus berupa Volume Sistem OSX yang bootable."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Install rc.scripts di semua Volumes OSX"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr ""
@ -1040,19 +1046,19 @@ msgstr ""
"selain Volume Tujuan."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Install rc.scripts Opsional"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Matikan Sleep Proxy Client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr ""
@ -1060,13 +1066,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Ini mencegah Sistem agar tidak Wake dari Sleep tiap jam."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Install Panel Preferensi Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-13 10:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: it <it@li.org>\n"
@ -587,14 +587,14 @@ msgstr "Driver HDA per il suono al boot."
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Crea il FirmwareVolume con ‘cursor images’ per FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Abilita l’iniezione di estensioni del kernel dalle cartelle di Clover."
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ msgstr "Driver GRUB per il filesystem UDF."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Ripristina le chiavi SMC lasciate nell’NVRAM da FakeSMC."
@ -708,14 +708,20 @@ msgstr "Crea il protocollo AppleEvent per FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Crea il protocollo opzionale AppleGraphicsConfig."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "Driver HDA per il suono al boot."
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -729,7 +735,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Usare con cautela!"
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -739,7 +745,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Questo protocollo è già presente nella maggior parte dei casi, ma può mancare in determinate configurazioni. In questo caso si dovrebbe ricevere un avviso sullo schermo."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -748,127 +754,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Usare solo se si ha un problema senza di questo driver."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Supporto per il protocollo UnicodeCollation usato nell’EFI Shell se manca nel firmware UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver per il filesystem FAT."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Risolve il support Hash se assente ne BIOS UEFI nativo."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver alternativo per il filesystem HFS+."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver per il supporto ai devices NVM Express."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Driver alternativo (v3) per risolvere i problemi di memoria nei firmware UEFI. Da non usare con altri driver di tipo AptioFix insieme."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Vecchio driver per risolvere i problemi di memoria nei firmware UEFI come AMI Aptio. Da non usare con altri driver di tipo AptioFix insieme."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver per supporto dei binari FAT (32/64 bit) usato in 10.9 e precedenti."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit che permette, durante l'avvio UEFI, di riallocare gli indirizzi per boot.efi e quindi di avviare correttamente OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). E' una variante semplificata di OsxAptioFixDrv (non utilizzare entrambi insieme)."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit che aggiunge supporto a tabelle di partizione non comuni come: GPT/MBR ibrido o Mappa Partizione Apple."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit per mouse PS/2"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Driver della tastiera per il supporto boot UI."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit per mouse USB"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit per accedere a partizioni formattate in ext2/3"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver a 64 bit per accedere a partizioni formattate in ext4"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver per il filesystem HFS+."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver per il filesystem ISO 9600."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temi"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Seleziona per installare i temi."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black Green Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -878,13 +884,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -897,13 +903,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -913,13 +919,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Vector theme from Slice,\n"
@ -932,13 +938,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -948,13 +954,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -964,13 +970,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "Steampunkblack"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -980,7 +986,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr ""
@ -989,7 +995,7 @@ msgstr ""
"App installata in /Applications."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1004,13 +1010,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installa in /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Script RC sul volume di destinazione"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1020,43 +1026,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Il volume di destinazione deve essere un volume OSX avviabile."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Script RC su tutti gli altri volumi OSX avviabili"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Installa tutti gli script RC su tutti i volumi interni OSX avviabili oltre al volume di destinazione."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Script RC Opzionali"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disabilita il servizio sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Script che disabilita il servizio BONJOUR (sleep proxy client). Eviterà che il sistema, in caso di standby, si risvegli a tutte le ore."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Installare Pannello Preferenze"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -580,14 +580,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -701,14 +701,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -722,7 +728,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -732,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -741,127 +747,127 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "OsxAptioFixDrvの簡易版 -64bit (OsxAptioFixDrvと併用不可)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "ハイブリッドGPT/MBRやアップルパーティションマップなど、特殊なパーティションマップをサポートする64bitドライバ。"
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2マウスドライバ -64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USBマウスドライバ -64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "virtual boxのext2/3ファイルシステムドライバ -64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "virtual boxのext4ファイルシステムドライバ -64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "テーマ"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "テーマを選択。"
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -871,13 +877,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -890,13 +896,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -906,13 +912,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -925,14 +931,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -945,13 +951,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -964,13 +970,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -980,13 +986,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover テーマ"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1001,13 +1007,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "RCスクリプトをターゲットボリュームにインストール"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1017,43 +1023,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "RCスクリプトを他のすべてのOSXボリュームにインストール"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "RCスクリプトを、ターゲットボリューム以外のOSXを起動可能なすべての内蔵ボリュームにインストールします。"
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "オプションのRCスクリプト"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "mDNSResponder sleep proxy client serviceを無効化します。これにより、1時間ごとにスリープから復帰する問題を解決します。"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Clover環境設定をインストール"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ko <ko@li.org>\n"
@ -590,14 +590,14 @@ msgstr "시동시 시동 음을 재생하는 HDA 드라이버"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "FileVault 2 용 커서 이미지와 함께 FirmwareVolume을 만듭니다."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Clover 폴더로부터 kexts의 인젝션을 제공"
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ msgstr "GRUB의 UDF 파일 시스템 드라이버"
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "FakeSMC가 NVRAM에 남긴 SMC 키를 복원"
@ -711,14 +711,20 @@ msgstr "FileVault 2 용 AppleEvent 프로토콜을 만듭니다."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "선택적 AppleGraphicsConfig 프로토콜을 만듭니다."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "시동시 시동 음을 재생하는 HDA 드라이버"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -732,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr ""
"주의해서 사용해주시기 바랍니다."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -742,7 +748,7 @@ msgstr ""
"대개 이미 존재하지만 간혹 없는 경우가 있습니다. 그러한 경우에는 화면에서 경고를 발견하실 수 있습니다."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -751,127 +757,127 @@ msgstr ""
"본 드라이버 없이는 문제가 있는 경우에 한해서 사용하십시오."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "EFI 셸이 UEFI에서 누락 된 경우 사용되는 유니코드 조합 프로토콜 지원"
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT 파일 시스템 드라이버"
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "기본 UEFI BIOS에 해시가 없으면 지원되도록 고칩니다."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "순정 HFS+ 파일 시스템 드라이버"
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "NVM Express 장치 지원용 드라이버"
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "대체 드라이버 (v3)를 사용하여 UEFI 펌웨어의 메모리 문제를 해결하십시오. 다른 AptioFix와 함께 사용하지 마십시오."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "이전 64 비트 드라이버로 AMI Aptio와 같은 UEFI 펌웨어의 메모리 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. 다른 AptioFix와 함께 사용하지 마십시오."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "10.9 이하의 OS X를 위한 FAT 바이너리 실행 드라이버"
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "OsxAptioFixDrv의 간소화 형태(간소화되지 않는 버전과 함께 사용하지 마십시오)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "GPT/MBR 또는 Apple Partition Map과 같은 희귀 파티션맵을 지원하기 위한 64비트 드라이버"
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 마우스 드라이버, 64비트"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "부팅 UI 지원을 위한 키보드 드라이버"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB 마우스 드라이버, 64비트"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Virtualbox 용 Ext2/3 파일 시스템 드라이버, 64비트"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Virtualbox 용 Ext4 파일 시스템 드라이버, 64비트"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "오픈소스 HFS+ 파일 시스템 드라이버"
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 파일 시스템 드라이버"
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "테마"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "사용자가 원하는 테마를 설치합니다."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "흑녹색조"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -881,13 +887,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "임베디드"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -900,13 +906,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "금속 테마"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -916,13 +922,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Vector theme from Slice,\n"
@ -935,13 +941,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -951,13 +957,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "랜덤"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -967,13 +973,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "스팀펑크 블랙"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -983,13 +989,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover 테마 매니저"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1004,13 +1010,13 @@ msgstr ""
"다음에 설치합니다: /응용 프로그램"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "선택한 볼륨에 RC 스크립트 설치"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1020,43 +1026,43 @@ msgstr ""
"선택한 볼륨은 반드시 macOS 시스템 볼륨이어야 합니다."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "부팅 가능한 모든 macOS 볼륨에 RC 스크립트 설치"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "선택한 볼륨을 제외한 모든 내장 macOS 볼륨에 모든 RC 스크립트를 설치합니다."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "선택적 RC 스크립트"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "잠자기 프록시 클라이언트 비활성화"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "mDNSResponder 잠자기 프록시 클라이언트 서비스를 비활성화합니다. 매 시간 잠자기에서 깨어나는 문제를 방지할 수 있습니다."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Clover 환경설정 패널 설치"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -589,14 +589,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -710,14 +710,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -731,7 +737,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tāpēc tas ir jālieto piesardzīgi."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -741,7 +747,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Lielākoties tas jau ir iekļauts BIOS, bet ir arī izņēmumi, kuru gadījumā uz ekrāna redzesiet par to paziņojumu."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -750,127 +756,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Izmantojiet šo draiveri tikai ja noteikti zinat, ka tas ir vajadzīgs!"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Vienkāršots OsxAptioFixDrv draivera variants (neizmantot tos vienlaikus)."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Draiveris īpašo nodalījumu shēmu atbalstam, tādu ka GPT/MBR hibrīds un Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 peles draiveris, 64 biti"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB peles draiveris, 64 biti"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Datņu sistēmas EXT2/3 (Linux) draiveris, 64 biti"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Datņus sistēmas EXT4 (Linux) draiveris, 64 biti"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Tēmas"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Izvēlēties instalācija tēmu."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -880,13 +886,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -899,13 +905,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -915,13 +921,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -934,14 +940,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -954,13 +960,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -973,13 +979,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange."
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -989,13 +995,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Instalēt iekš /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Noformējums"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1010,13 +1016,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instalēt sistēmas RC skriptus pamata nodalījumā"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1026,43 +1032,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Nodalījumam ir jābūt instalētai OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instalēt RC skriptus uz visiem OSX nodalījumiem"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instalēt RC skriptus uz visiem nodalījumiem, izņēmot izvēlēto."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Papildus RC skripri"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Aizliegt mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. Tas aptūr sistēmas pamošanu ik katru stundu"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instalēt Clover vadības paneli"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 12:37+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -584,14 +584,14 @@ msgstr "HDA stuurprogramma om opstart-geluiden af te spelen"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Creëer fFrmwareVolume met cursor-afbeeldingen"
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Injecteer kernel extensies vanuit de Clover folder."
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor GRUB’s UDF bestandssysteem."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Herstel SMC-sleutels die zijn achtergelaten in NVRAM door FakeSMC"
@ -705,14 +705,20 @@ msgstr "Creëer het AppleEvent protocol voor FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Creëer het optionele AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "HDA stuurprogramma voor het afspelen van geluid tijdens het opstarten"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -726,7 +732,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Voorzichtigheid geboden."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -736,7 +742,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Meestal is dit al aanwezig maar soms kan het ook missen. In dat geval zal je een waarschuwing zien op het scherm."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -745,127 +751,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Gebruik dit alleen als je problemen hebt zonder het"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Ondersteuning voor het UnicodeCollation protocol dat gebruikt wordt door de EFI Shell wanneer deze niet beschikbaar is in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor het FAT-bestandssysteem."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Corrigeer Hash-ondersteuning wanneer deze ontbreekt in de UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternatieve stuurprogramma voor het HFS+ bestandssysteem"
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor ondersteuning van NVM Express apparaten."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternatieve stuurprogramma (v3) voor het corrigeren van geheugen-problemen op UEFI firmware."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Oude 64bit stuurprogramma voor het corrigeren van geheugen-problemen op UEFI firmware zoals AMI Aptio"
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor ondersteuning van FAT Binary uitvoerbestanden voor OS X 10.9 en ouder."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Vereenvoudigde variant van OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (gebruik ze niet naast elkaar)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64bit stuurprogramma ter ondersteuning niet-gebruikelijke partition maps zoals: hybride GPT/MBR of Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 muis stuurprogramma, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Toetsenbord stuurprogramma voor ondersteuning in het opstartscherm"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB muis stuurprogramma, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext2/3 bestandssysteem stuurprogramma van virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext4 bestandssysteem stuurprogramma van virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor het HFS+ bestandssysteem"
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Stuurprogramma voor het ISO 9600 bestandssysteem."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Thema's"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Selecteer thema's om te installeren."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -875,13 +881,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -894,13 +900,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metaal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -910,13 +916,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "Cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Vector theme from Slice,\n"
@ -929,13 +935,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -945,13 +951,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -961,13 +967,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "steampunkblack"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -977,13 +983,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeert in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover Thema"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -999,13 +1005,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Installeer in /Applicaties"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Installeert RC scripts op het doel volume"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1015,43 +1021,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Het doelvolume moet een opstart mogelijk OSX systeem volume zijn."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Installeer alle RC scripts op alle andere opstart mogelijke OSX volumes"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Installeer alle RC scripts op alle interne opstart mogelijke OSX volumes dan de doelvolume."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Optionele RC Scripts"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Schakel sleep proxy client uit"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Schakel de mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service uit. Dit voorkomt dat het systeem ontwaakt uit slaap elk uur"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Installeer Clover Voorkeur Paneel"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:43+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: pl <pl@li.org>\n"
@ -590,14 +590,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -711,14 +711,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -731,7 +737,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Clover może nie wystartować z tym sterownikiem oraz może powodować problemy z wybudzeniem z uśpienia."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -742,7 +748,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Obecność tego sterownika jest zawsze bezpieczna."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -750,61 +756,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Należy użyć tylko w przypadku kiedy nie są ładowane parametry z NVRAM !"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Prostsza wersja sterownika OsxAptioFixDrv, 64 bity (NIE UŻYWAĆ OBU RÓWNOCZEŚNIE)."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr ""
@ -812,67 +818,67 @@ msgstr ""
"Obecność tego sterownika jest zawsze bezpieczna."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Sterownik (64-ro bitowy) myszy na PS/2."
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Sterownik (64-ro bitowy) myszy na USB."
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Sterownik (64-ro bitowy) dla formatu ext2/3 z VirtualBox'a."
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Sterownik (64-ro bitowy) dla formatu ext4 z VirtualBox'a."
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Motywy graficzne"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Wybierz w celu zainstalowania."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -882,13 +888,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -901,13 +907,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -917,13 +923,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja instalacji motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -936,14 +942,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja instalacji motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -956,13 +962,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja instalacji motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -975,13 +981,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -991,13 +997,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokalizacja instalacji motywu: /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Motywy dla Clover"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1012,13 +1018,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instaluj skrypty RC na dysku docelowym"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1028,43 +1034,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Dysk docelowy musi być bootlowalnym dyskiem systemowym OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instaluj wszystkie skrypty RC na wszystkich bootowalnych dyskach systemowych OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instaluj wszystkie skrypty RC na wszystkich wewnętrznych bootowalnych dyskach systemowych OSX."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Opcjonalne skrypty RC"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Wyłącz mDNSResponder - usługi klienta proxy sleepu. Zapobiega to automatycznemu wybudzaniu ze sleepu co godzinę."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Zainstaluj panel preferencji Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: pt <pt@li.org>\n"
@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -703,14 +703,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -724,7 +730,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Use com precaução."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -734,7 +740,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Normalmente ele já está presente mas algumas vezes pode não estar. Neste caso você deverá ver um aviso na tela."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -743,127 +749,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Use-o somente se você tiver problemas quando não o estiver utilizando"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Versão simplificada do OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (não use os dois juntos)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Driver de 64bit para suportar Esquemas de Partição não comuns como Híbrido GPT/MBR ou Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver para Mouse PS/2, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver para Mouse USB, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver para sistema de arquivos ext2/3 do virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver para sistema de arquivos ext4 do virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Selecione Temas para instalação."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -873,13 +879,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -892,13 +898,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -908,13 +914,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -927,14 +933,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -947,13 +953,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -966,13 +972,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -982,13 +988,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Será instalado em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Tema do Clover"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1003,13 +1009,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instalar RC scripts no Volume alvo"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1019,43 +1025,43 @@ msgstr ""
"O volume alvo necessita ser um Volume do sistema OS X inicializável."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instala todos os RC scripts em todos os Volumes Inicializáveis do OSX"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instala todos os RC scripts em todos os Volumes Internos Inicializáveis do OSX diferentes do Volume Alvo."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Opcional RC Scripts"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Desabilita o serviço mDNSResponder sleep proxy client. Isso irá impedir que o systema retorne do Sleep a cada hora"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instalar o Painel de Preferências do Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-19 10:48+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: pt <pt@li.org>\n"
@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ msgstr "HDA Driver para tocar som de inicio"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Cria FirmwareVolume com imagens de cursor para uso FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provencia injecão de kernel extensions (Kext) de diretoria Clover."
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ msgstr "UDF sistema de ficheiros driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restaura chaves SMC deixadas na NVRAM por FakeSMC."
@ -697,14 +697,20 @@ msgstr "Criar protocolo AppleEvent para FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Criar AppleGraphicsConfig protocolo opcional."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "HDA Driver para tocar som de inicio"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -718,7 +724,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Use com precaução."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -728,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Normalmente ele já está presente mas algumas vezes pode não estar. Neste caso você deverá ver um aviso na tela."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -737,127 +743,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Use somente se você tiver problemas quando não o estiver utilizando"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Suporte para protocolo UnicodeCollation usado por EFI Shell se faltar na UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Sistema ficheiros FAT driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Resolve Hash suporte se em falta na UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternativo sistema de ficheiros HFS+ driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver para suporte para dispositivo NVM Express."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Driver alternativo (v3) para resolver problemas de Memoria em UEFI bios. Não usar com outros drivers de memoria."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Antigo 64-bits Driver para resolver problemas de memória em UEFI bios como os de AMI . Não use com outros drivers de memória."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Suporta FAT Executaveis Binario para OS X 10.9 e anteriores driver."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Versão simplificada do OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (não use os dois juntos)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Driver de 64bit para suportar Esquemas de Partição não comuns como Híbrido GPT/MBR ou Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver para Mouse PS/2, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Teclado driver com suporte de boot UI."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver para Rato USB, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver para sistema de arquivos ext2/3 do virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver para sistema de arquivos ext4 do virtualbox, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ sistema ficheiros driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 sistema ficheiros driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Selecione Temas para instalação."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -867,13 +873,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -886,13 +892,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -902,7 +908,7 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
@ -910,7 +916,7 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -920,13 +926,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -936,13 +942,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -952,13 +958,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random seleciona outro tema dos disponíveis"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -968,13 +974,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A instalar em /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover Tema"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -989,13 +995,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instalar RC scripts no Volume selecionado"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1005,43 +1011,43 @@ msgstr ""
"O volume selecionado necessita ser um Volume do sistema OS X inicializável."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instala todos os RC scripts em todos os Volumes Inicializáveis do OSX"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instala todos os RC scripts em todos os Volumes Internos Inicializáveis do OSX diferentes do Volume selecionado."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "RC Scripts Opcionais"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Desabilita cliente sleep proxy"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Desabilita o serviço mDNSResponder sleep proxy cliente. Isso irá impedir que o sistema retorne do Sleep a cada hora"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instalar Clover Painel Preferências"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 21:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ro <ro@li.org>\n"
@ -587,14 +587,14 @@ msgstr "Driver HDA pentru redarea sunetului de Startup"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Creeaza FirmwareVolume cu imagini de cursor pentru FileVault 2"
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Adauga injectarea kext-urilor din folderul Clover."
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ msgstr "Driver GRUB pentru UDF."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restaureaza cheile SMC lasate in NVRAM de FakeSMC"
@ -708,14 +708,20 @@ msgstr "Creeaza protocolul AppleEvent pentru FileVault2"
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Creeaza protocolul optional AppleGraphicsConfig"
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "Driver HDA pentru redarea sunetului de Startup la pornirea calculatorului"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -728,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Folositi cu atentie."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -738,7 +744,7 @@ msgstr ""
"De obicei este deja prezent, dar uneori poate lipsi. In acest caz, veti vedea un mesaj de atentionare pe ecran."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -747,127 +753,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Folositi-l doar daca intampinati probleme fara el."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Suport pentru protocolul UnicodeCollation folosit de EFI Shell daca lipseste in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver pentru FAT."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Rezolva Hash Support daca lipseste in placile de baza cu UEFI BIOS nativ"
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver HFS+ alternativ."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver pentru NVM Express."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Driver alternativ (v3) pentru rezolvarea problemelor de memorie la firmware-ele UEFI. A nu se folosi impreuna cu AptioFix."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Driver 64-bit vechi pentru rezolvarea problemelor de memorie la firmware-ele UEFI, cum ar fi AMI Aptio. A nu se folosi impreuna cu AptioFix"
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver pentru suportul executabilelor de tip FAT pentru OS X 10.9 si versiunile anterioare."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "O varianta simplificata de OsxAptioFixDrv, 64-bit (a nu se folosi ambele simultan)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Driver 64-bit pentru suportul tipurilor de partitii mai putin uzuale, cum ar fi: GPT/MBR hibrid, sau Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver PS/2 pentru mouse, 64-bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Driver de tastatura pentru interfata de boot"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Driver pentru mouse pe USB, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver ext2/3 din VirtualBox, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "driver ext4 din VirtualBox, 64-bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver HFS+."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Driver ISO 9600."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Teme"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Selectati pentru a instala teme."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "BGM (Black Green Moody)"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -877,13 +883,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "incorporata"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -896,13 +902,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -912,13 +918,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Vector theme from Slice,\n"
@ -931,13 +937,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -947,13 +953,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -963,13 +969,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random alege o tema dintre celelalte"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "steampunkblack"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -979,13 +985,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover Theme Manager"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1001,13 +1007,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Se instaleaza in /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Instaleaza script-uri RC pe volumul tinta"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1017,43 +1023,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Volumul selectat trebuie sa fie unul sistem functional OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Instaleaza toate script-urile RC pe toate volumele OSX boot-abile"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Instaleaza toate script-urile RC pe toate partitiile OSX initiabile, altele decat partitia tinta."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Script-uri RC optionale"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Dezactiveaza Sleep Proxy"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Dezactiveaza serviciul proxy de Sleep mDNSResponder. Asta va preveni sistemul din a porni automat in fiecare ora"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Instaleaza panoul de preferinte pentru Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ru <ru@li.org>\n"
@ -591,14 +591,14 @@ msgstr "Драйвер для бу-бум при старте компьютер
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Поддержка протокола FirmwareVolume для FileVault 2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Поддержка загрузки расширений ядра из папок, расположенных внутри папки EFI."
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы UDF."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Восстанавливает значения SMC ключей, выставленных FakeSMC в NVRAM при перезагрузке системы."
@ -712,14 +712,20 @@ msgstr "Поддержка протокола AppleEvent для FileVault 2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Поддержка протокола AppleGraphicsConfig."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "Звуковой драйвер для исполнения гимна при запуске Кловера"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -731,7 +737,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Драйвер основан на модуле CSM в BIOS и требует, чтобы CSM был включен. На некоторых конфигурациях Clover может не запуститься с этим драйвером или система не будет пробуждаться после сна, поэтому используйте с осторожностью."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -739,7 +745,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Поддержка протокола DataHub, который строго необходим для запуска macOS. Обычно он присутствует (если нет, на экран будет выведено сообщение)."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -747,37 +753,37 @@ msgstr ""
"Современные системы обычно имеют встроенный NVRAM. Используйте драйвер если вы уверены, что встроенный NVRAM отсутствует или не работает. Либо встроенный, либо эмулируемый NVRAM строго необходимы для системы."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Поддержка протокола UnicodeCollation, необходимого для EFI Shell, если он отсутствует в UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы FAT32."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Функционал хеширования для тех UEFI-систем, где он отсутствует."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы HFS+ (альтернативный драйвер)."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Поддержка протоколов NVM Express для твердотельных накопителей."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr ""
@ -785,7 +791,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Исправляет работу с NVRAM."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr ""
@ -793,13 +799,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Не использовать совместно с другими AptioFix. Не поддерживает работу встроенного NVRAM."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Поддержка формата FAT Binary для систем 10.9 и более ранних."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr ""
@ -807,73 +813,73 @@ msgstr ""
"Не использовать совместно с другими AptioFix."
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Поддержка необычных схем разделов: гибрид GPT/MBR, Apple Partition Map и др."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Драйвер 64bit для мыши PS/2."
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Драйвер клавиатуры USB поддержкой протокла шифрования, нужен для FileVault2, если у вас USB клавиатура."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "Драйвер для мыши USB."
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Поддержка файловых систем EXT2 и EXT3 (Linux)."
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы EXT4 (Linux)."
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы HFS+."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "Поддержка файловой системы ISO 9600 (CD-ROM)."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Темы интерфейса"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Выберите темы для установки."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Тоскливо-зеленая"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -883,13 +889,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM."
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Встроенная"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -899,13 +905,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Меняет цвет от времени дня."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -915,13 +921,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -931,13 +937,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy SVG"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -947,13 +953,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Случайная"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -963,13 +969,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random."
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -979,13 +985,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "CloverThemeManager"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1000,13 +1006,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Установка будет выполнена в папку Программы."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Системные RC-скрипты целевого раздела"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1014,43 +1020,43 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Устанавливает системные скрипты на целевой раздел. Этот раздел должен быть загрузочным для macOS."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Системные RC-скрипты других разделов"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Устанавливает RC-скрипты на все внутренние загрузочные разделы macOS, кроме целевого."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Дополнительные RC-скрипты"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Отключение Sleep Proxy Client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Отключает сервис Sleep Proxy Client для предотвращаения периодического пробуждения системы во время сна."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Панель Настроек Clover"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:46+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -703,14 +703,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -724,7 +730,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Dikkatli kullanın."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -734,7 +740,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Genelde halihazırda mevcuttur fakat bazen kayıp olabilir. Bu durumda ekranda uyarı görürsünüz."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -743,127 +749,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Sadece yüklü olmadığında problem yaşıyorsanız kullanınız."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Sadeleştirilmiş OsxAptioFixDrv türevi, 64bit (ikisini birden kullanmayın)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "Melez GPT/MBR veya Apple Partition Map gibi alışıldık olmayan bölümleri desteklemek için 64bit sürücü."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 fare sürücüsü, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB fare sürücüsü, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Virtualbox'tan ext2/3 dosya sistemi sürücüsü, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "Virtualbox'tan ext4 dosya sistemi sürücüsü, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temalar"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Yükleme için tema seçin."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Siyah_Yeşil_Karamsar"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -873,13 +879,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -892,13 +898,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -908,13 +914,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -927,14 +933,14 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -947,13 +953,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -966,13 +972,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -982,13 +988,13 @@ msgstr ""
"/EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp konumuna yüklenir"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover Teması"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1003,13 +1009,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Hedef bölüme RC scriptlerini yükle"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1019,43 +1025,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Hedef bölüm önyüklenebilir bir OS X sistem bölümü olmalıdır."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "RC scriptlerini bütün diğer OS X bölümlerine yükle"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "RC scriptlerini hedef bölüm hariç diğer bütün dahili önyüklenebilir OS X bölümlerine yükle."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "İsteğe bağlı RC scriptleri"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "mDNSResponder vekil uyku istemcisi servisini devre dışı bırak. Bu, sistemin her saat uykudan uyanmasını engelleyecektir."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Clover Tercih Panosunu yükle"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ua <ua@li.org>\n"
@ -595,14 +595,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -716,14 +716,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -737,7 +743,7 @@ msgstr ""
"тому, використовуйте з обережністю."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -747,7 +753,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Зазвичай він і так присутній, проте може і не бути, в цьому випадку ви побачите попередження на екрані."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -756,127 +762,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Використовуйте драйвер тільки якщо ви достеменно знаєте, що він потрібен."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Спрощений варіант 64-бітного драйверу. Увага! Не використовувати спільно з OsxAptioFixDrv!"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для підтримки незвичайних схем розділів як гібрид GPT/MBR або Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для PS/2 миші"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для USB миші"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для Linux EXT2/3 - файлової системи"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для Linux EXT4 - файлової системи"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Теми"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Виберіть для встановлення теми."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Чорна та Зелена Похмура"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -886,13 +892,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM."
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -905,13 +911,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "Метал"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -921,13 +927,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -940,14 +946,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "iClover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -960,13 +966,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -979,13 +985,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange."
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -995,13 +1001,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Тема Кловера"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1016,13 +1022,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Встановити системні RC скріпти на цільовий розділ"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1032,43 +1038,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Розділ повинен бути завантажувальний в OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Встановити скрипти RC на всі інші завантажувальні розділи OSX"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Встановити скрипти RC на всі внутрішні завантажувальні розділи OSX, окрім цільового розділу"
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Додаткові RC скрипти"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Заборонити mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. Це запобігає пробудження системи кожної години"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Встановити Контрольну Панель Clover "
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: ua <ua@li.org>\n"
@ -595,14 +595,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -716,14 +716,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -737,7 +743,7 @@ msgstr ""
"тому, використовуйте з обережністю."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -747,7 +753,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Зазвичай він і так присутній, проте може і не бути, в цьому випадку ви побачите попередження на екрані."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -756,127 +762,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Використовуйте драйвер тільки якщо ви достеменно знаєте, що він потрібен."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Спрощений варіант 64-бітного драйверу. Увага! Не використовувати спільно з OsxAptioFixDrv!"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для підтримки незвичайних схем розділів як гібрид GPT/MBR або Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для PS/2 миші"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для USB миші"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для Linux EXT2/3 - файлової системи"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64-бітний драйвер для Linux EXT4 - файлової системи"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Теми"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Виберіть для встановлення теми."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Чорна та Зелена Похмура"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -886,13 +892,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM."
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -905,13 +911,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green."
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "Метал"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -921,13 +927,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -940,14 +946,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "iClover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -960,13 +966,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal."
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -979,13 +985,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange."
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -995,13 +1001,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Встановити в /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Тема Кловера"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1016,13 +1022,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Встановити системні RC скріпти на цільовий розділ"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1032,43 +1038,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Розділ повинен бути завантажувальний в OSX."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Встановити скрипти RC на всі інші завантажувальні розділи OSX"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Встановити скрипти RC на всі внутрішні завантажувальні розділи OSX, окрім цільового розділу"
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "Додаткові RC скрипти"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Заборонити mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. Це запобігає пробудження системи кожної години"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Встановити Контрольну Панель Clover "
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: en <en@li.org>\n"
@ -590,14 +590,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -711,14 +711,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -731,7 +737,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Thận trọng khi sử dụng."
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -741,7 +747,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Thông thường, giao thức này đã có sẵn, tuy nhiên cũng có những trường hợp bị thiếu. Trong trường hợp đó, các cảnh báo sẽ được hiển thị trên màn hình."
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -750,127 +756,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Chỉ dùng nếu bạn gặp vấn đề với NVRAM."
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr "Biến thể được đơn giản hóa của OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (Không dùng 2 drivers cùng lúc)"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64bit driver hỗ trợ các bảng phân vùng không phổ biến như: hybrid GPT/MBR hoặc Apple Partition Map."
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtual box, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "ext4 filesystem driver from virtual box, 64bit"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Chủ đề"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "Chọn chủ đề."
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "BGM"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -880,13 +886,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -899,13 +905,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -915,13 +921,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -934,14 +940,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -954,13 +960,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -973,13 +979,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -989,13 +995,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Cài vào /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Chủ đề Clover."
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1010,13 +1016,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "Cài đặt RC scripts vào phân vùng đích."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1026,43 +1032,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Phân vùng đích phải là phân vùng OS X khởi động được."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "Cài đặt tất cả các RC Scripts vào các phân vùng OS X có thể khởi động khác."
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "Cài đặt tất cả các RC scripts vào tất cả các phân vùng OS X khởi động được thay vì chỉ phân vùng đích."
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "RC Scripts không bắt buộc."
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "Tắt mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service để ngăn không cho hệ thống wake mỗi giờ khi đang sleep."
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "Cài đặt Clover Preference Pane"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-09 19:03-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <zh_CN@li.org>\n"
@ -572,14 +572,14 @@ msgstr "HDA 驱动, 播放 启动音"
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "新建 含光标图像的 固件宗卷"
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "提供 Clover文件夹中 内核扩展 的注入。"
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ msgstr "UDF 文件系统 驱动, 来自 GRUB。"
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "恢复 FakeSMC 在 nvram 遗留的 SMC 键值"
@ -693,14 +693,20 @@ msgstr "新建 文件保险箱 的 AppleEvent 协议"
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "新建 可选的 AppleGraphicsConfig 协议"
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr "HDA 驱动, 开机时播放 启动音"
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -714,7 +720,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -724,61 +730,61 @@ msgstr ""
"通常已启用, 但有时可能遗漏。可在屏幕 warning 中查看。"
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr "存储 非 UEFI-引导 中 UEFI 变量 的替代方法。"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "支持 EFI Shell 使用的 UnicodeCollation 协议, 如果 UEFI 遗漏了它。"
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT 文件系统 驱动。"
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "修正 Hash 的支持, 如果原生 UEFI BIOS 缺失了它"
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "另外的 HFS+ 文件系统 驱动。"
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "支持 NVM Express 设备 驱动。"
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "另外的 修正 UEFI 固件 内存问题 驱动 (v3)"
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "老版 64位版本 驱动, 修正 UEFI 固件 内存问题, 例如 AMI Aptio"
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "支持 OSX 10.9 及以后的 FAT 二进制 可执行文件。"
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr ""
@ -786,73 +792,73 @@ msgstr ""
"为 OsxAptioFixDrv 的简化版本, 请勿与 OsxAptioFixDrv 同时使用。"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64位版本驱动, 支持 非常态的分区图, 例如 混合 GPT/MBR 或 Apple 分区图。"
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64位版本, PS/2 鼠标 驱动"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "键盘驱动, 支持 启动界面"
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64位版本, USB 鼠标 驱动"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64位版本, 来自 virtualbox 的 ext2/3 文件系统驱动"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64位版本, 来自 virtualbox 的 ext4 文件系统驱动"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ 文件系统驱动。"
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 文件系统驱动。"
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "开机主题"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "选择 来安装 开机主题。"
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "Black_Green_Moody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -862,13 +868,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "内置的"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"embedded theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -878,13 +884,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -894,13 +900,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr "cesium"
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Slice,\n"
@ -910,13 +916,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clovy"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vector SVG theme from Clovy,\n"
@ -926,13 +932,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "随机"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"random theme,\n"
@ -942,13 +948,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random, 随机选择一个其它的主题"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "steampunkblack"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -958,13 +964,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "CloverThemeManager.app"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -980,13 +986,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安装位置 /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "安装 RC 脚本 到目标宗卷"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -996,43 +1002,43 @@ msgstr ""
"目标宗卷必须是 可启动的 OSX 系统宗卷。"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "安装全部 RC 脚本 到全部可启动的 OSX 宗卷"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "安装全部 RC 脚本 到全部内置可启动的 OSX 宗卷。"
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "选择安装 RC 脚本"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "停用 sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "停用 mDNSResponder sleep proxy client 服务。可以避免系统休眠时, 每小时自动唤醒"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "安装 Clover 系统偏好设置 面板"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Clover 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-12 07:30+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-15 01:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-02 11:48+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: vector sigma\n"
"Language-Team: zh_TW <zh_TW@li.org>\n"
@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: "FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:103
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images"
msgstr "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2."
#. type: "FSInject.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:104
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:155
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#, no-wrap
msgid "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder."
msgstr "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder."
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ msgstr "UDF filesystem driver."
#. type: "SMCHelper.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:109
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC"
msgstr "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC."
@ -703,14 +703,20 @@ msgstr "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2."
msgid "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol"
msgstr "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol."
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#. type: "OcQuirks.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "A drop in replacement EFI driver for Clover that replaces AptioMemoryFix and all OsxAptioFix variants. Installs OpenRuntime.efi as dependency"
msgstr ""
#. type: "AudioDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time"
msgstr ""
#. type: "CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:145
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:146
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.\n"
@ -723,7 +729,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Clover 可能無法啓動,可能會發生 系統喚醒 的問題。使用時,請注意相關問題。"
#. type: "DataHubDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:149
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:150
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.\n"
@ -733,7 +739,7 @@ msgstr ""
"通常已啓用,但有時可能遺漏,可在螢幕 warning 中查看。"
#. type: "EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:151
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI."
msgstr ""
@ -742,55 +748,55 @@ msgstr ""
"建議只在 有問題時,才啓用 EmuVariableUefi。"
#. type: "EnglishDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:152
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
msgstr "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI."
#. type: "Fat.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:153
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "FAT filesystem driver."
msgstr "FAT filesystem driver."
#. type: "HashServiceFix.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:156
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS"
msgstr "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS."
#. type: "HFSPlus.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:157
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:158
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
msgstr "Driver for support NVM Express devices."
#. type: "OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:159
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware."
msgstr "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:160
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio"
msgstr "Old 64-bits Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together."
#. type: "OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:161
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
msgstr "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older."
#. type: "OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:162
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)"
msgstr ""
@ -798,73 +804,73 @@ msgstr ""
"為 OsxAptioFixDrv 的簡化版本,請勿與 OsxAptioFixDrv 同時使用。"
#. type: "PartitionDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:163
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map."
msgstr "64位,支持非常態的分割區配置,如 hybrid GPT/MBR 或 Apple Partition Map。"
#. type: "Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:164
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64位,PS/2 滑鼠 驅動。"
#. type: "UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:166
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard driver for boot UI support"
msgstr "Keyboard driver for boot UI support."
#. type: "UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:167
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB mouse driver, 64bit"
msgstr "64位,USB 滑鼠 驅動。"
#. type: "VBoxExt2.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:168
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64位,來自 Virtualbox 的 ext2/3 檔案系統驅動。"
#. type: "VBoxExt4.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:169
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit"
msgstr "64位,來自 Virtualbox 的 ext4 檔案系統驅動。"
#. type: "VBoxHfs.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:170
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "HFS+ filesystem driver."
msgstr "HFS+ filesystem driver."
#. type: "VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:171
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
msgstr "ISO 9600 filesystem driver."
#. type: "Themes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:176
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#, no-wrap
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "開機主題"
#. type: "Themes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:177
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "Select to install themes."
msgstr "選擇安裝,開機時,顯示的背景主題。"
#. type: "BGM_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:179
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "Black_Green_Moody"
msgstr "BlackGreenMoody"
#. type: "BGM_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:180
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:181
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -874,13 +880,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM。"
#. type: "embedded_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:183
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "embedded"
msgstr "Embedded"
#. type: "embedded_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:184
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:185
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "embedded theme from Blackosx,\n"
@ -893,13 +899,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/black_green。"
#. type: "metal_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:187
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#, no-wrap
msgid "metal"
msgstr "Metal"
#. type: "metal_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:188
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -909,13 +915,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal。"
#. type: "cesium_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:191
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "cesium"
msgstr ""
#. type: "cesium_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:192
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:193
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -928,14 +934,14 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal。"
#. type: "clovy_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:195
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Clover"
msgid "Clovy"
msgstr "Clover"
#. type: "clovy_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:196
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:197
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "The original metal theme from Slice,\n"
@ -948,13 +954,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal。"
#. type: "random_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:199
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "random"
msgstr "Random"
#. type: "random_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:200
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "random theme from Slice,\n"
@ -967,13 +973,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/orange。"
#. type: "steampunkblack_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:203
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "steampunkblack"
msgstr "SteamPunk Black"
#. type: "steampunkblack_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:204
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"steampunkblack theme from medik,\n"
@ -983,13 +989,13 @@ msgstr ""
"安裝位置 /EFI/CLOVER/themes/bootcamp。"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:207
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#, no-wrap
msgid "CloverThemeManager.app"
msgstr "Clover 主題"
#. type: "CloverThemeManager_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:208
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:209
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,\n"
@ -1004,13 +1010,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Install to /Applications"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:214
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install RC scripts on target volume"
msgstr "安裝 RC scripts 到目標磁區"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.target_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:215
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install all RC scripts on target volume.\n"
@ -1020,43 +1026,43 @@ msgstr ""
"目標磁區必須是 可開機的 OSX 磁區。"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:217
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes"
msgstr "安裝全部 RC scripts 到全部可開機的 OSX 磁區"
#. type: "rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:218
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume."
msgstr "安裝全部 RC scripts 到全部內置可開機的 OSX 磁區。"
#. type: "OptionalRCScripts"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:219
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Optional RC Scripts"
msgstr "選擇安裝 RC Scripts"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:220
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable sleep proxy client"
msgstr "Disable sleep proxy client"
#. type: "disable_sleep_proxy_client_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:221
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:222
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours"
msgstr "停用 mDNSResponder 休眠 proxy client 服務,可以避免系統休眠時,每小時自動喚醒。"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_title"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:226
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#, no-wrap
msgid "Install Clover Preference Pane"
msgstr "安裝 Clover 系統偏好設定 面板"
#. type: "CloverPrefpane_description"
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:227
#: Resources/templates/Localizable.strings:228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.\n"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user